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File List | 1994-09-09 | 15.0 KB | 204 lines |
- La Coleccion II. Sep. 94. Walnut Creek CDROM.
- DOS: Menus & Shells
- path: \dos\menus\
- -----------------------------------------------
- Name Size Date Description
- ============ ======== ======== ==============
- 22BCM2.ZIP 165092 01-16-94 The BCM MENU SYSTEM v2.2 <ASP> - The Most
- | Complete Menuing and File Maintenance System
- | available. Features: Easy to Install & Use,
- | Allows 26 Menu Levels & 200 Max Menus, Full
- | Encrypted Password Protection, Menu Driven
- | File Maintenace with Shell of Most Popular
- | Compression Utilities, Full ASCII Text
- | Editor.
- ADM211.ZIP 58462 06-29-94 ADMast Menu v2.11 freeware, very easy to use
- | menu system. Has mouse support. Great for the
- | casual computer user. Looking for a simple
- | menu program which is priced right? Take a
- | look at ADMast Menu. Installed in hundreds of
- | companies and homes. Users really like the
- | features and ease of use. And best of all...
- | it's free.
- AL301.ZIP 201332 07-28-93 AutoLoad 3.01 - Graphical User Interface GUI
- | menuing system and file manager by KiNKster.
- AM24SF.ZIP 204295 07-09-93 AWESOME MENU SYSTEM 2.4s Icon based menu with
- | SB support. Excellent 3-D interface. Worth
- | the D/L Comes with 101 Icons. Not Disabled in
- | any way.
- BMENU541.ZIP 30230 02-11-93 BMENU v5.41 <ASP> - Batch Menu System. One
- | line pop-up menus for batch files right from
- | command line, plus options. Returns
- | errorlevel for branching. Like ASK, but with
- | a pop-up menu display. Great for user
- | interface (network!), or custom installation
- | disks. Site license info is available. From
- | Mark Strong, ASP Member. $15.00
- CF536Q.ZIP 178361 03-31-94 CMFiler File Manager v5.36q ASP - Highly
- | versatile disk and file manager with
- | sideby-side split screen format for display
- | of dir lists or disk tree structures. Full
- | suite of dir/file services, plus built-in
- | editor, floppy filler, formatter and copier,
- | menued program launcher, notepad for file
- | desriptions. Small, fast, easy-to-use command
- | syntax, mouse and 43/50-line VGA support.
- | Great for laptops.
- CMENUV4.ZIP 514337 09-30-93 C-MENU v4.0 - System Menuing Software <ASP>
- | C-Menu is a sophisticated high res (VGA)
- | graphical system menuing program. Runs all
- | programs while using NO memory. Complete
- | mouse support. Allows password protection,
- | sub-menus, and has a screen blankout feature.
- | Contains a DOS shell and has configurable
- | colors. C-Menu is powerful yet easy to use.
- CTRL3_75.ZIP 148406 08-28-93 CONTROL 3 v7.5: similar to Norton Commander,
- | pgm that performs all commonly used file mgmt
- | operations via a multi-menu environment;
- | built-in editor & text file viewer; color
- | coded dir lists and more; supports expanded
- | memory; 08/28/93; Kevin Solway.
- DF461.ZIP 235074 06-06-93 Directory Freedom v4.61 <ASP> Small/fast dir
- | manager. Move/copy files, create archives,
- | change time/date/attributes and much more.
- | Advanced user-defined commands and Smart
- | Viewers; includes archive viewers. Maint
- | release w/system info screen enhancements,
- | PKZIP 2.0x support in archive viewer, range
- | of bug fixes, more. $25 registration.
- DOSVIEW.ZIP 276804 08-11-93 DOSview 1.9 [Skip Bremer; $40] is a 3k shell
- | for DOS which displays two directory windows
- | at the top of the screen while giving you a
- | DOS prompt at the bottom.
- DYMENU1.ZIP 251019 08-15-93 Dynamic-menu-system- inc. Editor & screen
- | saver.
- ET301.ZIP 208331 12-29-93 ELFTREE 3.01S <ASP> Packs 100s of mouseable
- | file/dir/pgm utils!- Packs 100s of powerful
- | file, directory and program management utils
- | in a small, slick package. Now with mouse
- | support(!), simplified interface. Stores CD
- | tree maps (eliminates rescanning), can handle
- | over 16000 files. Prune, graft, etc. Enjoy!
- | Utilities - Disk/File ELVISH CONSULTING.
- FAST401.ZIP 187630 07-30-92 Fast Access v4.01: powerful, fast & easy
- | to-use DOS shell; uses NO system memory when
- | executing programs; full mouse support & much
- | more; use w/4DOS; text editor included.
- HDM466.ZIP 408490 06-23-94 HDM IV 4.66 (Hard Disk Menu) MicroFox Company
- | Menu and Security System for DOS and Networks
- | HDM466.ZIP Menu, Help, Report, Dialer, Manual
- | User Log On/Off, Passwords, Macros, Functions
- | Timed Execution, Usage Logging and Reporting,
- | Mouse & Network Support, Multi-Level Security
- | Screen Blanker, Phone Dialer, Pull-Down Menus
- | On-Line Help, 260,000 Menu Entries, also, all
- | Screen Text and Help completely customizable.
- | <ASP> [ASAD] {STAR} (Author: Jim Hass)
- ICNDOS17.ZIP 136545 11-14-93 IconDOS, ver 1.7 Graphical icon-based
- | application launcher for DOS, similiar to
- | Window's Program Manager. Includes icons,
- | wallpaper, clock, calendar, calculator,
- | screen saver, password protection and a
- | graphic editor to produce custom icons and
- | wallpaper. Uses no resident memory so apps
- | are guaranteed to run as before. Works
- | equally well using either keyboard or mouse.
- | VGA required.
- KV310.ZIP 62656 07-06-92 Very good menuing system uses no memory.
- MACE130.ZIP 192631 05-01-92 MENU ACE v1.30: a PC menu/datebook/calendar
- | system; unlimited menus, 3 levels of password
- | protection, automatic program re-execution,
- | usage logging, full mouse support; datebook
- | can be used as an electronic diary or
- | reminder system; complete customization,
- | screen blanker, custom menu titles, custom
- | menu messages, etc.; 05/02/92; Blue Ace
- | Sftwr.
- MAEST30A.ZIP 115359 05-01-93 Maestro Pro v3.00: DOS file manager with ten
- | color coded sort modes, ten pre-built color
- | schemes, can display 372 files on-screen
- | using VGA 66 row mode, scrollable virtual
- | window; auto-switch & hotkeys; graphical
- | colorcoded multicolumn tree with directory
- | size totals saved to disk; mouse support,
- | pulldown menus & much more; 05/01/93; Seaware
- | Enterprises [1/3].
- MAEST30B.ZIP 53635 04-28-93 Maestro Pro v3.00 [2/3].
- MAEST30C.ZIP 170690 04-28-93 Maestro Pro v3.00 [3/3].
- MDESK301.ZIP 180417 06-14-93 Magic Desk - a Windows-style graphical menu
- | for DOS. Uses standard Windows icons to
- | represent your programs. All the power you
- | expect, but so simple and safe, even young
- | children can use it to start their own
- | programs without assistance. Superb EGA/VGA
- | graphics. Enhanced version of ToyBox. DOS
- | 3.0, HD, 512K, mouse optional. (ASP)
- MS_SH21B.ZIP 273944 07-27-93 Stewartson's Ksh-like Shell for MS-DOS,
- | binaries.
- MS_SH21S.ZIP 259756 07-27-93 Stewartson's Ksh-like Shell for MS-DOS,
- | Source.
- NCPATCH.ZIP 1082 06-20-92 Patch Norton Commander 3.0 to view ZIP files.
- PKZM104.ZIP 110819 07-28-93 PKZMenu v1.04: ZIPfile manager w/pull-down
- | menus from PKWare, view ZIP file contents,
- | powerful tagging options, displays technical
- | information of ZIPped files, extract/test/
- | view/print ZIPped files, fast extraction
- | code, multiple sort options, create DOS
- | directories, create PKZIP/PKUNZIP-compatible
- | list files, supports mouse, laptop computers,
- | and is DESQView aware.
- QDIR132.ZIP 133977 11-13-93 QuickDir V1.32 - Amazing Dos/Archive Shell. A
- | MUST HAVE for Hard Drives and LANs. Adds over
- | 50 DOS cmds. Very Easy to Use and FAST! Auto
- | 'Verify' diskette file copy. Point to Output
- | Dir. Graft/Elim/Copy Dirs. Custom Dir Tree
- | Display. Xtract/View ZIP-ARJ 2 Keys. Find
- | Dup/Temp/Arc/Any File - Copy/Del After. NO
- | OTHER OS Shell can Match QD's Ease+Speed!
- | V1.32 has a New Look! **** QD's FUN! ******
- | For DOS, WIN, OS/2 (Fat). <ASP> <ASAD>.
- QM107F.ZIP 328828 12-29-93 QuikMenu version 1.07f is a graphical desktop
- | and menuing system for DOS. Includes powerful
- | utility & file management features. Launches
- | all DOS-based software. Modem dial, Password
- | protection, screen saver, phone database, use
- | tracking, freeform layout & more. Not a TSR.
- | Needs: 512K RAM; hard disk; Herc. Mono, CGA
- | (2 color), EGA, or VGA graphics; DOS 3.1 ;
- | MS/Logitech comp. Mouse (optional); Hayes
- | comp. Modem (option); EMS memory (optional).
- SD400.ZIP 162504 03-30-93 StupenDOS v4.00: DOS shell/file manager;
- | particularly good as a shell for the ZIP
- | utilities, but it's quite good in general as
- | a file manager; excellent mouse support,
- | supports LIST & editor of your choice, etc.;
- | 03/30/93; Eclipse Technologies.
- SMENU124.ZIP 155681 08-03-93 SmartMenu 1.24 Excellent Hard Disk Menu
- | Program with the following features : * Very
- | simple and easy to modify * multiple
- | overlapping windows with 30 menu options per
- | menu. * uses NO memory when running programs
- | * built-in Address Book, Calendar, Calculator
- | and System Information * full Context
- | Sensitive Online Help * built-in Screen Saver
- | * fully configurable colours etc. * "Made in
- | SA" Shareware
- STARMU50.ZIP 377085 03-09-94 STAR MENU 5.0 - New Version! DOS/Windows
- | compat. Menuing software includes: NEW
- | multi-user, multi-boot, NEW ALARM CLOCK,
- | screen savers w/ password options, Scientific
- | Calculator, full-blown Personal Organizer,
- | New Backup/Restore options for hard drives ,
- TURBO55.ZIP 308113 04-07-93 Turbo Menu 5.5 by Decisis, Inc. Incredible
- | menu system for single users and networks.
- | Featured in PC Week, DOS Research Guide and
- | others. Used by many schools for its
- | simplicity and by Fortune 500 companies on
- | networks for its power. Features include:
- | Automatic Menu Generation, 5 Password Levels,
- | Unlimited Sub Menus, Configurable Colors,
- | Shapes, Memory, Usage Reports, Hypertext
- | Docs, Mouseable, Networkable, and more!