542XVGAL.ZIP 19,288 11-08-93 Firmware 1.4 for Cirrus Logic 542x video cards.
80X30_9.ZIP 3,534 11-03-93 A 500 byte TSR that gives you 80x30-screen instead of the 80x25 lines. Supported by many programs, among RoboMail, Norton Commander, Telix, Norton Utilities.
AASS204.ZIP 160,872 10-14-93 Ansi/Avatar Animation Slide Show ver 2.04 View Ansi type files, plays Ansi music too! Built in File Manager, several different file viewing modes. Mouse support, FAST! RaLin.
ANSI13L.ZIP 42,635 11-17-93 ANSI.COM V1.3l - PC Magazine's ANSI driver. It can be used in place of DOS's ANSI.SYS and gives better performance too. Also includes ANSIPCB.COM that implements PCBoard's @ codes for displaying text files at the DOS prompt. This version now includes all the new PCBoard 15.1 variables and a fix for sized ratios.
ANSIALL5.ZIP 3,119 05-31-93 ANSIALL5.COM - ANSI like driver run by a.COM file but MUCH faster!.
ANSV30.ZIP 60,459 02-06-94 ANSI View 3.0 - Full featured command line driven ANSI graphics viewer supporting ANSI animation. Throw away DOS's slow and cranky ANSI.SYS forever! Faster than ANSI.SYS but non-memory-resident. Includes features that simplify menu generation. Great buy at only $20! Dramatic speed increases also! February 4, 1994
APLUS31.ZIP 318,160 04-07-94 ANSIPLUS 3.10: Great console driver for SVGA/VGA/EGA under DOS 3.0-6.2, packed w/features: vivid colors, full color control, screen saver, scroll-back, scroll freeze, smooth scrolling, ANSI support, Windows aware, larger key buffer, typematic speedup, key stacking, international support, loads to UMBs, HMA or EMS, easy to use utilities and config menu, free BBS updates, and much more. Improved scroll-back! Replaces Versions 2.00-3.02.
ATIUTL.ZIP 296,351 11-07-93 Updated ati graphics ultra pro installation and test utilities.
CONDOR50.ZIP 284,620 11-21-93 CONDOR v5.0 (C5) is a ANSI.SYS replacement. It supports standard ANSI graphics for compatibility, but also supports pixel level graphics for CGA/EGA/VGA a '286 or better is required. C5 has commands to draw lines, circles, fills, rectangles, text, music, sound effects, FONTs, ICON and Button creation for commanding DOS or a BBS. C5 comes with CPAINT a mouse painter to create C5 graphics. This version ADDS mucho FONTs and custom ASSEMBLER routines to speed up many graphics functions, plus 360x480x256 on standard VGA cards. CONDOR v5.0 is Donationware. ANY program that supports _external_ ANSI (ANSI.SYS) has _INSTANT_ Condor support BUILT in! Condor is great for DIGI Publishing too.
CPQVESA.ZIP 9,320 04-21-93 COMPAQ VESA Driver for QVision Board.
CURTAIN.ZIP 3,958 05-24-92 A simple screen saver with TP 6.0 source.
DBVGA20A.ZIP 70,436 08-04-93 DBVGA v2.0. A 256 colors screen saver that display jokes and quotes. Support VGA and EGA.
DFF.ZIP 47,699 07-27-93 DOS Font v1.0: program designed to allow for an alternative to DOS's standard character set; comes with 8 different fonts for DOS.
EDV340.ZIP 246,344 06-12-93 EDV version 3.40 beta - FREEWARE font editor for the VGA text display. Includes 100+ fonts, Loadfont program to activate fonts, and Extract program to pull fonts from other programs/ files. EDV can save fonts as raw files, executable .COM files, text files, or C source code.
EXPLOS31.ZIP 210,440 07-01-94 Explosiv 3.1 is a DOS & Windows screen saver that offers a safe and reliable means of preventing monitor burn-in with a library of 16 exciting and imaginative displays. Unique fractal modules can run hours without any repetition in the displayed pattern. Also, Explosiv can dynamically create new displays from color images or using typed messages. Turn any DOS program into a Windows screen saver. Shareware from H&G Software.
FONT130.ZIP 130,372 08-28-93 FONTASTIC v1.30 - An ANSI Text Editor with 15 Fancy Fonts for ASCII and ANSI applications. Release date 08-28-93. Fonts are typed in "real time" and the screen can be saved as an ASCII, ANSI, .COM, or BINARY file. Many features for editing. FONT, DRAW, & TEXT modes. Two pages for loading and block tranfer of data. Special color functions for ANSI fonts. Pulldown menu, borders, box drawing, & more. Standard Registered version $15.00. Professional version available with 109 Alpha Fonts and 30 numeric fonts as well as 30 Stylized fonts in Pro-Font add-in FREE. Read contest details.
FONTLOAD.ZIP 16,475 06-24-93 Font Loader [FLOAD] (Ned Crigler; $0) is a font set loader for VGA monitors. It changes the default IBM font set to either roman or script sets.
FONTPK20.ZIP 25,981 10-16-93 Extra fonts for all versions of TheDraw that support fonts. ANSI based.
FONT_M23.ZIP 85,024 10-04-92 Font Mania v2.3: font maker/editor for EGA/ VGA; change your computer's default text font; save the font to a COM file easily activated from a BAT file; menu-driven.
HDLOAD.ZIP 38,904 11-27-93 HDILOAD v2.21a (6/29/93) - ATI Turbo Adapter Interface for DOS. The ATI Turbo AI is a programming interface written exclusively for ATI mach8 and mach32 accelerator chips. The AI provides access to the graphics coprocessor by providing a "call interface" to programs performing display functions in the 8514/A compatible part of the graphics card. The ATI Turbo Adapter Interface is 100% compatible with AI programs written for the IBM 8514/A. Downloaded from ATI's BBS. See the README file for more info.
LDOG114.ZIP 301,204 10-15-92 LAUGHING DOG SCREEN MAKER V1.14 <ASP> - IBM text-mode screen designer w/mouse interface. Operates like a Windows paint program. Popup menus, online help, & on-screen toolbar make designing screens as easy as Point, Click, Drag, & Drop! Generate source code in BASIC, C, Pascal, Assy; or export as BSAVE, ASCII, ANSI, COM, EPS, WildCat or PCBoard BBS files. Includes TSR screen-grab & slide-show utils. DesqView & Windows Compatible. Registr: $35
LEO252.ZIP 68,213 05-26-93 LEONARDO ver. 2.52: Ansi & Ascii screen editor geared for ansi animation. A must for SYSOP & programmers! Now has FONTS and the ability for the user to create their own fonts. Included is a small library of screen and fonts. Also has screen capture and font compiler utilities. From R & T Soft.
NL100.ZIP 32,836 06-05-93 Dynamic Designs Northern Lights Screen Saver v1.00 - From the "Over the Edge Collection" Northern Lights is a variation of the classic bouncing lines program. It has a unique feature of having the lines fade in and fade out, like the Northern Lights. It also has a "crazy bounce" mode which doesn't just bounce off the edge of the screen, but comes off in a new direction with a new speed making some unique displays. Northern Lights can also have up to 5 reflections on the screen at once.
NNANS593.ZIP 67,946 06-07-93 NNansi.com ver 5/93 replacement for Ansi.sys Configured for 80286 machines, but includes everything to customize for yourself !
PP111.ZIP 83,293 02-06-93 PRECISE POINT v1.11 <ASP> - Graphical Mouse Driver. Installs as a dos TSR utility. Transforms the text mode block mouse cursor into a smooth moving graphical pointer. Works with EGA/VGA text mode applications. Now UltraVision compatible. By Andy Hakim.
ROMFNT11.ZIP 28,896 05-21-92 ROMFNT v1.1: writes new fonts into the VGA BIOS ROM (which must be already loaded into shadow RAM); new fonts will be permanent, & will survive mode changes (on some machines, even a warm boot).
SCRSCENE.ZIP 357,894 10-13-93 Desert Frog Screen Scenes v3.3, a DOS screen saver. 29 different scenes ranging from geometric shapes to a kaleidoscope, an aquarium, hopping frogs and awesome 256-color, palette-animated fractal scenes. This new version provides 20 additional fractal scenes as a registration incentive! Shareware, CGA, EGA or VGA. Hard disk required.
SETVESA.ZIP 213,187 06-30-92 Set VESA on many video boards.
TD132.ZIP 63,330 05-23-92 BIG text for ASCII or ANSI files, 54 fonts to choose from. ANSI files can be saved in color and can be loaded in THEDRAW to use in custom screens. ASCII files can be used in any text file. This program is also available on PC-SIG's CD, distributed nationally. Develepod by RC Software, Ray Carson, Programmer/Author, (C) 1990-92.
TDRAW463.ZIP 287,754 10-18-93 THEDRAW SCREEN EDITOR VERSION 4.63 - (10/93) A text-oriented screen design tool. Similar is some regards to a graphics paint program. Offers multiple page SPRITE editing, powerful Ansi ANIMATION support, Ansi/Ascii FONTS, pulldown menus, full mouse support & online help. Saves files for ANSI, ASCII, AVATAR, PCBOARD, WILDCAT, COM, BINARY, BSAVE, OBJECT (C/Pascal/QuickBasic), and source code in Asm Pascal and C formats. Registr: $22-$25
TEXTFT23.ZIP 41,590 08-31-92 For ega or vga monitors, text font replaces the font that text-mode programs use to display text.
TRIDBUS_.ZIP 3,611 06-13-92 Forces Trident cards to use 8 bit data path. Required when there's a second video card (monochrome) installed.
UVESA32.ZIP 21,688 06-07-93 The Universal VESA TSR - extends the Video BIOS routines of SuperVGA video cards to make them compatible with VESA recommended extensions. v.32. Can be very handy.
VGACON10.ZIP 46,868 01-07-94 VGAControl v1.0: Set VGA pallete, save to file, reload. Newlin.
VGASPD10.ZIP 14,031 06-23-92 Computes the relative speed of your VGA setup.
VIDEOID.ZIP 8,246 02-02-93 Identifies video card, chip type and memory on card.
VIDSPD30.ZIP 18,026 06-19-91 Video speed performance tester, ver. 3.0.
VIZ431.ZIP 84,467 10-30-93 An accelerator for BIOS-DOS-ANSI screen text modes. Compatible with SVGA/VGA/EGA/MDA/HGC+ and snow-free CGA adapters. Options include: independent (video) ANSI replacement module; laptop blink-cursor module; UMB selfloading; 086/286/386/486 optimized releases. Uses as little as 900 bytes; very fast acceleration.
VLS20.ZIP 67,811 06-16-93 VGA Clear Screen v2.0: allows you to use 28 brilliant VGA color effects to clear your PCs screen; explode, zap, shadows, doors & more; req EGA/VGA; 06/16/93; David Smith.
VPRMODE.ZIP 57,384 01-17-94 Latest VESA driver for Diamond viper VLB 2Meg.
VPRVSF.ZIP 43,832 03-06-94 ShareWare VESA driver for the Diamond Viper,v1.2 rev F.
VV221.ZIP 17,248 09-21-93 VVESA.COM v2.21 - ATI Super VGA BIO Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program for Cards. It is the implementation of the VESA Extension Standard #VS911022.