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95 lines
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* The Ghostwriter v1.1 90/07/29 *
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
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* A freeware-accessory by Pascal Fellerich *
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* This accessory can be copied as long as this text as well as *
* the program remain unchanged. *
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Why do I need a 'Ghostwriter'?
Some BBS don't allow you to upload a message - you have to enter
your text yourself. But this costs online-time.
The Ghostwriter is able to 'type' in a message, with variable speed.
Cheat the BBS-line editor!
The result: better because more accurate messages.
How to use the acc:
The main dialog (the one you get when you invoke the accessory)
offers some switches:
* convert 'umlauts': The german mutated vowels 'üöä' as well as the
'eszet', 'ß' are converted into their equivalents 'ue, oe, ae, ss'.
However the french 'accents' are not affected by this process.
* fill empty lines: as some BBS editors quit the edit-mode when you
enter a blank line you can tell your Ghostwriter to put one space
character into an emty line.
* Load file...: Loads a textfile. If the file doesn't fit into memory
you get an error message.
* Informations: try!
* Delay after each character: determines the delay between two
* Delay after each line: same thing for lines (Ends of lines)
Those two settings are very important: if the textfile is
transmitted too fast you risk to lose characters. Especially after a
CR the delay has to be long enough. The exact values depend on the
used baudrate and on the editor. You have to try some speeds...
* End of line CR/CRLF: you can choose between CR and CRLF as the
EOL-marker. Normally a simple CR is sufficient.
* Transmit: launches the Transmission
The 'Transmission in progres...' dialog
The transmitted characters are displayed in this dialog box using
the 'RAW'-mode. That is, every character including control chars are
To stop the transmission for a short time depress the right mouse
button. The Ghostwriter continues sending the textfile when you
release the button.
To abort completely click on the 'Abort'-button.
This ACC is freeware - that means you are allowed to copy and use
the program without donations to me. However, I do _not_ refuse
Send money, bugreports and other requests to:
Pascal Fellerich
45, rue des Genêts
L-3482 Dudelange
= PROGRAM & TEXT by Pascal Fellerich =