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Pascal/Delphi Source File
611 lines
(* Set_Params --- Set Communications Parameters *)
Use_Script : BOOLEAN ) : BOOLEAN;
(* *)
(* Function: Set_Params *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Set communications parameters *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Flag := Set_Params( First_Time : BOOLEAN; *)
(* Use_Script : BOOLEAN ) : BOOLEAN; *)
(* *)
(* First_Time: TRUE for initial setup, else FALSE. *)
(* Use_Script: TRUE to use commands from script buffer *)
(* *)
(* Flag is TRUE if successful set-up, else FALSE. *)
(* *)
(* Calls: ClrScr *)
(* Async_Init *)
(* Async_Open *)
(* Get_Params *)
(* *)
VAR (* Hold new colors/video mode *)
New_Text_Mode : INTEGER;
New_ForeGround_Color : INTEGER;
New_BackGround_Color : INTEGER;
New_Menu_Text_Color : INTEGER;
New_Menu_Frame_Color : INTEGER;
Review_Buffer_Length : INTEGER;
Max_Param_Names = 63;
Param_Names : ARRAY[ 1 .. Max_Param_Names ] OF STRING[2] =
( 'DA', 'PA', 'ST', 'BA', 'PO', 'BS', 'DE', 'TE', 'AG',
'LF', 'MI', 'MD', 'MC', 'MN', 'MB', 'ME', 'MT', 'MH',
'MO', 'MR', 'SM', 'PM', 'LE', 'FC', 'FD', 'FW', 'TT',
'SD', 'GD', 'TB', 'MA', 'MS', 'FM', 'TM', 'CF', 'CB',
'CT', 'CM', 'MW', 'BP', 'EB', 'DP', 'BB', 'XM', 'CH',
'XB', 'AB', 'VB', 'VF', 'VE', 'VU', 'KC', 'KD', 'KE',
'KH', 'KN', 'KP', 'KQ', 'KR', 'KS', 'KT', 'KW', 'K8' );
Trans_Type_Name : ARRAY[ Transfer_Type ] OF STRING[2] =
( 'AS', 'XK', 'XC', 'KE', 'TE', 'MK',
'M7', 'YM', 'YB', 'NO' );
Trans_Type : ARRAY[ 1 .. Max_Transfer_Types ] OF Transfer_Type =
( Ascii, Xmodem_Chk, Xmodem_Crc, Kermit, Telink,
Modem7_Chk, Modem7_CRC, Ymodem, Ymodem_Batch, None );
(* Write_Config_File --- Write updated PibTerm configuration file *)
PROCEDURE Write_Config_File;
(* *)
(* Procedure: Write_Config_File *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Writes updated parameters to PibTerm config. file *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Write_Config_File; *)
(* *)
(* Calls: None *)
(* *)
BEGIN (* Write_Config_File *)
ASSIGN( Config_File, Home_Dir + 'PIBTERM.CNF' );
REWRITE( Config_File );
IF Int24Result <> 0 THEN
WRITELN('Can''t create new PIBTERM.CNF.');
BEGIN (* Write configuration file *)
WRITELN( Config_File , 'FC=', FK_CR );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'FD=', FK_Delay );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'FW=', FK_Wait_For );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'FM=', FK_Ctrl_Mark );
WRITELN( ConFig_File , 'DA=', Data_Bits );
WRITELN( ConFig_File , 'PA=', Parity );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'ST=', Stop_Bits );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'BA=', Baud_Rate );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'PO=', Comm_Port );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'BS=', ORD( BS_Char ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'DE=', ORD( Ctrl_BS_Char ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'TE=', ORD( Terminal_To_Emulate ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'AG=', ORD( Ansi_Graphics_On ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'LF=', ORD( Add_LF ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'MI=', Write_Ctrls( Modem_Init ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'MD=', Write_Ctrls( Modem_Dial ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'MC=', Modem_Connect );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'MN=', Modem_No_Carrier );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'MB=', Modem_Busy );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'ME=', Write_Ctrls( Modem_Escape) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'MT=', Modem_Escape_Time );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'MH=', Write_Ctrls( Modem_Hang_Up) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'MO=', Modem_Time_Out:4:0 );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'MR=', Modem_Redial_Delay:4:0 );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'MA=', Write_Ctrls( Modem_Answer ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'MS=', Write_Ctrls( Modem_Host_Set ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'MW=', Modem_Command_Delay );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'SM=', ORD( Silent_Mode ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'PM=', ORD( Play_Music_On ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'LE=', ORD( Local_Echo ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'TT=', Trans_Type_Name[ Default_Transfer_Type ] );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'SD=', Screen_Dump_Name );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'GD=', GMT_Difference );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'TB=', Transfer_Bells );
IF New_Text_Mode = BW80 THEN
WRITELN( Config_File , 'TM=M' )
WRITELN( Config_File , 'TM=C' );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'CF=', New_ForeGround_Color );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'CB=', New_BackGround_Color );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'CT=', New_Menu_Text_Color );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'CM=', New_Menu_Frame_Color );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'BP=', ORD( CompuServe_B_On ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'EB=', ORD( Mahoney_On ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'DP=', Default_Prefix );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'BB=', Max_Review_Length );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'XM=', ORD( Exploding_Menus ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'CH=', ORD( Modem_Carrier_High ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'XB=', Max_Write_Buffer );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'AB=', ORD( Host_Auto_Baud ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'VB=', VT100_BackGround_Color );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'VF=', VT100_ForeGround_Color );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'VE=', VT100_Bold_Color );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'VU=', VT100_Underline_Color );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'KC=', Kermit_Chk_Type );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'KD=', ORD( Kermit_Debug ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'KE=', Write_Ctrls( Kermit_EOL ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'KH=', Write_Ctrls( Kermit_Header_Char ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'KN=', Kermit_Npad );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'KP=', Write_Ctrls( Kermit_Pad_Char ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'KQ=', Write_Ctrls( Kermit_Quote_Char ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'KR=', Write_Ctrls( Kermit_Repeat_Char ) );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'KS=', Kermit_Packet_Size );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'KT=', Kermit_TimeOut );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'KW=', Kermit_Delay_Time );
WRITELN( Config_File , 'K8=', Write_Ctrls( Kermit_Quote_8_Char ) );
END (* Write configuration file *);
CLOSE( Config_File );
END (* Write_Config_File *);
(* Set_Parameter --- Set value of PibTerm parameter *)
PROCEDURE Set_Parameter( Param_Num : INTEGER;
Param_Ival : INTEGER;
Param_Rval : REAL;
Param_Str : AnyStr );
(* *)
(* Procedure: Set_Parameter *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Set value of PibTerm parameter *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Set_Parameter( Param_Num : INTEGER; *)
(* Param_Ival : INTEGER; *)
(* Param_Rval : REAL; *)
(* Param_Str : AnyStr ); *)
(* *)
(* Param_Num --- Parameter to set *)
(* Param_Ival --- integer parameter value *)
(* Param_Rval --- real parameter value *)
(* Param_Str --- string parameter value *)
(* *)
BEGIN (* Set_Parameter *)
CASE Param_Num OF
0 : ;
1 : Data_Bits := Param_Ival;
2 : Parity := Param_Str[1];
3 : Stop_Bits := Param_Ival;
4 : Baud_Rate := Param_Ival;
5 : Comm_Port := Param_Ival;
6 : BS_Char := CHR( Param_Ival );
7 : Ctrl_BS_Char := CHR( Param_Ival );
8 : CASE Param_Ival OF
0: Terminal_To_Emulate := Dumb;
1: Terminal_To_Emulate := VT52;
2: Terminal_To_Emulate := Ansi;
3: Terminal_To_Emulate := VT100;
4: Terminal_To_Emulate := Gossip;
5: Terminal_To_Emulate := HostMode;
ELSE Terminal_To_Emulate := Dumb;
END (* CASE *);
9 : Ansi_Graphics_On := ( Param_Ival = 1 );
10 : Add_Lf := ( Param_Ival = 1 );
11 : Modem_Init := Read_Ctrls( Param_Str );
12 : Modem_Dial := Read_Ctrls( Param_Str );
13 : Modem_Connect := Param_Str;
14 : Modem_No_Carrier := Param_Str;
15 : Modem_Busy := Param_Str;
16 : Modem_Escape := Read_Ctrls( Param_Str );
17 : Modem_Escape_Time := Param_Ival;
18 : Modem_Hang_Up := Read_Ctrls( Param_Str );
19 : Modem_Time_Out := Param_Rval;
20 : Modem_Redial_Delay := Param_Rval;
21 : Silent_Mode := ( Param_Ival = 1 );
22 : Play_Music_On := ( Param_Ival = 1 );
23 : Local_Echo := ( Param_Ival = 1 );
24 : FK_CR := Param_Str[1];
25 : FK_Delay := Param_Str[1];
26 : FK_Wait_For := Param_Str[1];
27 : FOR I := 1 TO Max_Transfer_Types DO
IF ( COPY( Param_Str, 1, 2 ) =
Trans_Type_Name[Trans_Type[I]] ) THEN
Default_Transfer_Type := Trans_Type[I];
28 : Screen_Dump_Name := Param_Str;
29 : GMT_Difference := Param_Ival;
30 : Transfer_Bells := Param_Ival;
31 : Modem_Answer := Read_Ctrls( Param_Str );
32 : Modem_Host_Set := Read_Ctrls( Param_Str );
33 : FK_Ctrl_Mark := Param_Str[1];
34 : CASE Param_Str[1] OF
'C': New_Text_Mode := C80;
'M': New_Text_Mode := BW80;
ELSE New_Text_Mode := BW80;
35 : New_ForeGround_Color := Param_Ival;
36 : New_BackGround_Color := Param_Ival;
37 : New_Menu_Text_Color := Param_Ival;
38 : New_Menu_Frame_Color := Param_Ival;
39 : Modem_Command_Delay := Param_Ival;
40 : CompuServe_B_On := ( Param_Ival = 1 );
41 : Mahoney_On := ( Param_Ival = 1 );
42 : Default_Prefix := Param_Str[1];
43 : Max_Review_Length := MIN( MAX( Param_Ival , 0 ) , 800 );
44 : Exploding_Menus := ( Param_Ival = 1 );
45 : Modem_Carrier_High := ( Param_Ival = 1 );
46 : Max_Write_Buffer := MAX( ( ( Param_Ival + 127 ) DIV 128 ) * 128 ,
128 );
47 : Host_Auto_Baud := ( Param_Ival = 1 );
48 : VT100_BackGround_Color := Param_Ival;
49 : VT100_ForeGround_Color := Param_Ival;
50 : VT100_Bold_Color := Param_Ival;
51 : VT100_Underline_Color := Param_Ival;
52 : Kermit_Chk_Type := Param_Str[1];
53 : Kermit_Debug := ( Param_Ival = 1 );
54 : Kermit_EOL := COPY( Read_Ctrls( Param_Str ), 1, 1 );
55 : Kermit_Header_Char := COPY( Read_Ctrls( Param_Str ), 1, 1 ) ;
56 : Kermit_Npad := MAX( Param_Ival , 0 );
57 : Kermit_Pad_Char := COPY( Read_Ctrls( Param_Str ), 1, 1 );
58 : Kermit_Quote_Char := COPY( Read_Ctrls( Param_Str ), 1, 1 );
59 : Kermit_Repeat_Char := COPY( Read_Ctrls( Param_Str ), 1, 1 );
60 : Kermit_Packet_Size := MIN( MAX( Param_Ival , 20 ) , 94 );
61 : Kermit_TimeOut := Param_Ival;
62 : Kermit_Delay_Time := Param_Ival;
63 : Kermit_Quote_8_Char := COPY( Read_Ctrls( Param_Str ), 1, 1 );
END (* CASE *);
IF Silent_Mode THEN Play_Music_On := FALSE;
Menu_Set_Explode( Exploding_Menus );
END (* Set_Parameter *);
(* Set_Defaults --- Set Default Communications Parameters *)
(* *)
(* Procedure: Set_Defaults *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Set default communications parameters *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Set_Defaults; *)
(* *)
(* Calls: None *)
(* *)
(* Remarks: Note that defaults for color-related variables are *)
(* set in PibTerm so that error messages will appear *)
(* in a readable form. *)
(* *)
BEGIN (* Set_Defaults *)
Data_Bits := 8;
Parity := 'N';
Stop_Bits := 1;
Baud_Rate := 2400;
Comm_Port := 1;
BS_Char := CHR( BS );
Ctrl_BS_Char := CHR( DEL );
Terminal_To_Emulate := Dumb;
Ansi_Graphics_On := FALSE;
Add_LF := FALSE;
Capture_On := FALSE;
Printer_On := FALSE;
Translate_On := FALSE;
Play_Music_On := TRUE;
Silent_Mode := FALSE;
Local_Echo := FALSE;
Modem_Init := 'ATX3|';
Modem_Dial := 'ATDT';
Modem_Connect := 'CONNECT';
Modem_No_Carrier := 'NO CARRIER';
Modem_Busy := 'BUSY';
Modem_Time_Out := 60.0;
Modem_Redial_Delay := 45.0;
Modem_Escape := '+++';
Modem_Escape_Time := 1500;
Modem_Hang_Up := 'ATH0|';
Modem_Answer := 'ATA|';
Modem_Host_Set := 'ATZ|~ATX1|~ATS0=1|';
Modem_Command_Delay := 0;
Host_Auto_Baud := TRUE;
Script_String := '';
Script_String_2 := '';
Max_Write_Buffer := 2048;
Default_Transfer_Type := Xmodem_Chk;
Default_Prefix := '+';
Phone_Entry_Page := 1;
FOR I := 1 TO 4 DO
FOR J := 1 TO 10 DO
Function_Keys[I,J] := '';
FK_CR := '|';
FK_Delay := '~';
FK_Wait_For := '`';
FK_Ctrl_Mark := '^';
FOR I := 0 TO 255 DO
TrTab[ CHR( I ) ] := CHR( I );
Keypad_Key_Index[ I ] := 0;
Screen_Dump_Name := '';
GMT_Difference := 0;
Transfer_Bells := 8;
CompuServe_B_On := FALSE;
Mahoney_On := TRUE;
Exploding_Menus := FALSE;
Review_On := FALSE;
Max_Review_Length := 0;
Review_Buffer := NIL;
Review_Head := 0;
Review_Tail := 0;
Review_Line := '';
FOR I := 1 TO 3 DO
FOR J := 1 TO 10 DO
Keypad_Keys[I,J] := '';
Keypad_Key_Index[U_Arrow] := 1;
Keypad_Key_Index[Alt_U_Arrow] := 11;
Keypad_Key_Index[Ctrl_U_Arrow] := 21;
Keypad_Key_Index[L_Arrow] := 2;
Keypad_Key_Index[Alt_L_Arrow] := 12;
Keypad_Key_Index[Ctrl_L_Arrow] := 22;
Keypad_Key_Index[R_Arrow] := 3;
Keypad_Key_Index[Alt_R_Arrow] := 13;
Keypad_Key_Index[Ctrl_R_Arrow] := 23;
Keypad_Key_Index[D_Arrow] := 4;
Keypad_Key_Index[Alt_D_Arrow] := 14;
Keypad_Key_Index[Ctrl_D_Arrow] := 24;
Keypad_Key_Index[Home] := 5;
Keypad_Key_Index[Alt_Home] := 15;
Keypad_Key_Index[PgUp] := 6;
Keypad_Key_Index[Alt_PgUp] := 16;
Keypad_Key_Index[Ctrl_PgUp] := 26;
Keypad_Key_Index[End_Key] := 7;
Keypad_Key_Index[Alt_End_Key] := 17;
Keypad_Key_Index[Ctrl_End_Key] := 27;
Keypad_Key_Index[PgDn] := 8;
Keypad_Key_Index[Alt_PgDn] := 18;
Keypad_Key_Index[Ctrl_PgDn] := 28;
Keypad_Key_Index[Ins_Key] := 9;
Keypad_Key_Index[Alt_Ins_Key] := 19;
Keypad_Key_Index[Ctrl_Ins_Key] := 29;
Keypad_Key_Index[Del_Key] := 10;
Keypad_Key_Index[Alt_Del_Key] := 20;
Keypad_Key_Index[Ctrl_Del_Key] := 30;
Keypad_Key_Names[1,1] := 'K8';
Keypad_Key_Names[2,1] := 'AK8';
Keypad_Key_Names[3,1] := 'CK8';
Keypad_Key_Names[1,2] := 'K4';
Keypad_Key_Names[2,2] := 'AK4';
Keypad_Key_Names[3,2] := 'CK4';
Keypad_Key_Names[1,3] := 'K6';
Keypad_Key_Names[2,3] := 'AK6';
Keypad_Key_Names[3,3] := 'CK6';
Keypad_Key_Names[1,4] := 'K2';
Keypad_Key_Names[2,4] := 'AK2';
Keypad_Key_Names[3,4] := 'CK2';
Keypad_Key_Names[1,5] := 'K7';
Keypad_Key_Names[2,5] := 'AK7';
Keypad_Key_Names[3,5] := '';
Keypad_Key_Names[1,6] := 'K9';
Keypad_Key_Names[2,6] := 'AK9';
Keypad_Key_Names[3,6] := 'CK9';
Keypad_Key_Names[1,7] := 'K1';
Keypad_Key_Names[2,7] := 'AK1';
Keypad_Key_Names[3,7] := 'CK1';
Keypad_Key_Names[1,8] := 'K3';
Keypad_Key_Names[2,8] := 'AK3';
Keypad_Key_Names[3,8] := 'CK3';
Keypad_Key_Names[1,9] := 'K0';
Keypad_Key_Names[2,9] := 'AK0';
Keypad_Key_Names[3,9] := 'CK0';
Keypad_Key_Names[1,10] := 'K.';
Keypad_Key_Names[2,10] := 'AK.';
Keypad_Key_Names[3,10] := 'CK.';
(* Initialize command table *)
FOR I := 0 TO 255 DO
Pibterm_Command_Table[I] := Null_Command;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_A] := EditSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_B] := BreakSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_C] := ClearSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_D] := DialSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_E] := EchoSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_F] := FileSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_G] := GossipSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_H] := HangUpSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_I] := InfoSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_J] := DosSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_K] := KeySy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_L] := LogSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_M] := MuteSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_N] := FastCSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_O] := CaptureSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_P] := ParamSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_Q] := RedialSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_R] := ReceiveSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_S] := SendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_T] := TranslateSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_U] := SDumpSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_V] := ViewSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_W] := HostSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_X] := QuitSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_Y] := TimersSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_Z] := AreaCodeSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Shift_Tab] := AddLfSy;
FOR I := F1 TO F10 DO
PibTerm_Command_Table[I] := KeySendSy;
FOR I := Alt_F1 TO Alt_F10 DO
PibTerm_Command_Table[I] := KeySendSy;
FOR I := Shift_F1 TO Shift_F10 DO
PibTerm_Command_Table[I] := KeySendSy;
FOR I := Ctrl_F1 TO Ctrl_F10 DO
PibTerm_Command_Table[I] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[U_Arrow] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_U_Arrow] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Ctrl_U_Arrow] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[L_Arrow] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_L_Arrow] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Ctrl_L_Arrow] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[R_Arrow] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_R_Arrow] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Ctrl_R_Arrow] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[D_Arrow] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_D_Arrow] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Ctrl_D_Arrow] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Home] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_Home] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[PgUp] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_PgUp] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Ctrl_PgUp] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[End_Key] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_End_Key] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Ctrl_End_Key] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[PgDn] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_PgDn] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Ctrl_PgDn] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Ins_Key] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_Ins_Key] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Ctrl_Ins_Key] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Del_Key] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Alt_Del_Key] := KeySendSy;
PibTerm_Command_Table[Ctrl_Del_Key] := KeySendSy;
(* Initialize Kermit variables *)
(* Timeout value *)
Kermit_Timeout := 5;
(* Default checksum method *)
Kermit_Chk_Type := '1';
(* Marks repeated data *)
Kermit_Repeat_Char := '~';
(* But repeating not implemented yet *)
Repeating := FALSE;
(* Time to wait before send in host mode *)
Kermit_Delay_Time := 15;
(* Initial packet size *)
Kermit_Packet_Size := Kermit_Init_Packet_Size;
(* Padding not required *)
Kermit_Npad := 0;
Kermit_Pad_Char := CHR( 0 );
(* Don't send padding unless requested *)
My_Pad_Num := 0;
(* CR is initial EOL *)
Kermit_EOL := CHR( CR );
(* Send a CR to start with *)
Send_EOL := CR;
(* Use the default quote *)
Kermit_Quote_Char := '#';
(* Use the default 8 bit quote *)
Kermit_Quote_8_Char := '&';
(* But don't ask for it unless binary with parity *)
Quoting := FALSE;
(* No debugging in Kermit *)
Kermit_Debug := FALSE;
(* SOH is default header character *)
Kermit_Header_Char := CHR( SOH );
END (* Set_Defaults *);