GEMini Atari
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Text File
179 lines
by David Becker
Atari has promised a file transfer program for the ST. Until it is
available, ADDRESS.ADR files can be ported to the ST a few ways:
1. If you can find an IBM PC, transfer with Atari's PARALLEL
INTERFACE to a 3.5 inch disk. This IBM disk can then be read directly
by your ST.
2. Use the SERIAL INTERFACE with a null modem cable to transfer
X-Modem between Portfolio and the ST. Shareware communication
programs are available on Compuserve for Portfolio. I use
Flash on the ST side and can transfer and recieve at 9600 baud
with the Portfolio.
Typing a massive address file into Portfolio on that miniscule
keyboard frightened me. I whipped together a quick and simple
solution that enabled me to enter all my data using the ST and
then throw it into Portfolio.
What began as a limited hack has become more of a Frankenstein's
monster with delete, edit, search, sort and print utilities. It
was, however, written originally for my personal use and may have
limitations for some:
Entries are limited to 69 characters in length (Portfolio's
screen only shows 36 characters but can be scrolled) and a total
of 13 lines of information. Blank entries not allowed! Example...
(- - - - - - -> 69 characters allowed this way!)
1 Becker David, 273-0252 [Home], 273-4005 [Office], No Fax
2 211-7291 Moffatt Road
3 Richmond
4 British Columbia
5 Canada
6 V6Y1X9
7 Can't afford cellular phone.
8 Don't call past midnight.
9 Marital status: Single
10 Age: Unknown
11 Favorite food: Pizza
12 Favorite music: Vivaldi, The Four Seasons
13 Most recent book read: Contact, Carl Sagan
More than enough space for me, but maybe not for an encyclopedia
salesman or a real estate agent.
Portfolio Partner will run in monochrome or medium resolution
colour. Its use should be quite straightforward and intuitive.
File length is limited only by available memory. I recommend you
remove desk accessories and auto programs when used with a 520ST.
(Average file length, 520ST-about 500 names/records,
1040ST about 900 names/records)
Your first entry MUST contain data, this is the name and telephone
number line that Portfolio uses to sort, search and dial numbers from.
Data lines that follow may contain any type of information. A blank
entry (Just hitting RETURN) completes data entry and moves you to
the next record. Hit RETURN at any first entry prompt to exit.
The '<' mark shows where Portfolio's screen display ends.
You may begin viewing records at any number, left mouse button or
"+" moves forward, right mouse button or "-" moves backwards. Exit
by hitting the "*" key or clicking on the windows close box.
Available options while in VIEW mode are:
D ... delete
E ... edit
P ... prints single record
A ... fast reverse
Z ... fast forward
Portfolio Partner searches on only the first data entry (the name and
phone entry). The resulting sublist can be printed, saved to disk,
viewed, edited, single records printed, single records deleted or
the whole sublist can be deleted.
As you pick and choose single record deletions rather than
dispose of them right away I mark them as DELETED! and still leave
the information line intact. You can UNDELETE these records by
hitting the "U" key. Once you leave the SEARCH subroutine there is
no recovery for these records! Also, there is no recovery when
deleting the complete sublist!
Sends a full listing to the printer. You can choose lines per page
but be careful, the program will not split a record and therefore
may print one or two lines in excess!
Sorts all records based on the first entry. Portfolio does this
automatically when reading any new ADDRESS.ADR file.
Does just that. It deletes everything so you can start fresh.
Boom, gone!
You use this FREE program at your own risk.
I have successfully used this program to create and alter .ADR
files and send them back and forth between my Portfolio many
times so there should'nt be any major bugs.
I hope it saves your fingers!
David Becker
211-7291 Moffatt Road
Richmond, British Columbia
Canada, V6Y1X9
604-273-0252 (voice)
GEnie D.Becker8
Compuserve 73030,3562
Version 1.9 Notes
Some Portfolio users have reported a bug within the Portfolio
address program. It seems, at odd intervals, for no known
reason, Portfolio will change random letters into carriage
returns. This will not only cause your record entry to lose one
character of data, but will also truncate this line of data and
sometimes cause the line to be split.
I have experienced this problem a couple of times and at this
point I have not been able to re-create it with any known process.
If you encounter the same problem, no damage done, just load
your truncated .ADR file into Portfolio Partner and edit it, or
simply make the changes on Portfolio itself.
Again...this bug has been reported within Portfolio's built in
address software, NOT within Portfolio Partner.