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- Fnordadel Enter Commands
- To send information from you to the BBS -- be it a message, a file,
- configuration options or whatever -- you use one of the .E(nter) commands.
- The most common thing you will enter is a message. To enter a message in a
- room, you can use the single-key [E]nter command, or the .E(nter) M(essage)
- command. Since they both do the same thing, the long form of the command is
- rarely used for normal messages. However, there are many options available
- with .E(nter) that make it useful in other ways.
- NOTE: The maximum length of a message is about 10,000 characters. Watch
- out when entering lengthy network messages, since some versions of Citadel
- allow only 7500 characters for messages.
- The general format for message- and file-related extended enter commands is:
- .E(nter) [<protocol>] <command>
- where <protocol> is optional, and can be one of:
- X(modem) -- the standard, 128-byte packet protocol
- Y(modem) -- Xmodem with 1024-byte packets
- W(xmodem) -- Windowed Xmodem (may not be available)
- V(anilla) -- a pseudo-ASCII transfer terminated by 2 CAN (CTRL-X) chars
- and <command> is one of:
- M(essage) -- to enter a normal message
- N(et-message) -- to enter a networked message (see .H(elp) NET)
- L(ocal-message) -- (useful in Autonet rooms, see .H(elp) NET)
- F(ile) -- to upload a file (see .H(elp) FILES)
- Using a <protocol> option with the three message commands allows you to
- compose messages on your own system and then upload them to the BBS, into the
- message editor, for final minor corrections.
- With the .E(nter) F(ile) command, if you don't specify a transfer protocol,
- the system will use the value defined in your user configuration. To see the
- value or change it, use the .E(nter) C(onfiguration) command. See
- .H(elp) CONFIG.
- There are also some other enter commands:
- .E(nter) H(eld-message) -- continue msg you've Held (see .H(elp) HELD)
- .E(nter) C(onfiguration) -- change user config options (see .H(elp) CONFIG)
- .E(nter) O(ption) OPT -- directly set any .EC option
- .E(nter) P(assword) -- change your password
- .E(nter) R(oom) -- create your own room (may not be available)
- Use ".E(nter) [?]" to get a menu of all available .E(nter) options.
- %CONFIG Explanation of user config options
- %FILES Information on file transfers
- %HELD How held messages work
- %NET Entering networked messages
- %READ The Read command
- %TOPICS Main help topics list