GEMini Atari
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User Configuration Options
Fnordadel allows you to set a variety of configuration options to control
the system's behavior. You can set all of them in the configuration menu,
which you call up with the command .E(nter) C(onfiguration). You can set a
single option using the .E(nter) O(ption) command. For example, entering
".EOE" will echo back as:
".Enter Option Are you an experienced Citadel user? ([Y]/N): "
The configuration options are as follows:
[A]uto new: If you answer "Yes", the system will automatically show you
all new messages in the Lobby> room each time you sign on. If you answer
"No", you will have to execute the [N]ew command yourself.
[E]xpert mode: If you answer "Yes", system prompts will be fewer and
more terse. You should answer "No" until you are familiar with the system.
[F]loor mode: If you answer "Yes", the system will show you its collection
of rooms in groups called "floors", rather than all lumped together in one
unorganized pile. A floor is to rooms as a room is to messages -- a way to
group related things together. See .H(elp) FLOORS.
[L]inefeeds switch: If you answer "Yes", the system will send both a
carriage return and a linefeed at the end of each line displayed. If you
answer "No", only the carriage return will be sent. Most users can answer
either way and see no change, but some older systems or software might need
linefeeds so that each line doesn't print over top of the previous one.
[N]ulls: You answer this option with a number. A "null" is the null
character, ASCII code 0. It is a non-printing, non-functional character whose
only purpose is to take up transmission time. Fnordadel outputs the number
of nulls you set here at the end of each line displayed. You can use this to
slow down display speed if you have a fast modem.
[O]- show last old message on [N]ew: If you answer "Yes", the system will
show you the last old message in a room when you enter the [N]ew command to
read new messages. This can assist you in recalling what the thread of
discussion was before diving into the new message.
[P]ause after each message: If you answer "Yes", the system will always use
the "more" option when you read messages. The "more" option makes the system
pause after each message displayed, and gives you several commands to use
without having to break out of the message reader.
[R]unning count of msgs while reading: If you answer "Yes", the system
will add a running count to the header line of each message displayed. The
count shows the number of messages remaining to be read by you.
[T]- show time of message creation: If you answer "Yes", the system will
display the time of each message's creation in its header line. If you answer
"No", only the date is shown.
[V]iew configuration: This command shows your current configuration.
[W]idth of screen: You answer this option with a number. It specifies the
width of your screen in characters. Most people have a display 80 characters
across. Fnordadel uses the value you set here to format all output so it
fits nicely on your screen.
[Y]- set default transfer protocol: This option can be answered currently
with either "X" or "Y", to indicate Xmodem or Ymodem. This default will be
used by the system with certain file transfer commands (e.g. [D]ownload,
[U]load and .E(nter) F(ile)). See .H(elp) FILES.
%FILES About file transfers
%FLOORS Information on floors
%TOPICS Main help topics list