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- ---------------------------
- MultiDesk Deluxe - The Demo
- ---------------------------
- Program and documentation by Charles F. Johnson
- Copyright 1991 CodeHead Software
- Released: September 20, 1991
- Welcome to the MultiDesk Deluxe demo! MultiDesk is the award
- winning program that overcomes GEM's limit of six desk accessories.
- And now, the new MultiDesk Deluxe even lets you treat ordinary ST
- desk accessories as if they were CPX modules for Atari's Extensible
- Control Panel ... which means that they load into memory when you
- click on them and are wiped out of memory when you close them!
- Reviewers the world over have acclaimed MultiDesk as a "MUST HAVE"
- utility.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Files included in this package:
- MULTDEMO.ACC - The demo version of MultiDesk.
- MULTDEMO.TXT - You're reading it right now.
- This demo may be freely distributed as long as all of the above
- files are included.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- MultiDesk lets you load and unload any standard Atari ST desk
- accessory at ANY time....even while running a program! MultiDesk
- frees you from the six-accessory limit of GEM; it's similar to
- products like Suitcase for the Apple Macintosh. When you run
- MultiDesk as a program (by changing its extension to .PRG) you can
- run any desk accessory as if IT were a program too, without taking
- up any permanent memory. (Running as a program is disabled in this
- demonstration version.)
- Many flexible configuration options let you customize MultiDesk to
- your own personal preferences -- and a friendly, intuitive GEM
- interface makes MultiDesk simple to operate!
- Setting Up the Demo
- -------------------
- Simply copy the MULTDEMO.ACC file to the main directory of your
- boot disk. When you reboot your computer, the MultiDesk accessory
- will be installed in the usual list of GEM DAs, which is available
- under the "Desk" drop-down menu.
- The MDX Directory
- -----------------
- But wait! Before rebooting, you'll also want to set up a special
- directory for your "nonresident" desk accessories. In the root
- directory of your boot disk, create a folder called MULTDESK.MDX and
- copy some desk accessories into it. (We'll call this directory the
- "MDX Directory.") Any DAs at all will do; MultiDesk Deluxe is
- compatible with just about everything.
- The DAs in this directory are not loaded into MultiDesk Deluxe
- immediately; instead MultiDesk just reads their names from the
- directory and displays them in its scrolling window. When you click
- on a DA's name in the window, it is loaded into memory _right_then_.
- When you close it, the memory it used can be reused by another
- nonresident DA!
- The MDX Buffer
- --------------
- MultiDesk Deluxe sets aside a special area of memory (called a
- "buffer" in nerdspeak) where all the nonresident DAs load. This
- buffer only needs to be big enough to hold the largest DA you might
- load.
- You can adjust the size of this buffer by clicking the button
- labeled "Config" on MultiDesk Deluxe's main screen. This brings you
- to the "Configuration Editor" screen. Toward the middle right of
- this box is an adjustable size box labeled "MDX BUFFER"; by clicking
- on the up or down arrows, you can adjust this number to your liking.
- The size is shown in kilobytes -- so 0001 equals 1024 bytes of
- memory. To enter a number more quickly, click on the number itself;
- then you can type in a new value. Hit Return when you're finished
- entering the value.
- To find out how much memory a nonresident DA needs, hold down the
- Control key while you click on its name in the MultiDesk window. If
- you try to open a nonresident DA that's too large for the current
- MDX buffer, MultiDesk will stop and display an alert box that tells
- you how much memory the DA needs.
- It is recommended that you adjust the MDX Buffer only while at the
- GEM Desktop, or from within CodeHead's HotWire desktop alternative,
- to prevent memory fragmentation. Once you find the size that
- accommodates your largest nonresident DA, you probably won't adjust
- it much anyway; so this isn't really a limitation.
- The Reserve Size
- ----------------
- Some desk accessories need to allocate memory when they start up.
- Normally, this is no problem -- at bootup time, there's plenty of
- free memory for a DA to grab. But MultiDesk Deluxe changes the
- rules, since a nonresident DA can be loaded (started up) at any time
- ... even while a program is running. Now, what happens if a
- nonresident DA comes along and tries to allocate some memory, but
- the running program has already grabbed it all? An unfortunately
- large number of DAs will simply crash when faced with this
- situation, usually taking the rest of the system down with them too.
- To head off this potential disaster, MultiDesk Deluxe has a
- feature called the "Reserve Size." This feature fools those
- memory-grabbing programs into grabbing a bit less -- you specify how
- much less in the "Config" screen. When "Reserve Size" is set to a
- value greater than zero, programs will leave that much memory free
- instead of taking it all, allowing nonresident DAs to start up and
- allocate their memory properly.
- Resident or Nonresident?
- ------------------------
- Some DAs _must_ be resident in memory to do their jobs. This
- would include things like screen accelerators, mouse accelerators,
- ramdisks, print spoolers, or the like. Since the nonresident DAs
- are wiped out of memory when you close them, anything that needs to
- stay resident should be loaded with the "Load Acc" button in
- MultiDesk Deluxe's main screen. DAs loaded this way are loaded into
- the "Resident Buffer" and remain in memory. You can tell the
- resident and nonresident DAs apart by the little dot (or "bullet")
- character that appears before the names of the nonresident ones.
- Titles for Nonresident DAs
- --------------------------
- The release version of MultiDesk Deluxe also includes a special
- program that lets you create titles for your nonresident DAs, so
- you're not looking at a list of filenames. This program is not
- included with the demonstration version.
- Other Limits in the Demo Version
- --------------------------------
- Several features are disabled in the demonstration version,
- including the ability to save and load setups (groups of DAs), the
- ability to save your configuration, and the ability to run as a
- program. Also, there is a time limit of ten minutes in effect;
- after this time expires, you will be unable to open any accessories
- in the MultiDesk window.
- Of course, all of the features which are disabled in the demo are
- fully operative in the release version of MultiDesk Deluxe.
- Ordering Information
- --------------------
- To order MultiDesk Deluxe, send a check or money order for $49.95
- (plus $3.00 shipping/handling, $4 Canada, $6 Europe) to:
- CodeHead Software
- P.O. Box 74090
- Los Angeles, CA 90004
- Voice: (213) 386-5735
- Fax: (213) 386-5789
- California residents please add 6.5% sales tax. We also accept
- most major credit cards.
- Existing owners of MultiDesk can upgrade to MultiDesk Deluxe by
- sending back your original disk with a check or money order for
- $20.00 plus shipping/handling as stated above. The manual for
- MultiDesk Deluxe has been rewritten, expanded, and repackaged in a
- 3-ring binder format; this new manual is included in the upgrade
- price.
- MultiDesk Deluxe is available at any Atari ST dealer that carries
- CodeHead products. If you don't see CodeHead products at your
- dealer, ask him/her to carry them!
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- MultiDesk Deluxe is Copyright 1988,89,90,91 Charles F. Johnson &
- CodeHead Software.
- All Rights Reserved.