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/ PrintMaster 13,000 Cliparts (French) / TheLearningCompany-PrintMaster13000Cliparts-FrenchVersion-Win95.iso / Fonts / BANNLI__.TTF (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1995-10-22  |  71KB
Labels: bulletin board | earth | grass | person | reckoner | sky
OCR: abcdefghiik/mnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGH9 KCM NOPORSTUUWXUS 0/23456789 ~!@#s%^e ::/? The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The brown jumps over the lazy dog. 36 The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 60 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy The quick brown fox jumps over abcdefghijik mnopgrstuywxyz ADCDEFGH9 IKLMNOPORSTU rwxy3