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- ;***************************************************************
- ;
- ; Stereo Flange for the DSP56001 processor
- ; Developed by Quinn Jensen (jensenq@npd.novell.com)
- ;
- ;***************************************************************
- include 'tdsg.basic.a56'
- dot
- org x:$20
- ; Sample rate 32.5500 kc
- ;
- ; Delay time (1-12) 6.0000 ms
- ; Depth (1-10) 10.0000
- ; Speed (1-10) 1.0000
- ; Regen (1-10) 9.0000
- ;
- ; max depth +/- 6.0000 ms
- ; min delay 1.0000 ms
- ; max delay 12.0000 ms
- ; 1/2 cycle period 4.5100 s
- ; samples per 1/2 cyc 146800.5000
- ; time delta/samp 0.0817 us
- ; offset samp/samp 0.0027
- ;
- doff_i equ -33
- ddeltaf equ 0.0026607539
- dspeed_i equ 146800
- dregen equ 0.8888888889
- delay equ $2000
- dmax equ 4096 ;125 ms
- doff dc doff_i ;current delay distance
- org y:doff
- dc 0
- org x:doff+1
- ddelta dc 0 ;
- org y:ddelta
- dc ddeltaf
- org x:ddelta+1
- dspeed dc dspeed_i
- dtoggle dc 0 ;
- delayout
- dc 0
- org y:$0
- org p:dot ;go back to P-space
- ;
- ; non-interrupt code
- ;
- hf_init
- move #delay,r1 ;delay line input
- movec #dmax-1,m1 ;
- move #doff_i,n1 ;distance to output
- rts
- ;
- ; fs = 32.552083 kHz
- ;
- hf_comp
- jsr <saveregs
- ;
- ; output and input mix
- ;
- clr a #.4375,x1 ;clr a, get input scale
- clr b #.5,y1 ;clr b, get output scaler
- move x:<delayout,y0 ;get delay out
- move #.70,x0 ;do regen term
- macr x0,y0,a
- macr x0,y0,a
- move #.75,x0
- macr y0,x0,b x:<in_l,x0 ;b = .5 * delay, x0=in_l
- macr x0,y1,b b,y0 ;b += .5 * in_l, y0=b
- macr x0,x1,a b,x:<out_l ;a += x1 * in_l, L = b
- move y0,b ;b = -y0
- neg b x:<in_r,x0 ;x0 = in_r
- macr x0,y1,b ;b += .5 * in_r
- macr x0,x1,a b,x:<out_r ;R = b, a += x1 * in_r
- ;
- ; delay line in
- ;
- move a,x:(r1)+
- ;
- ; delay line length modulation
- ;
- move l:<doff,a ;a = current offset
- move l:<ddelta,x ;x = current delta
- add x,a
- move a,l:<doff ;new offset = a + x
- move a1,n1
- move x1,b ;save delta for later use
- ; smoothly transition between delay-line offsets by
- ; interpolating the current sample with the previous or next
- ; one depending on whether the delay is currently getting longer or
- ; shorter. Otherwise, an obnoxious click results when the offset snaps
- ; to the next integral value.
- move y:<doff,a ;compute |frac(doff)|
- lsr a #$800000,x0
- or x0,a #.5,x1
- move a1,x0
- mpy -x0,x1,a
- tst b a,y0 ;y0 = 0.5 * |frac(doff)|
- jpl shorter ;on positive delta, the
- ;delay is shortening
- move (r1)- ;get previous sample
- move x:(r1+n1),x0
- mpy y0,x0,a #.5,b ;scale
- sub y0,b (r1)+ ;compute scale for cur sample
- move b,y0
- move x:(r1+n1),x0 ;get cur sample
- mac x0,y0,a ;scale and sum
- jmp endpan
- shorter
- move x:(r1+n1),x0 ;get cur sample
- mpy y0,x0,a #.5,b ;scale
- sub y0,b (r1)+ ;compute scale for next sample
- move b,y0
- move x:(r1+n1),x0 ;get next sample
- mac x0,y0,a (r1)- ;scale and sum
- endpan
- move a,x:<delayout ;store resulting output
- ; update the triangle wave modulation
- move x:<dtoggle,a ;decrement toggle count
- move #>1,x0
- sub x0,a
- move a,x:<dtoggle
- jgt notogg ;time to toggle?
- move x:<dspeed,x0 ;yes, negate delta and reset
- move l:<ddelta,a
- neg a x0,x:<dtoggle
- move a,l:<ddelta
- notogg
- bypass
- jsr <restregs
- rts
- end