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- The Address Book - DEMO Version 1.93
- ------------------------------------------
- Copyrighted (1987) by Infinity Software
- *** WARNING *** *** WARNING *** *** WARNING *** *** WARNING ***
- This is ONLY A DEMO VERSION. All of the features are available except
- that you will only be allowed to add 25 records. I feel that 25 records
- should be enough to get a good test of the program, and if you find
- the program useful you will have to become a registered user by paying
- me for my efforts to reap the full benefits of up to 4000 records.
- The follow is the DOC file on how to use the program.
- 1. Description
- The Address Book allows your ST to organize all your standard address
- books into a useful telephone book data base. Along with the normal features
- of adding, editing, and deleting, the Address Book allows you to print
- mailing labels and an entire telephone listing. And with a modem hooked up,
- it will dial a phone number for you.
- 2. Let's Get Started
- Upon double clicking the ADDRESS.PRG name from the desktop, the main
- screen will appear, and the program will try to load the ADDRESS.DAT data
- file. If it can't find the file, it will ask you to create one. Please do
- so if one does not exist. To get the data file to load when running the
- program after you have created one, it must be in the same folder(or root
- directory) as the program. If not you will be asked to create a new one.
- The Address Book will work in any folder, no matter what level.
- 3. Commands
- To use the Address Book, just enter the letter that is in the
- parenthesis at the 'Enter Selection:?' prompt for the command that you
- wish to perform. (example - enter an 'A' to add a record)
- (A)dd - Will allow you to add a new record. The cursor will move
- to the Name field and wait for you to enter the data.
- You can use the up and down arrow keys to move in
- between the fields. Press the Esc key to clear the
- whole field. Use the insert key to add a space, and the
- delete key to delete the character at the cursor. Use the
- backspace key to delete the character to the left of the
- cursor. You may also press the RETURN key to move down a
- field, except on the last field (Comments). Pressing
- RETURN on the last field will store your record in memory.
- NOTE: Leave a space in between the first and last names
- so the sort will work properly. (example - John/Jane Doe)
- (E)dit - Will allow you to edit an old record. The cursor will move
- to the Name field and wait for you to change the data.
- After you have made all of the changes, you will be
- prompted to Save the new changes. Enter a 'Y' if you
- wish to, or 'N' if you don't. So if you make a mistake when
- editing, you can always start over.
- (N)ext - Pressing an 'N' will move you to the next record.
- (P)revious - Pressing a 'P' will move you back one record.
- (R)ing Person- With a modem hooked up and on, it will dial the phone #
- for the record you have on the screen. After connecting
- with the person you called, press any key to disengage the
- modem after you have picked up the phones receiver.
- Failure to do so will disconnected the person you called.
- When setting up the data file, make sure you choose the
- correct type of phone service that you have (either Pulse
- or Tone) so the dial feature works properly.
- (Help) Key - Pressing the help key while in the program will provide you
- with on-line help.
- (F)ind Name - After pressing an 'F', you will be prompted to enter a
- name to search for. Like a standard telephone book, if you
- are looking for a name that starts with a 'T', you open the
- book to were the 'T's start. With the Address Book you can
- do the same by just entering a 'T' when prompted for the name
- to search for and it will take you to the first record whose
- last name starts with a 'T'. Also you can enter the first few
- characters in a name, or the full name for the search.
- You also can search for a record by entering the first
- name or part of the first name.
- (S)ort - Will sort the records by last name alphabetically.
- (D)elete - Will delete the record you you have on the screen.
- (P)rint Labels Allows you to print mailing labels for one, all, or a
- selected set of records. You will be prompted for
- proper spacing on your labels when printing. To print
- a selected set of labels, just enter a period "." in
- the first postion in the comment field. All entries
- marked with a period will print a mailing label when you
- choose the Selected set option. Remember to delete the
- period if you don't want a label printed. Comma's are
- added between the city and state if needed when printed.
- (P)rint Book - Will print a complete address telephone book.
- (Q)uit - exits program, and saves your Address data file to disk.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Address Book is copyrighted and may not be sold by any individual.
- We encourage you to freely copy and share DEMO copies (versions earlier
- than 2.0) with other ST users.
- If this is a demo copy and you like it and decide to use the program,
- become a registered user by sending $10.00 to:
- Infinity Software
- c/o Scott E. Wade
- 938 S. Weyant Ave.
- Columbus, OH 43227
- 614-239-7285
- The registration fee is only $10.00, which includes the following:
- 1. Receive a registered copy of The Address Book that allows for
- up to 4000 entries
- 2. Full telephone support.
- 3. Free updates on any new improvements made to the program.
- Considering making the Address Book an ACC....
- Registered copies will allow up to 2000 names for a 512k machine and
- 4000 names for a 1 meg machine. So please when you mail in your
- $10.00, include the type of your machine and the amount of memory.
- Please feel free to send any comments or bugs in the program to the
- above address.
- I hope you enjoy the Address Book.
- UPDATE to this version
- The Address Book version 1.93 and up has had many new improvements added.
- The most important is that the old data file is no longer compatible with
- this new version. But don't be worried because I have included a program
- on your disk called CONVDATA.PRG that will convert your old data file so
- it will work with the new update. Make sure to backup your data file
- before running the converter program in case you run into any problems.
- The change in the data file was made to make the data file smaller and
- compatabile with most mail merge programs, such as Word Writer.
- The Editor was improved to allow you to move up and down the fields with
- the up and down arrow keys. Also the Esc key was added so you could
- delete the whole field with just pressing one key. The insert, delete,
- and backspace key have also been implemented. Upper and Lower case are
- now allowed. Comma's are now allowed in the record and when printing
- labels or the complete address book, commas are added for you in between
- the city and state if your record doesn't have a comma and not added if
- one exist.
- When printing mailing labels you are now allowed to print all, one, or a
- selected set of records depending on your needs.
- You may also use the Clr/Home key to move to the first record in your
- data file and the Shift Clr/Home to move to the last record in the data
- file.
- The last feature that I implemented was a fail safe recovery system to
- save your data file in case of a program crash to a file called
- RECOVER.DAT. I fixed all the bugs in the earlier version and have fully
- tested this new version and not once did it crash. I had to go back into
- the source code and purposely cause a crash to test this recovery system.
- The Address Book is no longer a shareware product and is fully
- copyrighted. You can freely copy and give versions earlier than 2.0 to
- other ST users (DEMO copy version 1.93 on your disk - this DEMO version
- will only allow for 25 records), but by no means are you allowed to give
- out version 2.0 or above.
- Thank you for your support, and if you have any comments, please feel
- free to contact me at:
- Infinity Software
- c/o Scott E. Wade
- 938 S. Weyant Ave.
- Columbus, OH 43227
- 614-239-7285