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File List | 1994-09-09 | 16.9 KB | 235 lines |
- La Coleccion II. Sep. 94. Walnut Creek CDROM.
- DOS: Pascal
- path: \dos\pascal\
- -----------------------------------------------
- Name Size Date Description
- ============ ======== ======== ==============
- 3DEMO.ZIP 95915 08-18-93 3Demo 1.0 (B.C.Ives; $0) is a simple demo
- | that displays 3-D, rotating objects. Pascal
- | source code included.
- 3DLIB17F.ZIP 326889 05-13-93 3DLIB v1.7 TurboPascal 3D graphic objects
- | lib/animation pkg.
- ANIVGA12.ZIP 694530 01-08-94 VGA sprite animation unit for TP >=6.0, v1.2
- ASYNC203.ZIP 100734 08-09-93 Async Communications Library for Turbo
- | Pascal. Version 2.03. Includes all Pascal and
- | Assembler source. Enjoy!
- BBSKIT20.ZIP 59015 04-29-92 BBKit v2.0c - Newest version straight from
- | author! Pascal routines to help construct a
- | BBS from scratch! Supports baud rates up to
- | 115,200 baud!
- BP7SB103.ZIP 38964 09-03-93 Turbo/Borland Pascal 7.0 source beautifier.
- BP7_OS2.ZIP 110799 11-10-93 This package patches the Borland Pascal 7.0 c
- | library, allowing you to write 16-bit OS/2
- | prmodes and even Presentation Manager!
- BPL70N12.ZIP 280189 06-01-93 Borland-Pascal 7.0 Runtime Libary Update
- | Release 1.2 05-20-1993 A collection of fast
- | replacement libraries for your Turbo Pascal
- | 7.0 / Borland Pascal 7.0 compiler. A real
- | mode library (TURBO.TPL) A DOS protected mode
- | library (TPP.TPL), and a Windows library
- | (TPW.TPL).
- BTP20.ZIP 64746 06-21-93 BTP 2.0, John Leon, $25. Is a TP unit that
- | makes it easy to use Btrieve. It now works
- | with TP7.
- BTV200.ZIP 100172 12-18-93 Btv.pas is an object oriented Turbo Pascal
- | 6.0,7.0 programming interface for Novell's
- | Btrieve database manager. BTV.PAS works with
- | DOS, MS Windows, and DOS protected mode
- | programs. Btv.pas supports all Btrieve
- | functions through V5.15. New to Btv.pas 2.0
- | is support for extended operations.
- DVGCRT10.ZIP 79813 04-16-92 CRT Unit replacement for Turbo Pascal.
- ENTRT101.ZIP 4486 03-09-92 Turbo Pascal unit to implement data-entry
- | fields for standard data-types. Author U/L.
- EPB233.ZIP 24410 07-24-92 Ed's Pascal Beautifier (EPB) v2.33: formats
- | Pascal source code in a consistent form, with
- | fully automatic indentation.
- FLXKEY10.ZIP 49091 09-30-92 Turbo Pascal Unit to create/read encrypted
- | program registration-keys. Supports TP 4.0
- | through to TP 6.0. Easy to use. Samples.
- | Shareware.
- GIFDOC5.ZIP 66361 07-28-93 Unit to decode and encode GIFs.
- HCN305.ZIP 295677 08-15-93 HALCYON v3.05 - Turbo Pascal source code to
- | access dBase files. Allows reading and
- | updating of dBase III .DBF, .DBT, and .NDX
- | files. For dBase IV, the .DBF and .DBT files
- | may be updated. Source will compile in TP
- | 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, Real, Protected, and Windows.
- | Will work in a network environment. Product
- | of Griffin Solutions. Shareware; $89.95
- JPDOOR32.ZIP 163166 02-26-92 TP5.5 and TP6 unit for writing powerfull
- | RA1.11, QuickBBS 2.62 doors
- JUL_CNV.ZIP 3345 08-15-93 Pascal unit to allow conversion between
- | string type date and julian longint values
- | for easy date calculation,-, ,/). VERY HANDY!
- LIGHTPEN.ZIP 2811 06-30-93 TP-Lightpen Unit V1.0 Turbo Pascal Units To
- | Allow You To Use A Lightpen In Your Programs
- | Ideal For Laptops, Drawing Programs, Menus,
- | Games And Many More IdealFor
- | Laptops/Notebooks.
- MSET.ZIP 4115 04-24-92 Set any video mode from DOS w\src
- NCE3D.ZIP 660856 05-20-93 NCE3D v2.6 - 3D graphics functions and
- | procedures for Turbo Pascal. Developed at the
- | University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- PARSER20.ZIP 31164 10-25-93 Parser/TP v2.0: a recursive decent expression
- | parser unit for Turbo-Pascal.
- PASTI_94.ZIP 16477 04-06-94 Borland Pascal Technical Informaiton files
- | (1994 only) If you only want the most recient
- | then dl this.
- PASWIZ15.ZIP 83561 08-04-93 Pascal Wizard Library v1.5 for Turbo Pascal
- | and compatibles. BCD math, mouse, joystick,
- | kbd, music, string and math extensions,
- | equipment info, equation solver, archive
- | directories. By Tom Hanlin.
- PAS_0793.ZIP 124460 08-01-93 Pascal Code Snippets From Fido Pascal Echo.
- PAS_ALL.ZIP 185179 05-18-92 Turbo Pascal Technical information files
- | direct from Borland.
- PAVT150.ZIP 239348 07-01-93 Pavatar50 Add Avatar, Ansi, & Vt-52
- | Emulations To Your Turbo/Borland Pascal
- | Programs. Now 30-40% Faster, Fixes Bugs, Adds
- | Ansi Music And Adlib Sound Support.
- PCL4P40.ZIP 70303 10-25-93 Personal Communications Lib for Pascal v4.0.
- | Supports Xmodem/Ymodem/Zmodem, 16550, etc.
- PROTENG.ZIP 121420 07-16-92 Protocol engine for TP 5 & 6. Includes a
- | terminal program.
- PRPAS.ZIP 29477 07-13-92 PrettyPascal 1.0 is intended for Pascal
- | programmers to help make program files more
- | legible by spacing operators, procedure
- | calls, & control guards, and by reformatting
- | the code to a specified style and indentation
- | preference. PrettyPascal is a great tool for
- | programmers who have to maintain or review
- | Pascal programs developed by others.
- | Shareware ($30) from Invariant Software.
- PULL70B.ZIP 160594 10-12-93 Pull - is a set high performance pull-down
- | menu utilities for Turbo Pascal 5.0.
- QWIK71.ZIP 90075 06-28-93 Eagle Performance Software's high speed units
- | for BP7 (Dos & DPMI) and TP7. Direct screen
- | writes and reads. No OOP required. Very good.
- RKPLUS33.ZIP 270976 10-19-93 RkPlus(tm) 3.3 Enhanced Registration Key Unit
- | for Turbo Pascal(tm) 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 & 7.0;
- | Turbo Pascal(tm) 1.0 & 1.5 for Windows(tm);
- | Borland Pascal(tm) 7.0 (DOS Real, DPMI
- | Protected & Windows modes) and Stony Brook
- | Pascal+(tm). Supports multiple registration
- | levels, limited use demo keys, custom
- | encoding functions and direct EXE branding.
- | Typeset manual & source code available. ***
- | (c) 1991-93 Serious Cybernetics ***
- RMOUSE11.ZIP 20319 10-09-92 TP6.0 mouse TPU (Graphic cursor in TEXT mode)
- SCANH326.ZIP 92980 01-22-94 ScanHelp v3.26 Makes help files
- | (.TEX/.TPH/.TXT/.HDF) from TP code (PDN).
- SEARCHBM.ZIP 8009 06-12-93 Advanced Boyer-Morre Search for TP (works
- | with array of char) Turbo Pascal.
- SNAP31.ZIP 128478 04-25-94 StaNdArd Printer-Pascal (SNAP_P) DW3.1 <ASP>
- | A Pascal with Objects pretty printer. Both
- | DOS and Windows versions included. Major
- | revision includes most requested features.
- | Menu driven. Simple installation. Safe to
- | use. DOS version is Turbo Vision. Optional
- | dictionary gives control over the looks of
- | names like "cmCancel" and "mfYesButton". Full
- | control over block structure, indentation,
- | margins. Includes batch mode.
- SPX20.ZIP 1269743 09-27-93 A grphics library for TP 6.0 and 7.0
- | programmers to write games in 320x200x256
- | Mode.
- STREAM15.ZIP 67825 03-28-93 23 different stream types for TP/BP/TPW
- SVGAPAS.ZIP 5073 06-19-92 BGI driver for Turbo Pascal to use Super VGA
- | up to 1024x768 256 color.
- TOTDEM11.ZIP 108295 05-04-93 TECHNOJOCK'S OBJECT TOOLKIT v1.10 <ASP> - A
- | sophisticated library of tools for Turbo
- | Pascal programmers. With this Toolkit you can
- | quickly and easily build programs sporting
- | the latest interface style with pop-up dialog
- | boxes, scroll-bars and stretchable/dragable
- | windows. To display a sorted directory list
- | in a moveable window, for example, takes just
- | three lines of code. This file contains the
- | demo programs- 1/3
- | (2/3).
- | (3/3).
- TP6BUGS7.ZIP 28788 01-09-93 Unofficial Turbo Pascal 6.0 bug list
- TPCOM.ZIP 15075 08-11-92 Turbo Pascal 6.0 Support for Serial Port /
- | Modem. This is a update of Wayne Conrad'scode
- | to support the Serial Port with Pascal.
- TPFORT18.ZIP 34411 05-31-93 TPFORT 1.8: Everything you need to use
- | Microsoft Fortran 5.0/5.1 routines from Turbo
- | Pascal 6.0. You can call Fortran from Pascal
- | and vice versa. Supports recursion. Freeware.
- TPLIB21.ZIP 155655 07-07-93 Turbo Pascal Library1 Library For Use With Tp
- | 5.0 Or Greater. Free.
- TPMUL330.ZIP 7402 10-01-92 MulAware 3.30 TP6 Unit for Multitaskers Make
- | Your Programs Multitasker Aware! Supports
- | OS/2, Windows, DESQview, TopView, TaskView,
- | OmniView, DOS 5.0 Task Switcher, VMiX, &
- | MultiDos Plus. Free from ABS.
- TPSHAR10.ZIP 4139 10-01-92 ABS Share 1.00 - TP6 Unit for Share. Detects
- | if Share is Loaded, supports
- | Locking/UnLocking Regions of Files. Free from
- | A.B.S.
- TSPA3340.ZIP 102033 08-16-93 Timo Salmi's Turbo Pascal units collection
- | v3.
- TSPA3350.ZIP 104895 08-16-93 Prof. Timo Salmi's TPU collection of nearly
- | 200 useful Turbo Pascal 5.0 routines for
- | text-mode programs.
- TSPA3355.ZIP 106820 08-16-93 Prof. Timo Salmi's TPU collection of nearly
- | 200 useful Turbo Pascal 5.5 routines for
- | text-mode programs.
- TSPA3360.ZIP 106995 08-16-93 Prof. Timo Salmi's TPU collection of nearly
- | 200 useful Turbo Pascal 6.0 routines for
- | text-mode programs.
- TSPA3370.ZIP 107468 08-16-93 Prof. Timo Salmi's TPU collection of nearly
- | 200 useful Turbo Pascal 7.0 routines for
- | text-mode programs.
- TTTDEM51.ZIP 56985 05-14-93 TECHNOJOCK'S TURBO TOOLKIT v5.10 <1/3> - An
- | award winning library of tools for Turbo
- | Pascal programmers. The main focus of the
- | Toolkit is to give programs a professional
- | and polished appearance. The Toolkit includes
- | a host of menu building tools, sorted
- | directory listings, full-screen data entry,
- | window support, automatic mouse suport and
- | much, much more! ** This file contains the
- | demo files **
- TTTDOC51.ZIP 38238 05-14-93 TECHNOJOCK'S TURBO TOOLKIT v5.10 <2/3>.
- TTTSRC51.ZIP 78417 05-14-93 TECHNOJOCK'S TURBO TOOLKIT v5.10 <3/3>.
- TVBUGSP1.ZIP 11878 05-20-93 Unofficial Bugs List Of Turbo Vision.
- TVTOOL2.ZIP 266138 07-20-93 TV Tool Box V2.0 for Turbo Pascal 7.0 The TV
- | Tool Box library enhances the Turbo Vision
- | framework for Turbo Pascal. TV Tool Box
- | includes formatted data entry with input
- | masks, scrolling dialog boxes, dialog box
- | field locking, check mark menus, string
- | routines, 3D controls, 3D tool bars,
- | iconizable windows, popup menus, virtual list
- | boxes, slider controls, spin controls, and
- | more. Shareware $40.00
- UNIT6DIS.ZIP 41284 04-28-93 Disassemble TPascal 6.0 Units! Author Rick
- | Bhatti.
- UTIL178.ZIP 40488 02-26-94 UTILITY - Turbo Pascal * SOURCE CODE *
- | including Save_Screen, Rebuild_Screen, Cursor
- | Control, Full Screen Input, Date Routines,
- | Set Border, Allow bright color backgrounds,
- | All Shift Keys, Comma Routines, Drive Ready,
- | Elapsed Time, Encryption, Fast Write to
- | Screen, 43 Line mode, PopUp Windows, Print
- | Screen, Random Numbers, Printer Ready, Read
- | Screen, Reboot, Set Screen Attributes, Screen
- | Off, Stuff Keyboard Buffer and MUCH MORE.
- | From Gemini Systems as Shareware, must be
- | registered.
- VIRTMEM.ZIP 30167 09-09-93 Virtual Memory System For Turbo Pascal.
- WGT_TP1.ZIP 62317 08-24-92 WordUp graphics library for 320x200x256 VGA
- | mode.
- WNDW70.ZIP 130812 06-28-93 Eagle Performance Software's high speed
- | windowing screen units for BP7 (Dos & DPMI)
- | and TP7. Fixed and virtual. No OOP required.
- XTRADOS.ZIP 4124 09-27-92 Turbo Pascal 6.0 Unit that has some nice
- | procedures and functions that the Dos
- | Unitforgot!
- ZMD6111B.ZIP 17065 04-23-92 ZModem interface TPU for ZModem TPascal
- | (Beta).