Labels:monitor OCR: Baiji Yangtze or River dolphip RNANGERED 00 vexnifer tus nDer ative 200 30 Living in one of the world's ccnservation protected; semi-cantive semi-natural reserves and this grey-white busiest rivers breeding program freshwater dolphin acalion Yangtze (Chang jiang} River system, that sees more China ech otocatipn than habita fresh rivers and kes eyesight is stilf on the decline. Discovered by western faor fish anci TU dwelling crustacears scientists 1914,it has Deer treats Habitat damage tood shortage known by tire Chinese for t000's collisiens with oa of yars as the reinarnation of entangiement with fishing Etels atx drowned princes: FlCOks rver bank deveopmen lifespan tlyears in captivity $(26 .51 toialennth weigh 167kg RANMGERET ccnservaion acali echotocatinn thar habit Eresh iake evesigh ...