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The Qwik series of utilities were originally written to form a suite
of program development aids for personal use. Each has been tidied up
with a GEM interface, turned into a desktop accessory and thrown into
the public domiain. Enjoy...
The Qwik series Includes:-
QwikDisk: Turbo driven Ramdisk accessory.
QwikSpool: Centronics background print spooler.
QwikPort: Squirt programs to/from target ST via MIDI interface.
QwikToolkit: Collection of useful programming aids.
QwikNet: Two station MIDI network demonstration.
NOTE:- Full (non public domain) version of QwikNet
allows up to 32 ST machines to be linked together.
Qwikdisk is yet another public domain ramdisk utility that
forms part of the 'Qwik' series of development utilities. QwikDisk
has only one claim to fame, it is MONSTROUSLY fast. Data transfer
to & from the QwikDisk is typically over four times faster than
other ramdisks. It should prove useful to developers or anyone using
a GEM based application. It is supplied as a desktop accessory and
will work alongside all well behaved GEM programs.
To use QwikDisk you will need to copy the files RAMDISK.ACC
and RAMDISK.RSC onto your main startup disk. Having done that when
you boot your computer from this disk a new option will be available
to you from the 'Desk' menu named 'Qwikdisk...'. Whenever you select
this option a simple GEM dialogue box will be drawn from which the
amount of ram used by the ramdisk can be chosen. The buffer size is
chosen from the top row of buttons and the buffer is set up when you
click on 'INSTALL'. Use 'EXIT' to get out of the dialogue box without
setting up a buffer.
QwikDisk is accessed via drive 'M'. This may appear strange to
some but this is fairly standard with CP/M & DOS, sorry but old habits
die hard (said the monk to the nun). If there is not enough memory for
the ramdisk size you have selected you will be told and allowed to try
again. The other button called 'INFO' is just a bit of trumpet blowing!
To the best of my knowledge this utility is bug free. It has been fully
tested and passed fit for public consumption. However, I am most
certainly not to be held responsible in the event of it creating havoc of
ANY kind within your system or for causing earthquakes in El Salvador for
that matter.
None really. Except that QwikDisk is strictly public domain.
You are free to copy and give away as many copies as you wish as long as
all files and accompanying documentation remain untouched and together.
Any suggestions should be sent on the back of a £5 note to:
Link Tomlin.
71 Telford Road,
New Southgate,
London. N11