Labels:bulletin board | monitor | sky | stairs | windowpane OCR: Kakapo AG Strigops habroptius nutnber alive This large green and flightless conservation protected: being re-established on probably been parrot un has the predator-free istands since the decline location New Zealand Maoris arrived habitat torests sub-alpine IOW reaions restricted ta New 950AD Zealand Following around Captain Cook and the arrival of food vegetation and roots of certain trees Europeans this decline has been and plants accelerated. Now one of the rarest threats introduced predators, eg stoats, rats of birds, the Kakapo IS top OF the and cats; habitat loss country's preservation list tifespar possibly over 50 years 53ZE more 60cm; weight up to 34kg RNOANGELEU habroptnus isiands Jocation Maori habita torest threat unknow ossibf