GEMini Atari
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File List
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GEMini Atari CDROM, December 1993. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Files about music and midi.
path: \zip\music
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- ----------------------
1ST_NOTE.LZH 27,846 12-02-91 Midi application
32TRACK.LZH 21,522 11-20-85 Midi seqeuncer, not too bad.
ACCOMP25.TOS 171,158 02-14-93 Ver 2.5 of Henry Cosh's MIDI sequencer (16 track)
AGTRAK12.LZH 23,566 11-23-92 Mod player, low/med rez
ALCHEMJR.ZIP 110,599 04-06-90 Gem based, 48 track midi sequencer. shareware.
AMP_DEMO.LZH 32,384 09-02-93 Step-entry sequencer for the Atari ST/TT/Falcon computers.
AMS_2_MS.ZIP 12,930 06-03-88 Music FILE CONVERSION VERSION 1.20
ARPEG.ZIP 11,099 01-30-89 An arpeggiator for midi keyboards
AUDLGT86.ZIP 157,697 11-20-85 Audio Light Demo
BMP2.ZIP 30,848 03-27-93 Background Music, listen to music while doing something else.
BODY.LZH 23,808 07-18-93 Has been designed for Guitar Players who want to have some fun.
CASIO.ZIP 9,989 09-01-93 Program for the Casio
CASIOSND.ZIP 2,784 10-16-86 A degas PI3 picture for Casio
CLAB_TIP.ZIP 1,434 04-06-89 Tips for using C-Lab / Notator
CONCERTO.LZH 86,466 10-05-92 Demo of the midi software.
CZPATCH.ZIP 23,805 11-20-85 Automatic Patch Generation and Archiving for the DX100 and CZ-101
CZPHONIX.ZIP 40,018 04-04-87 Gem based patch editor and librarian for Casio CZs
CZPIANO.ZIP 709 09-01-93 A text file to help you remember your setings on your Casio
CZTONE_C.ZIP 10,565 11-10-88 Cz files for your Casio
CZTONES_.ARC 30,208 09-02-93 Cz files for your Casio
CZTONS_B.ZIP 10,304 10-31-88 Cz files for your Casio
CZVOICE.ZIP 18,424 09-01-93 A program for your Casio
D.ZIP 35,956 02-06-86 A cool little music demo
D10DUMP.LZH 109,236 08-19-91 Dump program for roland d10
D70RXTX.LZH 25,943 08-22-93 Loads and saves sounds from D70.
DAME.ZIP 97,024 06-22-93 The Digital Audio Multilayering & Editing program
DESKSONG.ZIP 7,066 11-20-85 Play a song from a desk acc.
DIGICOMP.LZH 114,816 11-20-85 This is a featured packed NoiseTracker/SoundTracker program.
DKTZDEMO.LZH 74,112 11-18-92 Drumkitz: THE Alesis D4 Editor/Librarian
DLXPIANO.ZIP 21,342 01-07-87 Turns the keboard into a 'piano'. Yeah right.
DOSOUND.ZIP 135,634 03-26-92 Dosound
DROID230.ZIP 4,618 05-29-85 Droid230
DRTSYSEX.ZIP 7,878 09-01-93 For use with Dr. T's Keyboard Controlled Sequencer
DRUMGRUV.ZIP 2,349 10-11-88 A kcs .SNG file called "funkgruv.sng"
DXPATCH.ZIP 25,835 11-20-85 Automatic Patch Generation and Archiving for the DX100 and CZ-101
EKSEQ1.LZH 44,852 08-22-93 Nice sequencer program.
ESION.ZIP 38,134 11-09-93 For writing music using samples of real-lifeinstruments.
ESQ1LIB.ZIP 19,653 05-29-85 The program allows you to save patch banks, sequences, or both.
EZSEQ.ZIP 9,804 11-20-85 Ezseq is an easy to use sequencer for the ST
EZTPDEMO.ZIP 71,701 04-06-88 Ez-Track Plus Demo Version
FALCPLAY.LZH 12,288 11-09-93 Pro-Tracker V2.1a Replay Falcon Version 1.0p
FB_PATCH.ZIP 49,395 05-24-91 Patch editor/librarian for the Yamaha FB-01 FM Sound Generator.
GRDEMO.ARC 56,704 09-02-93 Der MUSIK-EDITOR
GUTARIST.LZH 152,037 03-29-91 Guitaristics Demo - a toolto help guitarists learn chords etc
HL_MUSIC.LZH 24,704 12-02-92 Hl_Music
INTERMUS.ZIP 69,317 06-22-88 Intersect Public Domain Music Collection
JR_JINGO.LZH 119,936 04-22-87 4 songs that Jeremy Robinson made using QUARTET!
JR_SONGS.LZH 54,528 04-15-90 By Jeremy Robinson
JRS_LOV.LZH 104,192 04-22-87 3 songs by Jeremy Robinson They were made with QUARTET
JUKEBX14.ZOO 45,056 10-30-92 Plays Noisetracker modules (MOD's) and SEGMfiles in background.
JUNO106.LZH 34,098 08-22-93 Juno-106 specific Patch Librarian
JUNO2LIB.ZIP 60,243 10-14-91 Roland Juno 1 & 2 Librarian for the Atari ST
JUNOVOIC.ZIP 4,229 11-03-87 Roland Alpha-Juno 1
K1LIB1_2.ARC 23,424 09-02-93 K1Lib1_2
K4EDITOR.ZIP 56,928 11-09-93 Multieditor, soundlibrary-manager for Kawai K4 16 Bit Synthesizer.
KIDMUSIC.ZIP 22,140 11-20-85 Kidmusic
KIDNOTES.ZIP 21,705 10-19-86 Kidnotes
KIDPIANO.ZIP 16,487 10-19-86 Kidpiano
LBDEFDEM.LZH 607,488 07-21-89 The Lost Boys Definitive Demo
LEHRER.ZIP 8,527 02-14-87 4 SNG files
MCDRUMS1.ZIP 2,572 08-24-88 Cz files
MCPACK.ZIP 10,625 11-20-85 Cz files
MCRMIXII.LZH 287,744 03-11-89 Mcrmixii
MCSCNVT.ZIP 15,556 03-25-90 8-bit Music Construction Set to ST Music Studio Converter
MCSPLAY2.ZIP 27,811 06-06-88 Mcsplay2
MCSSONGS.ZIP 37,820 10-11-87 Music CONSTRUCTION SET for the ST Self Playing Songs
MCSTTP.ZIP 7,427 12-19-87 Integration of MCS music into yourown applications.
MDFORMAT.ZIP 15,513 11-20-85 Musical Disk Formatter plays somemusic while it formats your disk.
MEAS_STP.ZIP 587 09-29-88 A diagram
MERRYX.ZIP 2,232 11-20-85 Music Studio SATB portion of A Merry Christmasby Arthur Warrell
METRONOM.ZIP 9,407 10-01-87 Metronom
MIDI.ZIP 21,221 11-20-85 Midi
MIDIBEAT.ZIP 27,329 04-22-87 Drum seq. editor for DR550
MIDIBUFR.ZIP 7,142 11-13-91 Change the default Midi Buffer to our own
MIDILESN.ZIP 17,116 09-18-89 Mini lessons on MIDI
MIDIMIX1.LZH 17,280 11-09-93 16 channel control of up to 128 different controllers etc...
MIDIPATC.LZH 106,542 03-30-87 Automatic Patch Generation and Archiving for the DX100 and CZ-101
MIDISEQ.ZIP 21,221 11-20-85 The original midi sequencer. Useful, but not serious.
MIDISOFT.ZIP 135,808 11-25-86 The Midisoft Studio Demonstration Program
MIDISPEC.LZH 12,800 01-25-88 Midi specs. Helps explain the mysteries
MIDITREE.LZH 156,672 12-05-90 Mid files
MKS50.ZIP 53,454 02-25-90 Patch editor for Roland MKS 50
MMM221.LZH 94,415 11-15-92 Midi Music Maker
MOD_ST.LZH 13,696 12-15-91 St TCB TRACKER PLAYER (91-12-14)
MODALOG.LZH 9,600 04-17-92 Mod-A-Log
MODCAT11.LZH 14,208 09-13-92 Mod Cataloger by PRAESoft
MODEVIEW.ARC 17,920 09-10-93 Display the Resonant Frequencies of Listening rooms
MSCNVR.ZIP 8,979 09-09-93 Mscnvr
MSEDIT.ZIP 4,654 11-09-93 Music Studio Editor
MSICTUTR.ZIP 9,518 09-09-93 Msictutr
MSMIDI.ZIP 15,930 10-10-87 Msmidi - Music Studio MIDI Parameter Editor
MSPLACC.ARC 50,816 09-10-93 Msplacc
MSPLAY6.ZIP 6,800 12-29-87 Music Studio Player v0.6
MSPLYR3.ZIP 20,812 04-30-88 Msplayer.PRGby: Walter Holding
MSSONGS.ZIP 7,235 05-22-89 Sng files
MTREE.LZH 15,488 12-13-90 Blinks lights on a Christmas tree as controled by the music.
MUSCFRMS.LZH 40,064 04-25-92 Music Forms for PageStream
MUSCLIPS.ZIP 37,256 02-12-89 Img music clip art
MUSEDT.ZIP 82,662 11-08-93 Create, edit, play .TUN files (some included.)
MUSGFA.LZH 33,026 08-22-93 Creating, editing and playinga *.tun file.
MUSIC.ZIP 17,125 09-23-86 Make Music! - non MIDI music editor/player. All res.
MUSICAL.LZH 7,424 06-16-92 A NIC NeoDesk icon file about music
MUSICDB2.LZH 45,952 12-20-90 Music Inventory Database
MUSICINC.ZIP 17,639 09-18-87 Music IN THE KEY OF C
MUSICLIP.LZH 14,592 07-16-92 Degas hi-rez (mono) PI3's useful for clip art or illustrations.
MUSICOMM.ZIP 69,960 11-20-85 Musicomm Online Music & MIDI
MUSICSCL.ZIP 3,515 08-02-87 An example of a way to play musical notes from a Pascal program.
MUSICSYM.LZH 10,496 03-08-92 Musicsym
MUSILITE.ZIP 133,078 09-27-90 Musilite
MUSINV32.LZH 26,240 12-30-89 Music INVENTORY version 3.0
MUSLURN.LZH 29,548 08-22-93 Teach you to read the notes on themusical staff.
MUZAK.LZH 3,072 06-04-85 Plays songs in the background.
NAMETONE.LZH 10,112 11-04-92 Name THAT TONE is a desk acc or prg that will read a MIDI input
NAMETUNE.LZH 132,736 10-31-90 Name THIS SONG This is a two player game.
OCTA_88.LZH 404,608 03-06-93 Octa_88
PATCHER1.ZIP 23,539 11-20-85 Patcher1
PATCHKNG.LZH 68,424 08-22-93 Demo of patch king - a patch librarian
PATCHLIB.LZH 182,304 08-25-87 Patch librarian.
PITCHPIP.LZH 12,672 06-01-90 Pitchpip
PLAY_ALB.ZIP 11,986 11-20-85 Create record albums from Music Studio files.
PLAYBACK.ZOO 34,816 05-02-92 New version of midifile player/converter
PMLDSCR.ZIP 7,150 06-25-89 Personal Music Librarian
PRFPCH11.ZIP 16,437 10-09-92 Perfect Pitch Enhancer V1.1 By Steven Selick
PSS480.LZH 29,696 12-02-90 Yamaha PSS-480 or equivalent
PSS680.ZIP 15,720 01-15-89 Yamaha PSS-680 or equivalent
PTCHPLAY.LZH 12,928 06-12-90 Ptchplay.PRG By Micheal A. Calvin
PTTERNER.ZIP 79,634 07-19-93 Ptterner
Q_PLAY33.LZH 39,936 05-29-92 Quartet PLAYER 3 by Dan Panke (92-05-29)
RANDPLAY.ZIP 17,645 05-01-88 Randplay
REALDEMO.LZH 285,309 11-09-93 Realtime by Intelligent Music
ROBO_BOP.LZH 59,648 03-21-93 Robo Bop, create rhythm patterns by pasting notes in grids.
SEQUENCE.ZIP 142,823 11-06-92 Accompanist - A 16 Voice Sequencer.
SLAVE.LZH 220,563 05-07-92 Maps sequences to various controllers. Demo.
SNGFILE2.ZIP 13,107 03-05-87 Music studio song files, not midi song files
SNGFILES.ZIP 53,784 02-28-87 More Music studio song files
SNOWMAN.ZIP 662,435 09-23-89 The Snowman, a Christmas demo
SONGDUMP.ZIP 17,202 07-03-87 Dump a music studio song, playing the notes as they occur.
SOUNDERS.LZH 24,064 08-17-93 Eliemouse Songers, fun program for you and your young children
SOUNDEXP.ZIP 15,869 10-07-88 Sounder is a program to examine the sound chip registers
STACCATO.LZH 89,182 03-23-89 Compose and play songs. Nate says, "Lame."
STARPLAY.LZH 40,448 07-29-89 Mod-player works on all st,ste and falcon's
STNOISE.LZH 79,872 11-20-85 St-NoiseTracker V1.5 (+)
STOSMIDI.ZIP 32,398 08-16-90 Midistos STOS utility package By Russell Moll
STSYNTH.ZIP 16,749 05-18-87 Turn your st into a synth. Yeah, right.
SYNC_SWT.LZH 12,352 09-02-90 How-to on building a sync box
TAPECD.LZH 67,328 06-01-93 Tired of home-made tapes that cut songs off half way through?
TCB_PLAY.ZIP 41,049 11-09-93 -Tcb- TRACKER REPLAY v1.0 3/27/91
TIGERCUB.ZIP 188,661 10-12-90 Tigercub
TMONEY_E.ZIP 10,645 09-14-89 Calculs de conversion entre tempo et valeurs de notes
TUNEDEMO.ZIP 62,938 07-09-88 Tunesmith is an interactive algorithmic composition program
TX81Z.ZIP 47,546 03-02-92 Sound librarian for Yamaha Tx81Z
TXLIBR21.ZIP 42,031 10-18-87 Yamaha TX81Z Editor LibrarianVersion 2.01by John Davis
VFXDEMO.ZIP 16,696 01-01-91 Demo version of PatchPro VFX
WOWDEMO.ZIP 66,407 09-29-87 Wowdemo
XB32_GFA.LZH 27,904 11-14-92 Xb32_Gfa
XMASRHC.ZIP 77,810 12-20-90 Xmasrhc