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#ifndef LINT
/* @(#) portable.c 2.24 88/08/24 01:22:06 */
static char sccsid[]="@(#) portable.c 2.24 88/08/24 01:22:06";
#endif /* LINT */
#include "options.h"
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
(C) Copyright 1988 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
portable.c contains functions needed to make Zoo portable to various
implementations of C.
Note: Provided a 2's complement machine is used, all functions in
this file are themselves machine-independent and need not be changed
when implementing Zoo on a different machine. Some code will choke
on 1's complement machines--I think.
For machine-dependent declarations see files "machine.h" and "options.h".
For machine-dependent functions see file "machine.c"
#include "zoo.h"
#include "zooio.h"
#include "various.h"
#include "zoofns.h"
#include "machine.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include <ctype.h> /* for tolower() */
#include "portable.h"
#ifdef TRACE_IO
extern int verbose;
/* Functions defined for use within this file only. */
long to_long PARMS((BYTE[]));
int to_int PARMS((BYTE[]));
void b_to_zooh PARMS((struct zoo_header *, BYTE[]));
void b_to_dir PARMS((struct direntry *, BYTE[]));
int dir_to_b PARMS((BYTE[], struct direntry *));
void zooh_to_b PARMS((BYTE[], struct zoo_header *));
void splitlong PARMS((BYTE[], long));
void splitint PARMS((BYTE[], int));
#ifdef TRACE_IO
void show_h PARMS ((struct zoo_header *));
void show_dir PARMS ((struct direntry *));
#endif /* TRACE_IO */
extern unsigned int crccode;
/* I/O functions */
/* some functions get defined only if they aren't already macros */
#ifndef zooread
int zooread (file, buffer, count)
ZOOFILE file; char *buffer; int count;
{ return (fread (buffer, 1, count, file)); }
#endif /* zooread */
#ifndef FIZ
#ifndef zoowrite
int zoowrite (file, buffer, count)
ZOOFILE file; char *buffer; int count;
if (file == NULLFILE)
return (count);
return (fwrite (buffer, 1, count, file));
#endif /* zoowrite */
ZOOFILE zoocreate (fname)
char *fname;
{ return ((ZOOFILE) fopen (fname, Z_NEW)); }
#endif /* FIZ */
#ifndef zooseek
long zooseek (file, offset, whence)
ZOOFILE file; long offset; int whence;
{ return (fseek (file, offset, whence)); }
#endif /* zooseek */
ZOOFILE zooopen (fname, option)
char *fname; char *option;
{ return ((ZOOFILE) fopen (fname, option)); }
#ifndef zootell
long zootell (file)
{ return ftell (file); }
#endif /* zootell */
int zooclose (file)
{ return fclose (file); }
low_ch() is a macro that returns a lowercased char; it may be
used with any char, whether or not it is uppercase. It will
be used below by one or two functions.
#define low_ch(c) (isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : c)
/*** Following are functions that make up for various implementations ***/
/*** of C not having certain library routines. ***/
#ifndef FIZ
str_lwr() converts a string to lowercase and returns a pointer to the string
char *str_lwr (str)
char *str;
register char *s;
s = str;
while (*s != '\0') {
*s = toascii(*s);
*s = low_ch(*s);
return (str);
str_icmp() compares strings just like strcmp() but it does it without regard to
int str_icmp (s1, s2)
register char *s1, *s2;
for ( ; low_ch(*s1) == low_ch(*s2); s1++, s2++)
if (*s1 == '\0')
return(low_ch(*s1) - low_ch(*s2));
memset() it sets the first "count" bytes of "dest" to the character
"c" and returns a pointer to "dest".
VOIDPTR memset (dest, c, count)
register VOIDPTR dest;
int c;
unsigned count;
register unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
*((char *) (dest + i)) = c;
return dest;
#endif /* NEED_MEMSET */
memcpy() copies "count" bytes from "src" to "dest" and returns
a pointer to "dest". Not necessarily safe for overlapping moves. */
VOIDPTR memcpy(dest, src, count)
register VOIDPTR dest;
register VOIDPTR src;
unsigned count;
VOIDPTR savedest = dest;
while (count > 0) {
*((char *) dest++) = *((char *) src++);
#endif /* NEED_MEMCPY */
#ifndef FPUTCHAR
fputchar() writes a character to stdout. It is identical to putchar
but is a function, not a macro.
int fputchar (c)
int c;
return (fputc(c, stdout));
#endif /* FPUTCHAR */
#endif /* FIZ */
/*** Following are declarations and functions that are written in a ***/
/*** machine-independent way but they implement machine-dependent ***/
/*** activities ***/
to_long() converts four consecutive bytes, in order of increasing
significance, to a long integer. It is used to make Zoo independent of the
byte order of the system.
long to_long(data)
BYTE data[];
return (long) ((unsigned long) data[0] | ((unsigned long) data[1] << 8) |
((unsigned long) data[2] << 16) | ((unsigned long) data[3] << 24));
#ifndef FIZ
splitlong() converts a long integer to four consecutive BYTEs in order
of increasing significance.
void splitlong(bytes, bigword)
BYTE bytes[];
long bigword;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
bytes[i] = bigword & 0xff;
bigword = (unsigned long) bigword >> 8;
#endif /* FIZ */
splitint() converts an integer to two consecutive BYTEs in order
of increasing significance.
void splitint(bytes, word)
BYTE bytes[];
int word;
bytes[0] = word & 0xff;
word = (unsigned int) word >> 8;
bytes[1] = word & 0xff;
to_int() converts two consecutive bytes, in order of increasing
significance, to an integer, in a machine-independent manner
int to_int(data)
BYTE data[];
return (int) ((unsigned int) data[0] | ((unsigned int) data[1] << 8));
#else /* else of ifndef DIRECT_CONVERT */
long to_long(data)
BYTE data[];
return ( * (long *) data );
#ifndef FIZ
splitlong() converts a long integer to four consecutive BYTEs in order
of increasing significance.
void splitlong(bytes, bigword)
BYTE bytes[];
long bigword;
* (long *) bytes = bigword;
#endif /* FIZ */
splitint() converts an integer to two consecutive BYTEs in order
of increasing significance.
void splitint(bytes, word)
BYTE bytes[];
int word;
* (int *) bytes = word;
to_int() converts two consecutive bytes, in order of increasing
significance, to an integer.
int to_int(data)
BYTE data[];
return (*(int *) data);
#endif /* ifndef DIRECT_CONVERT .. else ... */
#ifndef FIZ
Function frd_zooh() reads the header of a Zoo archive in a machine-
independent manner, from a ZOOFILE.
int frd_zooh(zoo_header, zoo_file)
struct zoo_header *zoo_header;
ZOOFILE zoo_file;
int status;
BYTE bytes[SIZ_ZOOH]; /* canonical header representation */
#ifdef TRACE_IO
if (verbose) {
printf("At file position [%8lx] ", ftell(zoo_file));
status = zooread (zoo_file, (char *) bytes, SIZ_ZOOH);
b_to_zooh (zoo_header, bytes); /* convert array to structure */
#ifdef TRACE_IO
if (verbose) {
printf("frd_zooh: reading\n");
if (status < MINZOOHSIZ)
return (-1);
return (0);
#endif /* FIZ */
Function frd_dir() reads a directory entry in a machine-independent manner,
from a ZOOFILE.
int frd_dir(direntry, zoo_file)
struct direntry *direntry;
ZOOFILE zoo_file;
int status;
BYTE bytes[MAXDIRSIZE]; /* big enough to hold variable part too */
/* To simplify things, we read the maximum possible size of the
directory entry including the variable size and discard what is not
needed */
#ifdef TRACE_IO
if (verbose) {
printf("At file position [%8lx] ", ftell(zoo_file));
status = zooread (zoo_file, (char *) bytes, MAXDIRSIZE);
if (status < SIZ_DIR)
return (-1);
b_to_dir (direntry, bytes);
#ifdef TRACE_IO
if (verbose) {
printf("frd_dir: reading\n");
return (0);
#ifndef FIZ
Function fwr_dir() writes a directory entry in a machine-independent manner
to a ZOOFILE. Return value is -1 on error, else 0.
int fwr_dir(direntry, zoo_file)
struct direntry *direntry;
ZOOFILE zoo_file;
int size;
assert (direntry->type <= 2);
size = dir_to_b (bytes, direntry);
#ifdef TRACE_IO
if (verbose) {
printf("At file position [%8lx] ", ftell(zoo_file));
printf("fwr_dir: writing\n");
if (zoowrite (zoo_file, (char *) bytes, size) != size)
return (-1);
return (0);
Function fwr_zooh() writes an archive header in a machine-independent manner
to a ZOOFILE. Return value is -1 if error else 0.
int fwr_zooh(zoo_header, zoo_file)
struct zoo_header *zoo_header;
ZOOFILE zoo_file;
BYTE bytes[SIZ_ZOOH]; /* was SIZ_DIR -- probably a typo */
int hsize; /* how much to write -- depends on header type */
hsize = MINZOOHSIZ; /* in case it's an old type 0 header */
if (zoo_header->type > 0) /* but if it's a newer header... */
hsize = SIZ_ZOOH; /* ...size of new type 1 header */
zooh_to_b (bytes, zoo_header);
if (zoowrite (zoo_file, (char *) bytes, hsize) != hsize)
return (-1);
return (0);
b_to_zooh() converts an array of BYTE to a zoo_header structure.
void b_to_zooh (zoo_header, bytes)
struct zoo_header *zoo_header;
BYTE bytes[];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SIZ_TEXT; i++) /* copy text */
zoo_header->text[i] = bytes[TEXT_I + i];
zoo_header->zoo_tag = to_long(&bytes[ZTAG_I]); /* copy zoo_tag */
zoo_header->zoo_start = to_long(&bytes[ZST_I]); /* copy zoo_start */
zoo_header->zoo_minus = to_long(&bytes[ZSTM_I]);
zoo_header->major_ver = bytes[MAJV_I]; /* copy versions */
zoo_header->minor_ver = bytes[MINV_I];
/* default is no archive comment and a header type of 0 */
zoo_header->type = 0;
zoo_header->acmt_pos = 0L;
zoo_header->acmt_len = 0;
zoo_header->vdata = 0;
if (zoo_header->zoo_start != FIXED_OFFSET) { /* if newer header */
zoo_header->type = bytes[HTYPE_I];
zoo_header->acmt_pos = to_long(&bytes[ACMTPOS_I]);
zoo_header->acmt_len = to_int(&bytes[ACMTLEN_I]);
zoo_header->vdata = bytes[HVDATA_I];
zooh_to_b() converts a zoo_header structure to an array of BYTE.
void zooh_to_b (bytes, zoo_header)
struct zoo_header *zoo_header;
BYTE bytes[];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SIZ_TEXT; i++) /* copy text */
bytes[TEXT_I + i] = zoo_header->text[i];
splitlong (&bytes[ZTAG_I], zoo_header->zoo_tag);
splitlong (&bytes[ZST_I], zoo_header->zoo_start);
splitlong (&bytes[ZSTM_I], zoo_header->zoo_minus);
bytes[MAJV_I] = zoo_header->major_ver; /* copy versions */
bytes[MINV_I] = zoo_header->minor_ver;
bytes[HTYPE_I] = zoo_header->type; /* header type */
if (zoo_header->type > 0) {
splitlong (&bytes[ACMTPOS_I], zoo_header->acmt_pos); /* comment posn */
splitint (&bytes[ACMTLEN_I], zoo_header->acmt_len); /* comment len */
bytes[HVDATA_I] = zoo_header->vdata; /* version data */
} /* zooh_to_b() */
dir_to_b() converts a directory entry structure to an array of BYTE.
int dir_to_b (bytes, direntry)
struct direntry *direntry;
BYTE bytes[];
int i;
int cursize;
int fixsize;
int totalsize;
splitlong(&bytes[DTAG_I], direntry->zoo_tag);
bytes[DTYP_I] = direntry->type ;
bytes[PKM_I] = direntry->packing_method ;
splitlong(&bytes[NXT_I], direntry->next);
splitlong(&bytes[OFS_I], direntry->offset);
splitint(&bytes[DAT_I], direntry->date);
splitint(&bytes[TIM_I], direntry->time);
splitint(&bytes[CRC_I], direntry->file_crc);
splitlong(&bytes[ORGS_I], direntry->org_size);
splitlong(&bytes[SIZNOW_I], direntry->size_now);
bytes[DMAJ_I] = direntry->major_ver;
bytes[DMIN_I] = direntry->minor_ver;
bytes[DEL_I] = direntry->deleted;
bytes[STRUC_I] = direntry->struc;
splitlong(&bytes[CMT_I], direntry->comment);
splitint(&bytes[CMTSIZ_I], direntry->cmt_size);
for (i = 0; i < FNM_SIZ; i++)
bytes[FNAME_I + i] = direntry->fname[i];
bytes[TZ_I] = NO_TZ; /* assume unknown */
bytes[NAMLEN_I] = 0;
bytes[DIRLEN_I] = 0;
cursize = SIZ_DIR; /* to count size of directory */
fixsize = SIZ_DIR; /* size of fixed part */
assert (direntry->type <= 2);
if (direntry->type == 2) { /* handle stuff relevant to type 2 */
cursize = SIZ_DIRL;
fixsize = SIZ_DIRL;
bytes[TZ_I] = direntry->tz;
assert(direntry->namlen < 256 && direntry->namlen >= 0);
cursize += 2; /* space for namlen and dirlen */
if (direntry->namlen != 0) {
bytes[NAMLEN_I] = direntry->namlen;
for (i = 0; i < direntry->namlen; i++)
bytes[LFNAME_I+i] = direntry->lfname[i];
cursize += direntry->namlen;
assert(direntry->dirlen < 256 && direntry->dirlen >= 0);
if (direntry->dirlen != 0) {
bytes[DIRLEN_I] = direntry->dirlen;
for (i = 0; i < direntry->dirlen; i++)
bytes[cursize+i] = direntry->dirname[i];
cursize += direntry->dirlen;
/* Can't store system id if no namlen & dirlen...BUG!...now fixed.
Fortunately, system_id was always 0 so far so it probably
got interpreted as namlen=0 and dirlen=0 (2 bytes) */
splitint(&bytes[cursize], direntry->system_id);
cursize += 2;
bytes[cursize] = direntry->fattr & 0xff; /* byte 0 */
splitint(&bytes[cursize+1], (int) (direntry->fattr >> 8)); /* 1 & 2 */
cursize += 3;
bytes[cursize] = (direntry->vflag & 0xff); /* version flag */
splitint(&bytes[cursize+1], direntry->version_no); /* version number */
cursize += 3;
splitint(&bytes[VARDIRLEN_I], direntry->var_dir_len);
assert(cursize ==
((bytes[DIRLEN_I] > 0 || bytes[NAMLEN_I] > 0) ? 2 : 0) +
fixsize + bytes[DIRLEN_I] + bytes[NAMLEN_I]
/* total size of dir entry is size of fixed part + size of var. part */
totalsize = fixsize + direntry->var_dir_len;
/* Do CRC assuming CRC field is zero, and stuff CRC into field. */
splitint(&bytes[DCRC_I], 0); /* fill with zeroes */
crccode = 0;
/* avoid mixing pointers to signed and unsigned char */
addbfcrc((char *) bytes, totalsize); /* update CRC */
splitint(&bytes[DCRC_I], crccode);
/* return total length of directory entry */
return (totalsize);
} /* dir_to_b() */
#endif /* FIZ */
/* b_to_dir() converts bytes to directory entry structure. The CRC of the
directory bytes, if any, is checked and a zero or nonzero value is returned
in direntry->dir_crc according as the check is good or bad */
void b_to_dir(direntry, bytes)
struct direntry *direntry;
BYTE bytes[];
int i;
int sysid_offs; /* temp variable */
unsigned int savecrc;
direntry->zoo_tag = to_long(&bytes[DTAG_I]);
direntry->type = bytes[DTYP_I];
direntry->packing_method = bytes[PKM_I];
direntry->next = to_long(&bytes[NXT_I]);
direntry->offset = to_long(&bytes[OFS_I]);
direntry->date = to_int(&bytes[DAT_I]);
direntry->time = to_int(&bytes[TIM_I]);
direntry->file_crc = to_int(&bytes[CRC_I]);
direntry->org_size = to_long(&bytes[ORGS_I]);
direntry->size_now = to_long(&bytes[SIZNOW_I]);
direntry->major_ver = bytes[DMAJ_I];
direntry->minor_ver = bytes[DMIN_I];
direntry->deleted = bytes[DEL_I];
direntry->struc = bytes[STRUC_I];
direntry->comment = to_long(&bytes[CMT_I]);
direntry->cmt_size = to_int(&bytes[CMTSIZ_I]);
/* for now, versions not implemented */
direntry->vflag = 0;
direntry->version_no = 0;
for (i = 0; i < FNM_SIZ; i++)
direntry->fname[i] = bytes[FNAME_I + i];
/* start by assuming variable part is zero bytes */
direntry->var_dir_len = direntry->dir_crc = 0;
direntry->namlen = direntry->dirlen = 0;
direntry->lfname[0] = direntry->dirname[0] = '\0';
direntry->tz = NO_TZ; /* assume unknown */
direntry->system_id = SYSID_NIX; /* default system_id if not present */
direntry->fattr = NO_FATTR; /* assume none */
assert (direntry->type <= 2);
if (direntry->type == 2) {
direntry->var_dir_len = to_int(&bytes[VARDIRLEN_I]);
assert(direntry->var_dir_len <= MAXDIRSIZE);
if (direntry->var_dir_len > MAXDIRSIZE)
direntry->var_dir_len = MAXDIRSIZE;
direntry->tz = bytes[TZ_I];
if (direntry->var_dir_len > 0)
direntry->namlen = bytes[NAMLEN_I];
if (direntry->var_dir_len > 1)
direntry->dirlen = bytes[DIRLEN_I];
for (i = 0; i < direntry->namlen; i++)
direntry->lfname[i] = bytes[LFNAME_I + i];
for (i = 0; i < direntry->dirlen; i++)
direntry->dirname[i] = bytes[DIRNAME_I + direntry->namlen + i];
sysid_offs = DIRNAME_I + direntry->namlen + i; /* offset of system id */
if (direntry->var_dir_len > direntry->namlen + direntry->dirlen + 2) {
direntry->system_id = to_int(&bytes[sysid_offs]);
if (direntry->var_dir_len > direntry->namlen + direntry->dirlen + 4) {
direntry->fattr = ((unsigned long) bytes[sysid_offs + 2]) |
((unsigned long) bytes[sysid_offs + 3] << 8) |
((unsigned long) bytes[sysid_offs + 4] << 16);
if (direntry->var_dir_len > direntry->namlen + direntry->dirlen + 7) {
direntry->vflag = bytes[sysid_offs + 5];
direntry->version_no = to_int(&bytes[sysid_offs + 6]);
/* do CRC calculation */
savecrc = (unsigned int) to_int(&bytes[DCRC_I]);
crccode = 0;
splitint(&bytes[DCRC_I], 0);
addbfcrc((char *) bytes, SIZ_DIRL + direntry->var_dir_len);
direntry->dir_crc = crccode - savecrc;
#ifdef FILTER
#define TWOBYTES 2 /* better than literal 2; figure out why */
/* rdint() reads two bytes from standard input in archive order */
int rdint (val)
unsigned int *val;
if (zooread (STDIN, bytes, TWOBYTES) == TWOBYTES) {
*val = to_int(bytes);
return (0);
} else
return (1);
/* wrint() writes an unsigned int to standard output in archive order */
int wrint (val)
unsigned int val;
splitint (bytes, val);
if (zoowrite (STDOUT, bytes, TWOBYTES) == TWOBYTES)
return (0);
return (1);
#endif /* FILTER */
#ifdef TRACE_IO
/* dump contents of archive header */
void show_h (zoo_header)
struct zoo_header *zoo_header;
int i;
printf ("Header text:\n");
for (i = 0; i < SIZ_TEXT; i++) { /* ASSUMES ASCII TEXT */
int c;
c = zoo_header->text[i];
if (c >= ' ' && c < 0x7f)
putchar (c);
else {
putchar ('^');
putchar (i & 0x40);
printf ("zoo_tag = [%8lx] zoo_start = [%8lx] zoo_minus = [%8lx]\n",
zoo_header->zoo_tag, zoo_header->zoo_start,
printf ("major_ver.minor_ver = [%d.%d]\n",
zoo_header->major_ver, zoo_header->minor_ver);
if (zoo_header->zoo_start != FIXED_OFFSET) {
printf ("type = [%d] ", zoo_header->type);
printf ("acmt_pos = [%8lx] acmt_len = [%4x] vdata = [%2x]",
zoo_header->acmt_pos, zoo_header->acmt_len, zoo_header->vdata);
printf ("\n");
printf ("---------\n");
/* dump contents of directory entry */
void show_dir (direntry)
struct direntry *direntry;
printf ("Directory entry for file [%s][%s]:\n",
direntry->fname, direntry->lfname);
printf ("tag = [%8lx] type = [%d] PM = [%d] Next = [%8lx] Offset = [%8lx]\n",
direntry->zoo_tag, (int) direntry->type,
(int) direntry->packing_method, direntry->next,
printf ("Orig size = [%ld] Size now = [%ld] dmaj_v.dmin_v = [%d.%d]\n",
direntry->org_size, direntry->size_now,
(int) direntry->major_ver, (int) direntry->minor_ver);
printf ("Struc = [%d] DEL = [%d] comment_offset = [%8lx] cmt_size = [%d]\n",
(int) direntry->struc, (int) direntry->deleted, direntry->comment,
printf ("var_dir_len = [%d] TZ = [%d] dir_crc = [%4x]\n",
direntry->var_dir_len, (int) direntry->tz, direntry->dir_crc);
printf ("system_id = [%d] dirlen = [%d] namlen = [%d] fattr=[%24lx]\n",
direntry->system_id, direntry->dirlen, direntry->namlen, direntry->fattr);
printf ("vflag = [%4x] version_no = [%4x]\n",
direntry->vflag, direntry->version_no);
if (direntry->dirlen > 0)
printf ("dirname = [%s]\n", direntry->dirname);
printf ("---------\n");
#endif /* TRACE_IO */