15_974C.ZIP 5,763 08-11-93 Quick reference card for US Robotics Sportster modems.
ADPCM.ZIP 1,247 10-02-92 ADCPM file format for ZyXEL U1496 modems.
ANS37B.ZIP 306,741 02-18-94 ANSWER used with a supported voice mail card or modem with voice support is a voice mail and telephone answering system which features four primary modes of operation - the Personal Answering Machine, the Voice Mail Box, the Information Server, and the PhoneBook Dialer. Each mode operates independently but may access the same messages.
BOCA07.ZIP 43,105 10-14-93 From Boca Tech Support BBS BOCA MODEM 14.4 M1440 ASCII Text Manual
CC_OH1A.ZIP 64,974 04-09-93 CyCom proudly presents OffHook v1.0a Puts modem OffHook (busy) while you need the computer. Very easy to set up. Executable configuration file for fast set ups. Supports COM 1 through 15, bauds 300 through 38,400 and Fossil Drivers. Great utility for SysOp's F R E E W A R E Author: Simon Shelston
CNDHELP.ZIP 3,198 10-21-92 How to perfect caller ID if your modem supports it - from ZyXEL's CA BBS.
COM2TO4.ZIP 3,622 06-15-92 Use com4 from dos as com2.
COMST12.ZIP 26,381 12-17-93 Comset 12 Modem/Uart/Serial Port tester Test, setup ports/modems/uarts. Ver 12 supports Com1-4, IRQ2-7, speeds to 115200bps. Returns errorlevels to batch files depending on modem's state. Enable/Disable 16550AFN uart buffers Also swaps ports, logs in Com3&4 to DOS , displays port status. With docs.
FASTUART.ZIP 22,135 04-27-93 Explanation of 16550/16450 UART features and how they affect high-speed communications. Author is Michael Spalter of SEG Communications in the U.K.
FIFO.ZIP 6,145 08-29-91 To activate/deactivate the FIFO in 16550 UARTs.
HOOKINT.ZIP 5,110 12-03-92 Utility provided by Quarterdeck Business Systems to allow operation of the Intel SatisFAXtion(TM) board under DESQview. NOT supported by Intel - contact Quarterdeck for assistance or information on this program.
INTELFAX.ZIP 8,677 07-08-93 Update (7/8/93) from WPCorp of driver for Intel SatisFAXtion models 200, 400 & Classic w/WP6.0.
INTHLP.ZIP 3,034 04-14-93 Trouble with modem cards, interrupts, etc? Here's the software/hardware scoop ! ! !.
INTHLP2.ZIP 12,944 04-20-93 Interrupt and IRQ help file for Columbia Kermit Users by Frank da Cruz in response to Dr. Curt Priest's INTHLP.ZIP about IRQ conflict problems (COM3 and COM4).
ISDN_FAQ.ZIP 9,785 07-14-92 Frequently Asked Questions on ISDN from USENET (comp.dcom.isdn newsgroup).
MDIC200.ZIP 60,188 09-01-93 The Modem Dictionary v2.00. Freeware. This is a must for anyone using a modem. It contains easy-to-understand definitions of over 730 words that come up when using modems and BBS's. Helpful for both the beginner and expert. No need to try to figure out the jargon anymore!
MDM400.ZIP 15,748 08-18-93 Misc texts from Intel BBS about Modem/400(e).
MODEMD52.ZIP 131,776 06-02-93 Modem Doctor 5.2S, the premier modem,uar diagnostic utility. Tests ports, IRQ set self-connect modem tests, handshake test and more than 60 others. Ver 5.2 adds aa command line switch /Q that allows user to toggle IRQ diagnostics off. Contains tech reference manual, user manual.
RCKCHP.ZIP 2,353 08-03-92 Notes on the differences between Rockwell chipsets used by modem manufacturers.
RM613B.ZIP 122,848 07-17-94 ROMs v6.13 for ZyXEL U1496-B modems.
RM613BP.ZIP 142,204 07-17-94 ROMs v6.13 for U1496-B+ modems.
RM613E.ZIP 123,129 07-17-94 ROMs v6.13 for ZyXEL U1496-E modems.
RM613EP.ZIP 142,407 07-17-94 ROMs v6.13 for ZyXEL U1496-E+ modems.
RM623C.ZIP 122,970 07-17-94 ROMs v6.23 for ZyXEL U1496 cellular modems.
SAT400.ZIP 12,082 04-13-93 Tech Notes for the Intel Satisfaxion 400.
SCOPE140.ZIP 93,655 08-14-91 Use PC as comm protocol analyzer/line scope.
SER_CHIP.ZIP 9,570 06-12-92 Detects and identifies UART chip.
SP144MAN.ZIP 92,070 04-19-93 US Robotics Sportster 14400 documentation.
SPHSHELP.ZIP 73,483 04-19-94 Technical Reference Manual for USR Sportster modems in Windows Help format. From USR BBS.
VCNVT.ZIP 13,789 01-05-93 VCNVT is a small utility for ZyXEL-modem users that converts the recorded sound to Soundblaster .VOC format; includes source code in C; 01/05/93; Lin Chinru/ZyXEL Corp.
VOICE.ZIP 6,830 12-14-92 All the ZyXEL's voice AT commands.
VOICEE25.ZIP 284,018 05-14-93 VOICEMAN v2.5: Electronic Voice-Mail System for ZyXEL Modems; must have newer ZyXEL Modem w/voice feature; shareware from Germany; 02/03/93; Michael Pflug.
ZFAX312E.ZIP 703,863 03-16-94 DOS FAX+voice util for ZyXEL modems, bugfixes reguires v5.00+ ROMs, not fancy but useful.
ZHINT77.ZIP 110,952 07-07-93 150 ASCII text files (& a couple TIFs) w/ HELP for Modems & fax-modems. General hints, ZOOM hints, & MTEZ hints.
ZLOG2DOC.ZIP 44,709 03-03-94 Translates binary coded ZFAX log files to ASCII coded log file, work with ZFAX v2.23 v3.10 (E).
ZUTIL_F2.ZIP 32,957 02-08-93 Utility program for voice on a ZyXEL modem.
ZUTSR100.ZIP 41,638 02-08-93 Identify voice calls to a BBS with ZyXEL modem.