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- Search Me 2.1
- ----------------------------
- Freeware Copyright 1993, David Becker
- GEnie mail to D.Becker8
- Compuserve 73030,3562
- This puzzle generator creates word searches just like the ones in the
- newspaper! You can use the dbWRITER dictionary (available on all the major
- online systems), your own custom dictionary or your own list of words. You
- can save and load puzzles to disk, print them out, save them as DEGAS
- pictures or play them right on the ST! You will need a monochrome monitor.
- When first run you will be greated with a standard GEM drop down menu and
- two GEM windows. The window on the left is where the puzzle is created and
- played and the window on the right is where creation data is displayed and
- where the answers are shown.
- Dictionary
- ----------
- Search Me 2 will automatically load load the dictionary file so the computer
- has some words to choose from. I have included a downsized version of the
- dbWRITER dictionary called DICTIONA.RY2 with this program. These are multiple
- word dictionaries. Search Me randomly chooses words from this type of
- dictionary (most ASCII text files will be read as multiple dictionary files).
- You can create another type of dictionary by typing a list of words into
- your favorite word processor one at a time, with no spaces and no blank
- lines, one word per line. Save this file to disk as ASCII text and it can
- also be used by Search Me. This type of dictionary listing is read top to
- bottom and not randomly (also see 'Manual list creation' below in this
- documention).
- Search Me will retain this dictionary in memory until you exit the program or
- choose to load another dictionary.
- Word Configuration
- ------------------
- Under the drop down menu heading "Options" is a menu called "Length and
- number of words". When you click on this a dialog box appears. Here you can
- choose the minimum word length used within the puzzle, the maximum word
- length and the number of words the puzzle should contain. Creation speed is
- dependant upon how long words are and how many you try to fit in. The
- smallest word allowed is 2 letters and the largest can be 15 letters. The
- maximum allowed in any puzzle is 78 words. Click within any box to change
- its contents then hit RETURN. Click the right mouse button or hit UNDO to
- exit this dialog box.
- There is a button called "Include Special Characters" within this dialog.
- Click here and a new configuration screen will appear. You can choose to
- include custom characters from this screen. Click to select and deselect
- within the grid.
- Display Options
- ---------------
- The next drop down menu is called "Display word as placed". This setting
- lets you watch the computer fit each word onto the grid and lets you see
- the word itself and the different directions being tried. This option
- displays a check mark next to the menu when it is activated.
- Show Answers
- ------------
- After a puzzle has been created you can display the answers on the screen
- using the next drop down menu. A new window will replace the data window on
- the right. It will contain a list of all the words within the puzzle. Click
- the close box at the upper left of this window to remove it.
- Begin Creation
- --------------
- After you have set up your word configuration and loaded a dictionary you
- can begin puzzle creation. The window on the right displays many creation
- parameters. During puzzle creation you can see the numer of words placed,
- the number of directions tried for the current word, the word the computer
- is currently trying to fit, the direction the computer is trying, and the
- number of words that have been skipped.
- The only box within this window that you can click inside is the HYPHENATED
- WORDS button. This will change from white to black and allows words with
- hyphens to be used in your puzzle (these words tend to be easier to find than
- others!).
- Lets click the drop down menu called "Create a new puzzle" and away we go! The
- first thing Search Me does is choose words from the dictionary. You will be
- asked if you wish to use upper or lower case letters in this puzzle. The
- computer now begins fitting the words onto the grid in one of eight possible
- directions. You can watch the indicator arrow to see the current direct being
- tried! If you chose "Display words as placed" from the drop down menus then you
- will also be shown the current word and you will actually see each word placed
- onto the grid.
- If you wish to skip a word or cancel creation, click one of the mouse
- buttons. Search Me will sometimes automatically skip a word if it can't fit
- it in.
- After all the words have been placed, the grid window will fill the unused
- spaces with random letters and the puzzle will be complete.
- Playing the puzzle on the ST
- ----------------------------
- Click on "Display all of the answers" in the drop down menu and the window on
- the right will list every word present within the grid. You can select words
- by pointing into the grid window and clicking the left mouse button. Same
- thing goes for the answer window. You can cross out the answers as you find
- them!
- Hit UNDO to remove the last mark drawn or click the right mouse button to
- redraw the windows. Click the close button on the answer window to remove it.
- If you click within the puzzle window without the answers displayed, you
- will be prompted to input a new letter for that spot. You can only cross out
- when the answers are displayed.
- Printing out your puzzles
- -------------------------
- Search Me offers four options for saving your puzzle. First, you can save
- and load puzzles to disk under the "File" menu. This method only saves
- computer data and can not be printed out unless you load the data back into
- Search Me.
- The most common way of saving puzzles is to print them on paper. The first
- drop down menu under "Output" prints the entire puzzle grid and its answers
- to your printer. The printout is ASCII text and should work on almost any
- brand of printer.
- The next menu saves the entire puzzle and answers to disk as ASCII text. You
- can then print puzzles from your desktop publisher or word processor using
- fancy typefaces. You could also simply click from the desktop and print them
- out.
- The last option under "Output" saves a DEGAS picture to disk. This file must
- have a .PI3 extension. This is really just a 'snapshot' of the screen.
- Special
- -------
- Under this menu you can choose what directions Search Me uses to place
- words. Children have an easier time with words that only run from left to
- right or top to bottom. Click a drop down menu to toggle it between
- active and in-active. A checkmark appears when the direction is activated.
- Manual list creation
- --------------------
- Under the "Manual" menu heading you can create a quick and simple list of
- up to 78 words for puzzle creation. This list of words will replace any
- multiple dictionary currently in memory or if you have a custom list loaded
- you can edit it. When you choose the menu "Manual word entry" a window will
- open in the centre of the screen. Type each word, one at a time, followed
- by RETURN. Hit RETURN by itself on any blank line to exit.
- You can save this list to disk with the next menu. This way you will be able
- to compile mini custom dictionary lists from within Search Me!
- The last menu entry quits Search Me and return you to the GEM desktop.
- Help
- ----
- If you press HELP after puzzle creation you can see all the words at once.
- Press any key to exit.
- Note: Canadian players will want to delete the file Z.SPL and then rename
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.1 fixes a bug that prevented some loaded games from printing
- correctly.