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- The Chameleon Vers. 1.17
- ---------------------------
- Karsten Isakovic
- Wilmersdorferstr 82
- 1000 Berlin 12
- All Rights reserved
- Everybody know's the problems:
- ------------------------------
- - There's a lot of ACC's, you like to use, but you can not load all
- at the same time. To install a new ACC you must boot your computer.
- You can also use a MultiACC, that allowes the loading of some
- other special ACC-like programs, or some giant MonsterACC, that
- have all the routines you will ever need under one ACC-Entry in
- the Desktop-Menuline. All those solutions have one big problem:
- They need a lot of your Computers memory!
- - The developing of ACC' is a very nasty thing: For each test you
- have to boot your computer - and if the acc is bombing, you are
- in trouble...
- Here is the answer to this problems:
- ------------------------------------
- The CHAMELEON is a short ACC - less than 5kB - that can load every
- other ACC at runtime, and - this is the clou - the loaded ACC can
- be unload at runtime, without rebooting! And its not only the RAM,
- which was freed, all resources, that been used by the ACC was re-
- leased too!
- ---------------
- Copy the program CHMELEON.ACC on your bootdisk and boot your
- computer. Select the ACC-Entry 'The Chameleon' from the Desktop-
- Menu. A fileselector will appear and you can choose the ACC you
- want to install.
- In case you won't open the ACC at loadtime, press the left shiftkey
- down when you select the ACC with a RETURN or doubleclick in the
- fileselector.
- Once the ACC was loaded, the original entry appears in place of
- the CHAMELEON-Entry. The arrow in the begining of the Menuentry
- shows, that this ACC was loaded with CHAMELEON.
- If the loaded ACC uses two ACC-Slots then the entry will be split
- in the middle. If you press a shiftkey by selecting those double
- ACC the right entry will be selected. If the ACC uses three
- entries, left shift selects the middle, and right shift selects
- the right part of the entry.
- Now you can use the ACC quite normal, and there is no difference
- to, than you boot up with the loaded ACC!
- If you want to release the ACC, simply select the ACC-Entry from
- the menuline and press the shift- and alternate-key at the same
- time. If the ACC has open windows, they will closed befor re-
- leasing. All memory that been used from the ACC will be released
- to, and the Chameleon-Entry appears again in the Desktop-menu.
- To install a new ACC at the time you release the old one, simply
- hold down the right mousebutton, when releasing the old ACC.
- When the old is released, the fileselector appears and you can
- select the new ACC.
- Patchvariables:
- ---------------
- Please make a copy of CHMELEON.ACC to experiment with! All
- changes can be done with a diskmonitor-program. You can change
- the shiftkey kombinations of CHMELEON.ACC.
- Before the string 'V1.17 ©K.Isakovic Berlin 05.10.90' you find
- a '^', which is the mark between the patchvariables. It marks
- the longest entry that will be possible.
- The first two bytes ($0A $02) in front of the '^' are the shift
- kombination. The first byte ($0A) ist the kombination to release
- a ACC, the second byte ($02) is the kombination for loading and
- not opening the ACC. If you enter here a $00 then the loaded ACC
- is not automatical open by loading, except you press a shiftkey.
- The values that you can use are the hexadecimal sum of the values
- from the table below:
- Value | Key
- -------+--------
- 1 | right shift
- 2 | left shift
- 4 | control
- 8 | alternate
- The byte $0A correspond to leftshift + alternate key.
- In front of the shiftkey kombinations is the name of the default
- acc the will be loaded when the computer is booted. If the first
- byte after the '^' is $00, no default acc is load at boottime.
- Enter the name of the ACC you want to load (i.e A:\CONTROL.ACX)
- The 'A:\' is replaced at boottime with the bootdrive. If there
- is an other (i.e. C:\) this one will be used. Don't forget the
- $00-byte at the end of the string!
- Before the default acc you can set the path, in which CHAMELEON
- is searching for ACC's, in the same order than before.
- Details:
- --------
- You can use CHAMELEON with any TOS-Version that really exist,
- because no illegal system variables are used. CHAMELEON use the
- GEM and GEMDOS-Trap with XBRA-Id 'Cham', the Traphandler is
- desinged to work with 68000 to 68030 microprozessors.
- For more details see the german documentation.
- Known problems:
- ---------------
- - To prevent a splitted memory, release ACCs on the Desktop. Open
- a textfile with the SHOW/PRINT-Command from the Desktop and
- show it a little time. Now the Desktop organize his Memory and
- the splitted memory is no problem!
- - Some reset-resistable RAM-Disks changes the MEMTOP-Variable. This
- can not be restored by CHAMELEON!
- - If an ACC has no menu-entry, CHAMELEON set the Filename in the
- Desktopmenu. Two Arrows will appear in front of the name.
- A tip:
- ------
- Use two CHAMELEON's! You need less than 11kB but you have always
- the right ACC you need!
- **********************************************************************
- By the condition that the Files
- CHMELEON.ACC the program
- CHMELEON.TXT german doc's
- CHMELEON.DOC english doc's
- stay unchanged, 'The Chameleon' can be copied free for private use.
- All rights are reserved by the author, Karsten Isacovic
- A commercial use, included the distribution on public-domain-disk
- or something else, is definitly not allowed.
- Best regards, Karsten Isakovic
- **********************************************************************
- (English doc's by Peter Hellinger)