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Fnordadel File Transfers
In Fnordadel, information is sent from the BBS to you via .R(ead)
commands, and from you to the BBS via .E(nter) commands. In this sense, files
are thought of just like messages.
One difference, though, is that files can only be transferred in a directory
room. A directory room is one that has a "]" or a ":" after its name (as
opposed to ">" and ")", which are for non-directory rooms). So the first
thing to do is get to a directory room. If you don't know of one, you can use
the .K(nown) command to find one. See .K(nown) [?] for options.
What to do next depends on whether you want to upload (enter) or download
(read) a file. If you want to download, you'll want to see what files are
available. Type .R(ead) D(irectory) for a list of filenames. To get
descriptions along with the names, use .R(ead) E(xtended-directory).
Both commands need you to enter a file "template" to select which files to
display. You may use wildcards (like "*.DOC" or "FOO.*") to list only certain
files, or even an exact file name. If you don't supply anything, the BBS
assumes you want all files ("*.*") listed.
There are some modifiers with .RD and .RE. You can use .R+D or .R+E to
display only those files dated after a date you specify, and .R-D or .R-E to
display only files dated prior to a date you specify. [+] and [-] thus work
the same way for files that they do for messages.
Another modifier that works the same for files is [M]ore. Using .RMD or
.RME will get you into the "file browser". The browser displays each file
matching your template, pausing after each one to allow you the option of
executing various commands. The most useful command allows you to add a file
to a list of files that can be later downloaded via a single transfer command.
If you want to see what is inside an ARC file before you download it, you
can use .R(ead) H(eader). If your Sysop has configured things, you can also
use this command to view the contents of other archive files, such as LZH and
ZOO files.
To transfer a file, then, the basic format is:
".R(ead) [protocol] [type]" for downloading, or
".E(nter) [protocol] F(ile)" for uploading.
The currently supported protocols are [T]ext, [V]anilla, [X]modem, [W]xmodem,
and [Y]modem. (Wxmodem may not be available.) The [type] can be either
[F]ile or [B]atch-files. Here are some examples:
.R(ead) X(modem) F(ile) FOO.BAR
will download the file "FOO.BAR" using Xmodem.
.R(ead) Y(modem) B(atch-files) FOO*.LZH
will download all files like "FOO*.LZH", using Ymodem batch.
.R(ead) T(ext) F(ile) INFO.TXT
will display the ASCII text file "INFO.TXT" on your screen.
.E(nter) X(modem) F(ile) BAR.BAZ <then you're prompted for a description>
will upload the file "BAR.BAZ" using Xmodem.
Some explanation of the protocols is necessary:
[X]modem -- The standard 128-byte packet protocol.
[Y]modem -- Xmodem with 1024-byte (1K) packet size.
[W]xmodem -- Windowed Xmodem. Quite fast. May not be available.
[T]ext -- Displays the file (presumably text) on your screen, formatted
to your screen width (just like messages).
[V]anilla -- An ASCII transfer with no error checking. Terminated with 2
ASCII CAN (CTRL-X) chars at the end of the file. If you are
uploading a file, you must hit CTRL-X twice at the end of the
file to tell the system you're done.
For downloading, you can specify either [F]ile, which transfers just one
file, or [B]atch-files (usable with [X]modem, [Y]modem and [W]xmodem) to
transfer more than one file at once. If you have marked a batch list using
the file browser, and wish to download the listed files, use the .R<protocol>B
command, and hit a carriage return to indicate the list should be transferred.
Only a Sysop can use [B]atch mode for uploading, because the system doesn't
know in advance what files are going to be sent, and they might overwrite ones
that are already there if they happened to have the same names.
If you don't specify a protocol when uploading, the system will use your
default protocol as defined in .E(nter) C(onfiguration). If you don't specify
a protocol when downloading, the system assumes you just want it printed out
without any formatting or whatever. So,
.R(ead) F(ile)
will display a file as-is. This is best for reading pre-formatted text files,
which the [T]ext modifier might screw up.
As always, typing .R(ead) [?] will display all your Read options, and
.E(nter) [?] will display all your Enter options.
%CONFIG User configuration options
%ENTER More on the Enter command
%READ More on the Read command
%TOPICS Main help topics list