22NCE142.ZIP 51,484 07-06-94 22NICE V1.42 July, 1994 From Sydex, Inc. 22NICE is a PC-based emulator for 8-bit CP/M2.2 systems using 8080, 8085 or Z-80 processors. Completely integrates a CP/M application into the PC MS-DOS environment.Includes terminal emulation for several common terminal types, 8080-only Z-80 only, or "auto detect" processor support. Will useNEC V20/V30 chip if available. Supports CP/Muser number- -to-DOS subdirectory mappingand.
3_OS_S.ZIP 982 08-17-93 Pc Week'S How To Run 3 Op Systems On Pc.
60ENVPAT.ZIP 1,740 05-10-93 How to patch COMMAND.COM (DOS 6.0 & earlier) for larger default environment space if you'drather not use SHELL.
D70U04.ZIP 308,872 06-01-94 Authenticated Novell DOS 7 patch #4 5/31/94 New Emm386.exe and Ibmdos.com plus files that were in D70U03.EXE, namely: Chkdsk.exe Nwcdex.exe, Dpms.exe, Setfifo.exe, Himem.sys and Memmax.com.
DDM11.ZIP 12,297 05-31-93 DDM - DoubleSpace Disk Manager DDM provides a menu'ed interface to mount and unmount a doublespaced diskette. Requires MS-DOS 6.0 phWARE Software Ft. Washington, Md. 20744 Wesley Peace, phWARE Software
DOS62SP.ZIP 747,338 09-30-93 MS-DOS 6.2 Supplemental Disk: AccessDOS (for disabled persons), Dvorak keyboard layouts, utils for creating a bootable, compressed floppy, updated network drivers, some DOS 5 files that weren't included on the DOS 6.x disks (here's GORILLA.BAS again g ), and DOSSHELL (identical to DOS 6.0 version).
DOS6FILE.ZIP 11,061 04-07-93 Explains use of all files in dos6 and also suggests which files can be deleted. Good.
DOS6MENU.ZIP 1,654 04-03-93 This is an example of how to set up your autoexec.bat and config.sys to run dos 6'smulti-config options.
DOS6MM.ZIP 72,223 03-31-93 Source code from book, "PC Magazine DOS 6 Memory Management". Includes utilities: UMBFILES, UMASCAN, and more.
DOS6SUPL.ZIP 504,825 04-05-93 Latest Version Of MS-DOS 6.0 Supplement Disk.
DOSIMP2D.ZIP 39,233 12-09-93 DOS SIMPLY v2.0 demonstration version. Includes just a small part of the text of this very in-depth hypertext DOS manual. Written in English, not techno-babble by Sansaska Systems. Text by Kari Jackson. Through 6.0.
DSX22B.ZIP 254,336 12-27-93 DOSNIX 2.2b. A UNIX style toolkit for MSDOS Enhanced version of DOSNIX combines the most frequently used UNIX commands with some slick DOS utils to provide an extremely powerful operating environment. "The original DOSNIX since 1990. Accept no substitutes."
MSDOSFAQ.ZIP 48,821 08-17-93 Frequently asked questions about MSDOS from the Internet.
MSDRBT.ZIP 13,603 05-30-92 MS-DOS/DR-DOS dual boot utility; allows you to keep both MS-DOS 5.x and DR-DOS 6.x on your hard drive and then quickly and easily reboot under one or the other.
NOVDOS7.ZIP 5,797 08-05-93 Announcement of Novell DOS 7!
PCDOS61.ZIP 14,876 06-29-93 Text File Regarding The Soon-To-Be Available PC-DOS 6.1 From IBM.(Double-Space Not Included !).
PD0462.ZIP 4,654 03-29-93 Application Note from Microsoft on problems of DOSSHELL and mice.
PD0463.ZIP 2,668 03-29-93 Application Note from Microsoft on the use of the SETVER program.
PD0465.ZIP 3,357 03-29-93 Application Note from Microsoft on problems reading and formatting diskettes under DOS 5.0 and 6.0.
PD0470.ZIP 7,737 03-29-93 Application Note from Microsoft on system hangs using EMM386.EXE.
PD0471.ZIP 2,283 03-29-93 Microsoft Application Note For DOS Containing An Explanation Of The Wina20.386
PD0473.ZIP 1,537 03-29-93 For DOS Containing Information On Installing DOS From Drive-B3; Microsoft Corp.
PD0476.ZIP 1,693 03-29-93 Application Note from Microsoft on PS/1 and problems with DOS 5.0 and 6.0.
PD0477.ZIP 1,534 03-29-93 MS Application Note on Setup aborting a DOS 5.0 to 6.0 upgrade.
PD0743.ZIP 1,975 03-29-93 MS-DOS 6.0 Installation and Partition Q&A
PD0744.ZIP 4,683 03-29-93 MS-DOS 6.0 General Installation Q&A