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File List | 1994-09-09 | 8.0 KB | 116 lines |
- La Coleccion II. Sep. 94. Walnut Creek CDROM.
- DOS: Assembly Programming
- path: \dos\assembly\
- -----------------------------------------------
- Name Size Date Description
- ============ ======== ======== ==============
- 80X0393.ZIP 163219 03-29-93 Assembly Language Snippets, Freeware/Pd Asm
- | Source Code And Tips.
- A86CVT.ZIP 35049 06-16-87 How to convert MASM files to A86 format
- A86_D86.SDN 294552 04-17-90 A86 MACRO ASSEMBLER V3.22 <ASP> The
- | fastest,most powerful assembler available
- | (commercial or shareware). Assembles directly
- | to a COM file without 'red-tape' directives,
- | or to OBJ files compatible with high-level
- | languages. Includes the D86 debugger.
- AE22A.ZIP 29478 04-04-94 Asm Edit 2.2a. Updated release of an all new
- | editor tailored for the assembly language
- | programmer. Smart tabs, auto comments, more.
- | Free pgm.
- ALPRIMER.ZIP 15387 01-23-87 Assembly Language Primer.
- AMAG0289.ZIP 16973 02-21-89 Assm Language Magazine, February 1989
- AMAG0389.ZIP 22323 03-28-89 Assembly Language Magazine March 1989
- AMAG0589.ZIP 15370 05-21-89 The Assembly Language Magazine, 5/89 issue
- AMAG1289.ZIP 30522 12-16-89 Assembly Language Magazine for 12/89.
- ASM32.ZIP 210202 03-11-94 ASM32 v1.1 Programmer's Toolkit. All kind of
- | functions for 32 bits assembler programming.
- ASM32PM.ZIP 38051 06-08-93 Renaissance '93 Presents PMODE v2.1232 Coded
- | By: Tran Of Renaissance Finally! A raw, DPMI,
- | VCPI, and XMS Compliant Protected Mode System
- | Designed For The Serious 386 Programmer.
- | Works Flawlessly Under DesqView, QEMM, and
- | even.
- ASMED3.ZIP 246273 08-28-90 ASMED programmers editor frm Chicago Software
- | full-featured; v.3.0; shareware.
- ASMLIB37.ZIP 183766 02-28-94 ASMLIB v3.7: LIBrary for MASM, TASM or Turbo
- | C; fast screen updates, pop-up windows,
- | pulldown menus graphics from Hercules to SVGA
- | at 1024x768, 16 or 256 colors, MORE.
- ASMLOOK.ZIP 3445 04-23-92 Asm code to search memory for string.
- | Includes ASM source code.
- ASMSHELL.ZIP 79988 10-19-92 Assembly Language Programming Shell - make
- | simple and repetitive compiling, editing, and
- | linking tasks simple.
- ASMWIZ16.ZIP 81416 05-24-93 Assembly Wizard's Library v1.6 for assembly
- | language (most assemblers are supported).
- | Text and graphics, buffered file I/O, kbd,
- | mouse, exception handler, string support,
- | hi-res timers & countdowns, lots more. Tiny
- | model (.COM format). By Tom Hanlin.
- ASM_MSC1.ZIP 93445 03-01-86 Misc assembly subroutines I.
- ASM_MSC2.ZIP 53675 03-01-86 Misc assembly subroutines II.
- BLUEBOOK.ZIP 67562 10-15-85 Waite Groups ASM language Bluebook source
- | code.
- BUBBLEII.ZIP 75030 09-22-88 Bubble Chamber disassembler
- CPUID3WK.ZIP 14352 05-24-93 CPU identification routine. Same as
- | CPUID3.ZIP but with changes to seven
- | conditional jumps to eliminate severe errors
- | when assembled with MASM 5.1. Contains MASM
- | source code for detecting
- | 8086,80286,80386,80486,Pentium CPUs. Code
- | also detects presence of FPU. 04/27/93
- | Original from Intel Corp.
- DIS86216.ZIP 68986 12-20-92 DIS86 Interactive Disassembler version 2.16 A
- | full-screen bi-directional scrolling
- | disassembler, knowing & showing details of
- | all specific Intel 8086, 8087, 8088,
- | 80186,80286, 80386 and NEC V20 & V30 opcodes.
- | With very interesting HEX opcode table
- | information for all these CPU's.Shareware
- DISATR11.ZIP 28571 06-30-93 DISASTER v1.0 <ASP> - Interactive
- | disassembler. This program reads a COM, SYS
- | or EXE file and tries to find out what is
- | code and what is data. The user can
- | interactively correct it, add comments and
- | meaningful labels. Eventually a source-file
- | is produced which can be re-assembled. System
- | requirements: 128K System recommendations:
- | color screen
- DMA_VLA.ZIP 2450 08-27-93 Text file describing how to program DMA
- | transfers in Tasm.
- DMPPRG20.ZIP 42632 11-25-92 Disassembles MS-DOS & Windows 3 .EXE files.
- DOS32V12.ZIP 39421 10-22-93 A 32 bits DOS-Extender for assembler
- | programmers. v1.2.
- FATAL205.ZIP 21759 05-12-92 DOS INT24 System Handler - Good for BBSes Use
- | for Hands Free System Error Handling Handles
- | those hard disk errors TSR: Can be altered
- | and unloaded EASILY! FULL Source code
- | Assembler included.
- INT70.ZIP 8994 08-25-93 ASM Source for generating periodic interrupts
- | with the real time clock controller via
- | interrupt 70H.
- MATHASM.ZIP 17329 12-03-85 Math subroutines in 8086-ASM source code.
- OBJ2ASM.ZIP 76015 04-20-93 Converts a .obj file into assembly language;
- | generates original labels and symbols in some
- | cases and includes qualified support for
- | OS/2.
- PASSWRD6.ZIP 6297 02-17-87 Install password on hard disk, w/ASM source.
- QUICKREF.ZIP 22501 07-16-89 Quick Reference Chart for assembly
- | programmers.
- REALASM1.ZIP 20151 08-07-93 Assembler floating point math support.
- RS232DVR.ZIP 19097 01-24-90 Serial port driver - enhances com1-4.
- SBDAC.ZIP 33356 02-09-92 Sound Blaster C and ASM routines for .VOC
- | programming.
- START32.ZIP 17048 08-05-92 For Assembler programmers -- code to get you
- | in and out of 32bit protected mode.
- STUFFK.ZIP 11560 07-16-91 Information about how keyboard buffer works.
- TAVIDEO.ZIP 14168 11-09-88 Direct access video routines for TASM v1.0
- TMASM.ZIP 214818 04-08-92 Norton Guide Database For Turbo Assembler And
- | Microsoft Masm.
- TOASM11A.ZIP 39383 09-09-89 Shareware disassembler for COM and EXE.
- UCRLIB30.ZIP 384797 03-20-93 The UCR standard library for Assembly
- | programmers, v3.0.
- ZEN.ZIP 156648 02-15-90 Sources of M. Abrash's book "Zen of Assembler
- | Programmin"
- ZTIMER11.ZIP 72721 04-20-92 Microsecond accuracy timer for C, C++, ASM.