<Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-A - Sorts alphabetically or numerically columns of tables or lines, which must have been previously marked as a block. To sort whole lines in alphabetical order (ascending or descending) place the cursor before the column you wish to use as the sorting key. Press the <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-A command (or its pull down equivalent command) and choose the order (ascending or descending). To sort Hebrew text when in English mode, place the cursor after the column you wish to sort, press <F2>, and then execute sorting. Do the same if you wish to sort English text or numbers inside a Hebrew document. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-B - Begins Block mark. (See <F7>). <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-C - Copies a marked Block. The marked block is inserted into the text, starting from where the cursor is positioned. Blocks can be copied from one window to the other. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-D - Saves the text, as in the <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-S command, but then it clears the file from the computer's memory and allows you to load another file. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-G - Starts the Mail merge utility. Before using Mail merge, you must prepare two special files called "Form letter" and "Data file" (but you can give them any other name you wish as long as you remember which is which). The Form letter is a regular Multi-Writer text document but you can write in it some replaceable strings. A replaceable string is any combination of characters surrounded by angle brackets, for example: <First-Name>. When printing the Form letter, this replaceable string will be replaced by its corresponding data in the Data file. The Data file is a collection of data lines, where each line means a separate printed document. The first line of the Data file must not contain any data but rather the names of the replaceable fields in the Form letter, separated by commas, for example: Last-name,First-name,Address,Phone The following lines consist of data fields separated by commas. Important! The order of the data fields in each line must match the order of the fields in the first line. In this example, the first field will be "Last name", the second field will be "First name" etc. The Mail merge utility will ask you to give the Form file name and the Data file name and will then print all the documents using the current printer settings. To abort printing, press <Ctrl>-<Break>. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-H - Toggles ON\OFF the highlighted inverse display of the marked Block. Blocks have to be displayed in inverse to be moved, copied, deleted, etcetera. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-I - Defines the Tab size, allowing the cursor to jump from one Tab position to the next one by that size. (See <Tab>). <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-K - Ends Block mark. (See <F8>). <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-L - Changes all upper case letters in a marked word or block to lower case letters. For example the letter "A" will change to "a".
<Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-M - Sets a marker to current line.
<Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-P - Prints a marked block. If no block is marked, the file that you are currently working on will be printed. If you wish to abort the printing, just press <Ctrl>-<Break> and the computer will inform you that the command has been aborted, after all the text in the printer's buffer has been printed. Before printing you may want to insert special print commands. Press <Ctrl>-P - After pressing this key, the next control character will be entered as an Ascii character instead of a command. This is used to insert the following enhanced printing instructions in the text, both before and after the word or words to be enhanced: ≤·····················································⌠ √ <Ctrl>-E = ENLARGED printing √ √ <Ctrl>-! = EXTRA LARGE printing (only laser) √ √ <Ctrl>-B = BOLDFACE printing √ √ <Ctrl>-C = CONDENSED printing (only dot matrix) √ √ <Ctrl>-S = UNDERLINE √ √ <Ctrl>-P = Forces a page break √ √ <Ctrl>-V = SUBSCRIPT printing √ √ <Ctrl>-T = SUPERSCRIPT printing √ ⌡·····················································÷ The printing instructions are visible on the screen, but they will not appear in the print out. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-Q - Clears the computer's memory. If changes have been made in the file, the computer will ask you whether to abandon the file or not. After the file is erased from the memory,the computer will ask you for a new file name to open and load by writing the file name and pressing <Enter>, or writing the file name and pressing <F1> to bring its File Management Window to the screen showing the dates and hours when the file was first and last saved, and two lines with comments. Press <Esc> to close the File Management Window. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-R - Reads file from diskette into the text, starting from where the cursor is positioned. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-S -- A window opens with the name of the current file. Press <Enter> to save the file under that name; or if you overwrite with another name and then press <Enter>, te computer will check if there is already a file on the disk under the name you overwrote. If it finds one, the computer will notify: FILE ALREADY EXISTS. OVERWRITE IT (Y/N)? Answering YES will confirm the saving process. Answering NO aborts the saving process. If the file is saved under a new name, this becomes the name of the file for subsequent savings. If the file is new and does not have a name yet, the computer will ask for one. If, instead of pressing <Enter> to save, you press <F1> the File Management Window is opened, showing the dates and hours, entered automatically by the computer, when the file was first and last saved. There are two comment lines where you can write any notes you wish about the file being saved. To save the file itself plus the information lines press now <F1>. The file name can be any string of up to 8 characters, optionally, followed by a period plus up to another 3 characters. The name of the file may be preceded by a Drive and Path identification, For example: B:\WRITER\LETTER.MAY After saving the file, you may resume editing. Saving an existing file, under an already existing name, does not overwrite the last saved version but changes its name to FILENAME.BAK, which will be updated automatically each time that the file is saved. This means that every file will have two versions in the disk, one the last saved version, and the other, (with the suffix .BAK), the next to last saved version. Files with the suffix .BAK can not be loaded, except if they are first renamed and the suffix erased or changed. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-T - Marks a whole word as a block where the cursor is positioned.If no word is present under the cursor, the cursor will jump backwards to the nearest word, and that one will be marked. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-U - Changes all lower case letters in a marked word or block to upper case letters. For example the letter "a" will change to "A". <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-V - Moves a marked Block. The marked block is moved to another place in the text, starting from where the cursor is positioned. Blocks can be moved from one window to the other. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-W - Writes (i.e saves) a marked Block. The block is written into a specific file name. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-X - Exits to DOS. If any changes were made in the text, you will be asked whether to save the file or not. If you answer Y, the computer will save the file as if you had entered the <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-S command, and then the program will exit to DOS. Answering N will exit without saving. Press <ESC> if you wish to abort the command. <Ctrl>-K <Ctrl>-Y - Deletes a marked Block from the text. <Ctrl>-K1..9- Sets a marker to the current line by a number from 1 to 9.