ALCOMP11.ZIP 180,017 12-29-93 Aleatoric Composer Music System for Windows.
ARJPAPR1.ZIP 11,283 08-04-93 ARJPAPER v1.0 - by Ted Trost Automatically changes Windows wallpaper settings so each Windows session will have a different background! All Wallpaper BMP files are stored in an ARJ archive to conserve disk space! Tile or un-tile individual BMPs! Random or sequential BMP selection! ArjPaper and its components don't have to reside in your Windows directory! Highly configurable!
CANVAS44.ZIP 366,746 01-10-94 Roland Sound Canvas Editor/Librian for Windows. Latest Version 1/94.
CAPT31.ZIP 50,937 01-25-94 Capture v3.1: MS-Windows screen capture util that captures icons and bitmaps; supports region, window, client area & desktop modes; user-definable hotkey and fixed scalings are also featured; 01/25/94; Mark Mazurik.
CATSP211.ZIP 111,088 05-19-93 CatsPlay v2.11: MS-Windows application that enables you to play all MID/WAV sound files; 05/19/93; Christian Abeln/Technik & Software.
CDAUD150.ZIP 333,120 02-01-94 CD Audio v1.50: MS-Windows audio CD player w/3-D buttons, color, icons, etc., programming of custom track sequences for playback, disc database of disc titles, artists, etc.
CDM21.ZIP 69,261 05-26-94 Compact Disc MASTER v2.1 - full featured, DOS based controller for playing audio CDs on most CDROM drives. Special features are included for the Soundblaster Pro and SB16. Shareware. Written by Gary Maddox (1994)
CORELDRW.ZIP 10,995 07-16-93 Coreldraw v 4.0 updated bug index as of 6/93.
DECAY10.ZIP 9,402 10-28-93 Windows screen saver: Your screen melts!
FM_MMSFX.ZIP 389,109 06-06-93 Font Monster Multimedia Upgrade Kit Add Sounds to Font Monster V3.1 Includes Fun And Original Samples From James Brown, Star Trek, Old Cartoons, Old TV Commercial Jingles, And More. Does Not Require Font Monster to Play .Wav Files.
GLDWAV20.ZIP 263,067 01-06-94 GoldWave v2.0 for Windows 3.x: features: supports all MPC sound cards (SB, SB16, PAS16, GUS,...); full 16-bit stereo editing, uses 386 32-bit instructions, multiple re- sizable file windows, independent left/right channel editing and viewing, super zoom to magnify to a sub-sample level for extra accurate editing, standard editing functions: undo, cut, copy, paste, trim, mix, delete; built-in support for WAV, VOC, IFF, AU, SND, MAT as well as the ability to open RAW files, and lots more; 01/06/94; Chris Craig.
GWSWN11M.ZIP 999,635 06-20-94 Graphic Workshop for Windows 1.1m The best Workshop yet! Converts, prints, views, dithers, transforms, flips, rotates, scales, crops, colour adjusts, scans, quantizes and wreaks special effects on MAC, IMG, PCX, GIF, TIFF, JPG, PCD, WPG, MSP, IFF/LBM, WMF, BMP, RLE, FLI, FLC, CUT, ART, DIB, HRZ, RAS, TGA, EXE and TXT files. Has thumbnail previews, Photo-CD support. From Alchemy Mindworks Inc. hw
ICM34.ZIP 163,320 02-12-94 Icon Manager V3.4: MS-Windows Application That Allows You To Read/Write Icon Resource Files, Libraries And Archives, And Extract Icons From Windows Pgms, Open Up To 50 Windows Simultaneously.
ICOMAG20.ZIP 33,631 07-25-93 Icon Magic v2.0 Professional Icon Editor.
ICONDT30.ZIP 106,092 04-10-94 Icon Editor v3.0: MS-Windows pgm that enables you to draw/save icons; req VBRUN300.DLL; 04/10/94; Serge Poirier.
ICO_EX20.ZIP 82,340 12-29-93 Extract/save as.ICO files icons from exe/dll files.
ILIB_11.ZIP 53,882 04-08-93 The Icon Librarian v1.1 by Keith Ledbetter. Successor to "Icon Chooser"; totally redesigned and rewritten. Manage up to 100,000 icons in up to 100 user defined categories with the Librarian's intuitive drag-and-drop interface. REQUIRES WINDOWS 3.1.
JUKER30.ZIP 105,649 12-12-93 The Juker Version 3.0 - Versatile MIDI and WAV juke box for Windows with very advanced features. The only jukebox that supports song albums! This release adds numerous new features. FREE!.
KDRAW140.ZIP 92,502 07-01-93 KwikDraw v1.40F: MS-Windows object oriented drawing pgm; includes extensive online help; 07/01/93; Paul Schimpf/The Human Interface.
LATHE152.ZIP 90,386 07-04-93 Win 3.1. Lathe 1.52. 3D modelling.
LOADER13.ZIP 28,440 11-22-93 Loader v 1.3: tool to load Wallpaper & Sounds "A very flexible program" for Win 3.1: configure options for wallpaper and sound (assign BMP and WAV files, select the sound player, Load Now option...) Can run at startup to change paper & sound automatically. Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
LUDWIG.ZIP 144,300 04-08-93 Roland Sound Canvas Editor For Windows.
LVIEWP11.ZIP 215,769 06-17-94 LView Pro ver 1.1- Image file editor; loads/saves files in JPEG, GFIF, GIF, Targa, BMP formats. Requires 386 or better. Registration not required for individual, leisure use.
MCISEQ21.ZIP 156,898 05-25-94 MCI Sequencer, Version 2.1, for Windows This program allows you to play Multi- media files in any order that you like. You can create, save, retrieve and play sequences. Sequences can contain any combination of Multimedia files--you can mix WAVaudio with AVIvideo or other combinations based on your needs. If you want to do Wave Audio only, you don't have to have a sound board. The PC speaker driver is enough. The program requires VBRUN300.DLL (not included). It is ShareWare and the registration fee is $20.00.
MIDART10.ZIP 181,485 03-27-94 MIDIART v1.0 (Interactive Music Visualizer) - Software that plays standard MIDI music files and simultaneously creates beautiful psychedelic images synchronized to the music. The music recorded in the MIDI file is actually responsible for creating the images in real time. The user can interact with MIDIART to control the images that are created. Requires Windows 3.1 and a sound card or an external MIDI sound generator. An accelerated graphics video card is highly recommended. SH $12.95
MIDIJB.ZIP 20,563 01-03-93 MIDI JukeBox - lets you play multiple MIDI or WAV files.
MIDIPY15.ZIP 76,789 06-28-93 MIDIPlay v1.5: MS-Windows graphical MIDI player that looks and works just like a rackmount stereo component complete with front panel controls & digital readouts; requires ToolBook Runtime 1.53; 06/28/93; Scott Dunson/ DunsonWare.
MMWSLT10.ZIP 143,527 10-31-93 Multimedia Workshop for Windows Lt 1.0a Multimedia Workshop for Windows Light is an easy to use Windows WAV, MIDI and AVI file manager. It allows you to audition, queue, rename, delete and investigate multimedia files. Multimedia Workshop for Windows Light is being distributed as bookware. Full details are included. From Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
MODM9304.ZIP 358,402 04-17-93 MOD Musical Magazine, April, 1993. GREAT MAGAZINE! Filled with Amiga Modules that self launch. Requires Windows 3.1, and sound card capable of playing.WAV files. (New MOD player.) Premier issue. GREAT!.
MPEGW32C.ZIP 902,685 11-10-93 MPEGPLAY V1.25 MPEG player - uses WIN32s extensions for Windows 3.1 Includes Win32s files.
NICON23A.ZIP 52,431 02-02-94 Nicon V2.3a:Icon Editor for MS Windows. Draw dots, lines, squares, circles, and paint. Clip, flip, or scroll icons in any direction. Order by credit card thru PsL. Join Blueview Software's uploading team. From the makers of NFX and Raster Master << BLUEVIEW SOFTWARE >>
PSP20A.ZIP 284,254 08-14-93 PAINT SHOP PRO v2.00 <ASP> - PSP is a Windows program that will display, scan, alter, print and convert images. PSP supports 23 of the most common bitmap formats, including JPEG and Kodak Photo CD. Altering includes palette manipulation, dithering, resizing, cropping, applying filters, and MUCH more. PSP supports all TWAIN compliant scanners, does screen capturing, and is an OLE server. Winner 1992 Shareware Industry Awards. File [1/2].
PSP20B.ZIP 320,660 08-14-93 Paint Shop Pro for Windows v2.0 file [2/2] <ASP>
RGBPRB10.ZIP 5,646 05-26-93 RGBProbe vR1.00: a "what is the RGB value of that pixel?" program for MS-Windows; 05/26/93; Peter Middlestorb.
RVRDMO.ZIP 132,623 08-01-93 Rover - Windows 3.1 speech recognition demo. Works with any sound card with a mike. 10 pre-set commands plus 2 user-defined ones.
SCNPLY11.ZIP 43,943 09-18-93 Screen Play 1.1 - FreeWare - A simple program that stores your Wallpaper and Screen Savers in ZIP or ARJ files and randomly selects 1 each time WIndows boots - ESSENCE SOFTWARE.
SFXWIN20.ZIP 106,120 10-12-93 Sound Effects for Windows 2.0 Cute icons that sit on your desktop, and play cool sound fx when clicked. Rated as "one of the top Windows utils of 1993" by CompuServe magazine. Great fun. Try it out!
SURF11.ZIP 87,726 06-15-93 Surf-The WAV Audio Toolbox v1.1: an incred- ible selection of effects for your Windows WAV files, including: 5 levels of echo, chorusing, inversion, playback control, smoothing, editing, hiss control, phaser; all this and MORE wrapped up in a user-friendly toolbar; 06/15/93; New Executable Workshop.
TDP110.ZIP 155,200 10-27-93 The Drums Professional v1.10: powerful MSWindows pattern-based drum parts MIDI editor/ sequencer; 100 patterns; up to 300 song measures; very powerful editing cmds.
TSCD111A.ZIP 50,112 12-03-93 CAD/DRAW v1.11a <ASP> [Win3] - (1 of 4). Powerful CAD and drawing application for Windows 3.x. Features numerous drawing tools, associative dimensioning, library management, user defined hatchings, context sensitive help and much, much more. Made in Germany - had excellent reviews all over the world! In this file: SETUP and README. Top-notch Shareware by TommySoftware, $49.95 (USA)
VFWRT1.ZIP 1,311,127 11-18-93 Video For Windows Runtime V1.1.
VOICBL24.ZIP 109,170 12-31-93 VOICE BLASTER JR 2.4 for Windows 3.1. Queue up any combination of wave .WAV, midi .MID, and MCI supported files (Video) from multiple drives/dir. Supports Drag Drop, Looping, and Autostart! Supports all Win 3.1 audio cards! Complete with on line Help Req. Win 3.1. Registered users receive VB Sr (Record .WAV), VB JR, and VBLASTER for Dos!
VUEPRINT.ZIP 65,741 01-01-94 VuePrint for Windows - display and print GIF, JPEG, and BMP graphics formats. VuePrint is more than twice as fast as most other JPEG viewers and can scale images more than five-times as fast.
WAV104.ZIP 94,603 04-16-93 Wave Editor - is a Windows 3.1 applet that allows you to input, create, modify and analyze wave forms. Currently it works with 8 bit monaural PCM wave format files (most .wav files that you have are probably in this format).This program is shareware and is provided on a trial basis. Registered users will recieve an upgrade to version 2.0 and complete documentation. Version 2.0 can edit 16 bit stereo, 44Khz sound files and includes filtering and digital synthesis capabilities.
WAVAW250.ZIP 50,120 04-10-93 Wave after Wave (formerly Waver) v2.50: MSWindows program to play wave files; supports drap and drop; allows you to point it at a user-specified dir to play all of the WAV files starting at the top or at the currently selected file; requires sounddriver.
WAVES16A.ZIP 109,473 05-26-93 WaveS v1.6A: sound file editor for casual users and professionals w/many advanced features; 05/26/93; Station Software.
WHAM131.ZIP 139,191 08-24-93 Waveform Hold And Modify (WHAM) v1.31: a Windows 3.1 application for manipulating digitized sound; it can read & write Windows 3.1 WAVE files, raw eight-bit digitised sound files and files of several other formats (of which more may be added) and can perform various operations on this sound; WHAM can handle sounds of any size, restricted only by memory; 08/25/93; Andrew Bulhak.
WHOOP30.ZIP 81,673 03-25-93 Whoop It Up!--Maximize the sound functions in Win3.1.
WINDIM12.ZIP 77,423 07-09-92 Windows SVGA Screen Dimmer (Blanker).
WINECJ11.ZIP 37,730 05-31-93 WinECJ version 1.1 - This is a fast Windows JPEG viewer. You'll need a 286 or better, and run Windows 3.1 in 256 colour mode.
WINJP251.ZIP 322,035 04-03-94 WinJPEG 2.51 - shareware image viewer/ converter for Windows. Supports JPEG, TIFF, Targa, GIF, PCX, OS/2 BMP, Windows BMP, and PPM formats.
WINMOD10.ZIP 13,860 07-12-92 WinMOD is a MOD file player for Windows (386/sx req).
WINMORPH.ZIP 128,903 06-25-93 Winmorph is A Program That Warps And Morphs Scanned or Computer Generated Images. It Brings to Your PC One of The Most Fascinating Image Processing Tool, Until Now Available Only on High End Workstations.".
WINMUS11.ZIP 164,261 07-25-93 Music Sculptor v1.1: MS-Windows MIDI sequencer that allows you to record, edit, and play music; works with an external MIDI keyboard & also includes an on-screen music keyboard; 07/25/93; Guido Struben/Aleph Omega.
WINOCR21.ZIP 216,869 10-29-93 WINOCR v2.1 <ASP> is an Optical Character Recognition program. It works with bitmaps produced using low cost hand-held scanners and is intended to provide an effective method of data entry for programmers and others who require OCR. It requires WINDOWS 3.1 and a computer with 2MB RAM. WINOCR is Shareware $37.50. For additional information contact: SoftTech, CIS Mail - 100116,3254.
WINSNAP1.ZIP 339,820 05-19-93 Windows Screen Capture Utility.
WINWALL3.ZIP 13,158 02-07-93 Win Wall Changer v3.00: program that changes the Windows desktop wallpaper; reads BMP, RLE, ICO & WMF file formats; provides the ability to edit the images in Paintbrush by double-clicking the image; req VBRUN200.DLL; 02/07/93; G. L. Liadis Software, Inc.
WJMR23.ZIP 387,125 02-09-94 WinJammer - a MIDI sequencer for Windows. 64 track MIDI sequencer, supports all sound cards with a Windows driver. Edits MIDI files, converts ROL files into MIDI, full inline help and includes a player program.
WLYRA121.ZIP 196,214 04-04-94 Lyra v1.21 - Windows based music composition package puts musical notes on the screen, plays them and prints sheet music.
WMODPLAY.ZIP 94,754 08-29-93 Windows mod player; better than most.