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/ PrintMaster 13,000 Cliparts (French) / TheLearningCompany-PrintMaster13000Cliparts-FrenchVersion-Win95.iso / Fonts / FLETWB__.TTF (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1995-10-22  |  56KB
Labels: reckoner
OCR: abedef fghijk!mnopqrstuuwxyz ABCDEP GHIJKLM NOPORSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 "a#$% 03 = The quick brown fox jumps ouer the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy sop The quick brown fox juMps over the lazy Sop 36 The quick broWn fox juMPS over the lazy Sop The quick brown fox juMPS ouer the lazy 3op The quick brown fox juMPS ouer the lazy dog. The quick brown fox juMPS ouer the laz ghijk mnopqrstuvwxyz Izey