La Colección 1994 November
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La Coleccion II. Sep. 94. Walnut Creek CDROM.
DOS: Miscellaneous
path: \dos\misc\
Name Size Date Description
============ ======== ======== ==============
101NOS.ZIP 2519 02-05-92 101 ways to say NO!! tres amusant.
| IBM COMPAT. Reads the disks like a normal IBM
| type disk. Comes with 2 games for the 64 BMX
| Simulator Burn Rubber Both were transfered
| using the cable. -Spread By Oi!-.
300BPS.ZIP 2378 08-09-93 101 things to do with that old 300 baud
| modem.
64GAMES.ZIP 1143456 09-28-93 Good Games for C-64 Emulator for PC.
ACTION21.ZIP 293779 08-27-93 Action Graphics v2.1 is an amusement program
| based on the old Erector Set concept of
| building things and making them move. It is
| also quite useful as a simple and ease to use
| CAD (Computer Aided Design) program. The
| ability to attach objects to each other and
| have an action affect the entire group make
| this a uniquely enjoyable graphics program
| for all. Requires 10 MHz cpu, VGA & mouse.
ADDPN32.ZIP 342913 05-08-93 AddPhone Version 3.2 ASP - is the BEST
| address & phone directory program available
| for home or business. It can be used by any
| level of computer user to create address
| books and print them in a variety of popular
| formats. It is a database application
| powerful enough to become a vital tool in
| your business. Prints address labels, roledex
| cards and numerous reports. Dials the
| telephone. Imports/exports. Customizable.
| Much more!
ADR60.ZIP 36898 02-12-93 Adr 6.0: Simple, Easy-To-use Name, Address &
| Phone Number Data Base; Print Labels, Make
| Mailing Lists, Phone Directories; Suitable
| For Individuals or Small Clubs, Etc.
AIRJUL93.ZIP 51907 07-14-93 About 1,400 aviation & other HF-SSB
| frequencies in Lotus and ASCII for shortwave
| listeners.
ALM_V1.ZIP 81968 03-14-92 Sun, Moon and Astronomical almanac from
| L'Softworks Ltd. Daily info based on your
| selected location, and then you can view the
| Sun, Moon and astronomical data along with
| some climatological info.
ANAGRM12.ZIP 25050 04-16-93 ANAGRAM HELPER v1.2 - Helps create or solve
| anagrams (letter scrambles) of words up to 15
| characters long. Optionally limits output to
| words pronounceable in English. Short, fast
| program. Not a dictionary look-up.
ANNOY20.ZIP 10184 01-21-94 ANNOY version 2.0 by Terminal Frost Annoy is
| a little TSR that drives nuts Check this out!
| You won't you believe it! Programmed by the
| Eden programming team. Now includes a copy of
| ANNOYING.EXE! (c) by Eden Entertainment 1994.
APCALC10.ZIP 61874 07-07-93 Arbitrary precision RPN line oriented
| calculator with virtual stack and memory
| registers, and financial and date functions.
| Usage is free. Source code available from
| author for $10 under GNU copying
| restrictions. This is a DOS program, can run
| in a window under Windows. Help function
| requires Buerg's list or other program named
| list.
APPTBK10.ZIP 79985 02-04-92 Appointment Book v1.0: electronic appointment
| scheduler; uses windows and list boxes to
| ease the data entry burden; features include:
| Automatic Conflict Detection, Recurring
| Appointments, Open Apppointent Searching,
| Gantt Views Plus much more.
APR150A.ZIP 139148 10-01-93 Apropos v1.50: powerful contact manager helps
| you organize your contacts, activities, to-
| dos, and documents; allows for user-defined
| reports, and provides file compression for
| backups and file transfers; international
| date formats, addresses and phone numbers are
| supported; features standard CUA user inter-
| face, with pulldown menus, buttons, windows,
| & customizable context-sensitive online help;
| 12/15/92; Logistral Inc. [1/2].
APR150B.ZIP 272009 10-01-93 Apropos v1.50 [2/2].
AQUAFAQ.ZIP 76170 11-07-93 A collection of FAQs (Frequently Asked
| Questions) from alt.aquaria and rec.aquaria.
AQUARIA1.ZIP 48225 05-02-93 USENET-aquaria FAQ Apr'93. Answers to
| frequently-asked ?'s re: Aquariums, etc.
| Beginner; filters; mail order; plants;
| water,etc.
| Official ASP Catalog of ASP Author and
| Publisher member programs.
ASPDAT42.ZIP 126059 03-03-94 ASP MEMBERSHIP DATA v42 ASP ASP Membership
| Data, As of 02/27/94. Contains Author,
| Vendor, BBS, Press, and User Group Info
| In.dbf Format.
AST282_1.ZIP 234169 06-21-93 ASTRO v2.82: a program for astrological
| analysis; some knowledge of astrology is
| recommended to use this program; 11/20/93;
| Christopher J. Noyes [1/3].
AST282_2.ZIP 245216 04-03-92 ASTRO v2.82 [2/3].
AST282_3.ZIP 80545 11-20-93 ASTRO v2.82 [3/3].
ASTROFAQ.ZIP 5722 10-03-93 How to become an Astronaut? Internet FAQ.
ASTROL10.ZIP 25392 11-03-93 Internet FAQ (answers to frequently asked
| questions) on astrology. 12/93.
ATHEI10.ZIP 15242 10-03-93 Internet FAQ: atheism.
ATRIG12.ZIP 27599 06-13-93 Trigonometry Calculator (capable of text
| logfile).
BABY.ZIP 326302 09-24-93 Smart -N- Easy tm BABY PLANNER 1.0 "While
| Nature Prepares Baby For You. Shouldn't You
| Prepare For Baby?" This unique program has
| been featured in PC-NOVICE May 93 and many
| other family-publications. Has received rave
| reviews for its many features! Makes a great
| gift to expectant parents or those planning
| ahead. Requires: 640K and HD. Registered
| version complete w/manual $29.95 By:
| Automated Systems (c)1993 (201) 812-1428.
BCB10.ZIP 171067 10-07-93 BARCODE-BLOBS Bar Code Storage Facility v1.0
| ASP This program produces black and white PCX
| bar code graphic images for use with DTP,
| Word Processing, Database Systems, Paint and
| other programs which can import standard PCX
| graphic files. Bar codes include UPC A, UPC
| E, EAN/IAN 8 & 13, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code
| 39, Code 128 A,B & C, Standard 2 of 5 and
| POSTNET/POSTNET ABC. High quality 300x300 dpi
| graphic resolution image files.
BEERS.ZIP 24036 06-14-93 List of Recipies for Homebrewers.!
BIGTXT26.ZIP 350544 01-05-94 Bigtext can turn BIG text files (up to 700k
| or more) into single, self-contained,
| self-displaying executable files that will
| fit on a 360k disk and are capable of
| displaying full colour illustrations in body
| of the text. Great for self-displaying books,
| manuals, documents, and catalogues. With
| menus, customizable information screen,
| printing and fast text search. Comes with a
| Text Paint program and TSR screen capture.
BILL_30.ZIP 2575 06-27-93 Bill Gates Is Getting Married-This Is His PR.
BIOCAL99.ZIP 73645 06-21-93 Bio-Cal 9.95, Joseph L. Cousins, $0. Is a
| unique biorhythm calendar. It prints a
| standard calendar, with each day showing your
| emotional, physical, and intellectual levels.
BL153.ZIP 222677 12-26-93 Book Librarian 1.53. Powerful feature packed
| easy-to-use program to organize and manage a
| personal, club, school, church or coporate
| library. Has mouse support,context sensitive
| help,pop-up Browse and Find windows.Includes
| a 31 line memo field for notes. Prints num-
| erous reports to the screen,printer or disk.
| ASP Shareware by TurboSystemsCo. Fields are
| Title, author, subject, edition, catalog#,
| ISBN, publisher and more.
BOGOSITY.ZIP 29346 09-02-92 Impress people w/this bogus important looking
| program.
BORN206.ZIP 317149 08-14-93 YOUR BIRTHDAY ALMANAC - v2.06s for DOS. ASP
| Makes a commercial quality printout of: What
| Happened The Day You Were Born? A treasure of
| information about life and times on your
| birthday. Designed for the entrepreneur that
| wants to sell a unique printout at swap-meets
| ,fairs, or in a small business setting. A
| companion program - YOUR ANNIVERSARY ALMANAC,
| included. Shareware. REQUIRES: Laser Printer
| or DeskJet-CGA or better.From Ken
| Kirkpatrick.
BTIPS15.ZIP 57896 08-06-93 BassTips 1.5 ASP. Fishing & boating tips. By
| Dick Olsen, author of BassTour. Over 100
| fishing and boating tips that are sure to
| improve anyone's fishing! Can be configured
| to pop onto your screen each time you turn on
| your computer. Comes with a tip editor so you
| can add your own tips. Makes a great gift and
| a nifty way to start a computing session.
| Color or Mono, 256k.
BTL218.ZIP 127531 06-06-93 BIBLE-TIMELINE - V2.18 - How old was Abraham
| when Jacob was born?What Biblical leaders
| were alive when the first Olympic games were
| held? BIBLE-TIMELINE lets you sort and
| selects individual people and events, or
| groups and factions, to develop new insights
| and trace patterns across different eras and
| cultures. You can modify or expand any of the
| datasets. BIBLETIMELINE anyone interested in
| exploring historical relations or cultural
| events.
BULBJOKE.ZIP 3154 02-05-92 LightBulb Jokes...No one is spared...
C642C64S.ZIP 130710 09-25-93 A Commodore 1541 Drive - Pc Converter How To
| Convert 1-Side C64 Emulator Games!
C64GAM90.ZIP 1372829 10-28-93 BUNCH of C64 Games With.T64 Ext, Needs C64
| Emulator For the PC.
C64GAME6.ZIP 198777 04-14-94 EVEN MORE.T64 files for the C64S Emulator. I
| am pretty sure there are no duplicates here,
| and all of them work on my system. Include
| Pitfall 3, a Max Headroom demo, High Noon,
| Flintstones, Blue Max, Phoenix, more.
C64PAK_4.ZIP 82244 09-28-93 C64-Pack Vol.4 Thiz package includes: MULE,
| Paradroids & Wizard of War (note: just rename
| mule.d64 to testdisk.d64 and enjoy!).
C64TOOLS.ZIP 63583 06-21-94 C64 emulator tools. Display basic and machine
| language programs, copy files to and from.d64
| disk image, and much more!
C64_EMU.ZIP 592656 09-14-93 C-64 emulator for the PC! Requires at least a
| 386/40 and a SoundBlaster Card. Emulates
| Joystick and everything.
CADCAM14.ZIP 174085 12-27-93 CNC CAD CAM Package 1.4 ASP - CADCAM14.ZIP
| powerfull CNC CAD CAM development system that
| is eazy to use. Makes CNC programs using a
| mouse. Features are, send & receive, identify
| programs, editor, program & plot printout,
| X-Y mirror,XY change, ZOOM, ICON's to select
| geometry or functions. Mouse plot.
CALMIN30.ZIP 93061 07-11-93 CALMINDER v3.0: a calendar-reminder program;
| simply input your reminders and date/time and
| CALMINDER will do the dirty work - create
| daily, weekly,... reports, produce valuable
| printouts, make forecasts, and advanced
| features; menu-driven and has mouse-support;
| 07/11/93; Jeff J. Brown.
CAT757V3.ZIP 95513 05-17-93 Computer program for control of YAESU 757
| transciever.
CDLIB110.ZIP 25481 04-12-93 CD LIBrary v1.10 - Made in Belgium - Organize
| Easily your Huge Music CD Collection.
CDM851.ZIP 377334 04-29-94 CDMASTER 8.51 <ASP> Isn't it time you got a
| program to handle your CD library as advanced
| as the medium itself? CDMaster is the most
| advanced & has features to satisfy even the
| most picky audiophile. Lots of print options
| and more!
CDS502.ZIP 81150 12-07-93 Powerful music CD cataloguing system Quick
| Browse, Search by artist, title, song name,
| length or range, comment, unique id. Sort by
| artist or title, accommodates various artist
| cds, view lyrics of tracks, flexible
| print/export of data, calculate stats, merge
| catalogues, undelete, optimize, etc, online
| manual, full mouse support...
CHESSFAQ.ZIP 20322 03-01-93 * FAQ (answers to most frequently asked
| questions) about Chess: Ratings, tournments,
| books, how to improve, opening moves, chess
| playing computers/software and more.
CHRNS210.ZIP 140646 05-04-92 CHRONOS v2.10: How old was Paul Revere when
| he rode into history? How many yrs separated
| Michelangelo and Cortez? With CHRONOS, you
| sort/select by individual people and events,
| for genealogists, teachers, writers and other
| interested in exploring historical relations
| or cultural events; 05/04/92; Steve Estvanik.
COREWARS.ZIP 54000 05-27-92 Extensive computer VIRUS simulation. Kill
| other guy's virii before he gets yours!
COW_ART.ZIP 18890 01-07-92 90k Collection of Hundreds of ASCII Pictures
| of Cows. Humor.
CPSTEC.ZIP 50905 04-17-93 This is capture of a thread that is running
| on the Central Point Software BBS. It has
| information on problems with PCTools 8.0 and
| some fixes for them. Of note, CPS wants to
| charge 14.95 US for their maint upgrade to
| version 8.0a (if you purchased/upgraded
| before Feb 15). I'm not happy about having to
| pay for a bug fix version.
CPUPHY.ZIP 182151 06-05-92 Computer physics software VGA & 3D fractals.
CWC511.ZIP 218796 10-01-93 CROSSWORD CREATOR v5.11 ASP A great tool for
| teachers and trainers, great fun for students
| and trainees. This puzzle "editor" provides
| all the tools you need to quickly design and
| print your own crosswords. Pull-down menus,
| mouse support, comprehensive on-line help.
| Can generate freeform puzzles from a word
| list or ASCII file. Spanish and French
| versions available. Works with Crossword
| Clipper to export PCX/BMP graphics.
CWK49.ZIP 71734 02-06-93 Clockwork V4.9 Sets System Clock Either
| Built-In Or Add-On.
CWRITE09.ZIP 46811 09-23-93 Usenet FAQ, 9.93 ver: on copywrites.
CYBERFAQ.ZIP 23929 08-10-92 FAQ - what is Cyberpunk,etc from the
| Internet.
DAILYR11.ZIP 465924 03-26-93 Daily Routine V1.1 Addressbook, Scheduler,
| Timezone, Calculator & Calendar: Manage Your
| Activities With Ease. Enter Names, Addresses
| & Birthdates Of Friends. Record Appointments,
| Meetings, More.
DATAPLN1.ZIP 329842 06-16-93 Data-Plane Aviation Software (Data-Plane,
| Inc. $63-$228) is a comprehensive flight
| planning package. This 4-disk set contains
| programs which provide heading, ground speed,
| distances, en-route minimum altitudes, and
| other important information for pilots. Hard
| disk is required. (1/4).
DATAPLN2.ZIP 244457 06-16-93 Data-Plane Aviation Software (2/4).
DATAPLN3.ZIP 279914 06-16-93 Data-Plane Aviation Software (3/4).
DATAPLN4.ZIP 332625 06-16-93 Data-Plane Aviation Software (4/4).
DAY56.ZIP 401776 05-15-94 Daily Calendar V5.6 Award winning appointment
| calendar, name and address book, dialer,
| to-do list manager, contact manager. BEST DOS
| Shareware Contest. Includes multiple
| appointments, unlimited text entry, contact
| tracking, reports, lists, mailmerge and many
| more features in a program you can learn in
| five minutes. Low registration, free support
| BBS.
DC13.ZIP 277417 04-01-94 DC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS, v1.3 <ASP>, March 1994
| This program can create and evaluate computer
| circuits. The documentation functions as a
| tutorial on computer circuits. The program
| requires a 286 or later, EGA or VGA graphics
| adapter and a color monitor. It can run in
| 300 KB of RAM. A mouse is recommended and a
| math coprocessor will speed up calculations.
| Neither mouse or math coprocessor is required
| From Arthur Tanzella, $15.00 (US).
DISNYFAQ.ZIP 66128 09-28-93 Everything you wanted to know about Disney.
| FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) from
| rec.arts.disney on the Internet. Dated 9.93.
DOCSPEAK.ZIP 1542 06-04-93 A humorous text file of what a doctor is
| saying and what he/she REALLY means.
DPS11.ZIP 84386 10-17-93 DPS v1.1 ASP - Document Processing System.
| DPS processes a source document file with
| embedded commands and produces a formatted
| file suitable for printing on any type of
| ASCII printer. DPS includes automatic
| generation of a table of contents, index, and
| various types of lists. It also provides
| cross references to other sections and pages
| in the document. DPS is excellent for
| documenting computer programs.
DRFORM31.ZIP 360431 04-05-94 DR. FORM V3.1 <ASP> Shareware Magazine
| Editor's Choice Award. Make Professional
| Quality forms easily. Full Mouse Support.
| Move, Copy, Draw Lines, etc. Create Master
| forms, print on pre-printed forms, print
| landscape on laser printers. Much more...
DWRK11I.ZIP 161196 09-16-93 Demo Workshop v1.1i - Demo/Tutorial Maker
| Create on-line demos & presentations using
| actual screens recorded (in motion) from DOS
| programs. Edit the recording with the DW
| presentation editor like editing a movie. Cut
| and resequence scenes, add pop-up menus &
| text windows.Special effects too! No
| programming required. Output is.EXE file with
| no restrictions on use. Fully functional ASP
| shareware from P2 Enterprises.
ECAP301.ZIP 177198 01-24-94 PC-ECAP v3.01 <ASP> - AC circuit analysis.
| Calculates magnitude, phase, group delay,
| impedance, VSWR, and return loss. Now also
| calculates TRANSIENT response with one of 8
| waveforms as input. Handles circuits with up
| to 90 nodes and 1000 components. Completely
| menu driven, very easy to use. Many features.
| High res plots on screen or 9/24 pin printer
| or HP LaserJet/DeskJet. All video adapters
| supported. Shareware $89.
EED24LIB.ZIP 31968 11-12-92 Library files for EEDraw v2.4 (EEDRAW24.ZIP).
EEDRAW24.ZIP 276241 12-23-92 Electrical Engineering drawing (with layers).
EEDSRC24.ZIP 187554 12-30-92 C sources for EEDRAW24.ZIP program. TC/BC++.
EEF3.ZIP 85025 02-22-92 A Collection of Basic Electrical and
| Electronic Formulas.
ELEPHANJ.ZIP 18980 08-11-93 Canonical list of Elephant Jokes.
ELM400SW.ZIP 181977 03-29-93 Element Study Aid ver. 4.0.0 SW from
| Enchanted Tree Software.
EMOTICO2.ZIP 4207 02-24-92 Another Text Symbols Used to Express
| Emotions.
EPOST.ZIP 6998 10-12-93 "Dear Emily Postnews" is a humorous article
| dealing with Network Etiquette. In short,
| this shows what not to do and how not to do
| it. Originally written for Usenet, but it
| applies to all network Conferences.
EPSF20A.ZIP 20702 05-28-93 EPSF v2.0A: utility program to manipulate EPS
| files w/binary header; extract TIFF/EPS ASCII
| sections, show info, build binary header etc;
| 05/28/93; Michele Mottini/TERA S.r.l.
EVAL108.ZIP 32199 07-16-92 Math expression evaluator; 30+ funcs, complex
| #s, more.
EVENTR13.ZIP 69883 06-06-93 Event Reminder V1.3 Will Remind You Of Events
| Such As Birthdays And Anniversaries From Ten
| Days Before, Automatically, Whenever You Turn
| On Your Computer. Freeware. 10 Files.
EWATCH35.ZIP 242584 05-13-94 EARTHWATCH 3.5 <ASP> Displays in real-time a
| dynamic Mercator map of earth featuring
| selectable date & time, day/night areas,
| world time zones, sun rise/set times,
| solstices & equinoxes, sun & moon positions
| and distances, map options, & more. CGA & VGA
| versions. Rqs HD.
EXCTR12A.ZIP 795694 03-24-94 EXECUTOR v1.2: Macintosh emulator for Intel
| machines running MS-DOS, Windows 3.1 or OS/2
| 2.1. Reportedly more robust than v1.1, not
| requiring hard resets so often. This demo
| runs for 10 min/time (unlimited times),
| read/write HD Mac diskettes but not 800K
| diskettes or SCSI drives. Demos and games are
| in parts 2 and 3. Part 1 of 3.
EXCTR12B.ZIP 375207 03-24-94 EXECUTOR v1.2: Macintosh emulator for Intel
| Demos and games. Part 2 of 3. Requires
EXCTR12C.ZIP 1303175 03-24-94 EXECUTOR v1.2: Macintosh emulator for Intel
| Demos and games. Part 3 of 3. Requires
EZFX401B.ZIP 329097 06-15-93 EZ-Forms Executive v4.01b (Professional): the
| Ultimate Forms Processor. Now with user
| configurable pop-up form/field help. Pop-up
| field pick lists, and field tab scheduling as
| well as DES encryption for USA/Cdn. versions.
| Includes full math (40+ functions), forms
| upto 15 pages, full drawing, directory
| navigation, file compression, encryption,
| word-wrap, centering and justification. Over
| 100 forms included in the registered version
| with 500+ more available. True multiple
| station and network versions available;
| 06/03/93; EZX Publishing.
EZPART15.ZIP 32748 05-04-93 EZparts V1.5: Small Easy To Use Parts
| Inventory Program: Data Can Be Searched By
| Part Number, Description, Supplier, Comments,
| And By Storage Location: Creates Printed
| Reports: Online Help: More.
EZT221.ZIP 187120 11-11-93 EZ-Tree 2.2A Genealogy from MicroFox Company.
| A Family Tree Tracking and Reporting System.
| EZT221.ZIP (EXE, DOC, and sample tree files).
| Improved ancestrial and descendant print outs
| with connecting lines. Capacity of each tree
| has been greatly expanded, and you can link
| family trees together for seemless searching,
| reporting and movement through members. ASP
| [ASAD] STAR (Authors: Ron Martin, Jim Hass).
FBITERM.ZIP 50070 08-16-92 Access FBI Terminal and get the
| facts...Ha.Ha..
FDB404DB.ZIP 426721 04-12-94 EZ-Forms DataBase v.4.04db Fully relational &
| user friendly database & FORMS processor.
| Fully relational and user friendly. Uses.DBF
| format, user help & pick lists make fill-out
| i. Proof. Field look-up & field sequence
| (tab) scheduling. 10 apps, reports, incl.
| Multi-user & LAN versions available.
FEMIN993.ZIP 107304 09-23-93 Usenet FAQ, 9.93 ver, on feminism.
FFTMORSE.ZIP 25951 05-01-92 Ham Decode Morse code with a Sound Blaster
| and a microphone.
FINISH28.ZIP 117418 05-10-94 THE FINISHING TOUCH, version 2.8, 10-May-94,
| a professional software installation program
| for developers to distribute with their
| software. It compresses files 50% , displays
| shadowed windows, reads across floppies,
| checks hardware, modifies AUTOEXEC.BAT and
| CONFIG.SYS, prints or views ASCII files, does
| error checking, and more! Includes 67 pages
| of documentation and five sample script
| files. Written by ImagiSOFT, Inc, an ASP
| Member.
FLAGS93.ZIP 316524 02-28-93 EDUCATIONAL - Representations of 600+ Flags.
FONEF15A.ZIP 70418 08-02-93 Fonefile : Name & Address Database. Full
| Featured Database For Maintaining Your
| Address Lists. TSR Option - Instant Popup
| Access To Data W/O Leaving Your Current DOS
| App! Auto Sort, More.
FRENCH31.ZIP 1789 06-26-92 31 excuses in English & French for arriving
| late to French class... Not responsible for
| any mistranslations! (still learning :) ).
FRMGENII.ZIP 301021 02-19-92 FormGen II - The second generation of the
| world's most popular form drawing program!
| Now includes mouse & laser support - many new
| features! This one-time commercial program
| now available as shareware! ASP
FRMGF22.ZIP 185286 02-19-92 FormGen Fill II - Now you can fill out forms
| the easy way! FormGen companion program has
| auto date, form numbering, math and much
| more! Was $129 in the stores - now available
| as shareware! (requires FormGen II) ASP
FSB200_A.ZIP 324440 11-24-93 Family Scrapbook v2.00 ASP file 1 of 3
| genealogy database. Trace your family tree!
| Manages multiple databases of 99999 persons,
| any number of events and sources per person,
| numerous charts and reports - some perhaps
| unique, narrative reporting (generates
| sentences for you), context-sensitive online
| help. Shareware. ($50).
FSB200_B.ZIP 331530 11-24-93 Family Scrapbook v2.00 (2/3).
FSB200_C.ZIP 322002 11-24-93 Family Scrapbook v2.00 (3/3).
FUN10893.ZIP 74859 10-12-93 A collection of humor inlcuding boyfriend
| girlfriend jokes, steven wright jokes and
| more.
GENBOX20.ZIP 152843 02-24-94 GENBOX v.2 Feb 1994 by William Flight
| Produces presentation-quality genealogy box
| charts, up to 255 generations. From GEDCOM
| files; dynamic box widths; advanced GEDCOM
| data support; screen previewer/editor with
| scrolling; menu interface with online help;
| built-in previewer and editor.
GEOCK52A.ZIP 314951 03-22-94 GeoClock sunlight clock version 5.2 for EGA,
| VGA, and 800x600. The current sun position is
| displayed, and the parts of the earth in
| sunlight and twilight are highlighted, with
| local sunrise/set and times around the world.
| 5.2-A corrects errors in the default
GLFCP201.ZIP 229178 06-12-93 Golf Handicap (GolfCap) v2.01: database
| program for golfers that comprises of 3
| seperate databases for golfers' names,
| golfers' scores and one for the courses
| w/report generation; 06/12/93; David L.
| Smith.
GLOG_81F.ZIP 298732 09-18-93 The Golfer's Database. Maintain Stats For 4
| Golfers, 50 Courses, 200 Games. Determines
| Current Handicap And A Detailed Summary of
| All Games Recorded For Each Golfer. Menu
| Driven, no Setup Needed. Easy to Use! Just
| Enter Info From Scorecard And Golflog Does
| The Rest! Now Includes Versions For XT, 286
| And 386/486 Machines. Provides Pga Tour Type
| Stats For Each Golfer in The Database.
GLOS52.ZIP 323677 04-01-93 PC-GLOSSARY, VERSION 5.2 <ASP> Definitions of
| microcomputer terms, abbreviations, and
| acronyms. Each entry is properly
| cross-referenced to other entries. Many
| useful reference tables included. Updated
| quarterly.
GOINSTAL.ZIP 187639 03-10-93 Go! V2.20 -- Make Installation Fast And Easy
| With Go! Used by Major Shareware Vendors Such
| as Austin Prosoft, Bonware, Kelstar, PC-Sig,
| PD Select, Soft A'ware, Spearwood And Many
| Others. Recommended by The Share- Ware
| Marketing System News. If You Distri- Bute
| Your Software or Data on Diskettes, You Need
| Go! Your Users Will Love It, Because
| Installation Will be A Snap! Just Tell Them
| "put The Diskette in The Drive And Type Go!".
HACK9401.ZIP 54806 01-30-94 TXT: The Hack Report for February, 1994: A
| list of potentially dangerous files including
| hacks, hoaxes, Trojan Horses, and pirated
| commercial files found posted for download on
| BBS systems worldwide.
HB10.ZIP 14867 04-18-94 Hora Bananita 1.0. Full screen digital clock
| with large numbers and 3 different fonts.
| *BIRRAWARE* (C) 1994 HighToro Research.
HDTRAK14.ZIP 80922 10-18-93 HardTrack V1.4 Hard Drive and Lan Tracking.
| Reports Modified, New, and Missing Files on
| Hard and Network Drives. HardTrack shows you
| EXACTLY what changed after software install
| (esp. Windows). Or, it daily from Autoexec,
| or for PC audits. NOT a TSR. Reads scan file
| or current drive scan for change reporting.
| HardTrack is small, easy to use and FAST!
| From the author of QuickDir. <ASP> Use
| HardTrack > You'll stay in the Know!
HLP2TPH.ZIP 34043 10-28-93 Converts TurboPower.HLP to Borland.TPH help.
HOMEINV.ZIP 286990 09-24-93 Smart -N- Easy Home Inventory Manager 1.0 Now
| you can organize & categorize everything you
| own in 1 simple program. No longer will you
| need 1 program for your CD collection, 1
| program for your disk library, valuables,
| appliances, etc. Handles multiple owners of
| items listed. Allows an unlimited number of
| categories and locations of items. Requires
| 640k RAM and a hard disk w/3meg free Released
| by Automated Systems, August 1993.
HOROSCO1.ZIP 91740 04-09-93 HoroScopics I - Version 1.0 Real astrology
| that is fun and easy to use. Input name,
| date, time and location and get accurate
| calculations of sky conditions for time of
| birth. A natal horoscope chart is displayed
| showing zodiac signs and the location of the
| planets, Sun and Moon. An astrological
| reading is given plus the meanings of the
| ascendant and aspects and tables of houses
| and astronomical data.
HUMOR2.ZIP 24365 10-05-93 Humor- including real programers, lawyer
| jokes and about 4 others.
HUMOR3.ZIP 24010 09-30-93 Humor - includes C-programers and others I
| think?.
HYPGEO21.ZIP 337521 02-20-93 HYPERGEO VER. 2.1 <ASP> Graphics program for
| visualizing shape of the fourth dimension.
| Displays 3-D images of 4-D hyperobjects
| rotating in hyperspace. Calculates
| projections and intersections of a
| hyperobject with XYZ-hyperplane. Features 3-D
| stereoscopic viewing.
IC189D.ZIP 189246 10-14-93 InteliCat v1.89D: fast diskette cataloger;
| w/many features including multi-line comments
| & multi-level sorts, built-in comment editor,
| auto disk naming, regular expression
| searches; EGA/VGA/EMS/XMS/mouse support;
| formerly called LogiCat; 10/14/93; Curtis
| Little.
IPRO320.ZIP 131972 03-05-94 Install-Pro 3.20 custom installaton utility.
| Give your customers a good first impression
| while installing your application. Includes
| Zip 2.04 support; Autoexec.bat/Config.sys
| update; full screen customization; split/join
| multi-disk files; too much more to list.
| Install-Pro is very easy to set up and use,
| and supports foreign translations. $40.00.
IX120.ZIP 319013 03-13-92 INSTALLX 1.2 Complete software installation
| system. File compression, menu driven, color
| and UI customizations, previews of install.
| The best around..
JB322.ZIP 278885 02-18-94 Jean-Baptiste v3.22 Fourier Analysis Program
| includes FFT's and other signal analysis.
JOKES_17.ZIP 23492 03-15-92 Text file of jokes.
JPP_B4.ZIP 116062 05-01-92 Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K emulator, req
| 386+VGA.
JUGLE121.ZIP 90053 08-24-93 3-Ball Juggler V1.21 <ASP> A fast, EGA/VGA
| juggling tutor with arcade game. Uses fast
| animation with high resolution EGA/VGA
| graphics. Teaches fundamentals of juggling.
| Demonstrates common mistakes. Speed control
| for fast or slow motion. Registered version
| includes 4- and 5- ball lessons, tricks, and
| game. $15 + $3 S&H.
JUR_ALL.ZIP 17494 06-23-93 Jurassic Park Logo! In All Formats. BMPformat
| For Both OS/2 2.X And Windows 3.x, Tif, PCX,
| GIF, And More! Looks Great on The OS/2 And
| Windows Desktops! In Color And Scanned Right
| of The Cd!
KSPROB21.ZIP 771349 06-09-93 KS Probability and Statistics 2.1 is a set of
| stats programs, including exploratory
| regression, crosstabs, Lilliefor's test for
| normality, histograms and text-mode scatter
| plots. From Joseph Hudson; $10.
| Statistical data analysis and graphs for
| scientific and business data. 1992 SIA
| winner. Mike Callahan says, 'No program I've
| seen beats KWIKSTAT.' Created & supported by
| professional statisticians. Read dBASE,
| 1-2-3, ASCII files. 10,000+ users.
LA_COLEC.ZIP 279917 07-29-93 Contents of "La Colección CD-ROM", the
| predecessor of this CD-ROM. Descriptions in
| spanish only.
LBLMST51.ZIP 355809 06-09-93 Label Master 5.1c is a very powerful, yet
| easy to use mail list manager. You can create
| a file of names and addresses, edit the file,
| search for specific records or browse through
| the file, and print labels in any of several
| formats. You can also use it to dial any
| telephone number in any record in its file.
| From RKS Associates ASP; $35.
LIE41.ZIP 87285 03-31-93 Lie analysis of differential eqns, exact
| solns.
LINEA2.ZIP 311841 08-06-93 LINEA circuit analysis program for 40 node,
| 200 branch electronic circuits, versatile,
| fast, speaks electronic jargon; WAVESPEC
| waveform description program
| (time-to-frequency transform) for use with
| LINEA. With example Data files. Any CPU from
| 80286 , math coprocessor version included,
| any video card, any ASCII printer. Shareware.
| Most interactive and friendly tool for
| engineers, techs, teachers, hams, or
| hobbyists. Second release. 20 files.
MAPIT11A.ZIP 332529 06-11-93 MAPIT v1.1 <ASP>: detailed world mapping on
| your desk; analyze location related problems,
| record & track data, communicate concepts in
| 26ctures and words; line/figure insertion to
| within 100 ft.; seven Stroked Text fonts;
| hidden text collapses to markers; 6K int'l,
| 19K US cities/1990 pops.; coasts, lakes,
| rivers, canals, reefs, salt-flats, nat'l & US
| & Canadian state boundaries; requires fast
| CPU, EGA/VGA, mouse, harddisk; 05/08/93;
| Allison Software [1/2].
MAPIT11B.ZIP 317581 06-11-93 MAPIT v1.1 <ASP>: full 28MB database supports
| zooms to 750X in Mercator projection, choice
| of navigators; create private databases and
| maps to distribute graphical & textual data;
| plot maps on laser with HP-GL/2; PCX support;
| a powerful reference tool, MAPIT contains a
| wealth of information and is just plain fun
| to use; requires fast IBM-compatible CPU, EGA
| or VGA, mouse, and harddisk; 06/11/93;
| Allison Software [2/2].
MAPITINF.ZIP 2850 06-11-93 MAPIT v1.1 ASP - Read MAPITA.INF to learn
| about Allison Software's MAPIT, the DETAILED
| World Database that allows you to add your
| own text, graphics, and figures with 100 foot
| precision. HP-GL/2 and.PCX plotting. GREAT
| Circle tracks with To/From bearing angles and
| Range Curves. Seeing is believing. Data in
MARTL792.ZIP 9656 07-05-92 Usenet FAQ (answers to frequently asked
| questions) on the martial arts.
MATH23.ZIP 27776 01-19-92 Math function calculator with user defined
| functions v2.3.
MATHPL34.ZIP 136615 01-29-94 MATHPLOT v3.4 ASP - Mathematical function
| plotting program. Mathplot allows you to
| enter math functions using ordinary algebraic
| notation and immediately plot them.
| Cartesian, polar, and parametric functions
| are supported. Presentation quality plots are
| produced on the screen or LaserJet printer.
| Excellent program for anyone who needs to
| quickly visualize math functions. Requires
| 512KB, CGA, EGA, or VGA.
MOVI0680.ZIP 29587 10-04-93 Usenet: rec.arts.movies BLADE RUNNER
| Frequently Asked Questions.
MOVIES27.ZIP 1323900 04-03-94 MOVIES TO GO! V2.7 3-Apr-94 Electronic Video
| Movie GuideVideo Catalog System for
| DOSWindows. Information on 1,000 films
| (registered has 7,000 ). Search by category,
| actor, director, MPAA rating, key words,
| year, setting, characters, objectionable
| content, music, box office gross, trivia and
| more! 36 pages documentation. "Remarkable
| Graphics Interface" - PC Plus Magazine. 640K,
| VGA. Mousesound support. ImagiSOFT, Inc. ASP
| Nominated for BEST HOME/HOBBY.
MRCRY209.ZIP 275720 03-23-92 Mercury v2.09: Interactive equation solver
| based on Borland's Eureka, then released as
| fully-functional shareware. Evaluate
| mathematical expressions, solve for the roots
| of an equation, plot functions, more. Printed
| manual to registered users but what's here is
| adequate and there's extensive on-line help.
MRM110.ZIP 314423 06-25-94 Mr. Machinist is an easy-to-use menu driven
| math program designed to solve the every day
| geometry and trigonometry problems that
| machinist and industrial engineers encounter.
| Get the chord of a circular sector, do
| conversions, find speeds and feeds for
| drilling, milling, tapping, use calculator
| for formulas, and also edit multiple files.
| F1 help/voice Ph./BBS support/upgrades!
MSXEMUL0.ZIP 508627 04-01-94 MSX Emulator for the PC. Requires EGA/VGA
| display and 386+.
MVSP21.ZIP 292851 06-08-93 MVSP 2.1 - A MultiVariate Statistical Package
| provides an inexpensive yet easy means of
| analysing your data. It performs principal
| components, principal coordinates, and
| correspondence analyses, as well as cluster
| analysis, using eighteen different distance
| or similarity measures and seven clustering
| strategies, and diversity indices. Graphs may
| be plotted on most printers and data imported
| from Lotus 1-2-3 files.
MX_202.ZIP 125569 05-09-92 METRIC-X v2.02: Metric-English-Metric conver-
| sion utility which uses drop-down menus.
MYTHFLOW.ZIP 34858 05-20-92 Mythflow is a freeware package of four
| mythology flowcharts (gdgds, myth, mmythind,
| reality). Read mythbegn.wri to get started.
| All files in Windows Write format. Enjoy!
MYTHV1M3.ZIP 135954 04-23-93 This program lists common myths associated
| with the Bible. Freeware.
NAME32.ZIP 160662 02-26-93 NAMEBASE VERSION 3.2 <ASP> Keeps track of
| names, 2 addresses, 4 phone numbers, and
| 30,000 characters of notes about each person.
| Lists can be kept by category. Prints a
| pocket-size address book, labels, rolodex
| cards and envelopes. Dials the phone. Full
| mouse support.
NEWSDATA.ZIP 96045 05-11-92 News of the Past 1/2 - recreational program
| that prints "on this day in history" info
| including cost of auto, gallon of gas, top
| songs, sports and headlines -- makes great
| birthday cards. goes w/newsnews.
NEWSNEWS.ZIP 135364 04-27-92 News of the Past 2/2 - recreational program
| Mailed by the authors <ASP> Shareware Blast!
NONLIN32.ZIP 216334 04-01-94 NONLIN v3.2 ASP - Nonlinear regression
| statistics and curve fitting. Nonlin
| determines the values of parameters for an
| equation, whose form you specify using
| ordinary algebraic notation, that cause the
| equation to best fit a set of data values.
| Handles linear, multivariate, polynomial, and
| general nonlinear equations. Also plots data
| and equation. Nonlin is the best shareware
| regression program available.
NUM.ZIP 6773 06-28-92 NUM v1.0: helps you make & decipher mnemonic
| phone numbers; 06/28/92; Joe Hayashi.
OTD_18.ZIP 135420 01-31-94 ON THIS DAY 1.8 <ASP> What famous birthdays,
| events, holidays, etc happened on this day in
| history? Supports different calendars
| (Hebrew, Islamic, Julian, Gregorian) and
| calculates Easter so movable holidays are
| correctly displayed each year. Astronom.
| events too.
PA_1.ZIP 135974 03-15-93 PA303.ZIP Public Address version 3.03 ASP
| author. Public Address is a data base program
| designed to be easy to use yet have every
| feature someone would need around the home or
| in a small business. It will search on
| several fields. Does all the usual, Labels,
| Report, Phone book, Merge file, etc. Easy to
| use menus and a new feature called Dynamic
| menus. Dynamic menus will allow you to change
| the names on the menus to better.
PA_2.ZIP 1054 02-28-93 Public Address v3.03 [2/2]. .
PCCAI21A.ZIP 250756 10-25-93 PC-CAI 2.10 Rel 2:Award-winning Computer
| Assisted Instructional tool. Write computer
| driven tutorials on any subject using color,
| graphics including PCX special effects,
| animation, Soundblaster sound support,
| questions and answers, menuing and branching.
| CGA compatible monitor recommended. ASP
| Shareware from TexaSoft. Disk 1 of 3.
PCCAI21B.ZIP 329011 10-25-93 PC-CAI 2.10 (2/3).
PCCAI21C.ZIP 355011 10-25-93 PC-CAI 2.10 (3/3).
PCL61A.ZIP 244292 08-16-93 PC-Learn Beginners Computer Tutorial Ver 6.1
| Part One of Two - Ultimate beginners PC tutor
| Study DOS, history of computers, batch files,
| virus prevention, how to buy a PC, telephone
| support numbers to call, software selection,
| how to use shareware, video standards,
| computer glossary of terms, word processing,
| tricks and tips. Features color/mono, search.
PCL61B.ZIP 209754 08-16-93 PC-Learn Beginners Computer Tutorial Ver 6.1
| Part Two of Two.
PCTRC501.ZIP 434934 07-31-92 PC Trace 5.01 - computer aided design program
| for printed circuits w/autorouting, and other
| features. EGA/VGA.
PENDL301.ZIP 158019 01-02-94 PENDULUM - VERSION 3.01 ASP Interactive
| simulation,experiments,problems- Do actual
| computer experiments, measurements and
| calculations, and the program checks your
| results. By moving the suspension point with
| the mouse you get a good feeling for pendulum
| behaviour. Good Physics training program for
| High School and College. Education - Science.
PHONE205.ZIP 45557 05-24-93 PopPhone V2.05 ASP TSR Pop-Up Phone/Address
| Book. Access All Of Your Important Contact
| Info Instantly, From Any DOS Based Program.
| Unlimited # Of Entries, Automatically Sorted
| By Name, More!
PHONEWIZ.ZIP 51074 09-02-93 PhoneWiz will convert your phone number to a
| feasible word-number combination. It has a
| dictionary of about 10,000 words. It also
| lets you add more words to the dictionary.
| Requirements: DOS 3.0 or higher At least 540
| K available conventional memory.
PHOTO9.ZIP 9737 09-26-93 Usenet FAQ, 9.93 ver, on photography.
PINST143.ZIP 270527 12-22-93 POWERINSTALL V1.43 <ASP> Excellent 8 language
| installation tool. Eng/Fr/Sp/Gr/It/Sw/Du/Nor
| U sed in Europe by HP for Autocad drivers.
| Mouse, text windows, menus , Asc/Bin file
| changing. Look&feel of any text app. Exec
| progs in a window. Self extractor utility.
PORTS.ZIP 3242 12-27-92 PORTS.ASM is a diagnostic tool to monitor up
| to 16 ports and display data being received.
PT202A.ZIP 295897 04-04-93 Periodic Table 2.02 - Disk 1 of 2 The
| ultimate periodic table. It shows all 110
| chemical elements. Gives over 30 data items
| for each one. View element details on
| multiple elements via its MDI interface. It
| has data on over 800 isotopes and can display
| radioactive decay trees for over 500. It has
| a quiz mode to test your knowlege of the
| elements. View bond properties. Allows
| printing of the Table, data and decay trees.
| Fixes sort bug in version 2.01.
PT202B.ZIP 163367 04-08-93 Periodic Table 2.02 - Disk 2 of 2.
RBTRASCI.ZIP 1901 04-27-92 Hardware Rebooter docs/technical diagrams.
REACT10.ZIP 42242 09-05-92 Program that tests your reaction time.
RITM258A.ZIP 279797 08-26-93 RighTime v2.58a: Precision Learning CMOS/DOS
| Clock Corrector. Learns corrections itself.
| Yields better than 0.5 second per week. True
| 0.01 second resolution. Corrects system warm
| and cool. Provides date/time security. With
| full-screen installer, other utilities. Works
| well with TimeSet v7.10 or later. Tom Becker,
| Air System Technologies, Dallas. Shareware,
| 30 day evaluation with BBS support.
SADAY1.ZIP 111819 05-31-93 STATE-A-DAY [1/2] - Displays a new US State
| every time program is run. w/VGA outline maps
| and Facts. Choose alphabetical/random option.
SADAY2.ZIP 670604 05-31-93 STATE-A-DAY [2/2] Reqs 640K RAM, VGA, HD.
SCANM600.ZIP 180503 07-29-93 THE SCANMAN'S HANDBOOK (v6.00) AUGUST 1993
| Police, Fire, Medical, Government radio
| frequencies and secret codes. California
| Highway Patrol radio systems. Coverage for
| Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino,
| Riverside, and Ventura County police/fire
| radio systems. Frequencies for CalTrans,
| Amusement Parks, Hotels, Media, and MORE! A
| MUST for the serious scanner buff.
SHAREBK1.ZIP 240693 03-11-93 The ShareWare Book - First Edition <ASP> A
| Whole Earth Catalog for software developers
| covers all bases....Informative.
SIMIIE.ZIP 115283 04-07-94 New Apple IIe Simulator. Requires
SIMPSON.ZIP 75322 06-01-93 Details of all the Simpsons episodes from
| 1992 and some of 1993.
SIMST30A.ZIP 360162 01-26-94 SIMSTAT v3.0 <ASP> - Program disk (1 of 2)
| Easy & powerful statistics and simulation
| analysis program with mouse support, pulldown
| menu, context sensitive help. Reads Lotus,
| dBase, ASCII files. Provides descriptive,
| frequency, crosstab, breakdown, t-test, GLM
| anova/ancova, multiple responses, linear,
| nonlinear & multiple regression, time-series
| & many nonparametric analysis. Hi-resolution
| graphics, missing values, weighting, etc.
SIMST30B.ZIP 132935 01-27-94 SIMSTAT v3.0 <ASP> - Utility disk (2 of 2)
| Includes SIMEDIT v1.3, a spreadsheet data
| editor: Import Lotus, dBase, SPSS, & ASCII;
| export dBase, SPSS, ASCII file; conditional
| transformation with more than 47 operators
| and functions; assignment of variable/value
| labels, missing values; variable recoding,
| ranking; sorting of cases. SIMCALC v1.1
| computes probability and confidence intervals
| for various parameters. (Require SIMSTAT
| 3.0).
SIMU_FAQ.ZIP 22196 10-20-93 Flight simulators frequently asked questions.
| Downloaded from Internet.
SKYGLO36.ZIP 361594 10-15-93 SKYGLOBE v3.6 <ASP> Award-winning Top Ten PC
| planetarium program that is fast, fun, and
| easy to use. SkyGlobe has over 29,000 stars,
| constellation lines, the planets, Sun, and
| Moon, the Milky Way, the Messier Objects, and
| much more. It is the fastest program of its
| kind available, and uses the mouse or
| convenient command keys. Now with better
| printing, GIF image display, and support for
| up to 250,000 stars! $20 reg fee.
SM410.ZIP 166668 02-19-94 Super Morse v4.10: Original Comprehensive
| Morse Code Training Program for the IBM PC.
SNDZ311.ZIP 274070 03-25-93 SOUNDZ 3.11 <ASP> PC Plus & Shareware
| Magazine calls it 'The BeZt!'. Handles
| LPs,Cassettes, CDs, and Reel To Reels. Easy
| to use, even has aLiner NoteZ section for
| additional info. Lots of print out choices
| and toggles for the serious collector.
SNDZBAK.ZIP 22433 03-28-93 SndZBak A back up system for use with Unicorn
| Software's SoundZ program. Developed as an
| alternative to the program's internal back up
| option, uses only disks required for back up
| and can handle LARGE data files. Freeware
| written by Martyn Cox.
SNOOP10.ZIP 36692 03-02-92 Snoop v1.0. Fixes those co-workers who mess
| w/your computer.
SOLSYS11.ZIP 98085 09-08-93 Solar System v1.1-Sun, Moon & Planet finder
| based on Jean Meeus' Astronomical formula for
| Calculators. Capable of placing planets in a
| 500x telescope eyepiece. VGA.
SPECCY.ZIP 48383 01-31-92 A full blown sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator.
SPECTGAM.ZIP 145828 05-17-92 More Spectrum games for the spanish emulator
SPECTRUM.ZIP 108923 04-06-92 Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator (Spain).
SPGAMES1.ZIP 284549 12-01-91 Games for the Spectrum Emulator - 1 1991.
SPGAMES2.ZIP 244311 12-08-91 Games for the Spectrum Emulator - 2 1991.
SPGAMES3.ZIP 192786 08-17-91 Games for the Spectrum Emulator - 3 1991.
SPIKE2.ZIP 41694 07-28-93 A tutorial on how to build a noise filter for
| phone lines.
SYMBOL47.ZIP 130490 04-16-93 Mathomatic v4.7: powerful symbolic math pgm
| that can automatically solve, simplify, and
| combine algebraic equations, etc.; basic
| calculus operations and graphing are
| supported; limited to 5 equations and 250
| operators per equation side; 04/16/93; George
| Gesslein.
TDOS130.ZIP 54140 10-11-93 Dos emulator. Give harsh prompts to friends!
TIEMUL1.ZIP 197296 04-11-94 Texas Instruments 99/4A Emulator for IBM Best
| program around, EGA, SB Support for 3 voice
| sound, mouse, disk access, comes with
| TI-Logo, TI-XB, A-Maze-Ing, and Hunt the
| Wumpus. Reg. Is $25, with other mods like
| Tunnels of Doom and Parsec. Get this!
TS1000.ZIP 12620 06-19-93 Timex/Sinclair 1000 w/printer emulator
| w/debug.
TUTCOM47.ZIP 292226 01-24-94 TUTOR.COM, Ver 4.7. Computer Knowledge
| shareware minicourse in microcomputing
| covering the keyboard, history, computer
| terms, intro to DOS, subdirectories, batch
| files, and an introduction to
| programming.ASP.
TYPEINST.ZIP 959898 10-25-93 Professional typing teaching program.
| Soundblaster/Adlib compatible; This
| keyboarding program has taught over 1 million
| people to type. Improve your speed(up to 80
| wpm) or learn to type, this educational
| self-help program is for everyone. Qualifies
| for CEU's. Easy to use & guaranteed to work.
| used in hundreds of professional secretarial
| and trade schools all across the United
| States and the Virgin Islands. Now, for home
| use, you can get the same proven techniques,
| fundamentals, and methodology that has taught
| well over a million students to type.
UNICONV.ZIP 75650 04-13-92 Universal Converter 2.00 gives you over 600
| standard and not-so-standard calculations at
| your fingertips from a menu of 85 categories.
| This program puts an absolute end to
| searching through books for a formula or
| conversion constants. Includes music and
| fractions. Easy to use/complete. Shareware.
UNSTAL01.ZIP 39295 05-09-94 ROSENTHAL UNINSTALL <ASP> Automatically
| remove unwanted Windows & DOS programs,
| files, directories and restore changes to
| system files. This program is an absolute
| necessity for trying shareware.
VGENEA50.ZIP 102835 04-03-93 Visual Genealogy v5.0: provides insight into
| an individual's genealogy from 3 different
| viewpoints including ancestors, descendants
| and/or personal data; views may be displayed
| 1 at a time or all at once; includes built in
| mechanism for creating and updating genealogy
| files and provisions to print any of these
| viewpoints; mouse support.
VLB410.ZIP 275177 05-22-94 Video Librarian 4.10 Easy-to-use menu driven
| program that quickly organizes and maintains
| any size video library. Context sensitive
| help, pop-up pick list for data entry. Holds
| all the right info about your movies. Prints
| numerous reports to the screen, printer or
| disk. Prints labels for cassettes. The
| TurboSystemsCo.
VLENGUAS.ZIP 138633 07-13-93 Simultaneous Language Translator Shareware
| From Spain 02-10-85.
VMAP130.ZIP 308471 07-01-93 VERSAMAP 1.30 <ASP> Draw maps on 13 map
| projections; print maps on dot matrix or
| laser printers, or as PCX, PIC, CGM, or ASCII
| files; add text to maps. Version 1.30 has
| improved digital maps for Australia, Canada,
| and former Soviet Union. Supports CGA, EGA,
| VGA, Herc.
WALLST59.ZIP 225307 05-13-93 Wall Street The Bottom Line Version 5.9 A
| Must for the Investor-CPA's-Stock Brokers A
| Powerful User Friendly Program for any thing
| of Value: Stocks,Bonds,Precious Metales
| Autos,Antiques,Real Estate.ETC.Downloading
| from On-line Services(Dow Jones-Prodigy-HDL-
| Compuserve) E-Z Installation.
WEDDING.ZIP 336009 09-24-93 Smart -N- Easy Wedding Planner 3.0 - As seen
| in Bridal Guide & Mademoiselle Magazines!
| Everything you need to plan and organize your
| wedding including: Guest List, Seating Chart,
| Gifts, Expenses, Check Lists, Planner Guide,
| Appointments, Mail Labels, Honeymoon Planner,
| and much more. Just knowing that your wedding
| is well-planned eliminates the tension so you
| will be free to enjoy the perfect moments of
| your day. Makes a great gift for engagements!
WHGDS.ZIP 28464 05-02-92 Whgdszip is a shareware preview of an
| in-depth 92 page study of the Neolithic Great
| Goddess in Old Europe. New hypotheses are
| presented concerning iconography and the
| relevance of Chaos, evolutionary biology and
| Julian Jaynes. Registration brings the
| complete study with refs and the on disc info
| about RS' hist/myth software.
WHYSWISS.ZIP 33503 09-24-93 THE SWISS MONEY DISK, by Adam Starchild. For
| people with money to protect-- regardless of
| the amount-- Switzerland is traditionally
| considered the world's safest repository.
| These days, the Swiss can give Americans many
| reasons to leave funds in Switzerland.
WINE560.ZIP 308911 08-11-93 Organize Your Wine v5.60 - This is software
| designed for both people who just enjoy wine
| but who may not have a collection of wines,
| and for serious wine collectors. It is
| easyto-use with 3-D pull down menus and the
| ability to alphabetize, search & cross
| reference any of the information you've
| entered about wine. - SHAREWARE - by
| HomeCraft.
WML23M.ZIP 332964 06-18-94 WHAT MAILING LIST? v2.3m - Manages lists and
| prints labels, envelopes, phone book, zip
| list on dot matrix or laser. Scalable & soft
| font support. Import & export. Dup checking.
| Smart Zip. Bar codes. Query. Indices.
| Filters. 11-digit U.S. zip. *NEW* Fixed bugs
| with new files, null keys, & CONFIG convert.
| A Babudro, Organic Computer Wizardry - $39
WORDUNP.ZIP 29255 10-07-93 Microsoft Word document unprotect.
WORK100.ZIP 2745 02-05-92 100 excuses for leaving work early..
WSC31.ZIP 100971 09-17-93 Word Search Creator(TM) 3.1 gives you
| complete control over the creation of a word
| search puzzle. You may enter words manually
| or automatically. Also featured: full size
| grid of the puzzle, mouse support, popup
| windows and menus, easy file and directory
| control and support and configuration for
| most printers. Requires EGA/VGA.
X1541.ZIP 28953 04-03-93 X1541 v1.0: utility that allows you to use a
| Commodore 1541/1581 disk drive on a PC;
| includes a diagram of how to make a cable to
| connect the drive to your parallel port.
XTNDR093.ZIP 133438 01-31-93 Sinclair ZX81 Emulator, fully compatible.
| Includes a few demo programs.
YEARS20.ZIP 148929 04-13-93 Years v2.0: excellent calendar and scheduler
| with many features and options: year & month
| views; attach notes (1 to 5,000 words long)
| to any dates between 18th-22nd centuries;
| import/export notes; printing/shell; mouse
| optional; 04/13/93; Richard Mansfield.