GEMini Atari
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File List
102 lines
4pak\ Unpacker program, pretty fast
a2lswtc2\ Converts ARC to LZH format
afx_d Automatic file extrcator, german origin
arc\ Contains source code for ARC
arc_old An old binary of arc
arc2lzh3\ Converts .arc's to .lzh's
arc521e\ Arc version 5.21e
arc602 Arc version 6.02
arcgsh41\ Arc graphics shell front end for arc
arclzh63\ Arc,arj,lzh,zoo,etc
arcshell A front end for arc, lzh and other, one of the best
auto_501\ Auto disk packer
bapack Compress a PRG will it remains executable
boozgem3\ Booz, yet another archiver
brik 32k bit crc generator for binaries
briksrc\ source for brikbin
cdc220\ Chaos disk compacter. Similar to msa
compres2\ Newer version of compress
compress Gets rid of those nasty .Z files
compress\ Unix style compress
cwac\ Automates the conversion between all of the archive formats
darc\ Disk de-arcer : not great
dconvert Help for TT owner, decompress SEA on TT
dnssaas Another archive shell for the Atari ST/TT
ess_uux\ GEM-based UUencode/UUdecode
esscod36\ GEM-based UUencode/UUdecode
expand15\ Expando-matic archiver shell. Version 1.5
ezsqueez Old, unadequtate compression
fastlzh2\ For uncompressing-compressing-testing and viewing .LZH files
flexiarc\ Shell to handle all archivers
gzip06st\ GNU ZIP compressor (single files only)
ice_240\ Pack ice v.2.40
jampack3\ Jam Packer, Packs programs and they still run
lha130\ Version 1.30
lha201\ Roger Burrow's -lh5- compression. NOT Quester's version!
lharc Lharc
lharc102\ Version 1.02
lz_compr History of the dev. of the Lempel-Ziv data compression
lzarc Lzari, Lzhuf, Lzss for the ST
lzh_201l\ Another LZH
lzh201i\ Questors lharc v2.01i
lzh201k Version 2.01K
lzh201le Questors lharc v2.01le
lzhsourc\ Source for lzh
msa_141\ Magic Shadow Archiver (full disk archiver)
msa_ii New MSA program version 2.0
msa_ii_3 New MSA program version
multiarc\ Extracts multiple zoo, arc, and lharc files
naughty\ Unpack packed executables
ncmp424b\ Binaries for ncompress 4.2 patchlevel 4
ncmp424d\ Diffs for ncompress 4.2 patchlevel 4
ncmp424s\ Source for ncompress 4.2 patchlevel 4
pack_ice Slower packing than others but greater compression
pack2prg\ PACK creates compressed versions of prg. and they still run
packer\ Packs executables
pfxpak2\ Pack executable files, in LZH subformat, still executable
pfxshl12\ PFXSHELL 1.2 now works well on all memory configurations
pkunarc PK Unarc
pompey\ Packs executables so they still run
restore\ Archivers backup restorer
scrunch2 Newer version of crunch
sfx_lzh\ Create self extracting LZH
sfx_lzh\ Makes .lzh files into self-extracting archives
shar\ Manipulate UNIX shell archives
sofsaas\ Easy shell of archiving stuff
sttar\ Extracts/makes .tar compressed files
stunar Will Un-ARJ ARJ compressed files
stzip22 ST ZIP 2.2
ultra Like MSA, writes an entire disk to a single file
unarj_s1\ Source and binary for UnARJ
unarj_st\ Unpacks .ARJ files. Binary and source for ST Turbo C
unarjshl Shell for UnARJ
unlzh172\ Unpacks .LZH files
unsit\ Extracts files from Macintosh Stuffit (.SIT)
unzip41\ Unpacks .ZIP files
uucode10\ Steve Y's GEM-based uucoder, binary
uucosr10\ Steve Y's GEM-based uucoder, source
uux789\ Duumas (sp?) uud(3.3)/uue(3.1) source and binary
xlharc12\ A.K.A as LHarc 1.02 rename to help avoid confusion
xshell\ Shell that extract and compr.LZH, ARC, ZIP, ZOO, etc.
zoo21 Zoo binary to get you started
zoo214\ Version 2.1.4 of the ZOO file compression program
zoo21bin\ Binaries for zoo 2.1
zoo21src\ Source for zoo 2.1
zooshl06 A front end for zoo
zoossr06\ Source for the front end for zoo
lha\ Lharc for UNIX
unz50p1 Unzip sources for unix and everything else
zip19p1\ Unzip, zip, funzip sources for unix, st, amiga, etc.
zoo210\ Zoo 2.10 for UNIX