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/* derived from: zoo.h 2.16 88/01/27 23:21:36 */
The contents of this file are hereby released to the public domain.
-- Rahul Dhesi 1986/11/14
/* Global data structures and also some information about archive structure.
Among other things, the archive header contains:
(a) A text message. In the MS-DOS version this message is terminated by
control Z. This allows naive users to type the archive to the screen
and see a brief but meaningful message instead of garbage. The contents of
the text message are however not used by Zoo and they may be anything.
In particular, the text message may identify the type or archive or the
particular computer system it was created on. When an archive is packed
by any version of Zoo, the text message is changed to the text message
used by that version. For example, if Zoo 1.10 packs an archive created
by Zoo 1.31, the text message changes to "Zoo 1.10 archive.". This
was once considered a shortcoming, but it is now an essential feature,
because packing will also update an old archiver header structure
into a new one.
(b) A four-byte tag that identifies all Zoo archives. This helps prevent
arbitrary binary files from being treated as Zoo archives. The tag value is
arbitrary, but seemed to be unlikely to occur in an executable file. The
same tag value is used to identify each directory entry.
(c) A long pointer to where in the file the archive starts. This pointer
is stored along with its negation for consistency checking. It is hoped
that if the archive is damaged, both the pointer and its negation won't
be damaged and at least one would still be usable to tell us where the
data begins.
(d) A two-byte value giving the major and minor version number of the
minimum version of Zoo that is needed to fully manipulate the archive.
As the archive structure is modified, this version number may increase.
Currently version 1.71 of Zoo creates archives that may be fully manipulated
by version 1.40 onwards.
(e) With zoo 2.00 addtional fields have been added in the archive
header to store information about the archive comment and generation
Version numbering:
The directory entry of each file will contain the minimum version number of
Zoo needed to extract that file. As far as possible, version 1.00 of Zoo
will be able to extract files from future version archives.
#define H_TYPE 1 /* archive header type */
/* Define major and minor version numbers */
#define MAJOR_VER 2 /* needed to manipulate archive */
#define MINOR_VER 0
/* version needed to extract packing method 1 */
#define MAJOR_EXT_VER 1
#define MINOR_EXT_VER 0
/* version needed to extract packing method 2 */
#define MAJOR_LZH_VER 2
#define MINOR_LZH_VER 1
#define CTRL_Z 26
/* should be 0xFDC4A7DCUL but many c compilers don't recognize UL at end */
#define ZOO_TAG ((unsigned long) 0xFDC4A7DCL) /* A random choice */
#define TEXT "ZOO 2.10 Archive.\032" /* Header text for archive. */
#define SIZ_TEXT 20 /* Size of header text */
#ifdef TOS
# include <limits.h> /* recommend this for any "decent" C lib */
# define PATHSIZE 256 /* Max length of pathname */
#define FNAMESIZE 13 /* Size of DOS filename */
#define LFNAMESIZE 256 /* Size of long filename */
#define ROOTSIZE 8 /* Size of fname without extension */
#define EXTLEN 3 /* Size of extension */
#define FILE_LEADER "@)#(" /* Allowing location of file data */
#define SIZ_FLDR 5 /* 4 chars plus null */
#define MAX_PACK 2 /* max packing method we can handle */
#define BACKUP_EXT ".bak" /* extension of backup file */
#ifdef OOZ
#define FIRST_ARG 2
#ifdef ZOO
#define FIRST_ARG 3 /* argument position of filename list */
typedef unsigned char uchar;
/* WARNING: Static initialization in zooadd.c or zooext.c depends on the
order of fields in struct zoo_header */
struct zoo_header {
char text[SIZ_TEXT]; /* archive header text */
unsigned long zoo_tag; /* identifies archives */
long zoo_start; /* where the archive's data starts */
long zoo_minus; /* for consistency checking of zoo_start */
uchar major_ver;
uchar minor_ver; /* minimum version to extract all files */
uchar type; /* type of archive header */
long acmt_pos; /* position of archive comment */
unsigned int acmt_len; /* length of archive comment */
unsigned int vdata; /* byte in archive; data about versions */
struct direntry {
unsigned long zoo_tag; /* tag -- redundancy check */
uchar type; /* type of directory entry. always 1 for now */
uchar packing_method; /* 0 = no packing, 1 = normal LZW */
long next; /* pos'n of next directory entry */
long offset; /* position of this file */
unsigned int date; /* DOS format date */
unsigned int time; /* DOS format time */
unsigned int file_crc; /* CRC of this file */
long org_size;
long size_now;
uchar major_ver;
uchar minor_ver; /* minimum version needed to extract */
uchar deleted; /* will be 1 if deleted, 0 if not */
uchar struc; /* file structure if any */
long comment; /* points to comment; zero if none */
unsigned int cmt_size; /* length of comment, 0 if none */
char fname[FNAMESIZE]; /* filename */
int var_dir_len; /* length of variable part of dir entry */
uchar tz; /* timezone where file was archived */
unsigned int dir_crc; /* CRC of directory entry */
/* fields for variable part of directory entry follow */
uchar namlen; /* length of long filename */
uchar dirlen; /* length of directory name */
char lfname[LFNAMESIZE]; /* long filename */
char dirname[PATHSIZE]; /* directory name */
unsigned int system_id; /* Filesystem ID */
unsigned long fattr; /* File attributes -- 24 bits */
unsigned int vflag; /* version flag bits -- one byte in archive */
unsigned int version_no; /* file version number if any */
/* Values for direntry.system_id */
#define SYSID_NIX 0 /* UNIX and similar filesystems */
#define SYSID_MS 1 /* MS-DOS filesystem */
#define SYSID_PORTABLE 2 /* Portable syntax */
/* Structure of header of small archive containing just one file */
#define TINYTAG 0x07FE /* magic number */
#ifndef PORTABLE
struct tiny_header { /* one-file small archive */
int tinytag; /* magic number */
char type; /* always 1 for now */
char packing_method;
unsigned int date;
unsigned int time;
unsigned int file_crc;
long org_size;
long size_now;
char major_ver;
char minor_ver;
unsigned int cmt_size; /* length of comment, 0 if none */
char fname[FNAMESIZE]; /* filename */
#endif /* ifndef PORTABLE */
#define FIXED_OFFSET 34 /* zoo_start in old archives */
#define MINZOOHSIZ 34 /* minimum size of archive header */
#define SIZ_ZOOH 42 /* length of current archive header */
/* offsets of items within the canonical zoo archive header */
#define TEXT_I 0 /* text in header */
#define ZTAG_I 20 /* zoo tag */
#define ZST_I 24 /* start offset */
#define ZSTM_I 28 /* negative of start offset */
#define MAJV_I 32 /* major version */
#define MINV_I 33 /* minor version */
#define HTYPE_I 34 /* archive header type */
#define ACMTPOS_I 35 /* position of archive comment */
#define ACMTLEN_I 39 /* length of archive comment */
#define HVDATA_I 41 /* version data */
/* offsets of items within the canonical directory entry structure */
#define SIZ_DIR 51 /* length of type 1 directory entry */
#define SIZ_DIRL 56 /* length of type 2 directory entry */
#define DTAG_I 0 /* tag within directory entry */
#define DTYP_I 4 /* type of directory entry */
#define PKM_I 5 /* packing method */
#define NXT_I 6 /* pos'n of next directory entry */
#define OFS_I 10 /* position (offset) of this file */
#define DAT_I 14 /* DOS format date */
#define TIM_I 16 /* DOS format time */
#define CRC_I 18 /* CRC of this file */
#define ORGS_I 20 /* original size */
#define SIZNOW_I 24 /* size now */
#define DMAJ_I 28 /* major version number */
#define DMIN_I 29 /* minor version number */
#define DEL_I 30 /* deleted or not */
#define STRUC_I 31 /* file structure */
#define CMT_I 32 /* comment [offset] */
#define CMTSIZ_I 36 /* comment size */
#define FNAME_I 38 /* filename */
#define VARDIRLEN_I 51 /* length of var. direntry */
#define TZ_I 53 /* timezone */
#define DCRC_I 54 /* CRC of directory entry */
#define FNM_SIZ 13 /* size of stored filename */
/* Offsets within variable part of directory entry */
#define NAMLEN_I (SIZ_DIRL + 0)
#define DIRLEN_I (SIZ_DIRL + 1)
#define LFNAME_I (SIZ_DIRL + 2)
#define DIRNAME_I LFNAME_I /* plus length of filename */
Total size of fixed plus variable directory recognized currently:
One byte each for dirlen and namlen, 256 each for long filename and
directory name, 2 for system id, 3 for file attributes, 1 for
version flag, 2 for version number, plus a fudge factor of 5.
#define MAXDIRSIZE (SIZ_DIRL+1+1+256+256+2+3+1+2+5)
/* Value used to stuff into timezone field if it is not known */
#define NO_TZ 127
/* Value for no file attributes */
#define NO_FATTR 0L
/* version flag bits */
#define VFL_ON 0x80 /* enable version numbering */
#define VFL_GEN 0x0f /* generation count */
#define VFL_LAST 0x40 /* last generation of this file */
/* default generation value for archive */
#define GEN_DEFAULT 3
/* max generation count, file or archive */
#define MAXGEN 0x0f
/* version mask to prune down to correct size on large-word machines */
#define VER_MASK 0xffff