52CAPI.ZIP 43,348 08-17-93 Updated for the INCLUDE files associated with CA-CLIPPER 5.2c updates.
52DIX.ZIP 1,281,113 04-21-94 Patch for Clipper 5.2 a/b/c. Updates to revision d. Corrects over 80 bugs. This patch only works on the Int'l version.
52DUSTXT.ZIP 8,692 06-28-94 Change summary for CA-Clipper 5.2d patch.
52DUSX.ZIP 1,177,358 04-21-94 Patch for Clipper 5.2 a/b/c. Updates to revision d. Corrects over 80 bugs. This patch only works on the USA/Canada version.
A2FILE.ZIP 104,770 05-29-94 Save Clipper Arrays to File.
A42111.ZIP 427,151 04-07-93 Upgrade For Alpha Four From Alpha Four BBS Upgrades V2.1.03 to V2.1.11.
AACO25.ZIP 58,340 07-03-93 AaColor is a simple yet robust tool for understanding, managing, and editing colorsets in Foxpro 2.5
ADDQBE24.ZIP 116,152 06-06-93 ADDONQBE is a Foxpro 2.5 Query By Example utility that can be added to any Data Entry (DE) screen with one line of code. Put your cursor in a field, press F10, and start building a filter! Keeps your users familiar DE screens! Other features: Save filters in library, create and catalog custom reports, form letter/ mailmerge generation, label generation, sort order pick list, export file to wk1, wks, sdf, etc. Also has built in Data Dictionary with Natural language support. Users see their query in English! All in one APP. SW. Full Source with registration.
AE501A.ZIP 8,552 10-19-92 Patch From Cis Clipper Forum to Fix Problems With Clipper 5.01a Aeval() Function. Modifies Clipper.Lib.
AGENDEF3.ZIP 85,023 02-28-94 Agendef v3. Simple database with user definable records.
AHLP14.ZIP 69,216 09-09-93 AHELP5 1.40: distributed by MicroFox Company. Advanced Help & Index Library for Clipper 5.0 AHELP 1.40: MicroFox distributes exclusively. Advanced Help Library for Clipper Summer '87. AHLP14.ZIP contains both AHELP and AHELP5. Context sensitive help with popup windows for applications written with Clipper. Key word indexes available for complete system. <ASP> Written by Capella Inc. and distrbiuted by Jim Hass. [ASAD] <ASP> {STAR}
APOP.ZIP 4,155 04-24-93 Generic Clipper 5.x ACHOICE function. Enter Top, left, bottom, right and array topop...APOP handles the rest!
ARC_VIEW.ZIP 10,158 07-01-92 ARC-VIEW is a library for Clipper that allows to peek inside compressed files.
AT110.ZIP 64,776 11-23-92 Acid Test v1.10 - TSR that records keystrokes and 'plays' them later. Useful to test Clipper/Fox apps in search of bugs.
ATEDIT.ZIP 7,366 06-07-93 Clip5x source and sample program for a simple FoxPro-like @...EDIT user defined command. Users MemoEdit() function and shows one way to paste custom readers into a get object. By John Burkhard.
BASIC1A.ZIP 186,686 10-02-93 BASIC 1.0a Clipper 5.2 function library. 7 of the most commonly use functions. A Must have. Transparent Shadow, Headers and fotters, save and restores you functions or procedures SET() parameters. Percent meter Please wait box. And More.
BCKLIB.ZIP 260,048 01-16-93 Beckner Library - A shareware library for Clipper 5.xx and up.
BCSMEM.ZIP 28,022 05-07-93 Two papers on Clipper memory management and Clipper arrays, both for 5.x from roger Donnay for Boston Computer Society.
BILDR20A.ZIP 236,860 03-31-94 Builder 2.0 is a code generator and function library which makes deveoping professional Clipper systems faster and easier. Builder creates easy to use mouseable program source code and report source code. Includes extensive function library. [ASP] (1/3).
BILDR20B.ZIP 298,547 03-31-94 Builder 2.0 (2/3).
BILDR20C.ZIP 193,491 03-31-94 Builder 2.0 (3/3).
BORLDC.ZIP 1,485 09-18-92 How to compile simple functions with Borland C, for use in Clipper apps.
BROWMO.ZIP 6,169 12-20-93 FoxPro v2.5 examples of a BROWSE in a modal windows.
BROWSERO.ZIP 6,810 04-07-93 Browse class(y) objects for Clipper 5.01 Class(y) is a clipper 3rd party library.
BROW_X.ZIP 10,559 12-14-93 Browse_X is an incremental browse for FoxPro v2.5, with more features than JKEY.
C501AFIX.ZIP 292,452 09-06-92 Clipper 5.01 bug fix from CA-Nanforum (CIS) Updates Clipper 5.01 to 5.01a.
CALC15.ZIP 34,891 11-30-92 Pop-up calculator for Clipper. Copies the result to a get field.
CALEND.ZIP 21,081 11-07-92 Calendar functions for Clipper.
CDXINFO.ZIP 7,605 02-21-93 Check Index Tags In Cdx Files At The DOS Prompt. Supports Fox Compound indexes And Clipper Using The Six Driver.
CL501RPT.ZIP 72,367 04-14-92 Linkable relational report writer for Clipper 5.01.
CL52LNK.ZIP 6,503 03-21-93 Blinker Script Files For Use With Blinker 2.01 And Clipper 5.2. From Blink Inc.
CLBBS203.ZIP 25,847 01-20-92 Cipper BBS magazine: Clipper info from BBS echos. Volume 2, issue 3.
CLBBS204.ZIP 17,249 07-27-93 Clipper BBS magazine: Clipper info from BBS echos, volume 2, issue 4.
CLBBS205.ZIP 24,045 07-27-93 Clipper BBS magazine: Clipper info from BBS echos, volume 2, issue 5.
CLBBS211.ZIP 23,001 04-27-92 Cipper BBS magazine: Clipper info from BBS echos. Volume 2, issue 11.
CLBBS212.ZIP 16,738 05-27-92 Cipper BBS magazine: Clipper info from BBS echos. Volume 2, issue 12.
CLBBS213.ZIP 21,010 06-27-92 Cipper BBS magazine: Clipper info from BBS echos. Volume 2, issue 13.
CLBBS214.ZIP 18,296 07-27-92 Cipper BBS magazine: Clipper info from BBS echos. Volume 2, issue 14.
CLBBS215.ZIP 16,425 08-27-92 Cipper BBS magazine: Clipper info from BBS echos. Volume 2, issue 16.
CLIPSUBA.ZIP 23,998 10-26-92 Clipper functions written in assembler, that handle the Novell API.
CLIPSYM.ZIP 3,768 12-18-92 ClipSym.Lib contains functions to access the Clipper Runtime Symbol Table. It also includes a binary search ASCAN called ASEARCH.
CLIP_FAQ.ZIP 12,707 07-05-92 Frequently Asked Questions about Clipper. (FAQ).
CLMOUS21.ZIP 56,635 04-12-93 Mouse Driver For Clipper 5.X, Version 2.01. Supports HGC, HGC , Incolor, MDA, MCGA, EGA and VGA up to 132 Columns, 60 Rows. Minor Bugfix From Version 2 In Clpmous2.ZIP. State Of The Art.
CLMSFLPC.ZIP 4,586 06-24-93 Microsoft Floating Point conversion routines for Clipper (xbase compiler). Allows Clipperto read numbers stored as strings by QuickBASIC and others. PUBLIC DOMAIN.
CLP123.ZIP 3,143 06-01-92 Clipper 5.1 Code to Create 1-2-3 Spreadsheet.
CLPANSI.ZIP 5,262 01-29-92 Emulate ANSI using Clipper internal screen control.
CLPBBS05.ZIP 33,801 07-09-93 Clipper/Xbase Oriented Bbss List V005 Listing Of Ca-Clipper & Xbase Oriented Bbss. These Include UsersGroups, Vendors, And Privately OperatedBoards. Includes Board Names, Phone #(S),Sysops, Network Address(Es), Etc.
CLPHLP22.ZIP 169,245 04-03-92 Full Color Context-sensitive help for Clipper 5.01.
CLPTICK.ZIP 7,013 02-24-92 Clipper function to execute a function every X second.
CLPVAR.ZIP 17,025 11-19-93 CLIPVAR.EXE - a Clipper utility to save you time!
COPYFILE.ZIP 948 07-08-92 COPY FILE replacement, 100% written in Clipper using low-level functions. Much faster than COPY TO.
CRASHING.ZIP 10,922 11-24-92 Art of Crashing. Text explaining some Clipper crashes and how to avoid them.
CSMITH.ZIP 252,783 09-16-92 CodeSmith v7.22 - Clipper 5.x Application Generator system - major enhanced release. Facilitates creation/development ofClipper systems Don Alfred SCREEN generator
CSY2C.ZIP 19,119 09-23-93 Class(y) RTPatch file from 2.0a or b to 2.0c RTPatch file upgrading Class(y) from version 2.0a or 2.0b to 2.0c. Version 2.0c offers a single library which is both real and protected mode compatible.
CT3P.ZIP 618,123 12-15-93 Upgrade patch for CA-Clipper Tools 3 library to enable it to work in protected mode with Exospace linker. Also includes update to Exospace.
CUACLIP.ZIP 200,823 05-31-93 CUA-Clip Interface Library - used to be called the DELCOM Library. Clip5x libraries to interface with mice, show pulldowns, pullouts, check boxes, radio buttons, buttons, etc. From Zachary Software, Inc.
DB25_N.ZIP 22,866 05-31-93 Norton Guides documentation for dB-Tools v2.5.
DB25_O.ZIP 146,429 05-31-93 OBJ files upgrade for dB-Tools v2.5 for all Clipper programmers. This is the total replacement for DBUDBMAXBROPLUS and other equal products. This dB-Tools manages all xBase files. Multi-user, multi-RDD/ Includes.OBJ files for linking with Blinker/RTLink.
DBF061A.ZIP 585,987 01-21-94 DBFModifer v0.61A From S&S Software Copy, Edit, Join, Append, Zap any DBF file easily with this program. Export DBF files to Excel, Lotus, Symphony and many other popular programs. Requires: 286 +, 512KRAM, EGA/VGA.
DBFGEN.ZIP 9,107 01-22-92 Generates de Clipper source code to create a certain .DBF.
DBFLOOK2.ZIP 36,743 05-25-93 DBFLOOK - EXE util for viewing and editing DBF files. Related NTX index files are displayed, search, count, extract to new dbf is supported.
DBFSTRU.ZIP 6,712 03-18-93 Check Dbf File Structure At The Dos Prompt. Supports Dbase/Fox/Clipper. Type Dbfstru At The Dos Prompt For A List Of Parameters.
DBOL110B.ZIP 651,443 12-15-93 dB Online v1.10b - Official Release Online database access language that is 100% compatible with dBase III+. It also can use dBase IV, Clipper, and Foxpro data files. Run your .PRG applications online without any modification!
DBR11.ZIP 46,825 07-27-93 dbReport v1.1: a linkable report engine for Clipper 5.x; create reports quickly & easily with dbReport; handles groups, headers and footers for report, pages, and groups, functions for field totals, subtotals, average, min, max; latest version has several new functions and output format options.
DBRX14.ZIP 14,704 07-08-93 DbRX v1.04 DataBase Repair Utility for dBASE/FoxBase/Etc.
DBS_1.ZIP 127,458 11-10-92 A complement for QEDIT that reads a directory and the structure of the DBF files.
DBTXT10.ZIP 19,491 05-03-92 New version of DBTXT - Transform an ASCII file in .DBF file - Belgian made.
DBUDDY25.ZIP 88,013 06-24-93 A dBase tool for the building of .Dbf and .Dbt dBase compatable Files from text files. Use Mouse to mark text in a text window then paste in dBase Fields or Memo's. In addition dBuddy features search, view and edit of both .DBF and Text files to aid in the database build process.
DBV123.ZIP 44,523 04-06-94 DBV-DBF View v1.23: simple viewer for taking quick looks inside dBASE-compatible DBF files in record & browse modes; does single-field, scan-across searches; file header info, including field definitions, can be displayed either in interpreted (human-readable) format or as hex bytes; you can select files for viewing from a pop-up, scrollable directory window; dates display as appropriate based on DOS's country-dependent info.
DBVIEW20.ZIP 68,551 04-11-93 DBVIEW Ver 2.0 - DOS database file viewer for dBASE III+/IV and FoxPro format files. Supports memo fields, mouse, read-only files. Shareware replacement for Norton Commander DBVIEW.
DDEIO.ZIP 8,870 11-30-93 DDE Library for Clipper. Communicate with Windows programs like Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Word and Word Perfect using Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). This DDE library enables clipper programs to initiate DDE conversations with any Windows program that supports DDE. It is also possible to communicate between DOS programs running on the Windows Desktop. Source code included.
DHIDE.ZIP 3,474 11-17-92 "Protects" DBFs by inverting the 128 bytes header.
DOC303.ZIP 140,909 06-04-93 DOC, Source Code Documentor for Clip5x v3.03. Indents, creates file and function headers, documents function calls, parameters, and databases and indexes. Also creates action diagrams, reports, cross-references, data dictionaries, and Norton Guide database compile and link files. New with this version: user defined open database function, more options on comment and continued lines, and better support for char/line on printer output. From Clarity Computer Consulatants.
DUPLIC.ZIP 2,230 04-22-92 FoxPro 2.0: A small routine to list a directory of your hard disk to a DBF file and flag duplicate or probable duplicate files. Requires DOS 5.0 and FoxPro 2.0. Source inc.
EHSNAP12.ZIP 188,351 10-07-93 Converts Snap Output To Expert Help Fmt Can Be Used With Clipper,Fox,Dbase Etc. Must Have Snap & Expert Help.
ENCRYP.ZIP 839 01-21-94 A FoxPro v2.5 function to encrypt/unencrypt data.
EVENTS11.ZIP 8,767 09-13-93 Events v1.1 - Spanish library that uses Clipper's internal event handler to trigger specified processes.
EXE10.ZIP 178,591 02-25-94 Exe Maker for FoxPro 2.5. Allows to run an .APP without linking the whole EXE.
EXOANG.ZIP 13,390 05-04-94 CA-ExoSpace API in Norton Guides (.NG) format.
FAST220C.ZIP 273,319 09-20-93 Fast Library For CA-Clipper v2.20c: handles graphics, sounds and much more.
FCOPY.ZIP 3,487 08-03-93 Sample "C"/Clipper Code To Eval Code Blocks From Within "C".
FE51A194.ZIP 329,518 01-24-94 File Express 5.1 <ASP> Disk 1 of 3 - Easy-to- use, powerful database with extensive feature set: searching, report writer to generate reports in columnar or multi line format with headers, footers, totals, 3 level subtotals, label printing, form letters with mail merge, phone dialer, calculated fields, over 60 string and numeric functions, custom design your input screens, duplicate searching. Shareware standard since 1984. $99.00
FE51B194.ZIP 339,685 01-24-94 File Express 5.1 <ASP> Disk 2 of 2.
FE51C194.ZIP 307,063 01-24-94 File Express 5.1 <ASP> Disk 3 of 3.
FILEVU.ZIP 147,549 08-30-93 FILEVIEW v2.2 is a DOS Platform Debugging-Tool for Foxpro 1.02 2.00 or 2.50. It is a pop-up utility that is called from within your Foxpro application by the ON KEYLABEL command. FILEVIEW displays all currentopen DBFS, Indexes, Keys, Relations, Targets,Field Info, Record stats, Memory Variables, File structures and much more. Also, Multi-lie Foxpro command entry, ASCII textfile viewing, and track upto 20 variables. RESETS ALL YOUR APPS SETTINGS. Used by major Financial Software developer.
FIXDBF.ZIP 11,536 04-02-93 Repair Foxpro/FoxBase, etc. DBF's with this utility. Fairly extensive...really handy !
FOX0101V.ZIP 25,170 04-27-92 FoxSig Toronto Newsletter, Vol.1,No.1 April 27, 1992 - First of 11 times yearly newsletter from local users group focusing on FoxPro Programming. This version is Video version in plain text and may be freely posted on any BBS. Interested authors and programmers see details inside on submission guidelines.
FP25ER.ZIP 44,880 07-04-93 Foxpro v.25 error handler. Also facilitates conversion to multi-user.
FPEDFN2.ZIP 57,442 04-22-92 FoxPro Editor Enhancements - The FoxPro editor enhancements become available once the program is started by typing: DO UTIL. Locate UTIL.APP somewhere on your FoxPro 2 path so that it is available to all subdirectories.
FPRODUPS.ZIP 2,182 08-21-93 FoxPro DOS & Windows duplicate record deletion procedure. Install in FOXAPP project to include in all generated applications. 1993 by Michael D. Long Instructions included.
FRANKLIB.ZIP 436,538 11-19-93 Frankie 2.1, the library of mouseable user interface engines for CA-Clipper.
FREELINK.ZIP 180,617 11-08-92 A DOS linker for Clipper 5 and any MS-link applications. Includes many features of Warplink. This is not a demo.
FW16D.ZIP 1,259,528 06-23-94 FiveWin v1.6d - Clipper for Windows - fully working EVAL-VERSION ! HOT STUFF !
FXCOL.ZIP 55,012 04-26-92 Fxcolor -Version 1.01- Includes .Docs, an .Obj, .Asm, .Prg, and a Bat. makefile, Clip50x -A complete VGA text mode color management system. Create any of the 262,144 colors available for use in your applications. Also create your own special color effects. Functions included for fading, blinking & pulsing. Completely written in ASM, source included, FREE! By Jim Fowler.
GENRPT.ZIP 2,718 03-15-92 Converts Foxpro report files to .prg files.
GENSCRNX.ZIP 64,751 09-06-93 Genscrnx Extends The Control of Code Generated From Foxpro's Screen Builder. All Source Code And Doc in Genscrnx Was DeVeloped at The Jet Propulsion Lab And Has Been Place in Public Domain.
GETS52.ZIP 7,091 03-27-93 Allow jumping between GETS as well as a time out feature. For Clipper 5.2.
GL101.ZIP 75,502 05-10-92 Graphic Library routines for Clipper 5.01.
GTGRPH.ZIP 4,980 10-22-93 Graphical terminal in Clipper (test code).
H61011.ZIP 115,676 12-01-93 Patch from the Successware BBS to upgrade their HiPer 6 Clipper index driver from v1.0 to v1.1.
INT86X.ZIP 6,551 07-10-93 Ft int86 Function Of Nanforum-Lib, Exospace Compatible.
ISV593.ZIP 23,603 05-14-93 ISVnews May 1993 electronic journal of news and developments within the CA-Clipper 3rd party community. Norton guides format. By Mark Lussier.
ISV693.ZIP 16,939 06-10-93 Clipper Info File June 93.
KPROC.ZIP 3,407 08-19-92 Assorted Foxpro Prgs, Popup, window, lookup, cal, and more.
KS94AN.ZIP 286,323 04-24-94 Klipper FREEWARE Library for Clipper 5.x Spring '94 Rev A.
KSGCLOCK.ZIP 6,147 08-20-92 Clipper 5.x clock function Wriiten in assembly code.
KSGNC2.ZIP 46,712 08-29-92 Interesting clone of Norton Commander written with Clipper 5.xx. Needs Clipper 5.01 and to be compiled and linked. Public Domain.
LANKEY2.ZIP 6,681 06-09-93 C & Clipper source (w/OBJ) workaround for slow, non-dedicated network print server. Allows normal speed while running a Clipper application. One function is meant to replace current calls to INKEY(). The others support that function. INKEY() is still used as a primitive, but time-slicing is handled between the Clipper function (up to half a second) and the C function (up to half a second). (Updated 06/10/93) By Shawn B. Lipscomb.
MAKDBFTC.ZIP 201,964 06-10-93 Creates CA-Clipper 5.2 code for database initialization. Supports NTX, CDX and MDX formats.
MBDBEDIT.ZIP 8,017 09-21-92 Direct relacement of DBedit using Tbrowse.
MIGRATFP.ZIP 446,570 05-24-93 XBASE Migration Kit for FoxPro - converts applications written in dBASE IV (1.5 or 2.0) or Clipper (S'87 and some 5.x) to run under FoxPro 2.5. From FoxForum. Caveat - there aretwo self-extracting .EXEs in this file that PCBoard may convert to standar .ZIP files; if so, extract MIGRATE.ZIP with the command PKUNZIP -d ZIPFILE.
NANFOR21.ZIP 171,906 10-13-92 This is the lastest version of NANFOR.LIB which is a PUBLIC DOMAIN library for Clipper 5.01 - included are NANFOR.LIB *.CH files anda NORTON GUIDE help file A must have for any Clipper programmer.
NCCLIB.ZIP 99,785 05-04-93 National Computer Consultants Library. Over 50 different OOP, windows, mouse, and menu functions. From National Computer Consultants.
NETTOL.ZIP 167,107 07-15-93 Netto is a free, public domain library that implements many of the Novell NetWare APIs. Requires Clipper 5.2 or later and theNanforum Toolkit, v2.1 or later (seeNFLIB.ZIP). This file contains the library,header files, and Norton Guide documentation. Post questions, bugs, and comments in section 5 of the CLIPPER forum.
NF21PAT1.ZIP 2,219 11-09-92 Patch for Nantucket library version 2.1. Contains a function missing from initial release.
NFPAT2.ZIP 4,357 11-27-92 Patch#2 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper.
NFPAT3.ZIP 14,043 11-29-92 Patch 3 to the Clipper NANFOR.LIB v2.1. Fixes.
NFPAT4.ZIP 13,609 12-14-92 Patch#4 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper.
NFSRC21.ZIP 329,515 10-19-92 All the source code and the master makefile for the Nanforum Toolkit, release 2.1. The toolkit is a public domain, user-supported software project consisting of Clipper 5.01-compatible code for Clipper developers.
NTX.ZIP 8,299 09-25-92 Two Clipper functions with C source code. One returns the index position of a record number. The other one returns the record number of an index position.
OVOC.ZIP 38,005 06-09-93 How To Use Soundblaster Voc Files In Your Clipper Applications.
PBACK.ZIP 9,906 07-18-92 Backup and Restore from inside your Clipper apps.
PCF70A.ZIP 320,568 06-16-93 PC-File 7.0 Easy to use database, 1993 version. New in Version 7: Spell checker, multiple views. (1/4).
PCF70B.ZIP 351,157 06-16-93 PC-File 7.0 (2/4).
PCF70C.ZIP 269,523 06-16-93 PC-File 7.0 (3/4).
PCF70D.ZIP 239,079 06-16-93 PC-File 7.0 (4/4).
PDOX693.ZIP 475,147 06-15-93 Paradox for DOS technical tips and updates accumulated May 93. Accumulated May 93.
PDVM2.ZIP 29,140 12-21-92 The Vertical Menu Collection - Another interface library for Clipper.
PE110.ZIP 144,319 11-10-92 Print Ease v1.10 for Clipper. Printing class for Class(y) users.
PICKLST.ZIP 2,336 07-12-92 Picklists for Clipper 5.x.
PK4PAK.ZIP 166,325 08-04-93 Paradox 4 0 Utilities A Variety Of Scripts From Calculators To Cartoons.
POPDBF40.ZIP 135,639 02-11-92 PopDBF 4.0 is a 4K TSR dBase file browser/ editor that provides "Instant Access" to any dBase compatible database. Add, Browse, Delete, Edit, Print & Search records. You can even create your own database views. Also, Delete, Pack or Zap files. Cut and paste data directly into your wordprocessor/spreadsheet! Network compatible w/ context sensitive help. Shareware from Bowen Software, PO Box 2134, East Peoria IL 61611. ASP Member $40
POW_TB.ZIP 16,291 05-25-93 Samples of clipper 5.01 tbrowse code.
PRTLIB.ZIP 18,578 06-25-92 PRTLIB for Clipper. To easily include support for many different printers.
PWRMAK.ZIP 16,099 07-04-92 Project managing utility for Clipper
TAGTBR.ZIP 3,873 09-15-92 Samples of a picklist implementation using TBrowse.
TBAR.ZIP 4,004 08-31-92 Highlight the entire Tbrowse row, not just one field.
TBMORE.ZIP 7,945 10-20-93 Clipper 5.2 Tbrowse Updated Internal Info
TBPRNT.ZIP 3,516 06-30-92 Printing a Tbrowse in Clipper 5.
TDCO69.ZIP 255,883 10-21-93 Visual Clipper libraries with pulldown menus full mouse support, etc. Much of docs are in Spanish but also has English instructions.
TLH1.ZIP 203,147 12-01-92 TLH is a Clipper utility for programmers, that shows the structures of DBFs, prints them, manages MAKE and LINK files and generates some source code.
TMCELSW1.ZIP 29,964 07-13-92 NEW - Clipper library for electronic experimenters.
TW150D.ZIP 245,923 05-14-92 TSDWIN Version 1.50 Interface Library for Clipper 5.01. Executable Demo.
TW150L.ZIP 203,449 05-14-92 TSDWIN Windows library for Clipper V1.50.
TW150N.ZIP 148,617 05-14-92 TSDWIN windows library Norton's Guide file.
VC11.ZIP 282,476 10-20-93 Visual Clipper for DOS v1.1. Screen/menu generator for Clipper. Requires the TDCO++ 6.9 library.
VERTDISP.ZIP 1,257 08-28-92 Clipper routine to display data vertically.
WAMPUM45.ZIP 361,075 04-20-93 WAMPUN v4.5: menu-driven, dBASE-compatible relational DBMS; can be loaded as 20K TSR; supports .PCX flds as well as all standard dBASE III+ fld-types; supports one billion records per data base & up to 400 fields perfile; faster than dBIII; supports dBIII reports, labels and form letters; full network support is included with record and filelocking.
WIN_DE.ZIP 365,332 12-23-92 WinDesign is a tool to facilitate screen and menu design.
XCLASS.ZIP 31,584 04-13-93 XClass v2.01 - A spanish library for Clipper 5.01 to program using OOP techniques. Freeware.