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File List | 1994-09-09 | 17.1 KB | 234 lines |
- La Coleccion II. Sep. 94. Walnut Creek CDROM.
- DOS: QWK Processors & Utils
- path: \dos\qwk\
- -----------------------------------------------
- Name Size Date Description
- ============ ======== ======== ==============
- 1ST111DX.ZIP 269475 05-23-93 The '386' compiled version of 1stReader 1.11
- | 1ST.EXE program. This code will lock up if
- | you attempt to run it on a 8088 or 80286
- | system. Runs about 10% faster than the
- | standard 1ST.EXE release. NOTE! This archive
- | only contains 1ST.EXE - download the other
- | files for the full 1stReader 1.11 release.
- 1ST_111.ZIP 849745 05-23-93 1stReader 1.11. The complete reader system. A
- | totally new concept in offline mail readers.
- | EVERYTHING you need for offline mail.
- | Telecom, internal ZIP, editors, GIF and
- | NAPLPS viewers, Sound Blaster and MIDI
- | support, etc. are included. Designed for
- | novices but pros will love it. A "try before
- | you buy" release. A MUST-SEE!!! From
- | Sparkware. Registration still only $25.00.
- | And TOLL-FREE electronic ordering from The
- | United States and Canada!!!!
- 1ST_INS.ZIP 69016 05-28-93 1stReader 1.11 new install program and script
- | files. Update these files in your 1ST-111.ZIP
- | to properly handle on-disk installation and
- | updates.
- 6200TAGS.ZIP 156709 02-13-94 6200 TAGLINES for your offline mail readers.
- ADDQWK20.ZIP 62490 02-01-94 Add Those QWK v2.0 September 1993 (C)
- | COPYRIGHT by Steve McGrath ADDQWK is a simple
- | program to merge several QWK mail packets. It
- | can do the following: Name the resulting
- | packet by date/counter, Sort by subject, You
- | can have up to 5 names /alias, Work with one
- | packets(useful for sorting), Delete packets
- | after merging, Determine the minimal
- | diskspace to work, Can handle: ARJ, LHA,
- ADDREP11.ZIP 27644 06-24-94 Add Those REP v1.1 October 1993 (C) COPYRIGHT
- | by Steve McGrath ADDREP is a simple program
- | to merge several REP packets. It can do the
- | following: Determine the minimal diskspace to
- | work, Can handle: ARJ, LHA, PKZIP. NEW: Fixed
- | problem when run on some 286. *** FREEWARE
- | ***
- APEX40.ZIP 33640 09-06-93 Apex v4.0 Message Processor for SLMR, OLX and
- | QMPro mail readers! Definable quote headers,
- | quote boxes, time stamps, static taglines,
- | tagline variables, and more! A must have for
- | offline mail users. Freeware!
- ATP07DOS.ZIP 161632 09-12-93 ATP QWK Reader 1.42 for DOS, a full featured
- | database style reader, easily handles 3000+
- | line messages, free licensed under GNU GPL.
- BILL0401.ZIP 795255 04-01-94 A collection of over 44,000 taglines for use
- | with offline mail readers.
- BWAVE212.ZIP 318902 12-16-92 Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader v2.12: supports
- | Blue Wave and QWK packets;fully configurable,
- | supports all archivers, tagline stealing,
- | user defined hotkeys, file requests, offline
- | BBS configuration, John Hancock compatible,
- | can attach favorite editor and spell checker,
- | and much more.
- CAMSTR1J.ZIP 200696 12-13-93 *MAIL* Camster Reader v1.0 BETA-J. A Great
- | offline reader by the makers of the Cam-Mail
- | Door. This is a BETA copy! Please let us know
- | any problems you run into. Beta #10.
- CATQWK22.ZIP 18567 02-10-92 CatQWK 2.2 [9 Feb 92] - Program to combine
- | two or more QWK packets from the same BBS
- | into one. This allows you to follow threads
- | easily across multiple QWK downloads. Very
- | easy to set up and use; totally command line
- | driven; user changeable archive programs.
- | Version 2.2 now creates PERSONAL.NDX file.
- | Freeware! Uploaded by author.
- CORREO16.ZIP 66492 07-25-94 Correo v1.6 - Easy to use Off-line Mail
- | reader for QWK packets. Made in Argentina by
- | Ricardo Barrenechea.
- D2_125.ZIP 259860 05-19-92 New release of Qmail DeLuxe² 1.25 offline
- | mail reading system from Sparkware. Includes
- | everything you need to "try before you buy".
- | You can now read up to 20 messages in each
- | conference in demo mode. This file also is an
- | update for registered Qmail DeLuxe owners -
- | see README for how to update your copy
- | online.
- D2_125DX.ZIP 113814 05-19-92 80386-specific release of Qmail DeLuxe². This
- | archive contains the READER program ONLY. You
- | must also download D2-125.ZIP to receive the
- | full Qmail DeLuxe² system.
- D2_125UP.ZIP 163164 05-18-92 Everything you need to update Qmail DeLuxe²
- | to release 1.25.
- EXTR102.ZIP 13808 05-25-93 Extract is a little utility that will convert
- | a QWK packet to ASCII. (useful for those who
- | extract recipes from cooking conferences).
- | Written by Rodney Grantham, L-Cuisine.
- FIDOQ120.ZIP 255049 02-28-94 FidoQWK v1.20: FidoNet echomail processor.
- | Echo messages between FidoNet and QWK-type
- FIXQWK.ZIP 6533 04-21-93 Fixes QWK packets that give error messages
- | opening.
- JH3B1OF4.ZIP 180351 03-01-93 John Hancock v3.0. The BEST Tagline Manager
- | in the Universe! [1/4].
- JH3B2OF4.ZIP 90024 03-01-93 John Hancock 3.0B [2/4].
- JH3B3OF4.ZIP 154752 03-01-93 John Hancock 3.0B [3/4].
- JH3B4OF4.ZIP 23538 03-01-93 John Hancock 3.0B [4/4].
- KQWK105.ZIP 217175 04-05-92 KingQWK 1.05 - The latest release of this new
- | FAST, small QWK reader. It has MANY features
- | not found in other readers including a unique
- | interface to QWKMerge allowing it to control
- | precisely which messages are merged into the
- | ensuing QWK packet. Many new features in this
- | release! Shareware by Mike King
- LHL23US.ZIP 231206 11-14-93 LHL, a full color off-line reader 100%
- | compatible QWK and BlueWave, multilingual,
- | easy installation, full mouse support,
- | intuitive and more more more!
- MMAYL10.ZIP 171767 12-16-93 *** MikeMayl v1.0 - Free QWK mail packet
- | reader. Has all the features of the big boys
- | and then some. Twit filter, send/receive
- | files, steal taglines, search, mouse-aware,
- | fully configurable, auto-POSTLINK routing,
- | very fast, small, uses archiver of your
- | choice and best of all it's free!
- NDXPRO.ZIP 19456 03-29-93 NDXPro will make NDX files from QWK or REP
- | packets! Helpful for corrupted packets, or
- | message networks!
- NFX130A.ZIP 79697 02-10-94 NFX v1.3a:Easy to use graphic offline mail
- | reader for QWK packets. Handles huge packets,
- | 21,000 messages per conference with up to
- | 21,000 conferences in total. Messages can be
- | upto 400 lines long. DOCS included!!! Join
- | Blueview Software's uploading team. From the
- | makers of Raster Master!!! << BLUEVIEW
- OFFLI158.ZIP 210838 02-28-94 OFFLINE is a QWK compatible reader that
- | allows you to read mail offline. Saves long
- | distance charges. NETMAIL support for MAXIMUS
- | or compatible systems. Mouse support, TAG
- | LINES, printing, exporting, and On-Line HELP.
- | By the author of PPoint - Harvey Parisien.
- OLX310.ZIP 237965 06-15-93 PATCH only to update licensed OLX 3.0x to
- | 3.1.
- QNAME31.ZIP 21629 05-17-93 Renames.QWK packets to include date to insure
- | uniqueness. Based on Qname2, updated from
- | Qname3.zip bugs fixed, better docs.
- QPRN111.ZIP 141893 05-01-94 QWKPRUNE 1.11. Removes unwanted messages from
- | QWK-format mail packets. Strips leading
- | spaces as well as (R) and Re: prefixes from
- | subject lines. Also strips up to 10 user-
- | defined prefixes. Repairs non-standard
- | message headers. Supports ZIP, LHA, ARJ, and
- | ZOO, as well as a user-specified archiver.
- | This version adds support for large packets.
- QWKBASE.ZIP 25662 11-08-93 QWKBase v1.0: Is an add on product that turns
- | your "one packet at time" offline mail reader
- | into a database reader. Quick and easy set
- | up. Just replace PKUNZIP with SWAP:QWKBASE in
- | the packers menu of SLMR and OLX. Requires
- | SLMR/OLX. Archive also contains the latest
- | catalog of Blueview programs. Speacial offer
- | for programmers! Read OFFER.TXT << BLUEVIEW
- QWKIT10B.ZIP 60251 05-17-93 Qwkit 1.0b will enhance your offline mail
- | reader with a Tagline Manager, Message
- | Filters, Message Signatures, and more.
- | Supports OLX, SLMR, Jabber, MegaRead and
- | Speed Read (others may work). Qwkit is now
- | freeware.
- QWKLAY16.ZIP 17786 12-18-92 QWK File Layout 1.6 [19-Dec-92] - This is one
- | of the most comprehensive file on the QWK-
- | format. It covers everything from the format
- | to implementation notes. See related file
- | QWKP*.ZIP for a list of current QWK-format
- | products & author contact info.
- QWKSPC12.ZIP 8526 12-31-91 Specs for.QWK v1.2 by Qmail author.
- QWKSRCH.ZIP 17611 03-06-92 Program searches qwk messages for keyword and
- | pops up all those related messages (in beta).
- QWKTXT46.ZIP 24284 12-25-93 QWK -> TXT file converter. Determines file
- | archival method automatically. Handles ARC,
- | ARJ, LHA, LHARC, ZIP, and ZOO with the
- | appropriate external program.
- RM13REAL.ZIP 507354 02-13-94 ROBOMAIL QWK Reader 1.3 Real Mode Upgrade Kit
- | Use this file to upgrade from any previous
- | RoboMail version to version 1.3 This file is
- | only for use by people with machines that
- | cannot run the protected mode version. See
- | the enclosed README.1ST file for installation
- | instructions.
- ROBOM13A.ZIP 527997 02-13-94 ROBOMAIL QWK Reader ver. 1.3 -- (1 of 2) New
- | database oriented offline mail reader from
- | Parsons Consulting. Breaks new ground with
- | sophisticated database access to your
- | messages, internal editor, spell checker &
- | modern interface. Extensive support Internet
- | E-Mail and Newsgroups. OS/2, Windows and
- | DESQview aware. This protected mode version
- | requires a 286 "AT" or better processor and 1
- | megabyte memory.
- ROBOM13B.ZIP 408133 02-17-94 ROBOMAIL QWK Reader ver. 1.3 -- (2 of 2).
- RR170A.ZIP 194368 07-25-92 RoseReader, QWK offline reader, exe files.
- RR170B.ZIP 224736 07-25-92 RoseReader, QWK offline reader, exe for
- | sysop.
- RR170C.ZIP 34049 07-24-92 RoseReader, QWK offline reader, help files.
- RR170D.ZIP 203153 05-09-92 RoseReader, QWK offline reader, dictionary.
- SLMR21A.ZIP 158718 01-03-92 Silly Little Mail Reader v2.1a: QWK/REP off-
- | line mail reader/quoter; with full tutorial,
- | sample QWK, editor, quoting, random taglines,
- | forwarding, full config options, starter
- | taglines, (you steal your own later); great
- | to use with Qmail, Markmail, Megamail, etc;
- | 01/04/92; Greg Hewgill.
- SPEED140.ZIP 250625 02-28-94 SPEED READ 1.40 QWK reader/message database.
- | Features include: 25/28/43/50 line support,
- | cross-posting, run multiple sessions, quote
- | from any message, mouse support, more memory
- | efficient, folders, bulk marking, long/wide
- | messages, address book, mailing lists, auto
- | signature, BBS/area specific settings, file
- | attaches, macros, cc:, forward msgs, + more!
- TAGLX340.ZIP 247278 02-04-94 TAG LINE XPRESS v3.40 <ASP> Tagline Manager
- | for offline mail readers. Offers UNLIMITED
- | taglines; installs automatically into most
- | mail readers; has a built in quote enhancer;
- | and even suggests taglines based on your
- | message. Minor update adds new features.
- | Released as fully functional shareware!
- TXTBCS12.ZIP 34454 10-14-93 TXTBCST v1.2 - This utility creates a REP
- | packet out of any text file. Version 1.2 adds
- | a broadcast feature. This utility is great
- | for Product Anouncements, BBS Node Lists,
- | Moderator Rule messages and BBS-Ads.