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/* vmstime.c */
#ifndef LINT
static char sccsid[]="$Source$\n\
This file was graciously supplied by Randal Barnes to support preservation
of file timestamps under VAX/VMS. I claim no copyright on the contents of
this file. I assume that neither do its authors. However, if you adapt
this code for your own use, I recommend preserving author attributions.
-- Rahul Dhesi 1991/07/04
* This module sets a VAX/VMS file's creation and revision date/time to a
* specified date/time.
* Inputs Type Description
* ------ ---- -----------
* path char * Name of file to be modified
* date int Binary formatted date to be applied to the file
* time int Binary formatted time to be applied to the file
* Outputs Type Description
* ------- ---- -----------
* Modified file
* Randy Magnuson - (612) 542-5052
* Randal Barnes - (612) 542-5021
* Honeywell Inc. - Military Avionics Division
* April 12, 1990
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rms.h>
#include <fibdef.h>
#include <atrdef.h>
#include <descrip.h>
#include <iodef.h>
#include <libdtdef.h>
int setutime (char *path, unsigned int date, unsigned int time)
char EName [NAM$C_MAXRSS], /* Expanded String Area */
RName [NAM$C_MAXRSS], /* Resultant String Area */
date_str [50]; /* Holds intermediate ASCII date/time */
short iosb [4]; /* I/O status block for sys calls */
int status, /* Condition code for sys calls, etc. */
i, /* Temp index for looping thru arrays */
chan, /* Channel to device containing file */
Cdate [2], /* VMS binary time - creation date */
Rdate [2], /* VMS binary time - revision date */
datetimecontext = 0, /* Context for time conv. lib calls */
intime = LIB$K_INPUT_FORMAT, /* Constant for time lib calls */
intdate [2]; /* VMS binary time - temp */
struct FAB Fab; /* RMS File Access Block */
struct NAM Nam; /* RMS Name Block */
static struct fibdef Fib; /* RMS File Information Block */
struct atrdef Atr [] = /* File attribute struct */
{ sizeof (Cdate), ATR$C_CREDATE, &Cdate [0] }, /* Creation date */
{ sizeof (Rdate), ATR$C_REVDATE, &Rdate [0] }, /* Revision date */
{ 0, 0, 0 }
struct dsc$descriptor devnam = /* Device name descriptor */
{ 0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, &Nam.nam$t_dvi [1] };
struct dsc$descriptor FibDesc = /* File ID descriptor */
{ sizeof (Fib), 0, 0, &Fib };
struct dsc$descriptor_s FileName = /* File name descriptor */
/* Time conversion format specification */
$DESCRIPTOR (datetimeformat, "|!Y4!MN0!D0|!H04!M0!S0!C2|");
/* String descriptor for intermediate date/time string */
$DESCRIPTOR (date_desc, date_str);
* Fill out our File Access Block, Name Block, and Extended Attribute Block so
* we can parse the file name.
Fab = cc$rms_fab;
Nam = cc$rms_nam;
Fab.fab$l_fna = path;
Fab.fab$b_fns = strlen (path);
Fab.fab$l_nam = &Nam;
Nam.nam$l_esa = &EName;
Nam.nam$b_ess = sizeof (EName);
Nam.nam$l_rsa = &RName;
Nam.nam$b_rss = sizeof (RName);
* Do a parse and search to fill out the NAM block.
status = sys$parse(&Fab);
if (!(status & 1))
return 0;
status = sys$search(&Fab);
if (!(status & 1))
return 0;
* Open a channel to the device that the file resides on.
devnam.dsc$w_length = Nam.nam$t_dvi [0];
status = SYS$ASSIGN (&devnam, &chan, 0, 0);
if (!(status & 1))
return 0;
* Initialize the FIB
Fib.fib$r_acctl_overlay.fib$l_acctl = FIB$M_NORECORD;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Fib.fib$r_fid_overlay.fib$w_fid [i] = Nam.nam$w_fid [i];
Fib.fib$r_did_overlay.fib$w_did [i] = Nam.nam$w_did [i];
* Set up the file name descriptor for the QIO
FileName.dsc$a_pointer = Nam.nam$l_name;
FileName.dsc$w_length = Nam.nam$b_name + Nam.nam$b_type + Nam.nam$b_ver;
* Use the IO$_ACCESS function to return info about the file.
status = SYS$QIOW (0, chan, IO$_ACCESS, &iosb, 0, 0,
&FibDesc, &FileName, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (!(status & 1))
return 0;
status = iosb [0];
if (!(status & 1))
return 0;
* Set up a date/time format that we can easily convert to - "YYMMDD HHMMSS"
status = LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT (&datetimecontext, &intime,
if (!(status & 1))
return 0;
* Convert the MS-DOS time ints to our ASCII format.
date_desc.dsc$w_length = sprintf (date_str, "%04d%02d%02d %02d%02d%02d00",
((date >> 9) & 0x7f) + 1980, /* year */
(date >> 5) & 0x0f, /* month */
date & 0x1f, /* day */
(time >> 11)& 0x1f, /* hour */
(time >> 5) & 0x3f, /* min */
(time & 0x1f) * 2); /* sec */
* Convert our ASCII formatted date/time to VMS internal time format
status = LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING (&date_desc, &intdate, &datetimecontext);
if (!(status & 1))
return 0;
* Fill in the creation date and revision date fields in the Extended Attribute
* Block with the date and time from the zoo file.
Cdate [0] = Rdate [0] = intdate [0];
Cdate [1] = Rdate [1] = intdate [1];
* Modify the file
status = SYS$QIOW (0, chan, IO$_MODIFY, &iosb, 0, 0,
&FibDesc, &FileName, 0, 0, &Atr, 0);
if (!(status & 1))
return 0;
status = iosb [0];
if (!(status & 1))
return 0;
* Okee dokee.
return 1;