1PASS21.ZIP OnePass is a replacement for DOS' "diskcopy" command. Unlike diskcopy, OnePass is not limited to available memory and does not require you to swap disks. Besides making quick diskcopies without playing the floppy shuffle, OnePass is also useful for duplicating software disks. Diskettes created by OnePass are identical to the original boot disks actually boot, etc.
22DSK142.ZIP 22Disk V1.42 July, 1994 From Sydex, Inc. 22Disk is a DOS utility that allows one to read, write and format over 400 different CP/M diskette formats. It includes a definitions file which also allows you to "roll your own" format specifications for systems not included in the list.
2M20.ZIP 2M v2.0 is not only the highest capacity formatter at this moment, but also 2M diskettes are the faster ones. Formats 360-1.2-720-1.44-2.88 to 820-1476-984- 1804-3608.
2M20SRC.ZIP 2M v2.0 source code.
800II180.ZIP 800 II v1.80: TSR that allows you to use many new floppy formats while preserving total DOS compatability; supports 360K/400K/ 720K/800K/1200K/1360K/1440K/1600K.
ACAT142.ZIP AUTOCAT v1.42: floppy diskette cataloging, database system; 04/12/92; Martin G. Walker/.
ANAD207.ZIP AnaDisk v2.07: utility for examining, editing and analyzing diskettes; repairs disks con- taining data errors, copies an area of a disk to a DOS file, modifies data on diskette; analyze disk for content and consistency, and much more; 08/27/90; Sydex.
ATFMT100.ZIP High capacity floppy formatter. Will format 720K floppy to 1066K. Can make most extended formats bootable.
CDISK740.ZIP CATDISK v7.40 - Disk Catalog System By Rick Hillier - A friendly, powerful program that maintains a library of files in your disk collection. Supports all major archive file formats. DISKFILL automates and optimizes offloading files to floppies and catalogs them. DUPCLEAN cleans up duplicate or redundant files. See CDSK740D.* for a protected-mode version. ASP Shareware $29.
CDSK740D.ZIP CATDISK/D v7.40 - Disk Catalog System By Rick Hillier - A DPMI-compliant version of the CATDISK program itself. Runs in protected mode to use extended memory. Has higher capacity to facilitate CD-ROMS and large hard drives. You need the standard version for documentation and other utilities (avail. as CDISK740.*)
CDU_V405.ZIP Collection of utils for use w/Hillier's CatDISK, v7.00. Update collection, select newest files, clean database, more. Not by Hillier.
CHKDRV22.ZIP ChkDrv v2.21: checks to see if the floppy drive is ready (i.e., has a properly format- ted, non-write protected floppy disk in it); optionally checks if there is enough free space available; supports errorlevels.
CNFMT108.ZIP ConFormat 1.08A from Sydex...background formatting util.
COPYQ314.ZIP CopyQM v3.14 - Fast floppy multi-format, copy, & verify utility that reads a master diskette and produces verified copies of the master; State of the art; suports serial #s.
CPYDS123.ZIP CpyDsk v1.23 Single-Pass DISKCOPY Works w/UnFormatted Disks.
CUDM381.ZIP Colorado Utilities Disk Manager v3.80: Disk cataloger. F.Hill Limited to 7,000 or so records per file. Registered versions can use EMS or extended for larger catalogs.
DCF47.ZIP DISK COPY FAST v4.7: Powerful 1-pass diskette duplicating utility. VERY fast: 42+% faster than DOS, 33+% faster than competing programs ; Command line or menu driven; HOT keys for backup or multiple target; Mouse support; FORMAT DISKCOPY DISKCOMP all in 1 pass; Uses extended memory; Creates image file; On-line help; Support PC XT AT, mono CGA EGA VGA.
DF353.ZIP Diskette to File Image Utility v3.53: will make an image of your 360K, 1.2MB and 1.44MB diskettes (from its boot area forward) and place it in a file on your hard disk; diskette track/sector testing, manual/automatic data compression program execution and more.
DISKRW23.ZIP Utility to read/write floppy disks to/from image file.
DM232.ZIP DiskMate 2.32 (Key Software Services; $26) is a floppy disk cataloger. It can print disk sleeve labels (any number of files) get sorted reports, list files in PKZip files and supports 4DOS descriptions.
DS50.ZIP DOS Volume Serial Number (DOSerial) v5.0: allows you to view and edit the DOS Volume Serial Number of hard disks and diskettes; requires DOS 4.x or higher, and does not sup- port assigned, substituted, or network drives 05/06/92; Grant M. Gulke.
DSKDP408.ZIP DiskDupe Pro v4.08: fast disk duplicator; up to 6 times faster than DOS by reading the master disk into RAM & onto the HD once then making unlimited copies; bypasses DOSBIOS for maximum speed; handles 5.25" and 3.5" disks, both low and high density; automatically for- mats disk if needed and senses disk changes without touching the keyboard; stores images on hard disk, does 5.25 to 3.5 conversion; 06/23/93; Max Dunn and Paul Perry.
DUPDISK.ZIP DUPDISK v1.0: allows duplication of a diskette by reading the source diskette only once to a temporary file & then copying the image to a target diskette of the same type; with Borland C++ source; 09/11/92; Kinser.
DXP233.ZIP Disk eXPress v2.33 - Diskette imaging program for OS/2 includes both 16 and 32 bit versions, data encryption, VMDISK extraction and more.
EZCP320A.ZIP EZ-DiskCopy PRO <tm> v3.20a Literally turns your PC into a dedicated diskette duplication machine. Includes single read one pass copies, all DOS formats, "Hands-off" copy start, serialization, bypass BIOS for speed, compressed file images, compares, prints ser# labels, much more. TidyDisk<tm> now included!.
FDC_TEST.ZIP National Semiconductor: floppy controller chip test.
FDFORM18.ZIP FDFORMAT - Format Disks with higher Capacity v1.8: 3½"-1.44M drives w/any BIOS-Versions; format/use 720/820K disks in AT 5¼"-1.2M; 3½"-360K when you want to make copies of 5¼"- disks to 3½"-Disks using DISKCOPY, plus much more; German version and source included; THIS ARCHIVE MUST BE UNPACKED WITH PKUNZIP /D 07/21/91; Christoph H. Hochstätter.
FLR301.ZIP Filer! v3.01 - Classify and catalog your floppies.
FM56.ZIP FormatMaster v5.6. CAU dialog control operated floppy disk format utility. Handles 5 1/4" or 3 1/2", single/dual capacity drives. Transfer system files, volume label, and/or serialnumber. Supports sequential serial numbers using volume label. Creates bootable non-system diskettes. Reinitialize formatted disks with save/restore format capability. Windows style INI file configuration.
FMT200.ZIP Fast floppy formatter with source code (asm).
HD_CP17Q.ZIP HD-Copy v1.7Q: famous copy program for high density disks (faster than GA-Copy, FDFormat & DOS' Format); read/write 1.2M up to 1.48M on any drive (3 " & 5 ") and up to 1.72M on 3 "; can format various disk formats (up to 1.722M; supports quick formatting, XMS/EMS; menu option for sound effects, number of root directory entries adjustable; 07/18/93; Oliver Fromme/TBH-Softworx.
LAUND24.ZIP Launder v2.4 - Blanks your diskettes in a fraction of a second.. Very nice!
MACSEE40.ZIP MacSEE for DOS and Windows, version 4.0. A utility which will allow you to read/write Macintosh format diskettes on your PC. This includes 1.44 MB High Density Macintosh diskettes, 800K Low Density Spectre format Macintosh Diskettes (this is the Mac emulator for the Atari ST), and Macintosh hard disks including SyQuest removable hard drives.
NFRMT11.ZIP Format utility with a lot of new features.
OFFDISK.ZIP 1.44mg floppy driver for pc xt , does not need bios extensions high density controler required.
POLY27S.ZIP POLYCOPY<tm> is the ultimate replacement for DISKCOPY. It is an easy to use program for making single-pass copies of diskettes, using available RAM, XMS memory and/or HARD DISK to store a complete "disk image." This version supports 2file-compatible ".FLP" and DiskDUP image files which may be compressed for archival purposes, or transmitted via modem for remote restoration. Also, new is TrashGuard<tm> RAM Integrity Protection. [Shareware $24.95+P&H]
PU_1700.ZIP FREE From Russia. Another 800 like disk capacity enhancer. Allows you to use 3.5" capacity on 5.25" diskettes. (near 1.46+ each 5.25, near 1.8+ each 3.5").
QCOPY40.ZIP QCOPY v4.0. Powerful and fast disk copy, duplication and formatting utility. Reads only that portion of data contained on the source disk. Makes one or multiple copies. Formats, writes and defragments files to target independent of source. Optionally writes image file to hard drive. Can run from DOS command line. Mouse support.
SCAT22.ZIP Repairs all kind of boot sector problems.
SCOPY1.ZIP Incredible protected disk copy program allows backups of many copy-protected disk! With many clever features...
SDC312C.ZIP SuperDiskCopy v3.12c The 1-pass "DISKCOPY" DOS forgot + more! Includes 1 pass copies, compressed images, formatting, more. Simple and easy to use. Only $79 +s&h Contact: SuperSoftWare @ 713-488-0210-VOC Box 58177, Webster TX 77598-8177 USA 713-280-0099-FAX 713-280-8180-BBS
SDCP320A.ZIP SuperDiskCopy PRO v3.20a Literally turns you machine into a dedicated diskette duplicator The "DISKCOPY" that DOS forgot. Includes 1 pass copies, serialization, auto start, compressed images, formatting, more. Simple and easy to use. Only $99 True multi-user and network versions are also available. Contact: SuperSoftWare @ 713-488-0210 Box 58177, Webster TX 77598-8177 USA 713-280-0099-FAX 713-280-8180-BBS
SDK23.ZIP SuperDisKopy (SDK) v2.3: makes 1-pass duplicates of your floppy disks; can read the source disk once & make as many copies as you like; 06/11/92; Jovo Filipovich/ General Programming Inc.
SERNUM14.ZIP Print serialized diskette labels.
SLIPFLOP.ZIP Slippy Floppy makes your PC boot from C: if you left a non-bootable floppy in A:.
VASN128.ZIP Volume and Serial Number Version 1.28 allows changing the serial number and volume name on disks formatted with DOS versions 4.x and above. Registration is only $6.00 JCS Vendor
VGACPY52.ZIP VGA-Copy-pro v.5.2 Incredibly fast One-pass-Diskcopy and Formatter Copies and formats ANYTHING, even special formats like 1.74 MB! Handles Up to four physical drives; it EVEN plays amusing Sounds on your PC speaker or SoundBlaster! With intuitive VGA Button-Bar graphical Interface. Requires EGA/VGA and mouse.(c) Thomas Moenkemeier: Published by PEARL AMERICA, INC. (member ASP)
WFF17G.ZIP What Floppy Format? v1.7g: menu shell for Christophe Hochsttter's FDFORMAT, a PD floppy formatter that formats 3" to 1.72Mb; let's you establish parameters & automatically use them every time you format; CONTINUOUS FORMAT makes formatting multiple disks easy -- just insert a new disk when it beeps; 10/27/93; Angel Babudro.
WSSI529A.ZIP Wssindex cataloger vers. 5.29, part 1 of 2. Build database of directory info. Extract info from ARC, ARJ, LZH, ZIP, self- extracting, others. Extract image size and no. of colors from GIF, others. Add comments & categories to files and disks. Variety of database query/print opts. Reg $35, s/h $2.50 US/Canada, $4.50 foreign. ASP member.
WSSI529B.ZIP Wssindex cataloger vers. 5.29, part 2 of 2.
ZADDD23.ZIP ZADDD (Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dir) v2.3: floppy disk indexer that indexes floppies according to your printed label; lists files in ZIP, ARC, LHARC/LHA and Corel Draw! MOSAIC compressed files, too; 06/29/93; Bruce Jaeger.