Labels:monitor OCR: Baiji or Yangtze River dolphi titates Vexiffife 2. : alive 200 300 Living in one of the cnnservatior protected semi-captive semi-natural proaram reserves and this world's grey-white busiest rivers breeding freshwater dolphin tocation Yangtze (Chang Jiang River system that sees more by China echolocation than habitat fresh water rivers and lakes eyesight IS still on the decline Discovered by western fooa fish and mud dwelling crustaceans scientists 1914 it has been threats Habitat damage, food shortage, known by the Chinese for 1000's collisions with boats pud 10 years as the reincarnation of a entanglement with fishing nets and drownea princess hooks, river bank developrnent titespan at least 11years in captivity total lenath; weight 167kg Yang dolphir PNANGREE tipates number conservatior ...