GEMini Atari
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86 lines
AUTO-FOLDER: If this option is used (set to default using LZH+ARC) the
archive will be unpacked to a folder with the same name as
the archive file name. If the archive was packed into a
folder it will default to the archive's folder name.
Having this option ON when packing, will pack the contents
into a folder.
FILE-FINDER: Allows you to find a file on your disk/HD using a name with
wildcards. Will search specified drives or ALL drives.
Most file finders will work but works best with the one
included in this archive. MUST be named FILEFIND.PRG and
reside in the X_SHELL folder!
FILE VIEWER: File reader/picture viewer which handles all text formats
and most of the popular graphics formats including
compressed picture formats.
GUCK.TTP must reside in the X_SHELL folder!
FILE ERASE: Brings up the file selector and DELETES any file clicked on.
EXTERN-PRG: Allows you to call an external program. You may encounter
problems with some programs...
FILE-INF: Will bring up a host of information on any file such as
compressability, transfer times, disk space needed etc etc.
PFX-COMP: Similar to DC-Squish, allows compression of executable
programs which can then be run from their compressed state.
PFXPAK.TTP must reside in the X_SHELL folder.
SFX-OPTION: Direct access to the self-extracting archive creator.
This is normally used when creating an SFX file from an
existing .LZH file.
SFX.TTP must reside in the X_SHELL folder.
UNLZH-OPT: Direct access to the popular UNLZH program. Best used for
reading text files contained in archives fast.
UNLZH.TTP must reside in the X_SHELL folder.
ACCS-OPT: Click on this to access the accessory screen which allows
execution of any accessories installed.
PASSWORD: USE WITH CARE! This option will allow you to password protect
any archive, including .LZH. However, ONLY the recipient
running X_SHELL will have the means of unlocking the file
with the correct password. Archiver will return error of
'File not found' or 'Bad header'if file is not unlocked.
Click on option to bring up file selector, then select the
.LZH file to be protected. Use defaults for ease.
To de-compress, unlock file with correct password and then
proceed to de-compress as normal.
Whenever updating to a new version of any of the auxiliary programs, make
sure the program is re-named to match the above descriptions.
This will ensure auto execution of any selection.
The included program, INSTGUCK.TTP allows you to install the text reader/
graphics viewer into your DESKTOP.INF.
Whenever you select a text or graphics file from the desktop, it will
automatically bring up the viewer.
Another option is the ability to install a text editor or graphics package
into the viewer.
When viewing, CTRL-E will bring up the pre-installed editor with the
current file loaded & ready to edit.
The LZS and AR options are old file extenders which are no longer in use
and have been superceeded by the superior LZH and ARC formats.
However, i have found it useful to place a copy of Jon Webb's LHARC V0.60
in the same folder and rename it to LZS.TTP. That way i can always use it
immediately if ever required.
The same could also be done with an older version of ARC by renaming it to
The default LZH1319.TTP included is V1.1319. When installing a later version
simply rename that to LZHxxxx.TTP.
The same goes for the included ARC V6.02.
As for ZOO, does anyone really use that? ;-)