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File List | 1993-08-14 | 5.4 KB | 111 lines |
- BBS related files
- \bbs\
- bbsutils\ Several programs (plus docs) for use with BBS systems
- bbswrite\ On-Line Creative writing system for Express BBS!
- bj Black Jack script
- ccdemo2\ Working copy of new doors game, Cosmic Conquest (Demo)
- cdrom_m\ Allows you can runa CD_ROM on any version 3 MichTron BBS
- cd_bcn_h\ C source permitting carrier detect for modems
- chainer\ Solve problems with command line parameterin BBS Express ST
- chksig16\ BBS Express! 1.60+ Checks SIG's forfiles with no descriptions
- clasad12\ Classified add in MCL for MichTron BBS 3.0
- conflict\ Door game, like Risk, with graphics
- conquest\ Demo for BBS'sConquest Dark Ages wargame
- cookedit Allows you to edit your 'Cookie' or 'Fortune' files
- cows_src\ BBS Express ST Script file to run Cows V7.0
- cstm_bbs\ Customise your bbs easily
- dip_v14\ Door Interface Program v1.4 to rin games on bbs
- dirclean Cleans the Purged entries from the download on a Michtron BBS
- eceditor Script file for BBS Express! Editor type...
- edit_v21\ Text and VT52 graphics editor
- fidofly2\ Fido utility
- fidoxprs\ Used to run BBS Express with BinkleyTerm andFidoDoor ST
- fmailv21\ This is Fmail for BBS Express ST
- fminibbs\ Flash telecomm program script for a Mini BBS
- fn132bin\ Fnordadel 1.32-51, descendant of the Citadel BBS +sources
- foulmuth\ This program checks the message bases ofBBS Express ST!
- galempsc\ Script file for BBS Express! to runGalactic Empre
- bbslog\ Easy-Draw logsheet to keep track of bbs activity
- bbstart\ Will automatically set the time/date after power outage
- bbs_memo\ General BBS Express! utilities
- ghostwrt\ ACC to help writing msg on bbs
- grunt140\ Allows you to copy, erase, type, change paths for FoReM
- handcap3\ Handicapper that handle the NFL and all other Football games
- hilo_v14\ Hi-Low game for BBS Express ST!
- horse_11\ Horse racing game for BBS Express!
- igs_pro6\ IGS Graphics systems. It's graphic displays with sounds
- is_mtc\ Inner Sanctum BBS system
- key20\ Use games for FoReM on the BBS Express! system
- lastcook\ Combination 'Fortune Cookie' and 'Last Caller' login door
- logoff (PART II) - See LOGSTAT.SCR for part I
- logstat Script File Language for use on BBS Express!
- mercury\ UUCP mail package
- mich2_43\ VT52 editor for Michtron BBS
- mpr50fxd\ Space Empire Elite v5.0 for BBS
- nitelite\ Public Domain BBS system
- omni_101\ Multi-user, multi-tasking Bulletin Board System
- onlnbjck\ Online Blackjack game
- pfindr13\ Path Finder to find and execute file for doors on bbs
- pibterm\ Telecomm with small bbs integrated (with sources)
- porfido2\ Grab Echos from any local BBS and use them on your Express BBS
- print_sc\ Utility that allows a text screen dump
- q\ "Thought for the Day", "Jokefor the Day" or ...
- quest137\ D&D type online game for BBS Express ST!
- quick_bl\ QuickBulletin, change bulletins quick and easy
- quick_gr\ Express script makes installing onlinegraphics quick and easy
- quiz\ Allow you to add a quiz to your BBS Express!
- qwklay10\ Information on the QWK formatused on most BBS's
- rebelog\ 2 prg to maintained the call log in BBS express!
- rebel2\ Multi script (COMpiler/View Call Log/Load User Editor/etc)
- rememacs\ Micro Emacs made to work with BBSs
- remotedo\ FLASH DO Remote Controller
- re_mote\ Full REMOTE.BTS file for STalker
- ringback\ Allows you to have a BBS runningon the same voice line
- rodney\ Random Rodney Dangerfield jokes inBBS Express!
- roulette Roulette script for BBS Express!
- rsysdb\ US & Canadian Room Based Systems list scripting utility
- scanr104\ Replacement for the User listing in BBS Express ST!
- semenu25 Space Empire menu script for BBS Express!
- sortie12\ Sortie v1.2 will safely sort any directory
- spcelite Space Empire Elite script file for BBS Express!
- spcer436\ SPACER online game for BBSs
- starbatt\ BBS STAR BATTLE like STAR TREK except it's is mouse driven
- stkeep\ Working version of the ST-Keep BBS
- stnat110\ Drag racing game for BBS Express ST!
- stnetbbs\ STar-Net BBS V1.24
- storylin\ Multiple Authors Story Sig program for BBS Express! ST
- story160\ Never Ending STory for BBS Express V1.60
- sys_list\ LIST utility in the script language for BBS Express!
- thieves\ "Thieves' Guild Online Game
- timestop\ This program will tell your modem, not to answer the phone
- tlbb1_5\ The Little Black Book *1.5* Phone list for BBSs
- transbbs\ Transcendence BBS system
- trivial2\ Trivia game for BBS Express!
- tsh911g\ Latest version of Tom Clegg's CLI
- turbobbs\ TurboPascal Source code to a BBS system (needs help to work)
- univ_i\ EVERYTHING you need for IG graphics on BBS express
- userdata\ structure for Express BBS "USERLOG.DAT"
- useredit\ GEM user editor for Transcendence BBS
- userstat User status for the sysop and the user
- valida15\ Multi flag validation script for BBS Express!
- viewfile\ VT-52 Graphics or ANY OTHER graphics mode for BBS Express!
- visit200\ Script for BBS Express, Lets the Sysop gather information
- vlog_101\ Callers Log Viewer for BBS Express!
- vt52v30\ Make real nice VT-52 Color screens for Express
- vt52wiz\ Create sharp looking screens foryour color BBS
- wrest151\ Wrestling game for BBS Express ST!
- wxytr2\ Various file for W-Modem/X-Modem/Y-Modem,Batch, term program
- ww3scrpt\ WWIII game script
- x_specs\ Opinions on various BBS software
- zmdmdown\ Zmodem download script for BBS Express!
- zmdmup12\ Zmodem Upload Version 1.20
- zorgdemo\ Revenge of Zorgoth, on-line game doors on a BBS