2COL52.ZIP 45,483 05-10-94 2COL, a 2 column compressed print utility for dotmatrix, ink/bubble/deskjet, prints up to 8 pages on one side of a sheet of paper (or 16 pages using both sides).Faster and more readable than other compressed print programs.Great for shareware manuals and reducing the bulk of paper stored or transported.Save $ when faxing/mailing. New:reverse order printing, reformatting. MS-Windows menu/edit interface now available
CAPBUFX.ZIP 31,487 03-31-92 TSR to capture text for printing later <ASP>
COMODO21.ZIP 25,139 06-15-92 Comodo v2.1. Utility to print any text files on both sides of the paper.
DJPRINT.ZIP 23,689 03-24-92 Print on both sides of paper for 4 pages per sheet.
DLS311.ZIP 124,369 09-12-93 DLS311 (James A. Clark; $15) will read files from directories and subdirectories on the hard drive or floppy drives and print a label, disk insert or disk sleeve. Handy for printing content information on diskettes.
DMP205.ZIP 52,556 02-10-91 DMP v2.05: Very versatile printer controller/spooler; spool to disk, ramdisk, expanded, extended, HMA memory; print to file, parallel or serial printer; character conversions, spooler flush hot-key, many other options.
DOCSM330.ZIP 73,233 03-21-90 Print 4 pages of text on one page. Epson comp.
DSKLS251.ZIP 138,013 04-26-92 Diskette Cover & Label Producer - 39 Formats. Produces diskette covers with the directory contents for all disks. Reads all sub-dirs. Displays on the printer, screen or a file. Select the type of frame lines, either IBM or ASCII. File names can be sorted. File names in ZIP, ARC, PAK, ZOO, and LHZ can optionally be displayed. Many more customizing features.
EZEPS110.ZIP 37,110 12-24-93 EZ EPSON is a printer utility for MS-DOS that works with many Epson and compatible printers. EZ allows access to some of your printer's capabilities that are not available through use of the front panel switches. Some EZ options duplicate those available on the panel, however, using EZ means less wear on the switches.
FPRINT12.ZIP 86,737 10-10-93 Fine Print 1.20 print 4 full pages on one sheet.
HANDB137.ZIP 278,087 07-01-92 Handbook v1.37: print 3x5" handbooks on dot matrix or laser printer. Supports duplex on laser printers.
HP550C.ZIP 60,612 07-01-92 WordPerfect Printer Driver for the HP DeskJet 550C printer.
IMPREWRE.ZIP 48,022 05-03-92 Large print program. If you have low vision, then you should get this program.
LABLER84.ZIP 143,745 02-22-92 Labeler v8.4 prints labels on Epson/IBM compatibles.
LPE202.ZIP 118,556 10-08-93 Laser Printer Envelope 2.02 ETS Inc. You can print very attractive envelopes on your HP Compatible Laser Printer. All Graphic, FEATURE PACKED Dos program. IBM VGA Mouse required. 5 STARS! .
LQMX442A.ZIP 130,916 04-17-93 LQMATRIX Ver. 4.42 <ASP> Programs, Fonts - File 1 of 3. Softfonts and softfont editor for Epson LQ 24 pin dot matrix printers and compatibles. A user friendly environment for designing FAST printing, text mode, fonts. This archive contains the editor, utilities and a set of fonts and ready to use fonts.
LQMX442B.ZIP 98,099 04-17-93 LQMATRIX Ver. 4.42 <ASP> Custom Fonts - File 2 of 3. Softfonts and softfont editor for Epson LQ 24 pin dot matrix printers and com- patibles. This archive contains the down- loader and two sets of specially created fonts. It comes with over fifty ready made and ready to use fonts. J.David Sapir.
LQMX442C.ZIP 89,721 04-18-93 LQMATRIX Ver. 4.42 <ASP> Fonts Documentation - File 3 of 3. Text mode softfonts and softfont editor for Epson LQ 24 pin dot matrix printers and compatibles. This archive contains the downloader and a set of five specially made fonts and all the docu- mentation.
MTXT45.ZIP 93,537 03-05-92 MicroText v4.5: cuts your printing jobs down to size, printing up to four pages of text on each sheet of paper; print any ASCII file on HP LaserJet or Epson-compatible dot-matrix printer; w/page preview, custom config, more.
NEWPRT.ZIP 47,832 02-16-92 NewPrint v1.0 print PCX image files to EP dot and HPLJ printers. Comes with C++ source code for Zortech compiler.
P66.ZIP 66,852 04-18-93 PRINTPLUS v6.6. Tag and Print, Copy, Move, Delete files. View files. Pull Dn Menus. Option to save paper. Print select pages. Adjustable MARGINS. Preview # of pages. Old left margin strip. INSPECT file for Formfeeds, Tabs, Left Margin, and longest line.Print to Lpt1, Lpt2, Prn, Com or a filename. Mouse support. Now adds laser support and faster file moves. < ASP > Shareware.
PIXPLOT.ZIP 124,605 04-27-93 PIXELPLOT. Super fast HPGL & HPGL/2 file converter. Will print your HP Plotter files on virtually any printer, at any resolution. Color or B&W. Version 1.1.
PPS121.ZIP 36,873 03-31-93 PPS v1.21: utility to print text files to PostScript; customizable and versatile.
PRGF112.ZIP 205,860 05-04-94 PRINTGF v1.12 <ASP> - A GIF printer for DOS, Windows. DOS and registered Windows versions read BMP,JPG,PCX,TIF. Outputs 240 level/plane b/w or color, with pattern and/or error diff dither, brightness, contrast, gamma, gray balance control, user selectable clip area, print size, portrait/landscape. Drives 9, 24 pin printers, HP LaserJet, DeskJet, Primera, PostScript, Canon BJ, BJC, VESA SVGA, many other printers and displays. Shareware - $34.
PRGL142.ZIP 257,621 05-19-94 PRINTGL v1.42 <ASP> - A pen plotter emulator package for DOS, Windows systems. It prints or displays HP-GL from most CAD and graphing packages. Supports 9, 24 pin printers, Canon LBP, BJ, BJC, HP LaserJet, DeskJet, HP-GL/2 devices, PDP ProTracer, PostScript, VESA SVGA, and many other printers and displays, and outputs PCX files. User selectable pen width, color, shading, and paper size, magnification, etc. Shareware - $50.
PRINTQ40.ZIP 14,367 03-07-93 PrintQ v4.0: builds a double box menu on the screen for 1 to 7 print queues, plus an option for Local Printer and Abort for networks.
PRNCHR14.ZIP 51,060 02-21-92 PRiNt CHaRacter v1.4: will redefine the chars of your 9/24 pin Epson-compatible dot-matrix printer; multi-lingual; Nabahi.
PRNCOM35.ZIP 21,650 01-30-94 PRINT COMMANDER! V 3.55 <ASP> TSR dot matrix and inkjet printer utility.- Small memory resident program that lets the user change printer instructions, such as fonts, print mode, and paper position, from the keyboard instead of at the printer. Also allows the user to enter escape codes and print out text files directly. Utilities - Printer
PRNTSC10.ZIP 1,444 07-09-93 PRINTSCR v1.0: invokes the alternate print screen on the video card, enabling 43-line displays to correctly print on the printer (instead of just the top 25 lines) when the Print/Scrn key is pressed; w/ASM source.
PRNWAT.ZIP 1,465 07-09-93 PRNWATCH (Printer Watch) is a TSR pgm that monitors all printer activity via INT 17h; includes ASM source.
PSPS201.ZIP 10,264 05-17-93 Versatile screen dump tool for Postscript printers, v2.01 TSR about 9K RAM.
QENV242.ZIP 100,178 04-22-93 QENV v2.42 ASP - A quick & easy envelope printer and letter writer. Mail merge, MORE!
VPRINT51.ZIP 14,863 09-04-92 VPRINT v5.1 virtual printer. Handy TSR redirects parallel or comm ports to a file. Can also allow live printing while, at the same time, saving to a file.