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/* amisysio.c */
* Mike Rieser Dale Rahn
* 2410 Happy Hollow Rd. Apt D-10 540 Vine St.
* West Lafayette, IN 47906 West Lafayette, IN 47906
* riesermc@mentor.cc.purdue.edu rahn@sage.cc.purdue.edu
* This file is only to supply behavior a little closer to UNIX for the Aztec
* Library functions stat() and creat().
* If you don't have a decent stat() function move the above #if to the
* end of the stat() function.
* The creat() function is pretty Aztec specific.
#include "amistat.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dos/dos.h>
#include <dos/dosextens.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/dos_protos.h>
#include <pragmas/exec_lib.h>
#include <pragmas/dos_lib.h>
#include <pragmas/exec.h>
#include <pragmas/dos.h>
* struct InfoData {
* LONG id_NumSoftErrors; // number of soft errors on disk
* LONG id_UnitNumber; // Which unit disk is (was) mounted on
* LONG id_DiskState; // See defines below
* LONG id_NumBlocks; // Number of blocks on disk
* LONG id_NumBlocksUsed; // Number of block in use
* LONG id_BytesPerBlock;
* LONG id_DiskType; // Disk Type code
* BPTR id_VolumeNode; // BCPL pointer to volume node
* LONG id_InUse; // Flag, zero if not in use
* }; // InfoData
* returned by Info(), must be on a 4 byte boundary
* struct FileInfoBlock {
* LONG fib_DiskKey;
* LONG fib_DirEntryType; // Type of Directory. If < 0, then a plain file.
* // If > 0 a directory
* char fib_FileName[108]; // Null terminated. Max 30 chars used for now
* LONG fib_Protection; // bit mask of protection, rwxd are 3-0.
* LONG fib_EntryType;
* LONG fib_Size; // Number of bytes in file
* LONG fib_NumBlocks; // Number of blocks in file
* struct DateStamp fib_Date;// Date file last changed
* char fib_Comment[80]; // Null terminated comment associated with file
* char fib_Reserved[36];
* }; // FileInfoBlock
* filled by Examin(), must be on a 4 byte boundary
stat(char *path, struct stat *statbuf)
struct FileLock *lock;
struct FileInfoBlock *pFIB;
struct InfoData *pID;
int success = 0;
/* Zero the stat buffer. */
memset(statbuf, '\000', sizeof(struct stat));
/* Get Lock */
lock = (struct FileLock *) Lock((UBYTE *) path, ACCESS_READ);
if ((struct FileLock *) 0 == lock)
{ /* Lock() fails if file is a softlink */
if (ERROR_IS_SOFT_LINK == IoErr())
statbuf->st_mode |= S_IFLNK;/* symbolic link */
return 0;
} else
return -1;
/* Allocate InfoData */
pID = (struct InfoData *) AllocMem(sizeof(struct InfoData), 0);
if ((struct InfoData *) 0 == pID)
UnLock((BPTR) lock);
return -1;
/* Allocate FileInfoBlock */
pFIB = (struct FileInfoBlock *) AllocMem(sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock), 0);
if ((struct FileInfoBlock *) 0 == pFIB)
FreeMem(pID, sizeof(struct InfoData));
UnLock((BPTR) lock);
return -1;
/* Fill InfoData */
if (DOSFALSE == Info((BPTR) lock, pID))
{ /* Not critical */
FreeMem(pID, sizeof(struct InfoData));
pID = (struct InfoData *) 0;
/* Fill FileInfoBlock */
if (DOSFALSE == Examine((BPTR) lock, pFIB))
FreeMem(pID, sizeof(struct InfoData));
FreeMem(pFIB, sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
UnLock((BPTR) lock);
return -1;
statbuf->st_ino = pFIB->fib_DiskKey;/* inode's number */
if (pFIB->fib_DirEntryType < 0)
{ /* plain file */
statbuf->st_mode |= S_IFREG;
} else
{ /* >= 0 then directory */
statbuf->st_mode |= S_IFDIR;
if (pFIB->fib_DirEntryType == ST_SOFTLINK)
statbuf->st_mode |= S_IFLNK;
if (pFIB->fib_DirEntryType == ST_SOFTLINK
|| pFIB->fib_DirEntryType == ST_LINKDIR
|| pFIB->fib_DirEntryType == ST_LINKFILE)
statbuf->st_flags = statbuf->st_attr = pFIB->fib_Protection;
/* mask off arwed -> rwx and shift to owner bits */
statbuf->st_mode |= ((~0 ^ pFIB->fib_Protection) & 016) << 5;
statbuf->st_size = pFIB->fib_Size;
if (pID)
statbuf->st_blksize = pID->id_BytesPerBlock; /* optimal blocksize for
* I/O */
statbuf->st_blocks = pFIB->fib_NumBlocks; /* actual number of blocks
* allocated */
statbuf->st_atime =
statbuf->st_mtime =
statbuf->st_ctime = pFIB->fib_Date.ds_Days * 24 * 60 * 60 +
pFIB->fib_Date.ds_Minute * 60 +
pFIB->fib_Date.ds_Tick / TICKS_PER_SECOND;
UnLock((BPTR) lock);
if (pID)
FreeMem(pID, sizeof(struct InfoData));
FreeMem(pFIB, sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
return 0;
* Aztec creat() replacement.
* This one doesn't delete the file, thereby preserving the original file
* protection bits!
creat(const char *name, int mode)
int c = 0;
BPTR fh;
if (isOldDOS())
return (_creat(name, mode));
fh = Open((UBYTE *) name, MODE_READWRITE);
if ((BPTR) 0 == fh)
return (_open(name, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, mode));
SetFileSize(fh, 0, OFFSET_BEGINNING); /* Set back to beginning */
Close(fh); /* Truncate at the start */
return (_open(name, O_WRONLY, mode)); /* actually get a fd */