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From: Hubert Lai
To: Ron Mckenzie Msg #16, 02-Jul-90 06:37pm
Subject: A Win2.1 or 3 Scrn Capture Utility?
In a message of <29 Jun 90 19:09:36>, Ron Mckenzie (1:104/45.1) writes:
RM>I need a utility to capture screens while I'm running Win. (Presently,
RM>I use Win2.1 and expect to be on 3.0 within 2 weeks.) What do you know
RM>that works under either or both WinVersion? Where can it be had? If
RM>shareware, please include the net/node & pswd for f'request. Thanks!!
I don't know if it works under Windows 3.0. However, have you tried TIFFANY?
I think Tim has it. If not, some other Windows-oriented BBS will.
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Chu Son Msg #17, 02-Jul-90 06:40pm
Subject: Re: Wp 5.1 & Windows 3.0
In a message of <30 Jun 90 10:02:00>, Chu Son (1:104/518) writes:
CS>Well..Word Perfect promised to make WP for Windows before PM.
What is your source? I'm willing to make it interesting by placing a small
wager here that WordPerfect for Windows 3.0 is NOT released under after
WordPerfect for Presentation Manager is.
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Kevin Payne Msg #18, 02-Jul-90 06:43pm
Subject: Disk formatting
In a message of <30 Jun 90 19:43:21 >, Kevin Payne (1:30072/5) writes:
KP>I have two floppies, a 5.25 and 3.5. If I have up two DOS Command
KP>windows, I seem to be able to format both floppies simultaneously.
This is really not a very good idea. Formatting floppies is timing-sensitive,
for one thing. For another, most machines are not designed such that both
floppy drives can be used simultaneously. In fact, in IBM's original PC,
there was only enough power to run one drive at a time, so if you were copying
from one floppy to the other, the machine actually alternately powered one
drive up and down while it powered the other drive down and up!
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Hakim Madjid Msg #19, 02-Jul-90 06:47pm
Subject: Re: wp 5.1 & windows 3.0
In a message of <30 Jun 90 22:35:00>, Hakim Madjid (1:101/0) writes:
From: Hubert Lai
To: Robert Berry Msg #20, 02-Jul-90 06:51pm
Subject: win 3.0 weird facts
In a message of <30 Jun 90 00:31:57>, Robert Berry (1:151/223.15) writes:
RB> Actually, I don't think *any* PC software has yet been released that
RB>is completely SAA compliant. OS/2 and Windows certainly use elements
RB>from SAA's Common User Access interface, but there are significant
RB>deviations. I don't have the complete specs on the architecture but I
RB>have been told that no current OS/2 applications are completely CUA
RB>compliant. (This comes from my summer employment at IBM.)
Could you be so kind as to enlighten this poor soul and tell me what aspects
of Windows 3.0 and OS/2 1.2 deviate from CUA specifications? I don't need to
know every single deviation (though I wouldn't mind). A half a dozen or so
would do just fine.
I would also be interested in why these deviations exist -- i.e. whether
Microsoft thought their way was better, whether it was too impractical for
some reason to do it, or what.
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Steven Abbett Msg #21, 02-Jul-90 07:33pm
Subject: Re: Sv800 Driver
In a message of <30 Jun 90 18:32:28>, Steven Abbett (1:161/208) writes:
SA>Yes thank you...I did get the drivers but didn't know they were
SA>coming with 256 color drivers...That will be a added improvement...I
SA>love the 800X600 but alas the 1024X768 is too hard to see...perhaps
SA>with a different character set...Steve
Try using the fonts for the 8514. I am, and they are very easy on the eyes.
The procedure for using these fonts instead of the VGA fonts was described
here recently by someone else.
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Andre Beaulieu Msg #22, 02-Jul-90 07:48pm
Subject: ATI Drivers
In a message of <30 Jun 90 17:39:00>, Andre Beaulieu (1:167/103) writes:
AB>-> HL> ATI has released Windows 3.0 drivers for its ATI VGA
AB>-> HL> Wonder. 1024x768x16 and 800x600x16 drivers are available.
AB>-> HL> 256 colour drivers are forthcoming...
AB>Where can i get those drivers ?? Direct from the company or it may
AB>available freely via BBS ??
You can call the company and they will mail you the drivers. If you are in a
hurry, you can call their BBS and download them. If their BBS is busy, a
large number of BBSs which participate in this echo have them available for
download or file request. Hope this helps!
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Claude Lachance Msg #23, 02-Jul-90 07:51pm
Subject: Newwave
In a message of <01 Jul 90 08:30:00>, Claude Lachance (1:167/150) writes:
CL>I'd like to know if some of you tried NEWWAVE with Windows 3.0?
I don't think that Hewlett-Packard has come up with a Windows 3.0 version of
New Wave yet. They promise to do so in the near future. They also promise a
version of New Wave for OS/2.
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Bill Carney Msg #24, 02-Jul-90 07:52pm
Subject: Re: Windows 3.0
In a message of <30 Jun 90 18:50:52>, Bill Carney (1:159/625) writes:
BC>What the hell is all this?! If I wanted to be in PC Relay, I'd run
Whoever set up that gateway also dumped a month's worth of backlogged mail
too, and a lot of it was dupes. 'twas a nasty shock indeed to di3cover t(e
sudden mail overload here.
I sure wish th!t whoever set up the gateway had though4 to ask the echo
parti#ipants 7hat the9 thought of the idea before he went and did it.
<=- Hubert
--- ms'ed 1.99④C/Magnu3
* Or)gin: HU⇩ Techno,ogies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Tc Cheng Msg #25, 02-Jul-90 07:55pm
Subject: Converting GIF's to BMP's
In a message of <24 Jun 90 10:49:55>, Tc Cheng (1:102/770.23) writes:
TC>Can you specify the exact file name of this GCP picture viewing
The copy I have was in an archive by the name of GCP42S.ZIP.
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: David Anderman Msg #26, 02-Jul-90 07:58pm
Subject: Re: Sv800 Driver
In a message of <26 Jun 90 14:41:10>, David Anderman (1:202/303) writes:
DA>There is an ATI driver for 3.0 out there; it only works at 800X600X16
DA>resolution, however.
There is also a 1024x768x16 driver available.
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Scott Hoffman Msg #27, 02-Jul-90 08:01pm
Subject: Lock-up running Win 3 in 386 mode
In a message of <27 Jun 90 17:00:10>, Scott Hoffman (1:305/109) writes:
SH>I've checked the rev level on the CPU, and it is not one of the lots
SH>listed as having the paging mode bug. I've taken all tsrs out of the
SH>autoexec file, removed all bios shadowing, stripped out all of the
SH>device drivers except for the mouse (Microsoft) and HIMEM.SYS, with the
SH>same results.
Make sure that the copy of HIMEM.SYS that you are using is the NEW one that
comes with Windows 3.0 and not an old one that may have been lying around on
your HD from before.
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Jim Heath Msg #28, 02-Jul-90 08:02pm
Subject: Win 3/Telix Comm
In a message of <27 Jun 90 20:24:18>, Jim Heath (1:114/18.20) writes:
JH> HL> My Binkley has been running with 0,0 for years now...
JH>Why 0,0... I 'read' the bink docs and somewhere in the setup it
JH>suggested the 18,256.... Any ideas on the differences????
0,0 uses dynamic stack allocation. 18,256 pre-allocates 18 paragraphs of 256
bytes to the stack. Most stuff that I've read recommends 0,0. Since I've
never had problems with Bink or any other software, I've continued to use 0,0.
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Neil Atwood Msg #29, 02-Jul-90 08:06pm
Subject: Re: Ventura 2.0 under Windows
In a message of <28 Jun 90 14:18:13>, Neil Atwood (3:711/421) writes:
NA>I am VERY interested in what you called Ventura Gold - I presume this
NA>Ventura v3.0 ?
Yep, that's right. For more information, you're best off to contact the
vendor, or drop in on the LASERPUB echo.
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Tim Carter Msg #30, 02-Jul-90 08:09pm
Subject: New Moderator!
In a message of <27 Jun 90 07:08:09>, Lee Lasson (1:104/45) writes:
LL>Please welcome our new Windows Echo Moderator, Tim Carter!
Hey, congratulations Tim!
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Phillip Wertheimer Msg #31, 02-Jul-90 08:11pm
Subject: Windows Apps. default sub-directory
In a message of <27 Jun 90 11:02:00>, Phillip Wertheimer (1:343/105) writes:
PW>Can You tell [}y] where I can find instructions on setting windows
PW>applications to look at default sub-directories. i.e. I want winword
PW>to look into a subdirectory called [DOCS] when I start up WinWord.
Look in the Word for Windows Reference manual under "WIN.INI".
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Chuck Ruff
To: Everyone All Msg #32, 02-Jul-90 07:37pm
Subject: Win 3.0 and TOPS
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get TOPS to work under
Windows 3.0? We use TOPS as a way of sharing AppleLaser printers on a
network with compatables and MACS. The compatables worked fine using
WIN386 as long as DMA was disabled when loading the TOPS software.
However, under 3.0 none of the compatables can print to the LaserWriter
in either real, standard or enhanced mode. TOPS technical support had
no suggestions except to wait for a 3.0 compatable version but didn't
offer any time frame for its release. The TOPS software is loaded
prior to starting Windows and creates a temporary output file as it
should. Communication with the printer does not occur with just an
accumalation of these temp files happening. Any suggestions as to what
we can try? Thanks
--- QM v1.00
* Origin: Houston Area League of PC Users TELECOM 1..(713)498-3248
From: David Dunning @ 914/201
To: All Msg #33, 01-Jul-90 06:55pm
Subject: Ati Vga Wonder Drivers
Well, folks: foolish me! Right after leaving my last message about not
being able to find the new drivers on Compuserve, it occured to me to
look in the Microsoft Windows Forum! Gee, what a place to keep those
drivers! (I'd been looking in hardware and graphics areas; I'd never
been to the Windows forum before.) So anyway, there they were, and I've
5ploaded them he2e as AT WIN.ZIP. The 800x600 (x16) work3 fine, but the
1024x768x16 doesn't work right; it lea6es all +inds of dirt on the
screen of my NEC 3D. The 4ext is 3o small, though, that t(e 800x600 is
&ine. Wo5ld like to know what th% deal is with the "dirt", tho.
--- RBBSMail 17.3A
# Origin: REG_10_SDSCoord 1:125/41 415-621-2609 HST/V.32 (RBBS 8:914/201.0)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:10/8)
From: David Dunning @ 914/201
To: All Msg #34, 01-Jul-90 07:03pm
Subject: Icon Creators
I've also uploaded two icon creation programs here that I got from the
Windows forum on Compuserve; ICONDR.ZIP and PBIC10.ZIP. The first is
v.1.1 of the program that's been discussed here. The second I don't
recall seeing mention of, but it's the one that I prefer. It uses
Paintbrush for actually creating the graphics, and then it puts them in
the appropriate format. This is a nice approach, because it means that
anything you can either create or import into Paintbrush can be used as
an Icon. I like it. The only problem with these programs is that the
icons only function in Program Manager. When a window is minimized, it
reverts to a more generic icon.
--- RBBSMail 17.3A
# Origin: REG_10_SDSCoord 1:125/41 415-621-2609 HST/V.32 (RBBS 8:914/201.0)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:10/8)
From: Annette Parks @ 914/201
To: Sue Coleman Msg #35, 01-Jul-90 08:10pm
Subject: Win3 & Goscript
Sue - hope you got a message I sent you about a week ago - sure you're
rushed off your feet and maybe didn't have time to respond (if you got
the thing.) I'm delighted a MicroSoftie is taking part in this echo -
sounds like a couple of your colleagues may also be on the blower.
Please give me the benefit of some input (if available) on how to make
GoScript Plus 3.0 (the PostScript printing utility) run happily within
Win3. GS forces the user to exit an app (in my case WP5.1) to access
those fantastic fonts. Win3 seems displeased with this concept. The
worst case scenario involves memory sharing - GS inhales RAM - and Win3
does not seem pleased - often I have to do some brain salad surgery on
other apps to give GS the Ram Headroom it demands for its font cache.
Please advise if you have experience with this program - also - if you
can share with me the syntax I might use to create an effective PIF file
to run GoScript (if it will run under Win3!!) Although the program will
never win marathons, the GS output is so gorgeous I'd like to slide it
into Windows if possible. Am running an Everex Step 386/25 with Math
Co-Processor - AMI Bios. If you need to know more, please message me in
this Echo. Also - could you please repeat the coorect file name of that
Icon Editor that is so helpful? I guess I've scrunged it! Thanks and
"A-River-Dirty" (the Cuyahoga! <<G>> )
Annette Parks
San Francisco
--- RBBSMail 17.3A
# Origin: REG_10_SDSCoord 1:125/41 415-621-2609 HST/V.32 (RBBS 8:914/201.0)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:10/8)
From: Ralf Urbach @ 914/201
To: John Fields Msg #36, 01-Jul-90 08:25pm
Subject: Re: *.pif
thanks for the info on .pif files.
--- RBBSMail 17.3A
# Origin: REG_10_SDSCoord 1:125/41 415-621-2609 HST/V.32 (RBBS 8:914/201.0)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:10/8)
From: Ted Brengel
To: All Msg #37, 01-Jul-90 09:08pm
Subject: Windows 3.0 Keyboard Lockout
Problem: Windows 3.0 does not accept keyboard input after several
minutes running in the Enhanced Mode. Mouse movement and
clicking continue to produce the expected results. Standard
mode works okay.
System: [Dell] PCs Limited 386-16
BIOS: Dell revision E00 (installed last week)
RAM: 3 megs
Drive: Seagate ST4096
Controller: Perstor 180-16F
Video: ATI VGA Wonder (512K) with BIOS V3M-1.03
Can anyone help me with this problem?
Ted Brengel
--- Msged/Q 1.50L TC-pjm
* Origin: Ted's Place in Sunny San Diego (1:202/112.9)
From: Herb Kahl
To: Ron Cansler Msg #38, 02-Jul-90 06:31am
Subject: (r)telix With Windows 3.0
I'm using Windows 3.0 with Telix 3.12 and a Hayes 2400 Baud modem. I do
external zmodem protocol from Telix with no problems. Of course I can't
toggle to another app without the download stopping, but the transfer
starts up again when I come back the Telix.
--- RBBSMAIL 15.1C.3
* Origin: System-2 RBBS Since '83!-Norristown PA (215)631-0685 (1:273/714)
From: Myron Jordahl
To: Sue Coleman, All Msg #39, 02-Jul-90 06:20pm
Subject: Win 3.0 and HPLJet II
This may have already come up because I recall having seen some reference to
problems that people were having with windows and laserjets, but I did not
think I had any problem. When I try to print a chart from Excel, the file
seems to be created okay (I see it under print manager at about 700k, but when
it tries to print, all I get is a single line of garbled text per page, with
no reduction in size on the print manager screen. I am using a IBM model
70-A21, a laserjet series II with 1.5 meg of ram and the Z1-A cartridge, about
200 soft fonts, and a swapdisk about 3 megs (2meg real ram). I do have the
new disks for Excel that came with windows for 2.1c. A guy from tech support
said to try deleting the driver and reinstalling, which is what I had already
done to no avail. He did not seem to be much help. I believe I did
completely delete the old windows before installing the new. I hope I have
given enough info to diagnose the problem. Thanks for your help.
I also noticed that if you had one of the group icons activated, that you
cannot move between them by just the arrow keys (you could in a Beta version
that I saw) as you can when in the group and moving between application icons.
Any reason for this? It would sure help on the laptop with no mouse (grin).
--- Opus-CBCS 1.12
* Origin: Crystal Palace The Ghost in the Machine (1:382/1.0)
From: Herbert Woelffer
To: Tim Carter Msg #40, 01-Jul-90 08:11am
Subject: Oliver
I would like to try out Oliver. Is it released or can I be put on a waiting
list. I belive I could give this program a real workout considering the
number of messages I read each day. Also since your orgin line does not have
your bbs phone number I will need this also.
--- FX-BBS V3.0Dr
* Origin: -=BerthaBoard=- Manteca, Ca. 209-823-0093 [HST] (1:208/204)
From: Chris Graham
To: Greg Palmer Msg #41, 03-Jul-90 06:00am
Subject: Chess and Moku
Sorry I have taken so long to get to you (2 months!),
but I only just found a board here that has up to date
Windows messages. So I found 6 messages waiting for me
all dated around 1/4/90. I have finished Chess for Windows
(2 & 3) and I have just uploaded the Windows 2 & 3 version
of DemoMoku.Lzh to StingRay! I think the bug you mentioned
about the mouse being out, has been fixed.
If you want a copy of Chess then contact Solutions at the
address given in the closing dialog box.
* Origin: Stingray! - Clovis, CA - [209-298-9461] - HST - (Opus 1:205/12)
From: Rich Gorin
To: John Zucco Msg #42, 02-Jul-90 11:47am
Subject: Re:paradise 640x480x256
How do I find out how much memory does sit on my video card?
--- via Quickpoint XRS 3.2+ (286) OVL
* Origin: Irritable & Unreasonable (Quick 1:125/9.35)
From: Rich Gorin
To: David Dunning Msg #43, 02-Jul-90 12:57pm
Subject: Manuals
In a message to All <30 Jun 90 18:40:00> David Dunning wrote:
DD> for instance, there is ZIP - NADA - ZERO. It has "Satisfaction
DD> Gauranteed" on the cover, but I haven't found an explanation of just
DD> what they mean by that.
I think it means that they'll still respect you in the morning 8-}
--- via Quickpoint XRS 3.2+ (286) OVL
* Origin: Irritable & Unreasonable (Quick 1:125/9.35)
From: John Herold
To: Ivan Schaffel Msg #44, 03-Jul-90 07:32am
Subject: Re:communications Under W
> >>... Windows DOES NOT support 9600.
> > Hmmm... why do you say that? Is that your
> > observation, or a published comment?
If the publication discussed Windows's comms characteristics in any depth, I'd
like to read it -- I have a special interest in that. Reference, please?
>Can you get 1650 cps both transmit and receive?
Lessee... that translates to 171%... yes, I've gotten those rates (Binkleyterm
2.30 mail xfers). But: at the cost of nothing else being able to run in the
machine. The MS clock's second hand even stops during the xfer. Still
workin' on that part...
--- QM v1.00
* Origin: King Solomon's Mine Baltimore MD (301)494-1533 (1:261/1023.0)
From: John Herold
To: Sue Coleman Msg #45, 03-Jul-90 07:33am
Subject: Re: GUI feel
>John, you forgot to mention virtual memory, the ability to multitask
>more than ever before.
I didn't mention multitasking re GUI's 'cause y'don't need GUI to multitask.
As for multitasking "more than ever before", that may be relative to previous
versions of Windows.
Not to say GUI is all bad, BTW -- I just think we should keep it in
>Not just "leetle pictures."
>You forgot "Purty Pictures" otherwise known as Wallpaper.
Boss to employee: "That's purty, all right... but what does it do for the
business?" (But I do like the customizaiton; a little individuality makes
things more interesting.) :-))
--- QM v1.00
* Origin: King Solomon's Mine Baltimore MD (301)494-1533 (1:261/1023.0)
From: Wes Johnson
To: David Dunning Msg #46, 03-Jul-90 09:48am
Subject: Ati Drivers
DD> Hi. I was hoping someone could tell me where to look on
DD> Compuserve for
DD> the new ATI VGA WONDER Windows 3.0 drivers. I've looked
After signing on, go MSWIN - at last peek, they were in DL1.
Hope this helps
--- RemoteAccess 0.03
* Origin: WRITER'S BLOCK *An EchoNet BBS* HST (301)945-1540 (1:261/1056)
From: Wes Johnson
To: All Msg #47, 03-Jul-90 09:53am
Subject: UAE's
I know some of you have heard me complaining about the UAE's many of us have
been experiencing - at the end of last week I began experiencing parity errors
on my 386 (noticeable errors with an error message that displays in 40
character screen mode) - had my motherboard replaced yesterday and the UAE
problem appears to have virtually disappeared ( hope I'm NOT jinxing myself
espousing this.....) - others having substantial UAE problems should run
utilities - especially overnight - to determine whether memory errors are at
the root of your discontent too!! Wes Johnson
--- RemoteAccess 0.03
* Origin: WRITER'S BLOCK *An EchoNet BBS* HST (301)945-1540 (1:261/1056)
From: Steve Hecker
To: Miles Bosworth Msg #48, 03-Jul-90 04:00pm
Subject: Re: Windows 3.0
Don't think that everyone, or even most people, are having problems with
Windows 3.0. There are alot of us who, like you, own it and have no trouble
with it. We are, more or less, observers here.
In addition, what you are seeing is typical of the introduction of any complex
package. Although W3 was in testing for quite a while, you never really find
many bugs until a program is released to the general public.
--- Opus-CBCS 1.12
* Origin: Law-Line HST (Timonium MD 301 561-0789) (1:261/1024.0)
From: Michael Szeller
To: John Herold Msg #49, 02-Jul-90 02:24pm
Subject: Re: Gui Feel
Ah I think I know why the women hate the mouse --- it's because they are
taught as little girls to be afraid of mice (eek, eek, it's a mouse). Perhaps
if we had named the device a "Cat" it would be better accepted.
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: ONLINE NOW - Thunder Bay ON 8 Lines - 807-345-1531 (229/510)
From: Mike Chaffin
To: Gary Whalen Msg #50, 01-Jul-90 10:07am
Subject: Re: Bitcom and WIN3
GW> I am having trouble with Bitcom under Win3.
GW> Bitcom by itself works fine, but under WIN3 it doesn't. I am using an E
GW> 2400MNP modem. Terminal will not let me select COMM4 (which the modem
GW> and Bitcom doesn't work.
GW> Any ideas?
Well I don't know if this will help but I am also running a 2400MNP
modem on Comm 4. When I upgraded to a 386/25 I reinstalled windows and
had a problem like yours. I could use Comm4 in Standard mode but not
enhanced. I fixed the problem by adding the port assignments in the
system.ini file. The default values were incorrect for the ports. In 386
mode Comm 4 = 2EOh. Mine needed to be 2E8h. Works fine now. I am running
Telix in a window right now.
--- Paragon v2.06
* Origin: FLYING CIRCUS * Kawkawlin MI * 517-686-0681 HST (1:159/625)
From: Mike Chaffin
To: Scott Hoffman Msg #51, 01-Jul-90 10:21am
Subject: Re: Lock-up running Win 3 in 386
SH> I've tried to install Windows 3 on two 386 machines, one a 16MHz 386SX
SH> 2MB of RAM, and also on a 25MHz 386 with 4MB of RAM. On both machines
SH> trying to start Windows in the 386 mode, the Microsoft Windows logo wi
SH> appear, the hard drive will thrash around for a few seconds, and then
SH> machine just locks up.
I had a similar problem. I suggest you tell the install program no mouse
or make sure your mouse is working fine before you install. I also
suggest you experiment with different mouse drivers if you are unsure.
Is the mouse the same for both machines? I had a "H" of a time getting
mine to work but ... it does.
My problem was the mouse and the symtoms you describe are similar to
mine. Hope this helps a bit.
--- Paragon v2.06
* Origin: FLYING CIRCUS * Kawkawlin MI * 517-686-0681 HST (1:159/625)
From: John Zucco
To: Rich Gorin Msg #52, 04-Jul-90 12:18pm
Subject: Re: Re:paradise 640x480x256
Well Rich,
That's a tough one, as most of the Diagnostics I've run still
only report 256K even on My 512K card, The easiest way is too open your
computer and look at the card, All the Paradise Cards I've seen,
(both True and Clone) use 4464 Ram Chips, If you have eight of them,
then you have 256K, if you have sixteen, then you have 512K, If you have a
genuine Paradise, then you probably can't expand it, but if you have one of
the Clone Paradise cards, then you probably have some empty sockets on the
Card, and can run down to your local computer store, buy 8 4464 chips and plug
them in to get 512K.
Happy Clicking,
--- Opus-CBCS 1.12
* Origin: The Tech-Line, (916)338-1887 Carmichael CA. (1:203/643.0)
From: Hubert Lai
To: Porter Venn Msg #53, 03-Jul-90 04:46pm
Subject: Windows On A 386sx/Dx
In a message of <02 Jul 90 13:10:26>, Porter Venn (1:109/220) writes:
PV>Does anyone know if windows 3.0 will run differntly on a 386sx as
PV>compared to a 386dx? I have a 386sx with 1 meg of RAM, Windows will
PV>not allow me to put a non window application in its own window, only
PV>Icon. Yet, with my 386dx w 4 megs of RAM I can have a non window app
PV>in its own window. (Im using Procom + in both cases).
You need at least 2 megs to run in 386 enhanced mode. There is no difference
(apart from speed) between the 386DX and the 386SX.
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Hubert Lai
To: Richard Embry Msg #54, 03-Jul-90 04:50pm
Subject: Vga Driver
In a message of <02 Jul 90 15:19:00>, Richard Embry (1:130/57) writes:
RE>I'm running windows 3.0 in standard VGA and I was wondering were I
RE>might Get a driver to run windows in 800x600x16. Where might one be
That depends on the make and model of your VGA card.
<=- Hubert
--- msged 1.99TC/Magnus
* Origin: HUB Technologies * The TriNet Consortium * (613)544-6393
From: Sean Morris
To: All Msg #55, 03-Jul-90 10:11pm
Subject: Windows 3.0
I just purchased Windows 3.0 and am having trouble setting up the
following applications: Turbo Pascal 5.0, Turbo C 2.0, Wordperfect 5.1,
PC Tools 6.0.
I have a Zenith 386/16 with 4 meg and a VGA monitor. I have created
and have tried various combinations for the video mode. It keeps
telling when I try to load the programs that I have validated program
integrity. Any help??
--- RBBSMAIL 17.2A
* Origin: NOVAC 703-256-4777 - Northern VA Astronomy Club (RBBS-PC 1:109/118)
From: Tc Cheng
To: John Zucco Msg #56, 29-Jun-90 12:37pm
Subject: Gif 2 Bmp
>> use Paintbrush to retrieve the PCX picture.
>> This method only gets you 16 colors. Until a paint program
JZ> Windows Paint Does support 256 Colors, At least on My system with
JZ> Western Digitals 256c Drivers...
When running Windows Paint with 256c driver, does the pallette at the bottom
of the screen display all 256 colors?
--- via RA/XRS 3.2 (286)
* Origin: Programmers Exchange BBS 9600 HST <El Monte, CA> (RAX 1:102/770.23)
From: Tc Cheng
To: John Herold Msg #57, 29-Jun-90 01:15pm
Subject: GUI feel
JH> I'm beginning to wonder if it's we tekkie/wgee whiz types who really
JH> go gung-ho for GUI just 'cause it's there and different. I have yet
JH> to find a person in my office who prefers it to the simple,
JH> easy-to-use menu text based menu system we currently have...
I agree with you about the simplified operation keyboard offers and the
simple, easy-to-use menu text based system that DOS offers.
And I won't argue with about the convience of GUIs. Or multitasking. Or DDE.
But there is 1 advantage Windows, OS/2, DV, or any operating system similiar
to these 3 offers--unification. 1 driver for video, 1 for printer, 1 for
mouse (sometimes), and EVERY application uses the same drivers. All apps can
access all the fonts avaliable on your printer if your driver is right.
I had pains with my DOS apps, for 123 had no DeskJet driver and embedding font
def codes in worksheets is too much of a hassle. Only wp can use my printer
at full power. Only WP had driver fro my Svga card. Not 123. Not all the
utilities. Not even my paint program...
I always wished for a version of DOS that uses this unified driver scheme.
And I'm growin white hairs waiting for it. So I use Windows.
--- via RA/XRS 3.2 (286)
* Origin: Programmers Exchange BBS 9600 HST <El Monte, CA> (RAX 1:102/770.23)
From: Tc Cheng
To: Kevin Cook Msg #58, 29-Jun-90 01:24pm
Subject: System Config.
KC> device = c:\Windows\smartdrv.sys 1792 256
KC> I imagine there may be a couple of wizards out there that may be
KC> able to even think of a better way to do this.
1792k cache! On a machine with 2Mb of RAM? I think you meant 2Mb of extended
RAM. If so, why not set the number to 1984k (2048-64k for HIMEM)?
Please correct me if I am wrong.
--- via RA/XRS 3.2 (286)
* Origin: Programmers Exchange BBS 9600 HST <El Monte, CA> (RAX 1:102/770.23)
From: Tc Cheng
To: Hakim Madjid Msg #59, 29-Jun-90 01:28pm
Subject: 3.0 pains
HM> Yup you're right - you need the external mouse driver to get stuff
HM> like Quick Basic and WP 5.1 to talk to the mouse when running under
HM> Windows 3. I don't know if this is true for all the various brands
HM> of mice, but Win3 seems to be just as happy if I load MOUSE.COM
HM> instead of MOUSE.SYS, (I have a logitech 3 - button mouse), though I
HM> suspect it is a bit more legal and
HM> standard to use the device driver. Oh well.
HM> - Hakim -
WordPerfect 5.1 does NOT need MOUSE.COM nor MOUSE.SYS to use a mouse.
Configure the mouse (Shift-F1, Mouse, Type) to Logitech Bus Mouse and the
little square swims around your screen in full screen mode...
You need MOUSE.COM for other DOS apps though.
You DON't need MOUSE.COM nor MOUSE.SYS for Windows 3 itself. (Hubert told me
...It's burning in Los Angeles!
--- via RA/XRS 3.2 (286)
* Origin: Programmers Exchange BBS 9600 HST <El Monte, CA> (RAX 1:102/770.23)
From: Tc Cheng
To: Stacy Rothwell Msg #60, 29-Jun-90 01:32pm
Subject: Installing Windows 3.0
SR> I have a 296N with the crappy little ST-02 and my maching kept dying
SR> on me. It now seems stable (although I
SR> haven't tested it for more than a day).
SR> stacy
Does the ST-02 have a AT interface or PC interface?
I am considering the ST-02 and the ST296N. Would you recommend it for
--- via RA/XRS 3.2 (286)
* Origin: Programmers Exchange BBS 9600 HST <El Monte, CA> (RAX 1:102/770.23)
From: Tc Cheng
To: Gary Whalen Msg #61, 29-Jun-90 01:44pm
Subject: Bitcom and WIN3
GW> I am having trouble with Bitcom under Win3.
GW> Bitcom by itself works fine, but under WIN3 it doesn't. I am using
GW> an EVEREX 2400MNP modem. Terminal will not let me select COMM4
GW> (which the modem is on), and Bitcom doesn't work.
GW> Any ideas?
GW> Thanks.
Windwos does not support COM4 well. Use COM1 or 2.
Bitcom? Swithc to Telix, Procomm, for Unicom!
Merry Modeming (alliteration).
--- via RA/XRS 3.2 (286)
* Origin: Programmers Exchange BBS 9600 HST <El Monte, CA> (RAX 1:102/770.23)
From: Tc Cheng
To: Hubert Lai Msg #62, 29-Jun-90 01:46pm
Subject: Hi-Res Wallpaper
HL> Has anyone had any success in creating and using 1024x768x16
HL> wallpaper? I've had no problem in the past creating and using
HL> 800x600x16 images, but I can't get 1024x768x16 images to work. I
HL> can save the image as a BMP fine -- the problem is that Control
HL> Panel can't seem to use it.
Does Windows allocate enough memory to accomadte 1kx768 BMPs in the first
place? (I dont' think this matters anyways) May be this is the cause of the
I have an ATI 512 running at 800x600 (no $ for NEC 3D!), and I can create
800x600x16 wallpapers and display them with no errors. I still think its the
memory problem.
--- via RA/XRS 3.2 (286)
* Origin: Programmers Exchange BBS 9600 HST <El Monte, CA> (RAX 1:102/770.23)
From: Nick Baroque
To: All Msg #63, 02-Jul-90 12:35pm
Subject: SMARTDrive
Just a note to tell you all that the cache from Mace doesn't work with windows
except in Real Mode. THis is too bad, as it's TONS faster than SMARTDrive.
Does anyone know of a decent cache that works with Windows 3, besides
"SMART"Drive? Hopefully that sizes itself as memory is needed by programs?
--- msged 1.99L MSC
* Origin: ShelterThe World. The Time Is Now (1:102/825)
From: Nick Baroque
To: Southern California Windows People Msg #64, 02-Jul-90 12:41pm
Subject: FREQ-ing Out
Are there any BBS-es that carry shareware/PD programs for Windows 3 in the
Southern California area?
--- msged 1.99L MSC
* Origin: ShelterThe World. The Time Is Now (1:102/825)
From: Sysop Jerk
To: All Msg #65, 03-Jul-90 08:00am
Subject: Unrecoverable Program Error
I seem to be getting considerable amounts of unrecoverable errors when using
WinWord under Windows 3 on a 286 machine with 2meg of mem in standard mode.
Most of the errors occur when attempting to cut and paste to clipboard or
format character styles. Has anyone had simular problems or know what can be
done? It's gotten so bad I've had to revert to using Real Mode, hence loseing
the main advantaGE OF wIN 3....MEMORY. I have installed a number of device
drivers needed for system operation..mouse.com...X00.SYS....VFOS_IBM (the last
two needed for use by my BBS operating under Binkley) Smartdrv.sys but no
standard TSR type programs. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks....Bill Goldstein.....SYSOP...."Goldsteins Folly" (awaiting node
number, please send answers care of Node 1:102/521
--- Echodor v3.02
* Origin: Goldstein's (1:-1/-1.0)
From: Lois Frankel
To: John Bascue Msg #66, 02-Jul-90 10:25pm
Subject: Re: Windows 3.0 & Dos
Ok, but how do you do that if your bios doesn't support your hard drive? I
have to use the firmware on my Adaptec controller board to partition mine,
which means bypassing the info in the bios. Now I hear that if I try to
install win3 on my system it won't install, and may in fact trash data on my
partitions. Do I have to buy a new bios or a new computer? By the way, it
wouldn't even install properly on a computer with 2 physical hard drives,
neither of them partitioned, on a 286 with 1 meg and a hercules monitor. Had
to use the /i switch to setup at all, and it still crashes on exit. I get
"Unrecoverable application error" if I try to load himem.sys. I may leave the
whole thing on the shelf till I get a 386 (hopefully within a few months).
* Origin: SVC DeskTop Central *(719)634-1115* (Opus 1:128/40)
From: Leslie Ramdeen
To: Roman Redl Msg #67, 04-Jul-90 02:50am
Subject: Re: The Race For New Drivers Is On
My manual is as silent as yours. I give up trying to find the support number
for the card. Every one seem to be low on support these days. Microsoft had me
waiting for 45 mins , my cost, and could not help me. I have an ATI wonder
512K and is using it with a Nec 4d monitor. The windows that opens up eith
non- win3.0 apps takes up slightly over a quarter of the screen. I have not
been able to increase the window size using any of the standard methods. I was
told by Microsoft to speak to ATI. I have not done so as yet.
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: Message Exchange (301) 855-0339. Huntingtown, Maryland. (109/220)
From: Jordan Rosenberg @ 914/201
To: All Msg #68, 03-Jul-90 08:57am
Subject: User Group
San Francisco Business Computers
July General Meeting, 7/24/90, tuesday, 5:30 pm
Donatello Hotel, Post and Mason, off Union Square
featured speaker: Richard Landry, Ed)tor in ⇨hief, P⇨ World
to0ic: "Hi$den Costs of Personal C/mputing"
!ll are 7elcome
Do.atello ✓otel, P/st and ason, off Union Square
--- R⇩BSMail 17.3A
# Origin: REG_10_SDSCoord 1:125/41 415-621-2609 ✓ST/V.32 (RBBS 8:914/201.0)
* Origin: Network Gateway to RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:10/8)
From: El Barto
To: All Msg #69, 04-Jul-90 03:42am
Subject: Bugs in Windows 3.0
What bugs have you guys found with windows 3.0? i am brand new to this
conference, and i myself have found quite a few!
--- QM v1.00
* Origin: The Boundary BBS (1:103/910.0)
From: Al Chavez
To: David Rinehart Msg #70, 02-Jul-90 07:21am
Subject: Re: Windows 3.0, BBS, and HST
* Replying to a message originally to John Reynolds
DR> (After all, not EVERYONE is as addicted to modeming as the
DR> folks around here. grin)
True... that's a fact... We are probably an extreme.
DR> Your friends aren't the only ones working on a Windows BBS.
DR> Give it 6 months to a year and I suspect we'll see several
Yes... however, until MS resolves the issue of being able to
communicate at high speeds reliably without taking over the entire machine,
all development will be useless.
--- RA 0.03/DBridge/Desqview
* Origin: I love my GUI! (1:266/901)
From: Bob Germer
To: Robert Jacobson Msg #71, 03-Jul-90 07:37am
Subject: Windows 3.0
On <Mon. Jul. 02, 1990> Robert Jacobson (1:141/205) wrote to All:
RJ=>Well, my eagerly awaited 3.0 disks finally arrived from Microsoft. As
RJ=>usual, they were ****** up. The first disk kept returning numerous
RJ=>unrevcoverable read errors. Yes, they'll send me new ones. But it will
RJ=>only take two weeks. Can anyone compress and upload me disk #1 (the
RJ=>360K has three files on it) so that I can get this thing installed??
Uh, seems maybe you might be a bit confused. My windows 3.0 came on seven,
count 'em seven, 1.2 meg disks.
Bob Germer
--- msged 1.999.9
* Origin: The Capital City BBS (1:266/21)
From: Don Nelson
To: Kevin Payne Msg #72, 02-Jul-90 02:22pm
Subject: Disk formatting
> I have two floppies, a 5.25 and 3.5. If I have up two DOS Command
> windows, I seem to be able to format both floppies simultaneously.
> So far, I've only done a few, and while I've had one "Program
> Violated System Integrety" error, for the most part it seems to
> work. The question is, is this smart? How can the floppy
> controller format two drives simultaneously? I think this is
> asking for trouble, but am curious as to what others think....
From my experinces, this leads to formatted floppies that are unreliable.
I haven't done this with Windows, but with Desqview & DoubleDos.
From what I can gather from the errors that I was getting is that the drives
is not formatting a sector, but also doesn't mark it as bad. I figured this
out after formatting how you describe above, then running Pctools surface
analysis on the floppy. It always found one or two bad areas(sometimes more).
If I then did a standard format (either plain DOS or with no other windows
running) every thing worked out fine.
--- FD 1.99c
* Origin: FD + RBBS = MICRO BITS (303)791-0630 (1:104/811.1)
From: Robert Ton
To: Hubert Lai Msg #73, 02-Jul-90 04:08pm
Subject: Re: Unrecoverable Application Errors
> is no reason to deny access to Mark30 to all users.
I agree - but haven't seen the program. Most of what I read here is on the
order of "I marked it and it doesn't work." Point being it is not a cure-all
for upward compatibility. You understand this, but many don't. I guess I
should go back in the closet - I also hate to read the documentation....
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: Rocky Mtn Info Exchange Parker, CO (303) 841-9570 (1:104/739)
From: Robert Ton
To: Hakim Madjid Msg #74, 02-Jul-90 04:13pm
Subject: Re: "Unrecoverable Application Errors
Hakim- The problem with register dumps, etc., is that it takes a phenominal
amount of time to track this data to the source of the error in most cases.
Especially in protected mode, where the "segments" are really selectors, and
can't be equated to anything without knowing much more about the state of the
machine when it crashed. A hard way to debug code. Again, I wish MS would
release the Windows SDK so I could talk more freely about this...
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: Rocky Mtn Info Exchange Parker, CO (303) 841-9570 (1:104/739)
From: Robert Ton
To: Hakim Madjid Msg #75, 02-Jul-90 04:20pm
Subject: Re: Unrecoverable Application Errors
Hakim- You mention publishers (he he)... The only magazine I still pay for
is PC Magazine - their latest issue debates the Novell/Lotus merger (which was
squashed at least 3 weeks ago) and their new (?) Windows section is still
stuck on Version 2.0. Outside of OS/2, where are you finding all of this
protected mode info (serious question - I'm interested). Got a trial copy of
From: Robert Ton
To: Morrie Wilson Msg #76, 02-Jul-90 04:24pm
Subject: Re: Unrecoverable Application Errors
Morrie- I stand corrected on the MARK30 program. My apologies if my comments
offended anyone...
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: Rocky Mtn Info Exchange Parker, CO (303) 841-9570 (1:104/739)
From: Robert Ton
To: Wes Johnson Msg #77, 02-Jul-90 04:31pm
Subject: Re: "Unrecoverable Application Error
Wes- You should NOT be getting these errors running software bundled with
Windows 3. We've run Solitare in all 3 modes and have never had a problem
(outside of losing the game frequently). Could it be that Windows 3 is
exercising a part of your hardware that hasn't been used before? Grabbing at
straws here...
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: Rocky Mtn Info Exchange Parker, CO (303) 841-9570 (1:104/739)
From: Robert Ton
To: Wes Johnson Msg #78, 02-Jul-90 04:35pm
Subject: Re: "Unrecoverable Application Errors"
Wes- Do the UAE's go away if you use the VGA driver that comes with Windows
3? I'm using this driver on a Paradise VGA card at work and on an Orchid
Designer 800 VGA card at home. Both systems appear to be crash-proof except
when I'm testing software. Not up on the ATI card, but I assume it'll run
under the standard driver.
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: Rocky Mtn Info Exchange Parker, CO (303) 841-9570 (1:104/739)
From: Robert Ton
To: Kevin Payne Msg #79, 02-Jul-90 04:55pm
Subject: Re: Disk Formatting
Kevin- You're beginning to see why everyone's having problems with device
drivers. There's no reason that a properly written driver can't allow you to
format both drives at the same time (I'll have to try this!!), but it'll
probably take longer than formatting the disks one at a time. Windows 3.0 and
OS/2 contain the arbitration to make this "legal." Of course, it's an
illusion - the floppy controller only has one DMA channel and one interrupt,
so data is only transferring to/from one drive at a time. The controller can
only handle the drives one at a time, as you suggest. I'd bet that the in-use
lights even switch between the drives, but probably not. If I remember right,
both drives can be selected while only one is actually being used. If so,
using both drives shouldn't be much slower than formatting one at a time...
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: Rocky Mtn Info Exchange Parker, CO (303) 841-9570 (1:104/739)
From: Robert Ton
To: Joseph Mis Msg #80, 02-Jul-90 04:58pm
Subject: Re: Windows 3.0 And Alr Flex Cache20386
Joseph- Tell me more about your Novell problem!!! Can I call my distributor
and "get the fix?" Novell under 386 Enhanced (and Standard) mode is a basket
case but seems okay under real mode (old IPX and NETx).
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: Rocky Mtn Info Exchange Parker, CO (303) 841-9570 (1:104/739)
From: Chu Son
To: Mark Bacas Msg #81, 03-Jul-90 07:13am
Subject: Re: "unrecoverable Application Errors"
Remember the hDC Windows Manager? Same thing.
It has Autosave, Art Gallery, Memory Viewer, Font Viewer and such. It nice.
--- ZMailQ 1.12 (QuickBBS)
* Origin: The Silver Hammer - Aurora, Co. (303) 367-9701 (1:104/518.0)
From: Don Nelson
To: Ivan Schaffel Msg #82, 03-Jul-90 04:33pm
Subject: Re:windows 3
> > WIN 3. I have learned one thing from this. Never,
> > Never, NEVER buy any
> > software that's new.......Let others have the
> Actually, the proper phrase is, "don't buy software with a
> versionnumber ending in zero." --:)
But they all end in zero. Windows 3.100000 for example!!
--- FD 1.99c
* Origin: FD + RBBS = MICRO BITS (303)791-0630 (1:104/811.1)
From: Don Nelson
To: Rich Gorin Msg #83, 03-Jul-90 04:52pm
Subject: 'windows 3.0'
> I loaded the 800x600x16 driver and then loaded the 8514 fonts as
> someone here suggested. The combination was simple enough for
> even me to deal with and the results are quite good.
I did this, do you get color in the paintbrush program??
All I get is different shades of gray. I reinstalled the standard 800X600X16
fonts and everything worked fine. What gives??
--- FD 1.99c
* Origin: FD + RBBS = MICRO BITS (303)791-0630 (1:104/811.1)
From: Tony Davis
To: Murray Morris Msg #84, 03-Jul-90 08:12pm
Subject: Re: Re:communications Under W
MM> I would think it would be odd if windows didn't support 9600
MM> because if I'm not mistaken don't the comm ports automatically start at
MM> 9600 in the .ini file? Did you say yours was running at 19200?
--- D'Bridge
* Origin: Teleco USA - America's Business Telephone Company (Fidonet 1:19/3)
From: Kevin Cook
To: Roman Redl Msg #85, 03-Jul-90 03:43am
Subject: Command Post
> Can anybody explain to, what the hell command post is
> ? I haven't seen anything like that in my windows (3.0 of course).
Command Post is a nice File Manager/Menu Manager/Program Manager/??? for
Windows. It is written by Morrie Wilson whom I'm sure you have seen post
here. It is available for file request here or you may be able to find it a
little closer to home. Hope this helps.
--- TPBoard 6.2
* Origin: U wanna run WHAT...under Windows? (1:130/57)
From: Steve York
To: Vincent Tumminello Msg #86, 02-Jul-90 12:45pm
Subject: Windows 3.0
VT said > the program. When using Print Manager, it takes about
VT said > 15 seconds after
VT said > the print command is given for the printer to begin.
VT said > By the way I am
VT said > running Windows 3.0 with a 386-20 machine and am using
VT said > a Panasonic
VT said > kx-p1124 printer in draft mode. Will this always run
VT said > this slow or is
VT said > there a was to get it to run any faster?
VT said > * Origin: "La. Medsig" Harahan, La (1:396/28.0)
I suspect that what you're experiencing is the delay as the print data istransfered to from the application to the Print Manager. Once the data
transfer is completed, the application is no longer "busy" (you can return to
your work) and the Print Manager sits in the background eating up your spare
cycles and printing as fast as it can. You can take Print Manager out of the
loop and allow your applications to print directly (there is a line in WIN.INI
for this). This will remove the initial delay in printing, but overall things
won't print much faster, and you'll be back in DOS land waiting for the print
run to complete so you can go back to work (or playing Solitaire). That delay
is your friend. :)
--- RemoteAccess 0.03+
* Origin: We Do Windows! Not Macros! <206-883-1383> (1:343/105)
From: Jeff Gold
To: All Msg #87, 02-Jul-90 12:10pm
Subject: File Manager
Thought I'd alert you'all before you get the same nasty suprise I just
had. When deleting files in the File Manager be careful about
selecting sub-dirs and [.] as FM will delete them..
. Some fun.
--- D'Bridge B1026/07T
* Origin: The Boardwalk! - Federal Way, WA - (206) 941-3124 (1:343/47)
From: Bill Duncan
To: Scott Lewis Msg #88, 02-Jul-90 05:42pm
Subject: Problem #3
Scott, try pulling down the HHlp menu in Program MGR , File MGR or the file
menu7 in MSDOS.EXE. Then do an "about". This will show the amount of free
memeory ... and If win3 is like win2.xx it will free up some as well.
Hope this helps. I have seen several 'free memopry programs' which gross
differences in the amount of free memory available. I sti8ck with the WINdows
methods because they are at least consistant.
--- RemoteAccess 0.03+
* Origin: We Do Windows! Not Macros! <206-883-1383> (1:343/105)
From: Bill Duncan
To: Paul Sinclair Msg #89, 02-Jul-90 05:53pm
Subject: Win 3.0 Jumping between tasks
greetings, and YES compacting your hard drive will mack very much or a
difference if things are badly fragmented. Also a DiskCache such as Smart
drive will speed things along nicely. I compact my drives every few
days...but I add and delete a great many files also...
--- RemoteAccess 0.03+
* Origin: We Do Windows! Not Macros! <206-883-1383> (1:343/105)
From: Sue Coleman
To: Robert Ton Msg #90, 02-Jul-90 06:19pm
Subject: Windows 3 / Novell
Have you upgraded your network shell to 3.01?
--- RemoteAccess 0.03+
* Origin: We Do Windows! Not Macros! <206-883-1383> (1:343/105)
From: Morrie Wilson
To: Vincent Tumminello Msg #91, 02-Jul-90 03:50pm
Subject: Re: Windows 3.0
> I have just started using Windows 3.0 and am wonring if
> anyone is
> having similar problems. This may not be a problem but
> just a quirk of
> the program. When using Print Manager, it takes about 15
> seconds after
> the print command is given for the printer to begin. By
Only 15 seconds. Wow (tongue in cheek)!. Actually this is the way it works.
You may prefer to run without print manager. The 15 seconds is printet
manager getting loaded, getting the spooler started, and for the app to
trasfer the first page completely to the spooler before the print manager
actually starts print of the page on the printer.
--- Opus-CBCS 1.12
* Origin: Wilson WindowWare via SeaSoftNet (1:343/8.16)
From: Morrie Wilson
To: Scott Lewis Msg #92, 02-Jul-90 04:14pm
Subject: Re: running dos apps in a
> combination I can
> MK>>think of. It still refuses to start up in a window
> -- gives me a
> MK>>message saying it cannot run in background or in a
> window -- that it
> MK>>can be displayed in a window, but will be suspended
> until run
> MK>>full-screen. As I mentioned, once I initiate the
> program full-screen,
> MK>>I can switch to a window where it continues to run
> successfully. Have
> MK>>you yourself had any luck running a DOS app in a window?
Methinks you are on the lower edge of available memory. I've heard of a few
people who added some memory (or deleted smartdrv, etc) and their machines
--- Opus-CBCS 1.12
* Origin: Wilson WindowWare via SeaSoftNet (1:343/8.16)
From: Morrie Wilson
To: Ron Mckenzie Msg #93, 02-Jul-90 06:51pm
Subject: Re: A Win2.1 or 3 Scrn Capture Utility?
> I need a utility to capture screens while I'm running Win.
> (Presently, I use Win2.1 and expect to be on 3.0 within
> 2 weeks.) What do you know that works under either or both
> WinVersion? Where can it be had? If shareware, please
> include the net/node & pswd for f'request. Thanks!!
Well in WIndows 3.0, witenuf memoey, just shiftprntscrn (or is alt- prntscrn)
will copy your screen to the clipboard. Then you can suck it into Paintbrush
and make a PCX file out of it.
Other than that (I know on no shareware apps) there are the commercial apps,
DoDot and Tiffany Plus. (I like Tiffany+ myself)
--- Opus-CBCS 1.12
* Origin: Wilson WindowWare via SeaSoftNet (1:343/8.16)
From: Morrie Wilson
To: Howard Brazee Msg #94, 02-Jul-90 06:54pm
Subject: Re: Screen blanker
> My screen blanker went on while I was in Windows, and I
> hit a key to restore the screen. Nonething happened.
> I hit several keys to no avail. Hitting Alt-F4 did something
> (my hard drive moved), but I could not get my screen back.
> I am using the screen blanker which came with my Video-7
> VEGA EGA card.
> Is there some conflict with Windows?
Yes Yes YES. Most (if not absolutely ALL) DOS based screen blankers are
incompatible with WIndows. There are several Windows screen blankers
Magic (shareware) $20?
Screen Peace (charityware -> Green Peace) $10?
Command Post menu system (shareware) has a screen blanker in it $49.95 hDC
Express and/or hDC FirstApps (retail) both include a blanker
$99.95 each
I think one of Art Metz's windows utilites is a screen blanker too shareware
Check your local Windows boards, or Compuserve (MSWIN or WINAPA) for
Windows shareware...
Good Luck
--- Opus-CBCS 1.12
* Origin: Wilson WindowWare via SeaSoftNet (1:343/8.16)
From: Morrie Wilson
To: David Dunning @ 914/201 Msg #95, 02-Jul-90 07:08pm
Subject: Re: Ati Drivers
> Hi. I was hoping someone could tell me where to look on
> Compuserve for
> the new ATI VGA WONDER Windows 3.0 drivers. I've looked
> everywhere I
Look in the MSWIN forum, either in DL1 (new uploads) or in the
"drivers" DL.
The WINAPB forum also has a section for third party (party? where) drivers.
--- Opus-CBCS 1.12
* Origin: Wilson WindowWare via SeaSoftNet (1:343/8.16)
From: Morrie Wilson
To: Miles Bosworth Msg #96, 02-Jul-90 07:15pm
Subject: Re: Windows 3.0
> After running it for several days now I really have a problem
> with all the negative feedback I see on this echo. Windows
> 3.0 is far superior to 2.xx and I am able to run many programs
> that I could not get to run under my old 2.xx version,
> such as Publish It!
> What is it about a new product that brings out all the
> negative aspects of people? I have had no problems AT
> ALL with 3.0 and am tickled to death with it. I am tired
> of everyone running it down because their machine doesn't
> seem to get along too well with Windows 3.0. Or trying
> to squeeze out 386 Enhanced Mode performance from either
> a 286 or a 386 with 640K. Not to mention old buggy versions
> of Intel's 386.
I love Windows 3.0. But the basic problem is that there are *lots* of
machines, regarded as rather trusty over the years, that just fall apart for
various insundry reasons when Win3.0 hits. Imagine your 3 year old machine,
which perfectly runs *every* DOS application you ever loaded. You load 3.0,
and it crashes. Makes people unhappy with 3.0 I know 486 owners with 10MB
of memory who cannot run WIN3.0 for various reasons.
--- Opus-CBCS 1.12
* Origin: Wilson WindowWare via SeaSoftNet (1:343/8.16)
From: David Ruggiero
To: Murray Morris Msg #97, 03-Jul-90 12:39am
Subject: Re: Icon editor
Thanks for the answer...yes, I'm running a 286 with a Video7 EGA card. Sue and
various folks have also indicated that the developer has never tested the icon
editor under EGA, and so that may answer it. Does *everybody* have VGA except
me these days? Sigh...
--- RemoteAccess 0.03+
* Origin: We Do Windows! Not Macros! <206-883-1383> (1:343/105)
From: Ivan Schaffel
To: Mark Bacas Msg #98, 02-Jul-90 10:50pm
Subject: Re:communications Under W
> IS> There is nothing probably conflicting with his
> systen. Windows
> IS> NOT support 9600.
> Look again Ivan, under the windows control panel you
> can set com ports
> to 19200.
Yup, that's what is *says* NOT what it does.
--- VPurge [DOS] V4.05
* Origin: Ye Olde Libraerie (1:141/390)
From: Ivan Schaffel
To: Jim Heath Msg #99, 03-Jul-90 02:06am
Subject: Re:win 3/telix Comm
> HL> JH>I'd have a problem with that since Binkley
> requires stacks to
> HL> be 18,256
> HL> My Binkley has been running with 0,0 for years
> now...
> Why 0,0... I 'read' the bink docs and somewhere in the
> setup it
> suggested the 18,256.... Any ideas on the
> differences????
It is *suggested* ONLY if there is a problem running Bink. No problem,
no stacks necessary. Stacks 0,0 running here since Bink version 1.0.
--- VPurge [DOS] V4.05
* Origin: Ye Olde Libraerie (1:141/390)
From: Ivan Schaffel
To: All Msg #100, 03-Jul-90 02:10am
Subject: Printer Port
I have only one active printer port, but I *need* to redirect the
output to LPT3: Windows says I don't have an lpt3, true, and won't let
me continue installation of my printer on that port. Any suggestions?
Remember, I need lpt3 and lpt3 only, for my application which works
fine under dos/wp51 or dv/wp51.
--- VPurge [DOS] V4.05
* Origin: Ye Olde Libraerie (1:141/390)
From: Hsiaowen Lin
To: All Msg #101, 02-Jul-90 12:55pm
Subject: Help
Hi! It seems to me that Win 3.0 has different limits on the number of groups
for different mode. For example, I found the limit for real mode is 9 and more
than 12 in 386 mode. Can any one tell me how can I change those number ? i.e.,
how can I use more than 10 groups in real mode ? I have a 386 with 4 M ram.
--- Opus-CBCS 1.13
* Origin: Icarus: Iowa City - Go Hawkeyes (1:283/657.0)
From: Larry Gutter
To: Jim Boughton Msg #102, 03-Jul-90 11:18am
Subject: Road Show
They just did one in Boston a week or two ago, but I did see a mailing about
another one coming. Will try to find the schedule and post it.
--- TMail v1.15
* Origin: BCS IBM BBS on Cape Cod @ 508-833-1794 (1:101/870)
From: Larry Gutter
To: Scott Lewis Msg #103, 03-Jul-90 11:32am
Subject: Re: Problem #2
Terrific...I just bought the same combination...$$ being the primary decider.
Couldn't resist the SCSI HD for little more than the 2 floppy ports (which is
what I really needed). Will follow this thread to see what I'm in for. Keep
those cards and letters coming in, boys and girls.
--- TMail v1.15
* Origin: BCS IBM BBS on Cape Cod @ 508-833-1794 (1:101/870)
From: Larry Gutter
To: Scott Lewis Msg #104, 03-Jul-90 11:35am
Subject: Re: Windows 3.0 Backdrop
Love following this thread. Just got a no-name Paradise clone card with 256K.
Starting to sound like I should get the other 256KB on board...
--- TMail v1.15
* Origin: BCS IBM BBS on Cape Cod @ 508-833-1794 (1:101/870)
From: Larry Gutter
To: Ivan Schaffel Msg #105, 03-Jul-90 11:37am
Subject: Re:Windows 3
particularly 1.0 versions of anything...
--- TMail v1.15
* Origin: BCS IBM BBS on Cape Cod @ 508-833-1794 (1:101/870)
From: Frank Chamberlin
To: Miles Bosworth Msg #106, 03-Jul-90 05:41am
Subject: Re: Windows 3.0
I agree
with you, Miles, on the great features of Windows 3.0. However, nothing
is perfect & I'm sure most of the negative comments are things that
may not be quite right or should/could be added/changed. No product is
ever perfect===there is still one that will better it some day. FRANK
--- QM v1.00
* Origin: The Phoenix System Havelock, NC WILDCAT^2 (1:3614/505.0)