home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
File List | 1994-09-09 | 41.4 KB | 570 lines |
- La Coleccion II. Sep. 94. Walnut Creek CDROM.
- DOS: BBS, Doors, Netmail, etc.
- path: \dos\bbs\
- -----------------------------------------------
- Name Size Date Description
- ============ ======== ======== ==============
- A2R103.ZIP 17229 06-22-93 A2R v1.00 - Ansi to Rip conversion utility.
- | Converts ANSI screens to RIP format for use
- | with new RIP standard terminals. Fully
- | functional user supported software. $20.00
- | (US)
- ABOOT200.ZIP 17876 07-23-91 AUTOBOOT v2.0 Check DOS/Disk Funcitions and
- | Boot System After Set Amount of Time.
- AFILES2G.ZIP 34168 02-26-94 AFILES 2.0Γ Gamma! Agrega - Verifica - Ordena
- | los archivos del FILES.BBS. 50% Mas Veloz.
- | Bugfix V2.0ß. Soporte Total RA 2.01.
- AFIX420E.ZIP 471707 06-18-93 ALLFIX is the most complete file echo
- | processor available. ALLFIX offers such
- | features as automatic archive conversion,
- | automaticly updating alias files, 4-D point
- | addressing, XMS/EMS support, complete AreaMgr
- | support, Uplink AreaMgr support, FileID.DIZ
- | support, built in TicPack support, new file
- | reports, support for RemoteAccess, SuperBBS,
- | QuickBBS, Maximus and EzyCom, PCBoard, and
- | much much more.
- ALGEN121.ZIP 6634 09-25-93 ALGEN v1.21 - Avail List/ALlfiles GENerator
- | for files.bbs systems. Supports indenting for
- | D/L counters.
- ALSRC121.ZIP 8353 09-23-93 Source code for ALGEN v1.21 - Avail
- | List/ALlfiles GENerator.
- ANL.ZIP 36391 07-19-92 Anl v0.9 - DIFF processor for Fido-Style
- | Nodelists. Calculates CRCs. Made in Argentina
- | by Cesar Ferri. Freeware.
- ANTI125.ZIP 38696 04-12-94 AntiAd version 1.25 - The ultimate BBS ad
- | detection and removal utility. Utilizes two
- | methods to detect BBS ads: a conventional
- | database algorithm for static BBS ads and a
- | keyword algorithm for ads that are changed
- | frequently. AntiAd's keyword algorithm can
- | detect extensively modified BBS ad files that
- | fools other detection schemes! Now detects
- | 0-byte ad files!
- BATSRA.ZIP 205581 02-18-94 BATSRA - RA Activity Tracking system! This is
- | an awesome package that tracks all of your
- | BBS activity via the system logs and allows
- | you to view by means of a pull down menu
- | system. Highly recommended for the serious
- | sysop! RA 1.xx and UP!
- BBSAMT30.ZIP 36261 08-04-93 BBSAMT30 - BBS ANSI Music Tutorial, version
- | 3.0, is a self-viewing tutorial explaining
- | the coding and use of ANSI music in BBS
- | applications (screens, menus, messages,
- | etc.).
- BBSCTRL.ZIP 15334 10-25-93 Port monitor/window reboot for running under
- | DesqView.
- BDOC_256.ZIP 102146 06-20-92 Binkleyterm mail/term pgm docs v2.56 Beta.
- BDOS_259.ZIP 329795 12-21-93 BinkleyTerm 2.59 Wide Beta (DOS).
- BNKB256.ZIP 165766 06-20-92 Binkleyterm 2.56 Beta executables & update
- | doc.
- BNP_0213.ZIP 108521 02-13-94 New BinkleyTerm/Portal of Power Netmail
- | Packer. More bugs gone!
- BW302_RA.ZIP 337943 01-21-94 The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door v3.02 for
- | RemoteAccess. This version is compatible with
- | RA v2.00 and v2.01 and JAM msg bases.
- | Contains massive amounts of new features,
- | including internal protocols, new msg packing
- | options, more limits and controls for the
- | sysop, and internal NEWFILE list generator.
- | There is a simple conversion process to
- | upgrade from earlier versions of the door.
- | Installs from scratch in MINUTES! Fixes
- | problems from v3.01 release.
- CEXYZ100.ZIP 57000 08-16-93 A FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol driver
- | from the author of The Blue Wave Offline Mail
- | System. Protocols include Zmodem, 8K Zmodem
- | (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K, Xmodem
- | CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Includes sample
- | files for installation into Maximus BBS's.
- | Can be installed into ANY BBS that is able to
- | utilize external protocols, including Blue
- | Wave Mail Doors. FOSSIL communications mode,
- | or direct mode! Fully windowed/graphical
- | interface.
- CSC120.ZIP 18770 02-11-94 Copiar Sólo Completos v1.20 - Copies the
- | files that arrived successfully for tossing,
- | leaving incomplete downloads without
- | processing. Made in Argentina by Carlos
- | Crembil.
- DB154DOC.ZIP 134171 08-27-93 DOCS for D'Bridge V.1.54.
- DB_154.ZIP 863318 08-26-93 D-Bridge Latest Frontdoor Mailer.
- DB_FAQ.ZIP 18849 09-10-93 Dbridge frequently asked question.
- DELOLD31.ZIP 14104 04-30-94 DELOLD 3.10. Utility to keep the latest 'x'
- | files in a subdirectory. (C) 1993, 94
- | HighToro Research, BA
- DEMO350.ZIP 565031 09-10-93 Searchlight BBS 3.50 Demo Version Working
- | Demo of Searchlight 3.5, the BBS software
- | with Integrated RIP Graphics. Includes
- | built-in RIP features like dialog boxes,
- | menus and scroll bars. Full featured BBS
- | software includes DigiBoard and CD-ROM
- | support, unlimited message & file areas, and
- | much more. Full documentation provided in
- | separate file (DOCS350.ZIP).
- DIZCOM15.ZIP 27302 04-10-94 DizCombi! v1.5 (4/94) - Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ
- | information and inserts it in 4DOS
- | descript.ions and/or FILES.BBS.
- DIZEDIT4.ZIP 71438 02-04-94 DIZEDIT Version 4.9a (c) 1994 GDSOFT. Allows
- | editing of description files found in
- | archives. Supports ZIP, ARJ and LZH formats.
- | Ability to CONVERT archive to a particular
- | default format, COPY file and ADD ARCHIVE
- | COMMENT for ZIP and ARJ files. DIZEDIT easily
- | allows you to create/edit the FILE_ID.DIZ (or
- | SDI, DES), and automatically repacks the
- | archive on exit. NEW Virus SCAN, repack with
- | NEWEST date, and ARJ, PKZIP switches.
- | Recognizes MOST SFX files for ARJ,ZIP and
- | LZH. If you run a BBS, you NEED this !!
- DLC_248.ZIP 33327 04-23-93 Download Counter V2.48 Max/Bink D/L & Attach
- | Counter.
- DOCS350.ZIP 209541 09-10-93 Searchlight BBS 3.50 Documentation Complete
- | user manual for Searchlight BBS version 3.5,
- | the BBS software with built in RIP Graphics
- | Support. Includes browser program. For use
- | with file DEMO350.ZIP.
- DPAINT31.ZIP 503000 06-26-94 Dead Paint v.3.1 - Dead Paint is a full
- | featured paint program for creating RIP
- | (Remote Imagin Protocol Scrip) files.
- | Shareware version is uncrippled, has instead
- | a 10 seconds nag. * Full set of drawing tools
- | * Buttons and GUI tools * Fast save and load
- | * PCX, Windows ICO and ANSI import *
- | Customizable tool box * Easy to use interface
- | * Object oriented * 4DOS file description
- | ...and much more! Reg fee only $25 Includes
- | utilities for RIP and ICN viewing.
- DVIEW30.ZIP 94789 09-10-93 DeadView v3.0: Fast easy way to view RIP
- | screens!
- DWNSRT59.ZIP 168454 12-19-93 Maximus Cbcs Download File Sort And List
- | Utility v5.9 (OS/2 DOS).
- ESC170.ZIP 247375 09-05-93 Setup/Shell/Utilities for Node or Point. Uses
- | Binkley and Squish. For FidoNet systems.
- FAN_200.ZIP 232647 09-12-93 File Announcement Utility. Announces the
- | arrival of files. For Fido-style .TIC file
- | echoes.
- FAXEM20.ZIP 108172 03-01-93 FAXEM v2.0 Online Fax Door for Any FaxModem
- | Faxem has direct support for most BBS
- | software, COM 1 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
- | non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, Now supports
- | multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers.
- FBBS37.ZIP 24068 04-16-93 Maximus download counter. Will also scan
- | FD/Imail type logs for FREQ's.
- FD202A.ZIP 271145 09-24-91 FrontDoor v2.02/NC. FIDONET-compat. BBS
- | mailer/front-end (1/2).
- FD202B.ZIP 301937 09-24-91 FrontDoor v2.02/NC (2/2).
- FD212.ZIP 629572 03-05-94 FrontDoor 2.12/Shareware release archive.
- | FidoNet compatible E-Mail software. Includes
- | Mailer, Editor, Terminal, Nodelist Compiler,
- | and Full-Screen configuration utility.
- FDESP202.ZIP 90039 12-15-93 Spanish documentation for Front-Door
- | v2.02/NC.
- FDLS100C.ZIP 28313 07-16-93 FD LogScan 1.00c. A Front Door log scanning
- | utility that tracks incoming calls and speeds
- | to a graphic screen. Registration FEE: $5.00
- FDTN002U.ZIP 4104 07-04-93 FrontDoor Technical Note update Running FD/RA
- | under OS/2 2.1 GA (SDS).
- FLIST_16.ZIP 42432 08-21-92 FileList v1.6. BBS file listing generator for
- | Remote Access and Maximus. Made in Argentina
- | by Cesar Ferri. Freeware.
- FLSTD115.ZIP 58822 08-19-93 Fastlist, FIDOnet node list compiler.
- FLTLN101.ZIP 225498 09-27-93 FLATLINE Version 1.01 RIP Script
- | Editor/Painter. From Thabes Co.
- FN41DSK1.ZIP 338948 05-12-93 FeatherNet BBS V4.11 1 of 4 Files A full
- | featured BBS program with a very comfortable
- | Sysop and User Interface. Superb performance
- | and capabilities. Fast installation.
- | Commercial quality software at a ShareWare
- | value. NetMail Capable with a FrontDoor
- | Program or RNET/ROBO type interface or by
- | using FnetMail QWK Door.
- FN41DSK2.ZIP 249405 05-09-93 FeatherNet BBS V4.11 2 of 4 Files A full
- | featured BBS program with a very comfortable
- | Sysop and User Interface. Superb performance
- | and capabilities. Fast installation.
- | Commercial quality software at a ShareWare
- | value. NetMail Capable with a FrontDoor
- | Program or RNET/ROBO type interface or by
- | using FnetMail QWK Door.
- FN41DSK3.ZIP 50495 05-09-93 FeatherNet BBS V4.11 3 of 4 Files A full
- | featured BBS program with a very comfortable
- | Sysop and User Interface. Superb performance
- | and capabilities. Fast installation.
- | Commercial quality software at a ShareWare
- | value. NetMail Capable with a FrontDoor
- | Program or RNET/ROBO type interface or by
- | using FnetMail QWK Door.
- FN41DSK4.ZIP 19841 05-09-93 FeatherNet BBS v4.11 - 4 of 4 Files This is
- | the INSTALLATION program for FeatherNet BBS
- | version 4.11. UnZIP this file first then run
- | the program INSTALFN.EXE from the directory
- | where the FN41DSK*.ZIP files are located for
- | a quick and e-z bbs installation.
- FNET101.ZIP 65985 05-05-94 (v1.01) NetMail Packer/Scanner/Tracker for
- | Systems using Binkley-like Mailers Supports
- | Type 2+ Packets. Scans for F'Attaches - Pack
- | NetMails VIA other Systems - Track and BOUNCE
- | NetMails for UNLISTED Systems - Archive
- | Sent/Bad NetMails. Recover ORPHAN Mail.
- | Delete Mail older then <nn> days.
- | Windows-inductive Configuration!
- FNLS104.ZIP 41062 11-04-93 FNLScan v1.04 - Fidonet NodeList Scan door
- | Scans up to 10 Fidonet (and compatible)
- | nodelists for a variety of criteria defined
- | by the user, such as BBS name, sysop name,
- | city, area code and arbitrary text. This
- | allows the user to find other Fido systems
- | quickly and easily for netmail addressing,
- | etc. Supports most BBS software, IRQs 2-15,
- | FOSSIL drivers and Digiboard multiport cards.
- | Now displays full Zone and Region addresses.
- FRD_18K.ZIP 319292 09-17-91 FredGATE - Usenet<->Fidonet Gateway System
- FREQL13A.ZIP 51654 02-23-94 FREQLIST 1.3a creates a report of File
- | Request activity from FrontDoor in a message
- | base format (.MSG, Hudson, SQUISH, JAM, or
- | Ezycom) and will update download counters for
- | RABBS Sysops.
- FWKCS122.ZIP 523240 08-10-93 FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, 1.22.
- | 1993 Aug 10. In this release, all functions
- | are enabled. FWKCS is the premier system for
- | recognizing duplicate files and zipfiles, for
- | both speed and statistical resolution. It
- | keeps zipped path information, and AV stamps,
- | in virus testing of zipfiles. This release
- | supports both direct operation, and the
- | powerful client / host configuration. Simple
- | setup; thorough, clear docs; many functions.
- FWKLU123.ZIP 98203 09-20-93 FWKLU123.ZIP remote Lookup kit for use with
- | FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System Ver.
- | 1.23, 1993 Sep 20. This kit helps you save
- | time and money: Use it to get complete
- | zipfiles from the huge collections giant
- | BBS's running FWKCS(TM) have - by matching 1
- | file, even if misnamed. Avoid uploading files
- | they already have. Typical Pairwise
- | Statistical Error Rate Less Than One Part In
- | Ten Trillion.
- GEDIT201.ZIP 119249 07-01-93 GEdit 2.01 - Full-screen message editor for
- | QuickBBS, SuperBBS, RemoteAccess, EzyCom and
- | ProBoard, TAG - Any QuickClone will work.
- | Includes complete rewrite of earlier version
- | with all new user interface and easier setup
- | with supported packages!
- HARVEY_5.ZIP 33616 08-02-93 Harvey's Robot allows you to produce incoming
- | or outgoing 4d PACKETS. Any format message
- | systems can use this system, since it writes
- | to in/outbound packets directly. The system's
- | message database format does not matter.
- ICN11.ZIP 12844 09-29-93 Pcx2Icn v1.1: Converts PCX files to RIP Icon
- | See BONUS.TXT. Archive also contains a
- | catalog of the latest shareware titles from
- | Blueview Software. See CATALOG.TXT. From the
- | makers of NFX and Raster Master! << BLUEVIEW
- IM151B.ZIP 635096 06-05-94 IMAIL 1.51/b (public beta) Released June 1994
- | Copyright (C) 1992-1994 by Andreas Klein
- | IMAIL is a full-featured echo mail processor
- | which offers lots of features to its users.
- | This includes one of the most powerful area-
- | managements currently available and support
- | for four wide-spreaded message base types
- | (QBBS, Squish, JAM and *.MSG).
- INSP110D.ZIP 349180 05-13-93 Inspecta (DOS) File/Archive/packet Mgr.
- ITR11G7.ZIP 486266 06-19-94 Itrack v1.1G7. Netmail tracker for Fido
- | systems. Highly configurable/programmable.
- IUTIL151.ZIP 150624 06-05-94 IUTIL 1.51 Released June 1994. Copyright (C)
- | 1991-1994 by Andreas Klein IUTIL is a utility
- | for IMAIL which conversion functions to
- | different BBS configurations and some other
- | useful functions.
- JAMAPI.ZIP 151577 07-04-93 Specs for the JAM message base format &
- | ordering info for API.
- LN101__.ZIP 5328 01-28-93 LastNode v1.01 executes a command/batch after
- | a specified node has called. For systems
- | using Front-Door only. Made in Argentina by
- | Charly Bull Jaacks.
- MAX200P1.ZIP 346133 11-03-91 Maximus 2.00 Part 1 (Necessary only for OS/2)
- MAX200P2.ZIP 163884 11-03-91 Maximus 2.00 Part 2 (Necessary only for OS/2)
- MAX200_1.ZIP 301457 11-04-91 Maximus BBS v2.00: flexible but powerful BBS
- | system; perfectly matched for Fidonet style
- | networks; uses generic message API; features
- | a built-in QWK mail packer, etc. [1/4]
- MAX200_2.ZIP 162562 11-04-91 Maximus BBS v2.0 [2/4]
- MAX200_3.ZIP 136530 11-04-91 Maximus BBS v2.0 [3/4]
- MAX200_4.ZIP 284548 11-04-91 Maximus BBS v2.0 [4/4]
- MAXBNK28.ZIP 115618 04-09-92 A time bank for Maximus v2.0.
- MAXMEN03.ZIP 56093 04-13-94 Maximus RIP/Ansi menugenerator version 3.0 no
- | with DOS/OS2 support.
- MAXSTAT2.ZIP 18094 02-21-92 Maximus Statistics Generator. Now Supports
- | Maximus 2.0.
- MAXUTIL.ZIP 61613 12-30-93 Max-Util v1.0 - Maximus' .CTL maintenance
- | utility.
- MKNET112.ZIP 215358 11-10-93 MKNet v1.12: a QWK network tosser for MK, RA,
- | Quick, Super, and other systems using Hudson,
- | Jam, Squish, Ezy, or *.MSG Message bases;
- | fast and easy to setup.
- MX_104.ZIP 25670 10-02-93 MX Message Extraction utility for Squish
- | bases.
- NCRC11.ZIP 9007 09-07-93 Nodelist CRC v1.1 by Nicolai Kuzminski.
- | Checks and optionally updates Fido-Style
- | Nodelists.
- NDRPT104.ZIP 23627 10-16-93 Nodelist Reporting util for Nets by
- | Zone/Region w/total counts of each.
- NTMGR94P.ZIP 42008 06-04-93 Netmgr v0.94: Move/Copy/del/bounce/change
- | Mail (Sq/.Msg).
- OUT04.ZIP 14656 11-23-93 OutFinder 0.4 by Nicolai Kuzminski. Describe
- | your BT/POP/etc outbound area with 4DOS
- | DESCRIPT.ION files, or with a complete text
- | file report. Made in Argentina.
- P062DEV.ZIP 34373 02-19-94 Portal of Power v0.62 FidoNet Mailer
- | Developement Kit.
- P062MISC.ZIP 85270 02-19-94 Portal of Power v0.62 FidoNet Mailer Misc
- | Utilities/Help Files/Documentation.
- P062UTIL.ZIP 126727 02-19-94 Portal of Power v062 beta. Utilities
- P062_286.ZIP 363623 02-19-94 Portal of Power v062 FidoNet Mailer. 286
- | executables.
- P062_86.ZIP 366225 02-19-94 Portal of Power v0.62 FidoNet Mailer. 8086
- | executables.
- PB125A_1.ZIP 138700 08-02-93 POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Complete BBS Pkg.
- | offering 6 Minute/6 Question Install for 100%
- | Operational System! Completely Configurable
- | by Scripting Language. FULL RIP Graphics
- | Support, including RIP MENU DEVELOPMENT TOOL
- | for fast and easy creation of RIP menus
- | WITHOUT a RIP Drawing Program!
- PB125A_2.ZIP 331319 08-02-93 POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Disk 2/4: Main BBS
- | Files and Executables.
- PB125A_3.ZIP 234938 08-02-93 POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Disk 3/4: Utilities
- | Utility Package, Status Line Configurator,
- | Event Manager, Dynamic Menu Editor, Menu
- | Development Tool and Protocol Engine.
- PB125A_4.ZIP 98547 08-02-93 POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Disk 4/4: System
- | Operations Manual.
- PBWZ08.ZIP 15045 03-10-94 Poll Badwazoo 0.8ß - Utility for Portal of
- | Power v0.62 that polls again if the file
- | transfer was not successful. Made in
- | Argentina by Norberto Olari.
- PB_201.ZIP 611262 04-22-94 ProBoard BBS v2.01 - newest release. Uses
- | ASCII, ANSI, AVATAR, and/or RIP. Multiple
- | message base support, including JAM, Squish,
- | and Hudson. ProBoard Extension Language (PEX)
- | allows custom add-ons via an SDK (included
- | inthe archive).
- PLIST11.ZIP 6363 10-03-93 Plist v1.1 - Utility to transform node and
- | pointlist into PPoint format. Made in
- | Argentina by Guillermo Castellá.
- POINT186.ZIP 174897 06-12-94 PPoint - Professional Point - Automatic Setup
- | and Maintenance. Automatically accepts and
- | sets up new areas. Simple to use. Sets up and
- | interfaces transparently with Binkley. 4d or
- | FakeNet addressing. Efficient message
- | database system. Optional Modules available
- | for QWK or LAN Support. By the author of
- | OFFLINE, Harvey Parisien.
- POLICY5.ZIP 25021 02-26-93 Proposal for a new FidoNet Policy.
- PREAPXEN.ZIP 211028 04-13-93 Extremely easy to use Point software for Fido
- | Networks. Written by the same author of Front
- | Door. English version.
- PREAPXES.ZIP 212536 04-13-92 Point software from the same author of
- | FrontDoor. Spanish version.
- PR_RA201.ZIP 23588 10-17-93 Bob R.'s PROTOCOL.RA; Tutorial and examples,
- | Rel. 4.
- PSRT_13.ZIP 263506 04-28-94 PacketSorter v1.3 bug fixes & new features
- | FidoNet inbound packet processor defragments
- | packets, speeds up tossing on SQUISH and JAM
- | - split large messages according to FSC-0047
- | - sort messages by subject and/or time -
- | remove garbage from 'bad' packets - split
- | large packets to a more handy size - unsplit
- | large messages back to orign. size - fast &
- | highly configurable - works with any echomail
- | tosser - runs with both OS/2 and DOS in 32
- | bit mode - quick installation for Squish &
- | CrossPoint - quick installation for FastEcho
- | & IMail
- QNODE202.ZIP 85757 10-09-93 QNODE v2.02 nodelist processor. Can use EMS
- | if you have it.
- QNODX202.ZIP 187509 10-09-93 QNODE v2.02 DPMI version. Requires an 80286
- | w/ 2Megs of ram.
- QOTD702.ZIP 151936 08-05-93 Quote O' The Day v7.02 - For any BBS Display
- | random quotes to users online. ANSI / ASCII
- | display. Configurable bordering. Over 2400
- | quotes and rising. Includes quote-adding door
- | for users. Uncle Productions
- RABDAY12.ZIP 12957 12-21-93 RemoteAccess 2.0x "Today's Birthdays"
- | bulletin generator. Creates ANSI and ASCII
- | bulletins showing today's, and optionally
- | tomorrow's birthdays on your BBS. Colours are
- | configurable. *NEW* for version 1.2 - Use
- | handles or real names! *Freeware* from
- | Dykstra Software.
- RACVT.ZIP 3018 06-26-93 RACVT 1.00: Convert Remoteaccess user file to
- | Powerboard BBS user file format.
- RAFM120.ZIP 293881 06-26-92 RA 2.0 file area tools; Replaces RAMGR for
- | file management.
- RAFT29.ZIP 196539 08-12-93 The Remote Access Filearea Tools, V2.9, LOTS
- | OF NEW FEATURES!, this utility is to use with
- | Remote Access V2.xx, it replaces RAMGR and
- | the file-area bit of RACONFIG totally, it
- | features an area-editor, add, delete, move,
- | change your file-areas, edit all parameters
- | from FILES.RA, manage all your files in your
- | file-areas, adopt, delete, edit, add, import,
- | export, move or copy files, imports DIZ-files
- | from WITHIN archives, view archives, you can
- | do multi-line selection instead of block
- | selection, block sorting, all parameters of a
- | file can be edited, block-functions,
- | backup-area and lots and lots more options,
- | it is FREEWARE! (C) 1993 Chris Buijs.
- RASCN202.ZIP 17008 10-10-93 RAScan v2.00 An online/offline upload
- | processor for RA 2.00 and higher. Support for
- | files into the RA Files Data Base. Support
- | for up to 10 compression programs. Support
- | for your choice of scanning program. Support
- | for commenting of archives. Much more and
- | more to come. Registration $10 U.S.
- RAURANK4.ZIP 33335 10-01-93 RA_User_Ranking v4.0 - Generates statistics
- | about users. For Remote Access v2.x.
- RA_202.ZIP 821577 06-28-94 The Remoteaccess BBS Program V2.02 -
- | Shareware Maintenance Update.
- RBLOG205.ZIP 12412 09-06-92 RebajLog v2.05δ. Keeps the last x lines of
- | any text file. Useful to cut log files
- | regularly. Developed in Argentina by Charles
- | Jaacks.
- RDRM30.ZIP 137360 09-30-93 READROOM v3.0 Online magazine reading door
- | Support for ASCII, ANSI text, ANSIART & RIP
- | Holds 99 publications in the READROOM.TOC
- | format. Designed for ease of updating on
- | single and multi-node systems. Users can d/l
- | pub. using any protocol sysop allows. Uses
- | DOOR.SYS standard and supports 16550UART
- | locked and non-standard com ports. DigiBoard
- | support added!
- RIPC101.ZIP 23282 08-16-93 RIPC v1.01 - Ansi to RIP screen converter.
- RIPLIST1.ZIP 48927 10-17-93 RIPList version 1.0 - RIPList is a utility to
- | help debug RIP script file. It simply outputs
- | a file that contains the extented text
- | description of the commands in each line and
- | lists there parameters or arguments.
- SBBS1173.ZIP 757044 07-16-93 Superbbs V1.17.3. A Remote Access compatible
- | BBS package.
- SEAL_040.ZIP 224591 05-11-94 Seal 0.40 Areafix/Raid/Tick for SquishMail
- | users.
- SECDOS10.ZIP 42233 07-17-93 SecureDOS V.1.00 - SecureDOS makes your Drop
- | To DOS command SAFE! SecureDOS allows you to
- | let your cosysops to drop to a DOS emulator
- | and have almost all the power of actually
- | being in DOS, without the danger. You can
- | specify directories that are out of reach,
- | and individual files too. Has many extras
- | too, such as an ANSI FULL Screen File Editor,
- | a File Finding command & More! Shareware!
- | Only $20!
- SHWRIP30.ZIP 108994 09-12-93 ShowRIP v3.0: command-line driven utility to
- | view RIP files.
- SLUC250.ZIP 8606 04-04-93 Stupid Little Upload Counter v2.5 is a
- | utility for SBBS/QBBS/RA that motivates users
- | to upload by creating a bulletin of top
- | uploaders. This REALLY DOES work.
- SOLI131.ZIP 41357 01-26-93 Solinito Bidirectional Mailer v1.31.
- | Secondary mailer for Bimodem users. Made in
- | Argentina by Daniel Mastracchio.
- SQAEM131.ZIP 101661 01-24-93 Squish Automatic Echo Manager: An areafix
- | clone that works with Squish's one
- | configuration file. Features include:
- | Security groups & levels, one-line &
- | multi-line echo descriptions, full 4d
- | addressing and zone-aware, rescan & area
- | forwarding, auto-unlinking, multiligual,
- | remote node profile managing.
- SQIMP170.ZIP 12683 12-16-92 SqImport v1.70 imports Fido *.MSG messages
- | into Squish message bases. Freeware by Daniel
- | Sentinelli.
- SQLNK120.ZIP 38566 04-21-93 Squish message base MSGID/REPLY linker.
- SQSH_110.ZIP 620841 05-07-94 Squish v1.10 a multi-featured, FidoNet-
- | compatible EchoMail processor; incorporates
- | most of the common EchoMail functions into
- | one integrated package, including tossing,
- | scanning, packing, point remapping and topic
- | linking.
- SQSORT03.ZIP 31020 04-21-93 SqSort v0.34ß - Sorts squish type message
- | bases (*.sqd). Made in Argentina by Paul
- | Bianucci.
- SQUSER44.ZIP 67587 06-06-93 SQUser v4.4 - Make Fidouser.Lst From Squish
- | MSgs.
- TART101.ZIP 147294 08-08-93 TOMBSTONE ARTIST 1.01, New RIP paint program.
- | TA is a full featured paint program for
- | creating Rip Script graphics for BBS use.
- | With TA, a sysop can create excellent graphic
- | screens for their BBS, including buttons and
- | areas the user can click with a mouse. You
- | can load and save RIP files, and undo errors.
- | Uncrippled Shareware. Registration: $30
- TICK210.ZIP 93223 03-29-92 Tick V2.10 by Barry Geller. Sends files to
- | echo areas - primarily for FidoNet.
- TIM100.ZIP 182881 04-09-94 TimEd 1.00; Fast msg editor supporting
- | Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases; With
- | internal editor. DOS version.
- TSCN411.ZIP 300469 08-03-93 TRANSCAN v4.11 <ASP> - The Premium File
- | Scanner & Converter. Extracts compressed
- | files of ALL types for Virus Scanning by ANY
- | virus scanner. Converts files to default
- | compression method. Also processes GIF files.
- | Works with ALL BBS systems complete with COM
- | output. Files can be tested for Integrity,
- | Virus, Age/Date, Gif Resolution, etc. $30
- TT_101.ZIP 10703 06-24-93 TicTrak v1.01. Tick File Dist Traffic Volume
- | Stats. For FidoNet systems.
- TUTIL012.ZIP 52522 05-22-94 TerUtil 0.12 for *.MSG message bases. Sorts
- | message areas, kills dupes and purges
- | backed-up messages.
- TYAHTZ60.ZIP 215826 10-18-93 TRIPLE YAHTZEE - Door Game v6.0 . Part of the
- | Sunrise Door Collection. Great Dice game.
- | Plays like the popular board game and is VERY
- | ADDICTIVE! One of the top 5 Door games in the
- | world. Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port
- | cards, including PCBoard /M Automatic game
- | reset and Hall of Fame bulletin generation,
- | at end of month.
- UTRIM13.ZIP 60222 07-16-93 Universal Log File Trimmer v1.3.
- U_SET114.ZIP 80013 12-13-93 USERSET Door for RemoteAccess 2.00. Version
- | 1.14 allow users to view and change their BBS
- | setup in a full screen door will all options
- | built-in. An option to disable options is now
- | available. Added full language support.
- VFX004WB.ZIP 85718 05-01-93 Votefix V0.04wb Elections by Net/Echomail
- | (Sq/Msg/hudson/ezyc).
- WAF165.ZIP 509807 07-27-93 Waffle BBS v1.65, with UUCP mail & Usenet
- | News.
- WAFL_FAQ.ZIP 16722 04-24-93 Waffle BBS Frequently Asked Questions with
- | answers. The best DOS-based uucp transport
- | mechanism, but so-so BBS.
- X00V153A.ZIP 105244 01-27-94 X00 Fossil Driver version 1.53a.
- XHOST30S.ZIP 185453 05-26-93 Run a full featured BBS with this outstanding
- | TELIX script. Supports 10000 users, 1000
- | conferences and 100 doors. Registered version
- | supports user designed ANSI and ASCII screens
- | and menus. Mail doors are available.
- XLST215G.ZIP 124897 06-09-92 Xlist v2.15Γ, BBS listings generator with
- | many options.
- XMAIL100.ZIP 346475 12-07-93 xMail 1.00 Shareware Release - The most
- | powerful Mailprocessor, incl. Hudson, Squish,
- | JAM and *.MSG. Multi-line support and lots
- | lots more features.
- XR301DOS.ZIP 30499 05-23-93 Xrobot v3.0 (DOS) - Robot Utility For
- | Frontdoor.
- YAFSG10.ZIP 8816 07-23-93 Yet another F...ing Screen Generator v1.0, by
- | HighToro Research. Generates MECCA screens
- | for Maximus.
- | Detect dupe files inside ZIP and ARJ files
- | uploaded to a BBS. Direct interface to
- | UpLoadProcessor (ULP), ZipLab and ExzTest.
- | Simple to install, needs no external utils.
- | LAN & DV friendly. Maintenance update to ZDCS
- | 2.0x. Fully functional shareware.