La Colección 1994 November
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La Coleccion II. Sep. 94. Walnut Creek CDROM.
OS/2: Utilities
path: \os2\
Name Size Date Description
============ ======== ======== ==============
20MEMU.ZIP 83691 01-08-93 IBM Ews OS/2 2.0 ga or Ga+sp Memory Usage
| Display Tool.
211BNAME.ZIP 5993 02-27-94 Uncloaked names for the XR06200b OS/2 service
| Pack.
211MEM.ZIP 9103 02-28-94 Replacement DLL for 20MEMU that will ALLOW it
| to work under OS/2 2.11 SP. Both packages are
| REQUIRED, and 20MEMU must be install FIRST.
21APR1.ZIP 770604 01-05-94 IBM Product Apar List in Inf Format. List of
| Problem Reports - OS/2 2.1 Part 1 Note: Use
| PkZIP 2.04g or The Gnu Public Domain Unzip.
21APR2.ZIP 659842 01-05-94 IBM Product Apar List (2/2).
21CDSP.ZIP 6571 03-02-94 A list of CD-ROM supported by OS/2 2.11 (OS/2
| 2.1 with the SP). ASCII text.
21DISK.ZIP 69428 09-17-93 2.1 GA patch: errors on disks formated as 1
| HPFS partition.
21FAST.ZIP 4054 05-29-93 Description of book & utilities for os/2 2.1.
21UPRT.ZIP 106609 04-24-94 V4.4 - REXX PM program to print 2UP in
| landscape or 1UP in portrait mode on laser
| printers using PPDS, PCL or PostScript
| commands. Suppresses multiple blank lines and
| page ejects. Also supports A4 (European)
| paper size. Many other functions.
21WPSF.ZIP 152100 06-18-93 OS/2 2.1 GA patch for shutdown WPS Hang.
256S3OS2.ZIP 1138511 10-02-93 Refresh - IBM S3 256 color drivers released
| with Pre-Load OS/2 2.1 systems. File is in
| LOADDSKF format. Use diskimage to restore.
293608.ZIP 8112 11-06-93 IBM C Set ++ for OS/2 description.
293644.ZIP 14280 11-06-93 All IBM C Set ++ for OS/2 descriptions.
2X4XOS2.ZIP 27386 12-21-93 Adaptec AHA 274x(EISA)/284x(VLB) SCSI adapter
| drivers.
4DESY100.ZIP 68072 02-09-94 4Desy/2, comfortable description editor for
| 4OS2.
4O20B.ZIP 36025 01-04-94 4OS2 2.0 patch file, updates 4OS2 2.0 16-bit
| and 32-bit versions from rev A to rev B. ONLY
| USEFUL if you already have 4OS2 2.0 rev A,
| not needed by new users. To check your
| current 4OS2 version use VER /R. Also
| requires patch program (see 4DPATCH.ZIP).
4O20C.ZIP 63536 02-08-94 4OS2 2.0 patch file, updates 4OS2 2.0 16-bit
| and 32-bit versions from rev B to rev C. ONLY
| USEFUL if you already have 4OS2 2.0 rev B,
| not needed by new users. To check your
| current 4OS2 version use VER /R. Also
| requires patch program (see 4DPATCH.ZIP).
4O20D.ZIP 21478 04-04-94 4OS2 2.0 patch file, updates 4OS2 2.0 16-bit
| and 32-bit versions from rev C to rev D. ONLY
| USEFUL if you already have 4OS2 2.0 rev C,
| not needed by new users. To check your
| current 4OS2 version use VER /R. Also
| requires patch program (see 4DPATCH.ZIP).
4OS216A.ZIP 81733 12-16-93 4OS2 2.0, the enhanced command processor for
| OS/2. Command enhancements, 50 new commands,
| many other features. 16-bit files, part A,
| for OS/2 1.x and 2.0. Skip this file and see
| 4OS232A.ZIP for 32-bit part A; for all other
| file (part B) see 4OS220B.ZIP. Optional
| reference manual in JP4REF.ZIP. ASP
| shareware, $69 registration. 12-16-93 rel. A.
4OS220B.ZIP 306443 04-04-94 4OS2 2.0 <ASP> - The enhanced command
| processor for OS/2. Command enhancements, 50
| new commands, many other features. This file
| contains help, docs, etc. Also see part A in
| 4OS216A.ZIP (16-bit, OS/2 1.x and 2.0) or
| 4OS232A.ZIP (32-bit, OS/2 2.1). Optional
| reference manual in JP4REF.ZIP. Shareware,
| $69 registration. 04-04-94 release D.
AC35MUSO.ZIP 284903 01-03-94 ACCU MUSIC SYSTEM v3.5 (OS/2)<ASP>- Lets you
| create music on your computer. Requires OS/2
| v2.x. You can: Use text-based editor to enter
| notes; transpose music to change key
| signatures or raise/lower music by half
| steps; play music on PC speaker or Adlib/SB
| comp. sound card; print music in sheet music
| format on printer; convert music to/from .ROL
| sound card format, etc. Allows multi-voice
| songs.
ADU22D.ZIP 124350 11-20-93 The Administrators Disk Utility, a large disk
| manager.
AFE11.ZIP 9911 09-06-93 AFE.CMD version 1.1 - ARCHIVE FRONT END A
| FREE(!) OS/2 2.x REXX and V-REXX program
| which provides a visual front end for the
| creation, updating, unarchiving, scanning,
| viewing and printing of ZIP and LZH files.
| Author: H.M. Weiner
AHA152X.ZIP 22270 12-03-93 Adaptec 6260/1510/1520/1522 SCSI Host Adapter
| Drivers for OS/2 2.x.
AHA154.ZIP 14906 05-10-94 May 94 driver for the Adaptec AHA154X family
| of SCSI host adapters.
AHA164.ZIP 14452 05-10-94 May 94 driver for the Adaptec AHA-1640 SCSI
| host adapter.
AHA174.ZIP 13211 05-10-94 May 94 driver for the Adaptec 174X family of
| SCSI host adapters.
AIC7870.ZIP 24950 03-07-94 Adaptec AIC-7870 (PCI) OS/2 2.x Driver 1.0.
ALRMP14G.ZIP 397724 01-08-94 AlarmPro v1.4G is an all purpose organizer
| for OS/2 2.x It has a calendar, autodialer,
| and other utilities.
ALRMPR14.ZIP 290628 09-24-93 Alarm Pro 1.4b: 32 bit OS/2 calendar program
| includes contact management, appointments,
| events, todo lists, alarm clock, etc., nice
| fixes a but in 1.4.
AMOS111.ZIP 82291 01-27-94 A M O S v1.11 AMOS is a DOS-program for OS/2
| users! It gives easy access to HPFS-formatted
| drives from native DOS. It will read, write,
| copy, edit, del, md, rd, type, and much, much
| more No need for an OS/2 Service installation
| anymore!!
APAR9050.ZIP 514497 10-23-93 IBM Fix For DOS Sessions That Do Not Release.
ASSOED04.ZIP 36649 05-24-94 Inspect and modify associations. New: drag
| support. For OS/2 v2.x.
ATP07OS2.ZIP 100878 09-11-93 ATP QWK Reader 1.42 for OS/2, a full screen
| database style reader, easily handles 3000+
| line messages, free licensed under GNU GPL.
ATP07SRC.ZIP 147057 09-16-93 ATP QWK Reader 1.42, C source code database
| style BBS QWK reader, easily handles 3000+
| line messages, free licensed under GNU GPL
ATRGF30.ZIP 33354 11-17-93 Run commands at specified dates/times (like
| LM AT) - REXX. Enhancements added.
ATS2DE.ZIP 214917 09-28-93 ATS for OS/2 Version 2.0b - Demo. ATS for
| OS/2 is a robust, full featured job scheduler
| that provides the same kinds of scheduling
| possibilities found on main frame schedulers.
AV181B.ZIP 311332 08-31-93 AV - v1.81B - AV is a 32-bit PM archive
| shell, file/directory maint and program
| launching utility for OS/2 2.x. Handles all
| popular archive types, drag & drop, keyboard
| accelerator keys, full range of file
| manipulation functions and more.
BACKINI.ZIP 20205 05-27-92 OS/2 2.0 backup init files. 05/27/92.
BAK2111.ZIP 17389 04-30-94 BAK/2 v1.11 - 32 bit floppy disk backup
| package for OS/2 or DOS uses PKZIP/UNZIP to
| compress backup files.
BARTOS2.ZIP 12947 01-29-94 BMP of Bart Simpsons opinions on OS/2.
BG12.ZIP 28316 08-11-93 Backgammon 1.2, board game for OS/2 2.x PM.
BIGSRT42.ZIP 37859 06-10-93 BIGSORT v4.2: OS/2 fast in-memory sort for
| files of any size; returns error codes;
| 06/10/93; Turgut Kalfaoglu.
BINSTOS2.ZIP 71935 05-23-93 Utilities for OS/2 to handle UseNet UUENCODED
| Binary Messages and convert them to files.
| Simply follow the instructions in each file.
| Requires REXX and a file editor.
BIPROB.ZIP 31489 10-31-93 OS/2) Binomial probability calculator.
BJOS2_13.ZIP 80898 02-14-94 BJ Printer Drivers for os/2.
BLANKR30.ZIP 111576 06-24-94 Screen Blanker v3.0 - 32 bit screen blanker
| utility for OS/2 includes DeskPic support.
BLCKH3.ZIP 35382 01-18-93 Portable BlackHole v3.0 - removes everything
| (almost). Simply drop an object on BlackHole
| and it's gone forever. Source included,
| requires SOMFIX or Service Pack or OS/2 2.1.
BMDEMO1C.ZIP 183979 12-07-93 BackMaster for OS/2. This is a demo version
| of BackMaster 1.01 or OS/2. It is limited to
| a 5 MB volume, and no compression.
BMR_200.ZIP 29962 11-19-93 An OS/2 PM Netware utility that manages those
| annoying "popup" line messages. Sends them
| too! v2.0 supports multiple servers,
| auto-refresh of user lists and much, much
| more.
BOOT21TX.ZIP 1544 08-01-93 Text file describing how to create an OS/2
| 2.1 boot up diskette for a 1.4Mb drive.
BOOT2MB.ZIP 3330 07-07-92 Instructions for creating a 2MB OS/2 2.0
| bootable partition. More convenient to use
| than booting from the installation disks for
| running CHKDSK, etc.
BOOTD21.ZIP 794917 08-14-93 Pre-created disk image for a single boot disk
| for IBM's OS/2 2.1. Simply use the LOADDSKF
| utility to make the disk. Supports FAT and
| HPFS partitions. Requires a single 1.44 3.5"
| disk. Good for fixing disk errors using
BOOTI10.ZIP 39015 12-19-93 OS/2 Boot Interrupter - Get a menu before the
| WPS starts, that allows to invoke the
| command-processor or any program that you
| configure. Working with timeout for auto-
| matic startup.
BOS2_259.ZIP 202639 12-21-93 BinkleyTerm 2.59 Wide Beta (OS/2).
BOXOS26A.ZIP 410485 02-04-94 BOXER/OS2 6a Powerful, top-rated text editor!
| Already a favorite of DOS users, BOXER is now
| available for OS/2! BOXER is a full-featured
| editor with a smooth, courteous interface.
| Color Syntax Highlighting, multi-level Undo
| and Redo, full mouse support, macros, column
| marking, WP, keyboard reconfig, & much more!
| This 32-bit character mode program uses OS/2
| virtual memory to edit large files, and has
| support for HPFS filenames. From David Hamel.
BTRVRX.ZIP 14532 08-21-93 REXX Wrapper DLL for Btrieve. Public domain
| (as-is) C source code and DLL implementing a
| Btrieve external function (wrapper for
BT_OS2.ZIP 10338 09-30-93 OS/2 2.x driver for the BusLogic SCSI Host
| Adapter.
BW212OS2.ZIP 323366 01-21-94 Bluewave offline reader version 2.12. This is
| the Os/2 version of this reader. 32 bit,
| multithreaded, and QWK capabilities.
BW301MX2.ZIP 314137 03-27-94 The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door for Maximus/2
| v3.01. This version of the mail door is
| compatible with Maximus v2.00 and v2.01wb for
| OS/2. You must be running OS/2 v2.0 or
| higher, as this is a 32-bit program. Contains
| massive amounts of features, including
| internal protocols, new msg packing options,
| more limits and controls for the sysop, and
| internal NEWFILE list generator. There is a
| simple conversion process to upgrade from the
| DOS version of the door for Maximus. Installs
| from scratch in MINUTES!
CDEXPL23.ZIP 34840 08-16-93 CDEXPLORER 2.3 - The Compact Disc Digital
| Audio Explorer for OS/2 2.x. IBM EWS.
CDISK.ZIP 91928 10-07-92 Companion Disk, "Writing OS/2 2.0 Device
| Drivers in C", 1992, Van Nostrand Reinhold
| publishers. This archive contains
| subdirectories. Use PKUNZIP -D.
CDTHRU.ZIP 9376 02-14-94 Small OS/2 utility that tests the throughput
| of a CD drive at various blocksizes.
CENV2_19.ZIP 281880 03-11-94 CENVI FOR OS/2 VERSION 1.009 <ASP>
| C-interpreter;bach/rexx-enhancer;Automator-
| CEnvi gives the OS/2 professional a complete
| C-like environment, including the standard
| library and kernel/DLL calls, in an easy-to-
| use form and all in one 150K executable. Now
| 'C' is as easy to use as a batch file, and
| can even mix with batch or REXX. Programming
CHATR2.ZIP 30013 09-05-93 OS/2 PM Based LAN Messaging System.
CHMAP.ZIP 22514 12-06-93 CHARACTER MAPPER FOR OS/2 2.X. Character Set
| is a font mapping application written for
| OS/2 Presentation Manager. Use it to find
| graphic characters in a font that are not
| normally accessable through regular
| keystrokes. Shareware by Software Kitchen.
CLOCK215.ZIP 140459 06-16-94 Clock v2.15 (Rick Papo, 16 June 1994, Free).
| Another simple clock for the OS/2 PM Desktop.
| Source included. English, Spanish, German and
| Catalan texts provided.
CLPOS2.ZIP 81925 10-06-93 Clipper function to allow opening another
| OS/2.
CLRWHL.ZIP 43244 09-13-93 Sample Program - OS/2 2.x Color Wheel.
CMDFLDR.ZIP 42596 01-01-94 Adds an OS/2 command box to every folder.
CMPRSS.ZIP 13620 03-05-94 A shareware data compression library for
| OS/2.
COLRPT10.ZIP 37413 08-16-93 COLORPT 1.01 is an OS/2 PM program that
| continually reports the name and value of the
| color of the pel (pixel) that is under your
| OS/2 PM mouse pointer. IBM EWS.
CPUDRIVE.ZIP 42536 09-13-93 CPU & Drives for OS/2: The CPU & Drives
| program is used to show the amount of
| processor time and disk space being used. It
| does this graphically and is a great utility
| to just keep running in the background as a
| system monitor. To run the program,
CRON213.ZIP 110928 08-19-93 Cron/2 v1.3. Similar to UNIX crontab
| facility.
CSED11.ZIP 69635 10-03-93 System Config Editor version 1.1; Notebook of
| settings for the OS/2 startup files.
| Simplifies the editing of CONFIG.SYS and
CSED_10.ZIP 79168 07-09-93 System Configuration Editor; Notebook of
| settings for the OS/2 startup files.
| Simplifies the editing of startup files.
DCOPYPM9.ZIP 181343 02-07-94 OS/2 file manager handles directory trees and
| more.
DCPY20.ZIP 47711 04-09-94 Multithreaded PM disk copier for OS/2.
DDFMEK.ZIP 28989 01-29-94 Short sample code using OS/2's DDF (Dynamic
| Data Facility).
DD_OS2.ZIP 23752 09-11-93 DeleteDirectory V3.10, a text-based OS/2 2.1
| program that will remove a directory, any
| files in that directory, and any child
| directorys/etc.
DELTREE2.ZIP 20158 11-07-93 OS/2) Delete an entire directory tree, like
| MS-DOS deltree.
DIRSTACK.ZIP 24411 06-11-93 DirStack 2.01 (incorporating PUSHD, POPD,
| INITD) Batch file directory stack commands
| for OS/2
DKCLOCK.ZIP 22765 11-21-93 PM-based configurable clock program.
DM2DEMO.ZIP 194396 12-06-93 One of the finest directory managers for OS/2
| with full archiving capabilities for most
| popular archive.PKzip & unzip, Infozip, LHA
| etc. Works across FAT and HPFS platforms
| including DOS & OS/2.
DMINE121.ZIP 103062 02-27-94 32-bit minesweeper for OS/2.
DMPLAY99.ZIP 105890 02-08-94 Digital Music Player is a MOD format music
| module player. (FW).
DOSBBS2.ZIP 6098 08-14-93 Information on how to setup a DOS-based BBS
| under OS/2 v2.1GA. This example uses
| Front-Door v2.02nc and Robo-Board BBS
| software but should work for any DOS-based
| BBS program. Everything you need!.
DOSCLU01.ZIP 396397 01-08-94 JdeBP OS/2 2.x Utilities Release 1.04 -- 4th
| July 1993 Identical command line utilities
| for DOS and OS/2 command sessions. See
DOSQPS.ZIP 15502 07-12-93 DOSQProcStatus API for OS/2 2.x in both text
| and INF format.
DS2BMP2A.ZIP 9397 08-17-93 DOS (session) program. Grabs active DOS
| screen - all graphics and text modes - and
| writes to OS/2 BMP file. By Wim Brul.
DSCOPY.ZIP 725946 05-11-94 Date Stamp Copy v3.00 <ASP> DSCOPY is a PM
| file utility for OS/2 designed to synchronize
| the contents of two directory structures. It
| copies the newer version of a file over the
| older version. DSCOPY has a number of options
| including copying missing files and creating
| an entire new directory structure if
| required. A command line version is available
| to registered users for use with command
| files and Rexx programs.
DSNEWS.ZIP 94507 06-16-93 OS/2 Developer Support Newsletter.
DVOS2.ZIP 2051 04-10-93 OS2SPEED v1.11 makes all the 'Desqview aware'
| DOS programs 'OS/2 aware'.
EDMI1.ZIP 134119 02-28-93 Edm/2 Issue Number The Electronic Os/2
| Developer'S Magazine. Discusses Pm, Gpi, Emx
| And Much More. In View (Inf) Format.
EDMI2.ZIP 118633 04-12-93 Os/2 electronic developers magazine issue #2.
EDMI2_1.ZIP 416223 01-11-94 EDM/2 OS/2 Development Magazine Vol. 2 Issue
| #1.
EDMI2_2.ZIP 260251 02-01-94 EDM/2 OS/2 Development Magazine Vol. 2 Issue
| #2.
EDMI3.ZIP 190172 08-01-93 OS/2 Programmer's Mag. Vol 3.
EDMI4.ZIP 53395 08-25-93 Os/2 Programmer'S Mag. n.4 Use Os/2'S "View"
| Program To Look At It.
EDMI5.ZIP 226132 10-06-93 Electronic OS/2 Developers Magazine: Issue 5
| This issue contains articles on IFS and a
| review of OS/2 C compilers.
EDMI7.ZIP 366073 06-15-94 Electronic Developer's Magazine issue #7.
EHP12.ZIP 356145 11-24-93 An editor written on a HP UNIX workstation
| ported to OS/2.
ELVIS18.ZIP 467239 03-16-94 Elvis v1.8 - clone of the standard UNIX
| editor which runs under BSD, Minix, Atari,
| MS-DOS (Turbo-C or MSC 5.10), OS/2.
EMXRTN.ZIP 151996 01-17-94 Bug fixed version of emxrt for OS/2.
ENTRTAN2.ZIP 172493 02-09-94 Entertainment Pack for OS/2 v2 includes six
| games for OS/2.
ETELR1_3.ZIP 477424 05-01-94 A PM bank and credit card account management
| program for OS/2
EZ_SWAP.ZIP 238589 08-14-93 PM Util To Monitor Swap File Size - No CPU
| Overhead! (RTL Included).
FC2_110.ZIP 133398 05-25-94 File Commander/2 v1.10, Norton Commander
| (DOS) clone for OS/2 Provides powerful file
| management functions, program launch, text
| viewing and editing facilities in 32 bit OS/2
| text mode.
FEELX11.ZIP 435738 04-26-94 OS2/FW: Add X-Windows style features to OS/2
| work place shell.
FF148.ZIP 21382 04-08-93 File Find Utility v. 1.48 for OS/2 2.0.
| 32-bit command line application. Search for
| files on HPFS or FAT partitions. Smaller and
| faster than before. Freeware.
FILEB186.ZIP 239583 06-14-94 FileBar 1.86 - Utility for OS/2 2.x FileBar
| is an application launch facility & shell
| replacement for OS/2 2.x. Uses less memory
| than IBM's WPS and gives more memory back to
| your applications. Great for 4 or 8 MB
| systems and has passwording features which
| make it ideal for network environments! **
| Shareware - $10 registration fee **
FIT20.ZIP 22443 06-10-93 FIT v2.0 - an OS/2 "best-fit" move/copy prog.
| Can handle multiple diskettes and prompt for
| new diskette or automatically take new ones.
| Can handle diskettes with files already on
| them.
FJ633E.ZIP 314301 06-01-94 Filejet V6.33 Filemanager/editor for
| OS/2+DOS.
FLIFLC.ZIP 58437 03-16-94 FLI/.FLC animation support for the OS/2
| MMPM/2 multimedia package. Plugs into MMPM/2
| architecture as an IOProc.
FLST120.ZIP 62772 01-15-94 Fastlist v7 nodelist compiler.
FLXTXT22.ZIP 98874 08-31-93 PM-hosted print utility for OS/2 2.x. Prints
| 4 pages/sheet using scalable fonts.
FM2_147.ZIP 352462 07-17-94 FM/2 Filemanager, archiver frontend and much
| more, version 1.47. Updated for 2.11 Service
| Pack, scrollable toolbar, improved empty CD
| Romdrive handling, etc. By Mark Kimes.
FMCRD104.ZIP 255117 06-29-94 8 Cardgames for OS/2, Version 1.04 This is a
| suit of 8 solitaire cardgames for the OS/2
| operating system. It is distributed as
| ShareWare - the enclosed trial version is
| fully functional and unlimited.
| English/German/Norwegian/Swedish.
FMV3_5A.ZIP 292326 12-08-93 File Magician w/ Free Real gold Nugget! This
| shareware program should be a Commerical
| Product! FM has more features for Handling
| Compressed Archives then all other archive
| programs combined. FM's File Management
| system is truely Awesome! A 3D MS Windows 3.1
| program. * Nearly a 1000 Buttons, Menus, and
| Edit Boxes! * w/registration A Free 24K Gold
| Nugget * Over 100 Buttons For External
| Programs * Programmable Menus * Macro Keys
| for internal functions and external programs.
| * 12 Configurable Drive Buttons * Dual Full
| Height Directory Tree View Windows to use as
| Scr. & Dest. Paths * Selective Directory or
| Multiple Drive File/Filetext Search function.
| * Extensive Custom Help - Not WinHelp! *
| Right/Left Mouse Button Programming. *
| Resource and Drive Fuel Gauges. * Just Too
| Many Features to List! * FM is More Then A
| Must Have Download Its a Part of life for PC
| Computers!
FORTH039.ZIP 81504 01-31-94 Forth/2 - OS/2 Full Screen Text 32 bit FORTH
| Full assembler source included. Version 0.39
| - Fixes some bugs including THREADing.
| Requires MASM 6.0 to recompile Shareware -
| Requires OS/2 2.0+.
FOUR23.ZIP 34673 07-08-93 Connect four board game for PM. OS/2 2.x.
FSTS23.ZIP 36385 06-06-94 FSTS - Full Screen Task Switcher v2.3 Allows
| you to switch tasks in an OS/2 and DOS full
| screen session without having to switch back
| to the desktop. New version will now work on
| OS/2 2.11 (2.1 SP).
FWKS_OS2.ZIP 441561 09-13-93 FaxWorks for OS/2 by Keller Group, Inc.
| Working Demo - Fax Software for OS/2.
FX80_1.ZIP 10646 01-19-94 Prints ASCII docs in 2 columns on Epson FX80
| printer for OS/2.
F_ICO01.ZIP 57194 04-20-94 Lots of icons for OS/2 PM.
GALLER15.ZIP 224295 06-12-93 Galleria 1.5 - image utility for OS/2 v2.x,
| screen capture. 32-bits.
GAMES21C.ZIP 16044 04-20-94 OS/2 Games Settings list version 2.1c. This
| is a comprehensive document to show settings
| for DOS windows for specific games. A must
| have for OS/2 users.
GIF3210A.ZIP 69305 04-04-93 GIF32 v1.00: a 32bit GIF viewer for OS/2 2.x;
| the user interface is a PM program, but the
| viewer itself is a full-screen program, using
| the Base Video Handler services (BHVxxx.DLL);
| it supports all SVGA adapters correctly det-
| ected by the OS/2 SVGA.EXE program; on other
| adapters, only the 320x200x256 mode will be
| available; 02/15/93; Joel Armengaud.
GO_12.ZIP 16411 11-27-93 GO! V.1.2 32-Bit is a commandline tool that
| is able to show a list of all running
| processes, to kill them or simply switch to
| them. This is an update to v.1.1 which is
| only able to switch to other processes.
GREP20.ZIP 206882 10-16-93 GNU Grep 2.0.
GREP203.ZIP 27689 04-09-93 F)grep utility for OS/2 2.0 GA. V2.03 grep
| text searching utility Search for words in
| text files. 32-bit command line application
| Smaller and faster than before.
GSPM26.ZIP 370625 10-24-93 Ghostscript 2.6.1 with a PM driver.
GUSMIXER.ZIP 23042 02-06-94 Gravis Ultrasound Line Mixer for OS/2.
GUSOS201.ZIP 35247 01-25-94 An installable Gravis Ultrasound MMPM
| driverfor OS/2.
HAZ12.ZIP 125635 01-08-94 Haz12.zip contains Hazel v1.2, a new release
| of the Shareware Address Book/Dialer for OS/2
| Presentation Manager.
HHGOS2_1.ZIP 7532 02-25-94 The Hitchhikers Guide to OS/2 #1.
HHGOS2_2.ZIP 43312 03-12-94 The Hitchhikers Guide to OS/2 #2.
HHGOS2_3.ZIP 44893 03-25-94 The Hitchhikers Guide to OS/2 #3.
HHGOS2_4.ZIP 155320 04-10-94 The Hitchhikers Guide to OS/2 #4.
HHGOS2_5.ZIP 17623 04-22-94 The Hitchhikers Guide to OS/2 #5.
HHGOS2_6.ZIP 9936 05-06-94 The Hitchhikers Guide to OS/2 #6.
HOOK05.ZIP 71249 11-19-93 Hook intercepts OS/2 keyboard calls and
| allows to define macros.
HOTKEY12.ZIP 19137 12-15-92 HOTKEY v1.2: pgm to let you switch directly
| to any OS/2 session from any other
| full-screen session without using the Task
| Manager.
HPCLC093.ZIP 51087 05-23-94 HPcalc for OS/2 ver 0.93 1994 May 23 A free
| PM Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator
| similar to a HP 41C with some enhancements
| but not programability
HPFSDFRG.ZIP 13064 03-15-94 HPFSDFRG.EXE - Defragment files on an OS/2
| HPFS drive.
HSTART03.ZIP 50125 12-19-93 Alternative Start Command, Version 3. Also
| Works From DOS Session, Bootdisk or
| Imagefile. Hwait Allows Synchronization of
| Sessions. Now Works With Non-Pm Systems Like
| Cshell. By Henk Kelder.
HSWTCH04.ZIP 37744 04-13-94 V1.5 Switch sessions in OS/2 from within full
| screen sessions. OS/2 and DOS - not WIN-OS/2.
| For OS/2 2.1 or 2.0 SP. New: Added /O switch
| cures problems with some SVGAcards. By Henk
| Kelder.
ICMEM2.ZIP 51422 05-26-93 OS/2 2.1 PCMCIA memory card drivers-Ver 1.0.
IGUIDE.ZIP 64408 04-30-92 5000 line guide for OS/2 2.0 installation and
| set-up, with lots of useful info including
| disk/memory requirements for each part of
| OS/2. Lists supported printers, performance.
IHPFS113.ZIP 7206 06-29-94 Read OS/2 HPFS volumes from DOS.
ILGDM130.ZIP 114871 04-16-94 DirMaster 1.30 (by iLogic Software) News in
| 1.30: Directory manager for OS/2 PM.
IMARC101.ZIP 124250 04-15-93 Image Archiver v1.01: JPEG conversion/viewing
| utility for OS/2; 04/15/93; Keith Murray.
IMSHOW.ZIP 46323 11-05-92 PM BMP/GIF viewer for OS/2.
INF02A.ZIP 6084 04-02-94 Os2 description of the ipf.inf format.
INFXDL86.ZIP 100314 05-09-94 Infconvert pm V0.86 Converts OS/2 Inf And Hlp
| Files to Plain Text Files. Inf And Hlp Files
| Can be Searched For Text And Opened to View
| (Requires Vrobj.Dll).
INIBAK.ZIP 28282 04-04-93 .INI backup utility for OS/2 v2.x.
INIMT30P.ZIP 678875 06-20-94 INI Maintenance, version 3.0p. An OS/2 PM
| program to display and manage.INI files. It
| gives you the ability to make virtually any
| change you want to any of the.INI files in
| your OS/2 environment. This upgrade adds some
| additional network error checks and fixes
| several bugs.
INTEL.ZIP 3044 05-06-93 How to get an Intel Satisfaxtion /400 working
| under OS/2.
IOSTONE.ZIP 20357 07-21-93 Disk, file I/O & buffer cache efficiencies
| benchmark.
IPFEDIT.ZIP 320499 08-23-93 IPF Editor for OS/2 2.x. Helps add online
| help to C/C++ apps you develop. Also great
| for creating online doc files!
IPLPAU.ZIP 10281 11-01-93 IPL Pause - A small timer program for your
| CONFIG.SYS during startup - should work well
| with any version of OS/2 since 1.1 (tested
| through OS/2 2.1) - EXE msc-src.
JOEVW122.ZIP 338147 01-19-94 JoeView, an image viewer for PM, maps all
| possible colours to system palette. Version
| 1.22.
JPLAY101.ZIP 73066 01-06-94 Command-line WAV,VOC,MIDI player. V1.01.
K542X_D3.ZIP 1239257 08-23-93 OS/2 v2.x Driver for Cirrus Logic's CL542X
| Chips.
KBSET100.ZIP 24075 09-17-93 KBSet 1.00 - Change NumLock for DOS & OS/2
| Small *FREE* utilities to allow you to set
| the keyboard toggles (NumLock, CapsLock, and
| ScrollLock) to a desired state for DOS and
| OS/2 2.x. Written by Jibben Software.
KBSTUF.ZIP 66662 08-22-93 KbStuffer Version 1.0 August 1993 KbStuffer
| is an OS/2 Full Screen KeyBoard Buffer
| Stuffer which allows the stuffing of
| keystroke data into any currently running
| OS/2 Full Screen Session.
KED206B.ZIP 78496 10-13-93 KEd is a character mode text editor for OS/2
| v 2.x. It is a full 32-bit application, and
| features support for HPFS, macros, unlimited
| number of files, huge file sizes, cut and
| paste, and shelling to a command processor.
| You'll also find extensive on-line hypertext
| help for ease of use. New version 2.06 with
| greater speed, Numlock settings, and HPFS
| name fixes. Shareware registration $20.
KILLEM21.ZIP 18058 07-05-92 OS/2 2.0 32-bit application that kills a
| running process selected by name or PID.
KLB100.ZIP 412761 04-24-94 KLBENCH v1.00 - OS/2 Benchmark tests for
| disk, video, CPU and memory. Fully expoits
| and measures multitasking capabilities.
KLCPU.ZIP 26258 05-04-93 Tests the true CPU speed of your computer.
| Can run in several OS/2 sessions
| concurrently. Helps to choose the right
| priority settings in OS/2. (FW).
KLZIP102.ZIP 148386 04-30-94 KL-ZIP v1.02 - 32 bit OS/2 Presentation
| Manager GUI interface for OS/2's ZIP.EXE and
| UNZIP.EXE. Does not work the the PK
| compression utilities.
KMP11.ZIP 27651 03-19-94 KeyMaster Pro, release 1.1: A simple yet very
| useful "hot keying" utility. KMP allows you
| to launch your favorite applications and
| utilities using a key combination, from
| anywhere in the system (except for
| full-screen sessions). KMP will start all
| types of sessions under OS/2 2.X except for
| seamless WIN-OS/2 sessions. Once a session is
| open, hitting its key combination will cause
| PM to switch to the open application.
KUVERT21.ZIP 75809 04-15-94 Kuvert/2 v2.1: OS/2 utility to print address
| labels and envelopes; 04/15/94; Peter Wansch.
KWQ12E.ZIP 227482 03-17-94 KWQ Mail/2, version 1.2e. A 32 bit QWK mail
| reader for OS/2 PM. Features advanced multi-
| threaded searching, taglines, many archivers,
| fast access toolbar, colored "message syntax"
| text, Adobe fonts, an internal editor, PM,
| OS/2, DOS or Win3.X external editors, book-
| marks, unlimited packet size and more. This
| release fixes the "Error 5" while un- packing
| .QWK files and some sorting problems.
LBB2_123.ZIP 147038 12-27-93 Little Black Book. Multimedia aware,
| multi-threaded address book, dialer.
LH2_222.ZIP 112107 05-04-93 LHARC verison 2.22. Includes both 16 and
| 32-bit versions of Peter Fitsimons OS/2
| implementation.
LIGHTWAV.ZIP 61470 12-12-93 LightWaves - MultiMedia Presentation Tool for
| OS/2. Uses BMP, WAV and MID files. By James
| Ullom.
LIST1_20.ZIP 50005 04-14-94 LIST/2 v1.20 - text file viewer for OS/2
| includes long filename support and regular
| expression text search.
LMS206.ZIP 21851 12-21-93 OS/2 device driver for the Philips LMS CD-Rom
| drive. Supports the CM205MS(multi session)
| and the new CM206 double-speed drive.
LOOK2_21.ZIP 111138 05-31-93 LOOK2 v2.1 contains bug fixes for OS/2 2.1
| for the 32-bit text-based file/directory
| viewing utility.
LS351O.ZIP 178870 01-06-94 LSORT 3.51 General Purpose Sort/Merge Utility
| for 32 bit OS2 (2.xsystems. Fast. Uses multi
| MBs for RAM to speed sort. Sorts text,
| binary, comma delimited and xBase files.
| Shareware.
LSTPM105.ZIP 106247 02-15-93 Oberon's PM-based files lister/browser V1.05
| for OS/2.
LTIMES33.ZIP 215487 04-22-94 LA Times v3.3 for OS/2 - 32 bit multithreaded
| PM application for reading NNTP news via
| Internet. Requires IBM TCP/IP v1.2.1.
LWB2.ZIP 190386 10-20-93 LiveWire 2.1 Beta-2 32-bit OS/2 comm pgm.
M60G9316.ZIP 457893 05-03-93 Actionmedia II Media Control Driver For
| Mmpm/2.
MAGCOM23.ZIP 80828 09-08-93 MagCom telecommunications program for OS/2.
| Supports:X,Y,Zmodem. Version 2.30
MAH21E.ZIP 308634 06-05-93 Mah Jongg 2.1 for OS/2 (English version),
| many features.
MAHLVLS.ZIP 6834 09-13-93 9 new levels for OS/2 2.1 Mahjonng (Solitile
| clones). Not for use with MAH21E.
MASTER23.ZIP 28559 07-03-93 Mastermind board game for OS/2 PM.
MCD101.ZIP 13874 11-01-93 Change dirs like the Norton CD, in OS/2.
MDF120.ZIP 111120 04-13-94 MDIFF - MPATCH a complete shareware software
| to produce and apply patches to your programs
| and data files. For both Dos and OS/2 2.xx
| 32bit !
MEMO11.ZIP 17391 04-29-93 Memo 1.1 is a little reminder utility for
| OS/2 PM that will store your to-do list or
| whatever with optional alarms.
MEMSZ232.ZIP 174997 06-16-94 System Resources v2.32 (Rick Papo, 16 June
| 1994, Free). A simple utility for monitoring
| system activity and resources. Source
| included. English, Spanish, German and
| Catalan texts provided.
MINE31.ZIP 544857 08-18-93 MM Minesweeper v3.1. Fixes problem with some
| Sounblaster cards.
MITFX2.ZIP 15276 11-23-93 IBM Ship Level - OS/2 2.1 Mitsumi CDROM
| drivers. Supports the new FX series of
| Mitsumi drives: the single speed CRMC-FX001 &
| double-speed CRMC-FX001D. Also supports older
| to play audio and read data and multisession
| photo CDs (except LU002) and MMPM/2 support.
MITSUM.ZIP 1677 04-21-93 Set up Mitsumi LU005S CDRom under OS/2 VDM.
| This is an example how someone set up a
| Mitsumi CDRom Type LU005S running under OS/2
| VDM. Text shows how to install.
MLABPM.ZIP 155419 06-26-93 MidiLab/2 - OS/2 MIDI Sequencer / Editor.
| Read subfile FAXSHEET.TXT for details.
MLGP1E.ZIP 460598 11-17-93 Playable demo of MicroLearn Game Pack Vol. 1,
| the 1st commercial game pack for OS/2, 2
| games are playable, screen shots and
| instructions for 8 others.
MMAPR1.ZIP 63940 05-03-94 APAR listing in.INF format. PKZIP 2.0 format
| MultiMedia/2.
MMPMCS.ZIP 1014096 11-17-93 Multimedia Presentation Manger/2 2.1 CSD.
| Don't use on 2.11 betas.
MMPMSPKR.ZIP 56847 12-09-93 OS2/FW: Speaker Audio 1.1: IBM speaker driver
| comp.os.os2.multimedia [uudecoded@ftl].
MORE_20B.ZIP 43068 08-12-93 A better/faster replacement for OS/2 more.
MOUSEY10.ZIP 17029 06-14-93 Change the mouse pointer on screen in OS/2
| 2.1. (FW).
MPM1_07A.ZIP 92109 02-14-94 MaxFile/PM v1.07 - A FILES.BBS manager for
| Presentation Manager under OS/2. Written
| specifically with the Maximus sysop in mind.
| Drag and Drop, FILE_ID.DIZ import, archiver
| and viewer functions, and much much more!
| MaxFile/PM is in a class by itself for
| managing FILES.BBS files from your desktop.
MR2_204.ZIP 250493 07-04-94 MR/2 - A QWK compatible mail reader for OS/2
| text-mode. Menu/picklist driven, mouse
| support, thread summary, multi- threaded
| searching, virtual conferences, address book,
| internal editor, speller, thesaurus. Reply
| templates, clipboard access, BBS specific
| INI's. Message deferring, reply logging, long
| file name support. Much more ... Many
| SLMR/OLX compatible keystrokes.
MRP_099E.ZIP 143901 11-01-93 MR/2 PM: a QWK compatible mail reader for
| OS/2; this is the PM version of popular OS/2
| text-mode QWK reader, MR/2; thread summary
| pick-lists, multithreaded searching, user-
| defined custom conferences.
MSHELL2.ZIP 84173 12-02-93 Mini shell to replace WPS.
MSVC_OS2.ZIP 123927 09-09-93 Patch to allow Visual C++ to run under OS/2.
MSWINOS2.ZIP 17334 05-17-94 Allows you to use WIN-OS2 from MSDOS.
| Replaces fix-wos2.zip.
MV940401.ZIP 30673 04-01-94 Os2 mvprodd.sys dated 04/01/94 from Media
| Vision BBs.
MVOS221.ZIP 54596 05-27-93 Latest Pas-16 Drivers For OS/2 2.1.
NE2000LS.ZIP 23773 07-23-92 Use IBM OS/2 LAN Server 2.0 w/Novell NE2000
| network adapter.
NEMO02.ZIP 96790 08-31-93 Captain Nemo 0.2, closely imitates Norton
| Commander.
NGVIEW.ZIP 42110 07-30-93 Allows you to view Norton Guides and Expert
| Help files under OS/2.
NICE10.ZIP 19879 03-19-92 NICE v1.0: OS/2 utility which allows you to
| run a program in a different priority; using
| OS/2's DETACH command, you can throw a progra
| into background in either idle or time-critic
| priority; 03/19/92; Turgut Kalfaoglu.
NIKNAK11.ZIP 26842 12-06-93 PM strategy game like tic tac toe. For OS/2.
NIKON214.ZIP 110093 12-04-92 Nikon II 1.4 - OS/2 2.0 Screen capture
| utility. It takes a snapshot of the desktop,
| region, selected window etc. The bitmap
| captured can be placed in clipboard, saved as
| file in multiple formats, printed. Shareware.
NIM120.ZIP 34291 01-02-94 The classic game of Nim for OS/2 PM.
NOLIST2A.ZIP 27230 11-15-93 Remove PM, OS/2, DOS, WIN-OS/2 programs from
| window list. For OS/2.
NPWAIT.ZIP 15967 09-13-93 Call this OS/2 utility from your CONFIG.SYS,
| and it will countdown for 10 seconds - press
| a key for an OS/2 command line. EXIT from
| there, and you finish loading CONFIG.SYS and
| go to the WPShell. C Source code and EXE
| incl.
NTS2FX.ZIP 136950 06-21-93 NTS/2 fixes for OS/2 2.1 and CID install.
OCLN116.ZIP 289502 06-16-94 Mcafee's clean for os/2 ver. 116, virus
| disinfection program. Cleans all the viruses
| detected by the current version authorized
| mcafee agent.
OLENS.ZIP 10874 10-08-93 Lens v0.9: an OS/2 magnifying glass,
| magnifies an area around the mouse cursor
| from 0.5 to 40 times. Can be made to stay on
| top even when not active, to display the
| position of the mouse cursor, to disable its
| title and menu bars, etc.
OS21.ZIP 411719 06-25-93 Trident Display driver for OS/2 2.1;
| 06/10/93.
OS23DRNG.ZIP 11743 11-29-93 High resolution grayscale bitmap of OS/2's
| logo.
OS2APPS.ZIP 33055 01-23-93 An updated listing of shipping apps for OS/2.
OS2BETA3.ZIP 8035 10-08-93 3rd beta of an OS/2 v2.x driver for Always
| IN-2000 SCSI controllers.
OS2CFG8.ZIP 33254 02-12-94 Updated OS/2 config file description.
OS2CNEW1.ZIP 41328 05-11-93 OS/2 C/Set Newsletter #1.
OS2CNEW2.ZIP 141963 05-11-93 OS/2 C/Set Newsletter #2.
OS2CNEW3.ZIP 115060 05-11-93 OS/2 C/Set Newsletter #3.
OS2CNEW4.ZIP 197244 05-11-93 OS/2 C/Set Newsletter #4.
OS2CNEW5.ZIP 193828 05-11-93 OS/2 C/Set Newsletter #5.
OS2DC1.ZIP 564278 04-18-94 OS/2 Netware Requester V2.1 Documentation.
OS2DRV.ZIP 25148 04-19-94 OS/2 device driver for the Orchid and Wearnes
| internal CD-ROM drives (CDS-3110 and CDD-110
| models, respectively).
OS2FAQ01.ZIP 80587 09-06-93 OS/2 FAQ V2.1C (8/23/93) by Timothy Sipples
| Frequently Asked Questions from the Usenet
| OS2 Newsgroups.
OS2FAQ2K.ZIP 50306 04-05-93 3/22/93 version (2.0K) of OS/2 Frequently
| Asked Questions. A wealth of advice as well
| as sources of software and further
| information.
OS2FAQE.ZIP 222490 04-03-94 OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions List by
| Timothy Sipples. 2.1E (IBMnet).
OS2GFC.ZIP 37311 01-27-94 GFC is a graphical file comparison program.
| Compares 2 files on disk and notes lines that
| are common to both. A bar chart is drawn
| giving overall view of which lines match,
| text of either file, or composite. (IBMnet).
OS2RNDR.ZIP 2671 11-22-93 Visual Rexx CMD for OS/2: a shell for the
| Persistance of Vision Raytracer.
OS2ROCK.ZIP 113181 11-15-93 Raytraced OS/2 logo. Well done!
OS2SHUTD.ZIP 10467 04-13-92 Shutdown OS/2 2.0 from the command line. w/C
| source (for IBMC2 compiler & OS/2 Toolkit.).
OS2TET.ZIP 25755 04-02-93 Tetris PM for OS/2.
OS2V12.ZIP 664119 02-05-94 OS/2 2.1 Mach 8 and Mach 32 ATI Video Drivers
| Direct from ATI BBS version 1.2.
OS2V80.ZIP 889206 05-12-94 OS/2 v2.1 drivers v2.3 for ATI Graphics Ultra
| Pro, Graphics Ultra+ and Graphics Wonder
| cards.
OS2_4WIN.ZIP 5114 11-09-93 IBM Announcement - OS2 for Windows.
OS2_COM.ZIP 65303 07-05-93 Information on com ports under OS/2. Hints,
| tips, supported configurations.
OS2_MOU.ZIP 70309 07-05-93 Information on various mouse and pointer
| devices under OS/2. Tips and supported
| configurations.
OS2_TSL6.ZIP 76309 07-28-93 Trantor SCSI card drivers for OS/2.
OSCPY250.ZIP 50718 06-22-93 OS/2 Disk Image making program. Uses threads
| to do compression while running.
OSCR210E.ZIP 330629 06-29-94 VirusScan for OS/2 version 2.1.0 6/29/94
| virus data files by McAfee, Inc. Scans and
| cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses.
| Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above.
PADHD10B.ZIP 43855 05-23-94 Heavy Duty Notepad v1.00b for OS/2. Complete
| notepad package allows copy, cut, clear,
| paste, search, import/export and print.
PASSETUP.ZIP 6529 07-15-93 Text document with hints and tips on setting
| up the ProAudio Spectrum card under OS/2.
PASTRY02.ZIP 182970 05-12-94 The Pastry Box - beta version 0.02 This OS/2
| utility allows the user to select multiple
| non-contigious lines to be pasted to the
| clipboard from a file.
PEG110.ZIP 272824 03-28-94 Pegasus Resourse Monitor 1.1 for OS/2 PM New
| integer engine added.
PEGGED11.ZIP 27983 07-04-93 Pegged 1.1, board game of logic for OS/2 2.x
| PM. (FW).
PENDD.ZIP 284610 04-29-94 Pen for OS/2 device drivers for: IBM710t,
| IBM750P, APT Gliffic Plus, Calcomp
| digitizers, Compaq Concerto, Dauphin DTR-1,
| GRiD convertibles.
PFAQ30.ZIP 192824 03-10-94 OS/2 programming FAQ v3.0.
PFIXP10.ZIP 8642 08-22-93 PREFIX/POSTFIX - Restores lastread pointers
| after SQFIX. Ported to OS/2.
PJ08734.ZIP 104148 09-02-93 OS/2 2.1 fix for AMI-PRO faults and Quicken
| overflow. From ftp-os2.cdrom.com.
PJ08996.ZIP 61609 09-09-93 OS2/ 2.1 Fix For Ipe Running DOS.
PJ09122.ZIP 464888 09-06-93 Fix for IPE at ## 0160 with non-S3 video
| cards.
PJ09201.ZIP 304128 09-07-93 OS/2 2.1 fixes ; fixes many things.
PLUMA109.ZIP 266857 06-17-94 Pluma v1.09 (Rick Papo, 17 June 1994, $30). A
| medium-scale WYSIWYG word processor for OS/2
| PM. Supports all ATM fonts, any printer with
| a PM driver, color, bitmap graphics, as well
| as most basic word processing functions. For
| correspondence and memorandums (1-4 pages).
| In English, French and Spanish.
PM2BMP2A.ZIP 10395 08-17-93 Replaces PM2BMP20 which is for 2.0 only. Fast
| OS/2 2.1 window grabber. Shows grabbed
| picture in own window and writes to numbered
| BMP file. Associated BMP viewer included.
PM2UB121.ZIP 803428 04-09-94 OS2You v3.0 PC Communications program and
| PM2You v1.21 Presentation Manager combination
| package for OS/2.
PMD21E.ZIP 136040 07-15-93 OS/2 PM Diskcopy V2.1 - 32 Bit Diskcopy,
| Quick Format, Checkdisk etc. English Version.
PMDMAT.ZIP 160130 11-27-93 OS/2 32-bit PM Directory Matching Utility.
| Compares two directories and copies, moves or
| deletes the files that do not match.
PMDU13.ZIP 32231 01-10-94 PM based diskcopy utility for OS/2.
PMED32.ZIP 36937 02-08-93 PMEdit32 v1.01: OS/2 general purpose
| multiwindowed text file editor w/a slant
| towards programmers; edit multiple
| files,MORE.
PMFRAC2.ZIP 384222 07-03-92 OS/2 2.0 Fractint with 32 bit math. Based on
| Fractint 17.2 engine.
PMGNUCHS.ZIP 602323 04-21-94 GNU Chess ported for the OS/2 Presentation
| Manager.
PMJPG163.ZIP 206641 04-03-94 PMJPEG 1.63 - shareware image viewer/
| converter for OS/2 2.x. Supports BMP, GIF,
| JPEG FIF, PCX, PPM, Targe, and TIFF formats.
PMMIX20.ZIP 9661 07-18-93 Pmmixer V2.0 Mixer Tool For The Soundblaster
| Under OS/21 Mmpm/2.
PMMIXER.ZIP 12884 12-05-93 A great PM-based mixer for the Soundblaster
| Pro.
PMMPEG20.ZIP 178538 04-11-94 PM MPEG v2.0 - OS/2 Presentation Manager MPEG
| movie player program.
PMP214.ZIP 231698 06-13-94 PM Patrol v2.14 - OS/2 resource monitor
| reports on CPU speed, swap space, free/idle
| RAM, disk space and more.
PMPHONEF.ZIP 30257 09-18-93 32 bit freeware version of PMPhone. Phone
| dialer/database. ver. 1.01 adds ability to
| import ASCII files into database.
PMROBOTS.ZIP 26902 07-24-93 A Version Of The Classic Un X Game "Robots"
| For The Os/2 Presentation Manager. Smiley Is
| Chased, And You Need To Help Him Avoid The
| Killer Robots. 07-24-93.07-25-93 New:.
PMSNDX3A.ZIP 118885 03-28-94 PM Sound file conversion utility v0.3a for
| OS/2.
PMUND111.ZIP 68592 12-25-93 PM program for quick recovery of deleted
| files. OS/2.
PMVD025.ZIP 21270 01-05-94 PMVDesk virtual desktop screen manager.
PMVIEW86.ZIP 197184 10-31-93 A fast GIF/BMP/JPEG/PCX/TGA viewer for OS/2
| PM.
POVOS211.ZIP 146689 08-28-93 Persistence of Vision raytracer (OS/2.EXE
| on).
PP002.ZIP 42827 04-23-93 Power Pascal/2 version 0.002 (req. MASM
| 6.00).
PROCS21.ZIP 18306 07-05-92 OS/2 2.0 32-bit application that lists all
| running processes.
PSFIX.ZIP 10538 09-23-93 Patches Postscript output created by WINOS/2
| so it will work properly on Apple
| Laserwriters and on networked Postscript
| printers. (Removes nulls, Ctrl-D, and header
| problems.) For OS/2 2.X.
QNOS2203.ZIP 113767 11-12-93 Qnode/2 v2.03. Fido nodelist compiler for
| OS/2.
QWIK12.ZIP 14749 08-11-92 QwikSwitch 1.2. Switch between windowed
| sessions.
RCD14.ZIP 4029 08-31-93 RCD v1.4 - Great "do what I mean" change
| directory. Faster & better than LCD and NCD.
| For OS/2 v2.x.
REDBK1.ZIP 430953 09-28-92 Red Book vol 1: Control Program (.INF).
REDBK2.ZIP 658935 09-28-92 Red Book vol 2: Dos and Windows Environment
| (.INF).
REDBK3.ZIP 398956 09-28-92 Red Book vol 3: Presentation Manager and WPS
| (.INF).
REDBK4.ZIP 429712 09-28-92 Red Book vol 4: Application Development
| (.INF).
REXXTUT1.ZIP 31816 11-17-93 OS/2 REXX beginner tutorial (text).
REXXTUT2.ZIP 47080 11-20-93 Finally! Good REXX documentation. Thanks to
| Ian Collier Operating System: OS/2 y.x, UNIX,
| MVS, AmigaDOS, DOS, etc. Etc.
RODNT100.ZIP 58521 07-13-93 A better mouse driver - includes 3-button
| support.
ROLODX24.ZIP 127892 11-29-93 OS/2 address book, with the ability to email
| ftp and send faxes. Requires VROBJ102.ZIP for
| the VROBJ.DLL .
RUN160.ZIP 17549 12-23-93 Run OS/2 programs within DOS sessions.
RWM212.ZIP 564373 08-03-93 Relish Working Model Version 2.12!!!! Relish
| is the premier time organizer for OS/2,
| including easy to use drag- and-drop
| interface. This version includes a special
| limited time offer exclusive to BBS users.
RXD.ZIP 134577 02-02-93 RxD is a Presentation Manager source level
| debugger for REXX programs; features: single
| step through a program; set breakpoints on
| lines; watch variables; customize fonts and
| colors; save windows sizes and positions;
| 01/29/93; Patrick Mueller/IBM Corp.
S3OS232.ZIP 1420922 12-10-93 S3 Inc's beta 2.0 32 bit driver for S3 video
| cards, includes all video modes that a card
| can do. Works excellent with stealth 24 vlb.
S3OS264K.ZIP 1220823 02-27-94 S3 64K Color Video Drivers for OS/2 2.1 Must
| run LOADDSKF (included) to make copy DSK
| image file to 3.5" Floppy disk.
SBCD2N.ZIP 13354 02-25-94 The latest device drivers for OS/2 for the
| Creative Labs Omni CD, IBM ISA CD-Rom Drive,
| Panasonic CR-521, 522, 523, 562 and 563.
| Updated February 1994.
SB_BETA.ZIP 98302 01-06-94 Creative Sound Blaster Drivers For OS/2 2.1
| beta Version 2.0 Supports Multiple Instance.
SB_OS2.ZIP 98997 02-22-94 Latest release of Sound Blaster drivers for
| OS/2 Version 2.1; support multi-instance,
| mixer support, simultaneous Wave & MIDI play-
| back & software IRQ, DMA, HDMA programmable;
| refer to readme file for more information.
SCCP_142.ZIP 221187 08-25-93 sixxac/CHAT 1.42.OS2.0fe is an all-in-one BBS
| CHAT utility for OS/2. The chat is completly
| window and character oriented. It supports
| singleline and MULTILINE chats, several
| Maximus features and much more. (PM Extension
| and sixxac/INSTALL included).
SCRCOLOR.ZIP 2655 11-17-93 Rexx CMD for OS/2 that picks colors from the
| screen and colorizes objects.
SCSIPG.ZIP 305528 03-26-93 All about the SCSI interfase and OS/2.
SD9304.ZIP 184762 06-22-93 San Diego OS/2 User Group Newsletter, April
| INF version. Includes: An Elegant Operating
| System by W. Postma; OS/2 Tips and Hints;
| OS/2 Books list; Stolen TagSoftware reviews;
| OS/2 2.0 1st birthday list; and a humorous
| tidbit. (FW).
SEAHAVEN.ZIP 48274 01-11-94 Seahaven Towers. Solitaire card game for
| OS/2.
SEAMWIN4.ZIP 28157 02-07-94 A program that allows the speedy loading of
| seamless WIN-OS/2 programs in OS/2.
SETMOUSE.ZIP 1800 08-28-93 REXX script to change any of the default
| OS/2.
SHFRG2.ZIP 39212 04-14-92 Os2 Fat File Fragmentation Display C Source
| Included. Based on PCmag's Chkfrag Prog.
| Shows How to Access Os2 Sectors Directly And
| Traverse A Fat Table. New Version V1.2.
SI.ZIP 12145 08-28-92 System Information for OS/2; gives a lot of
| useful information about current stuff.
SIO130.ZIP 151811 05-12-94 Ray Gwinn's comm drivers for OS2, V1.30.
| SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS are replacements of the
| OS2 communications drivers COM.SYS and
| VCOM.SYS which come with OS/2. VX00.SYS
| provides FOSSIL support for DOS comm
| programs, and creates a virtulal 16550 for
| programs that do not support FOSSIL. SIO can
| be ordered to support up to 16 ports.
SOB_110.ZIP 140028 01-18-94 Son of Bonk PM based outbound mail manager
| and nodelist editor.
SOFTOS2A.ZIP 428147 08-25-93 Softerm Plus for OS2. "The upgrade for
| Softerm Custom that is bundled with OS/2
| 2.1".
SOFTOS2B.ZIP 298359 08-11-93 Softerm Plus for OS/2 (2/4).
SOFTOS2C.ZIP 556241 08-10-93 Softerm Plus for OS/2 (3/4).
SOFTOS2D.ZIP 201390 08-09-93 Softerm Plus for OS/2 (4/4).
SONY31C.ZIP 24160 11-23-93 OS/2 CD drivers Sony 31a & 7305.
SONY53.ZIP 13453 12-13-93 OS/2 2.1 Sony drivers for use with all Sony
| CD-ROMs available. Daisy chain 2 under OS/2.
SOSUTL12.ZIP 104564 10-20-93 Directory tree printer, process viewer, file
| finder.
SOXV10.ZIP 144181 11-14-93 Converts soundfiles from one format to
| another. (OS/2).
SPKRDD11.ZIP 50392 07-28-93 IBM MMPM/2 PC Speaker driver ver 1.1.
SQSHP110.ZIP 422889 05-07-94 Squish V1.1 multi-featured,
| FidoNet-compatible EchoMail processor - 16
| and 32 bit version - should be a drop-in
| upgrade - great new features!.
ST01_102.ZIP 8207 08-04-93 Device driver for Seagate ST01 SCSI adapter.
STARTD3.ZIP 20416 11-17-93 This is a version of STARTD with a working
| /WAIT option. Built as OS/2 stand-alone with
| EMX-GCC compiler.
STLOS21.ZIP 1215433 08-23-93 Diamond Stealth VRAM (911) video drivers
| v1.0. These drivers support OS/2 2.1GA, as
| well as OS/2 2.0GA and OS/2 2.0+SP. If you
| are still running OS/2 2.1 beta code, we urge
| you to update to OS/2 2.1GA. These drivers do
| NOT support the OS/2 2.1 betas.
SWAPCH11.ZIP 272864 07-20-93 Multi-thread PM SWAPPER.DAT file monitor
| version 1.1 (added available space on drive).
| (FW).
SYSTUNES.ZIP 24884 09-21-93 Enables you to hear the System Sounds on your
| OS/2 2.x without requiring a sound card.
TASKTIME.ZIP 26728 07-06-93 Track time spent running different programs.
TBOS2.ZIP 23764 07-26-93 Patch For Using Media Vision's Thunderboard
| With OS/2 2 1's Mmpm/2.
TE2_130T.ZIP 549257 04-16-94 TE/2 v1.30 - PC Communications package for
| OS/2 from Oberon Software.
TEAM9310.ZIP 32281 10-12-93 Issue 1 of the new Team OS/2 Newsletter - INF
| Format - need OS/2 VIEW.EXE to read.
TEAM9311.ZIP 57805 11-04-93 TEAM OS/2 newsletter.
TEAM9312.ZIP 84731 12-20-93 TEAM OS/2 World-Wide List - Two ASCII files -
| one in alphabetical order by name and the
| other sorted by country, state/province, then
| city - Last Updated: 19 December 1993 -
| Maintained by: Janet Gobeille, Austin, Texas
| - If you are looking for help with OS/2 or
| even someone to demo OS/2 to your club, these
| are the people to ask!
TEDS11.ZIP 77716 07-13-92 Taylor Editor is a FREE OS/2 ASCII text
| editor. Runs full screen from command prompt.
| Clone of MS-DOS editor. For OS/2 1.0 through
| 2.0 GA
TEKRAM.ZIP 18974 04-13-94 TEKRAM DC-800B SCSI Host Adaptor Device
| Driver for OS/2 2.x - Revision 1.3.
TERM2_22.ZIP 154150 03-29-93 OS/2 PM Terminal program with X/Y/Zmodem.
| ANSI, VT100, VT52, OS2You, PM2You
| emulation.Works with OS/2 2.0 and OS/2 1.x.
TEXTFONT.ZIP 33143 10-08-93 New VGA screen font for OS/2, replaces
| VIOTBL.DCP which will change the font in all
| DOS and OS/2 full screen text mode sessions.
THEOS215.ZIP 150624 12-07-93 CMS/XEDIT like editor for OS/2.
TIM100P.ZIP 174407 04-09-94 TimEd 1.00; Fast msg editor supporting
| Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases; With
| internal editor. OS/2 version.
TIMUP13.ZIP 57908 07-07-93 OS/2 Time up (SDS: OS/2). Displays the amount
| of time since OS/2 was booted in the smallest
| possible window.
TMFAQ201.ZIP 9211 05-12-94 Team OS/2 Frequently Asked Question list
| Version 2.01b (May 1994).
TRAKOS2.ZIP 112785 05-31-93 Command line MOD player, requires SBOS2.SYS.
| (FW).
TRICKS3.ZIP 228584 01-11-94 Jan/94 version of "Stupid OS/2 Tricks", very
| useful.
TUSERP41.ZIP 4947 09-01-93 Top Users for Maximus v4.1 for OS/2. Creates
| a .bbs file for display within Max of the top
| callers.
TWCP132.ZIP 44482 03-27-94 Mark, Copy and Paste to/from windows like
| X-WIndows for OS/2.
UACLOCK.ZIP 21097 09-09-93 The Ultimate Alarm Clock for OS/2 By Scott D.
| Ganyo. This program was written to provide an
| small, attractive, and easy-to-use alarm
| clock for all of those reoccuring
| appointments none of us can afford to miss!
| This alarm clock has been kept purposefully
| small and simple. All the scheduling power
| you may need and the requirements are just
| incredible: only about 30K of hard disk space
| and a running copy of OS/2 1.3 or better.
ULTIMOTI.ZIP 1417270 07-19-93 OS/2 IBM Ultimotion Workshop/2 Beta.
ULTRA04D.ZIP 35665 04-12-94 Ultrasound MMPM/2 drivers for OS/2.
UNDEL102.ZIP 41010 01-07-94 Use this PM app instead of OS/2's UNDELETE.
| This is a demo of v1.02 of UNDELPM. All
| functions work and there is NO exp. Date!.
UNTCNV.ZIP 58424 02-18-94 Unit convertor DEMO for scientists and
| engineers for OS/2.
UNZ51X16.EXE 145102 07-09-94 Unzip v5.1 (16 bits) for OS/2. Info-ZIP's
| freeware unzipper.
UNZ51X32.EXE 146669 07-09-94 Unzip v5.1 (32 bits) for OS/2. Info-ZIP's
| freeware unzipper.
UNZSH10.ZIP 92196 01-22-94 -- The Unzip Shell - OS/2 PM Application --
| Expertly crafted PM front end for ZIP files.
| Uses UNZIP.EXE for compatibility with ZIP
| files created with PKZIP (as of v2.04) and
| other Zip utilities. Allows viewing of files
| before unzipping (registered version uses
| OS/2 Object Association to activate the
| proper application for viewing). Creates WPS
| object of directory unzipped files are
| created in. Shareware - $12(!!!)
V2TECH.ZIP 16781 05-26-92 Some resolutions to several problems with
| OS/2 2.0 GA.
V7NL.ZIP 59420 01-08-94 V7NL.DLL is a 32-bit dynamic link library
| that provides an API to access a Fidonet
| version 7 nodelist.
VASPI.ZIP 45294 04-21-94 OS/2 ASPI Driver for DOS sessions from
| Germany.
VCD10.ZIP 30562 07-01-92 VCD 1.0 Enhanced CD utility for OS/2 & DOS
| similar to NCD for DOS. Allows for easy
| changing to directories by simply specifying
| only part of the final directory name.
| Supports HPFS long filenames.
VDMS_110.ZIP 93838 01-11-94 VDM Server Utility, version 1.10, OS/2 2.1.
| Gives a detached (background) process the
| ability to execute a DOS command in a DOS
| (VDM) Session. Useful for Sysops who want to
| process mail in the background which call DOS
| programs.
VGASAVE.ZIP 12601 07-01-93 Restores the VGA screens under OS/2 after
| leaving DOS apps that work in graphics mode
| (like Wolf-3D).
VGO10.ZIP 341319 11-14-93 VGO v1.0 and GO v1.0 for OS/2. Execute any
| commands on files based on dates, attributes,
| sizes, and/or names of those files, regard-
| less of where they're located on your system.
| Contains both graphical and commandline ver-
| sions of this very useful utility developed
| by Kari Jackson/Midlands OS/2 Enhancement
| Society (M.O.S.E.S.), Omaha NE. Shareware,
| $15. Requires that OS/2 REXX support be
| installed. Includes Watcom VROBJ.DLL v1.01a.
VIDEODR5.ZIP 52988 11-14-93 WIN-OS/2 program for installing and changing
| video drivers for full screen Win-OS/2
| sessions.
VPR8BPP.ZIP 476945 09-03-93 Diamond Viper OS/2 2.1 video drivers.
| Supports 256 colors in multiple resolutions
| Seamless Windows support.
VREXX2.ZIP 187974 09-11-92 Visual REXX for OS/2 2.0 - PM programming
| with REXX! Dialog boxes, windows, pick lists
| radio buttons, drawing functions, all from
| witihn your REXX.CMD files!
VUNDEL2.ZIP 48309 06-28-93 Visual UnDelete utility for OS/2 2.x Find
| deleted files fast and restore them quickly
| too!
WDOG10.ZIP 23666 04-10-93 WatchDog v1.0: OS/2 utility that will detect
| the hung desktop and call DosShutdown,
| allowing Ctrl-Alt-Del to be used to reboot;
| 04/10/93; Mike Nice.
WHICH210.ZIP 50074 07-28-93 OS/2 Clone of the Unix 'which' command;
| locates commands and print paths.
WINFAX4.ZIP 7961 04-27-94 Parameters for using Winfax Pro with OS/2.
WOR.ZIP 49432 03-30-93 Excellent copy of the arcade game, Wizard of
| Wor, written for OS/2 Presentation Mgr.
WP21INF.ZIP 117202 07-13-93 OS/2 2.1 Performance Improvement in INF
| format.
WP21PERF.ZIP 17768 07-18-93 OS/2 2.1 enhancements and performance
| improvements over OS/2 2.0. Use the OS/2 View
| facility to display this guide.
WPSBK205.ZIP 99692 06-11-94 Workplace Shell Backup Utility v2.05 for OS/2
| backup and restore OS/2 desktop settings.
WUNDERKI.ZIP 104383 11-17-93 The famous patch from the German magazine c't
| that enables Turbo Pascal to generate OS/2 16
| bit executables!.
XR301OS2.ZIP 34986 05-23-93 XRobot 3.01 for OS/2 2.x (32-bit). A utility
| for Front-Door users.
XYZ2_101.ZIP 53803 02-18-94 A FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol driver
| from the author of The Blue Wave Offline Mail
| System. CEXYZ/2 is a 32 bit OS/2 text mode
| application. Protocols include Zmodem, 8K
| Zmodem (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K,
| Xmodem CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Includes
| sample files for installation into Maximus
| BBS's. Can be installed into ANY BBS or
| terminal program that is able to utilize
| external protocols. Fully windowed/graphical
| interface.
YATP101X.ZIP 134315 09-11-93 Yatic 1.01 for OS/2. Raid and Tic
| replacement. Rehatch with all of files.
YOS2IN.ZIP 39265 10-15-92 Os2/nt comparison.
ZFAX223O.ZIP 106193 03-18-93 DOS FAX+voice util for ZyXEL modems, bugfixes
| reguires v5.00+ ROMs, not fancy but useful.
| OS/2 version.
ZFRMS110.ZIP 185320 09-06-93 OS/2 and DOS text-mode libs. New version adds
| mouse support and sound. Easy to use, but
| very powerful! MSC6, C/Set, Borland, EMX/GCC
| supported.
ZIP201C1.ZIP 134419 09-19-93 InfoZip 2.01 with Encription 16bit.
ZIP201X1.ZIP 110073 09-19-93 Info-Zip ZIP version 2.01 - 16-bit
| executables.
ZIP201X2.ZIP 124625 09-19-93 Info-ZIP ZIP version 2.01 - 32-bit
| executables.
ZIP20C32.ZIP 160449 09-13-93 Info-ZIP's ZIP 2.0 for OS/2, executables
| only. 32-bit, with encryption support.
ZIPCTL.ZIP 83841 10-10-93 Small utility that shows the contents of a
| ZIP and unzips it. 32-bits.
ZIPME11.ZIP 101525 02-19-94 A good OS/2 program for managing ZIP files,
| supports InfoZip for OS/2. Author. Version 4
| 3/94. Supports multiple databases, has super
| locate function, many, many features.
ZOC130.ZIP 283148 06-19-94 Zap-O-Comm v1.30 communications program for
| OS/2 PM.