ALIGNPM5.ZIP 35,505 07-15-93 Olav Kvern's PagMaker 5 Alignment Palette Allows you to quickly and accurately align 2 objects in PM5 in a wide variety of ways. Quick, small and robust. No nag, and cheap!.
ASHTON01.ZIP 38,638 02-06-94 File 1 of 10 New fonts for WordPerfect 6.0.
ASHTON02.ZIP 38,361 02-06-94 File 2 of 10 New fonts for WordPerfect 6.0.
ASHTON03.ZIP 49,544 02-06-94 File 3 of 10 New fonts for WordPerfect 6.0.
ASHTON04.ZIP 52,285 02-06-94 File 4 of 10 New fonts for WordPerfect 6.0.
ASHTON05.ZIP 49,290 02-06-94 File 5 of 10 New fonts for WordPerfect 6.0.
ASHTON06.ZIP 51,111 02-06-94 File 6 of 10 New fonts for WordPerfect 6.0.
ASHTON07.ZIP 56,880 02-06-94 File 7 of 10 New fonts for WordPerfect 6.0.
ASHTON08.ZIP 55,156 02-06-94 File 8 of 10 New fonts for WordPerfect 6.0.
ASHTON09.ZIP 56,903 02-06-94 File 9 of 10 New fonts for WordPerfect 6.0.
ASHTON10.ZIP 55,778 02-06-94 File 10 of 10 New fonts for WordPerfect 6.0.
DOSFON.ZIP 104,267 04-16-93 W31 Dos Box add fonts v. 1.0.
DTP0493.ZIP 11,238 04-10-93 April update of International List of BBSs dedicated to Desktop Publishing and other BBSs of help to DTP enthusiasts!
DTPBBS11.ZIP 11,492 11-11-93 Nov 1993 update of International List of BBSs dedicated to Desktop Publishing and other BBSs of help to DTP enthusiasts!
FLOOK101.ZIP 8,916 07-22-92 Minor upgrade to the all time classic font viewer, FONTLOOK. Great options. Requires vbrun100.dll.
FONTDL10.ZIP 9,630 07-22-92 Fonts Dialog v1.0: font preview dialog box that scrolls to let you view all the standard alphabetic characters at point sizes up to 72.
FONTEQ.ZIP 3,591 10-04-92 Database of font name equivalents that will make it easier to rename oddly named fonts to their more commonly known names using utility programs like RenameTT or TTAlias or at least set the proper [FontSubstitutes] in Windows' WIN.INI.
FONTLIST.ZIP 21,113 09-10-92 Display REAL font names for cataloging purposes. Recognizes several font formats including .PFB, .TYP, .FNT, and more...
FONTME20.ZIP 322,832 04-18-93 FontMe!(TM) v2.0 <ASP> - Font Comparison /Printing for Windows 3.1. Compare fonts on screen or print in a various sizes and styles. Great for lots of fonts that look or seem to look the same. Includes side by side printing for more detailed comparison. Too many features to list here. FontMe! is self-Installing through Windows. Fischer Grafix & Software ($20.00)
FONTS194.ZIP 112,314 01-30-94 Internet FAQ: fonts and fontography. 1-94 version supercedes all previous.
FSAMP20.ZIP 60,453 07-28-92 FontSampler ver 2.0 Major Update from 1.1 Windows TruType/PostScript Font Sampler View/Print variety of fonts... List all you've gathered... Great for you Fontaholics.
FSP600.ZIP 349,004 06-21-94 FontSpec Pro v6.0 is the ULTIMATE font manager for Windows. Supports both TrueType & Postscript. NEW!! Print installed & UNINSTALLED fonts!! RENAME all your fonts without infringing on copyright laws! VIEW fonts from 8-999 points. PRINT keyboard templates, type scales, pro-quality speciment sheets in a variety of styles. PREVIEW before installing, and then INSTALL & MANAGE your fonts in "Groups". Very easy to use and YOU control everything!
FVIEW3.ZIP 102,519 06-11-92 Font Viewer v.3.0: Font Viewer can display any typeface installed in Windows at point sizes from 6 to 72 point. It will also show a full character set and by clicking on a particular character the keystroke for typing the character.
GS261EXE.ZIP1,186,669 05-29-93 GhostScript Execs for DOS/Windows, docs, ini, examples.
GS26FNT1.ZIP 847,948 05-07-93 Fonts for GhostScript 1/2.
GS26FNT2.ZIP 846,664 05-07-93 Fonts for GhostScript 2/2.
GS26WGUI.ZIP 56,379 09-21-93 Command Line Graphical User Interface for Gscript 2.6.x.
NEWS2528.ZIP 12,957 06-25-93 Pagemaker Frequently Asked Questions, Part 1/2. (FAQ).
NEWS2529.ZIP 10,717 06-25-93 Pagemaker Frequently Asked Questions, Part 2/2. (FAQ).
RENTT4.ZIP 17,973 11-01-92 RenameTT 1.04 - Rename your TrueType fonts.
TD20E.ZIP 232,674 06-10-93 Type Designer v2.0 for Windows 3.1 Design your own fonts or modify an existing one, in either Adobe Type 1 or TrueType format. Includes Type 1 to TrueType converter. Application to keep track of all automobile repair and maintenance records. It will run on an 8086 thru 80486 cpu running under dos.
TTFI20A.ZIP 84,727 07-31-92 TTFInfo 2.0A - bug fix - a Windows program to dump the name information from a TrueType typeface file.
TTFINFO.ZIP 11,004 06-21-92 A SYSOP or others utility to dump the headers of a TrueType typeface file to check for copyright and trademakr information.
TWAIN.ZIP 17,844 02-06-93 Description of the TWAIN Specification. White paper on linking applications and images. Text. Desktop publishing.
TYPEFAC3.ZIP 30,815 01-18-94 Typefacial v3.0 - powerful typeface viewer to categorize large and samll type collections. compare two fonts side-by-side. Easy and many features. For MS Windows users. Requieres VBRUN200.DLL.
TYPESPEC.ZIP 68,103 04-10-94 TypeSpec v1.0: MS-Windows typeface specimen sheet printer that will print a sophisticated font spec page that is especially designed for desktop publishers; in addition to an alphabet, you will find your particular typeface in different commonly used styles; 04/10/94; Jan Lichtenberg.
WGREEK19.ZIP 291,354 06-02-93 WinGreek v1.9: Greek and Hebrew package for MS-Windows that is consists of a set of fonts and some utilities whose main function is to allow accented chars to be easily entered into most Windows word processors.