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- SKWare One 03:01:1993
- This is one of a series of archives of Falcon Image Utilities from
- SKWare One. If you have not downloaded those others listed here, you
- may find all (or most) of them useful and/or entertaining.
- These utility programs will display only on Falcon030. They will
- function on ST/STe/MegaSTe/TT030, but without any display:
- XGA__TGA.LZH Programs to convert XGA to TGA format and TGA to XGA,
- XGA and TGA viewer programs. ST/TT converters included.
- IFF2XIMG.LZH Converts Amiga 32-color (5-plane) IFF to 256-color
- XIMG. ST/TT version is included; display only on Falcon.
- SPEC2XGA.LZH Converts Spectrum (.SPU and .SPC) files to XGA TrueColor.
- An ST/TT version is included; display only on Falcon.
- These utility programs will run and/or display ONLY on Falcon030.
- They WILL NOT function on ST/STe/MegaSTe/TT030:
- RWL2XIMG.LZH Converts Seymor-Radix IMG_Scan raw data files to 256-color
- XIMG. Sample file included. Excellent image quality.
- CS__DEMO.LZH Falcon030 TrueColor demo of COLORSCAN II. Converts scanned
- IMG files to colors and greys.
- CSCANIMG.LZH Mono IMG file for conversion by CS__DEMO.
- SURATXGA.LZH Seurat TrueColor image in XGA format.
- BITCAMRA.LZH Enlarges, reduces and reproportions monochrome, 4-color,
- 16-color, 256-color, and TrueColor images with remarkable
- speed and accuracy. Loads GEM IMG, STTT IMG, XIMG, and
- XGA images. (This a demo version; save is disabled.) May
- be used as viewer for conversions from programs above;
- runs on everything Atari except 8-bits...
- Also of interest:
- IMFORMAT.LZH Proposed SKWare One IMG format extensions.
- MONITORS: These programs have been developed for use on RGB monitors
- when run on Falcon030. They have not been tested on VGA monitor systems
- and certain ones of them will definitely not function with VGA.
- BITCAMERA enlarges, reduces, and re-proportions all raster images.
- BITCAMERA runs on all Ataris and in all Atari resolutions, including
- TrueColor video modes. Loads mono IMG files, 16-color STTT .IMG and
- (most) 16- and 256-color XIMG files. In TrueColor modes, it loads XGA
- files (see below). Use "Process Camera" Option under the Edit submenu
- to create new raster. Save is disabled in this demo. BITCAMERA must
- be started in that resolution that possesses the same number of planes
- as the image to be processed, but monochrome IMG files can be loaded
- and processed in all resolutions. Operation is extremely rapid, and
- in TrueColor and 256-color modes, the results maintain good image
- quality over a wide range of sizes. Even in 16-color mode, unaffected
- image quality is maintained over a +/-30% range. The BitCamera core
- function is included in SEURAT Version 2.8. A 256-color XIMG is in-
- cluded (created with RWL2XIMG.PRG). Many other files can be created
- with the other programs listed here.
- NOTE: XGA file "format" is informal (non-documented). It consists of
- nothing more than a TrueColor screensave. BITCAMERA loads six sizes of
- XGA. (There are eight TrueColor screen sizes, four with square pixels:
- 320x200, 384x240, 640x400, and 768x480; two with horizontal brickbat
- pixels: 320x400 and 384x480; two with vertical brickbat pixels: 640x200
- and 768x240. The last type, with vertical pixels, is not supported in
- BitCamera as VGA monitors cannot display 80-column TrueColor raster.)
- Note: the Atari XGA filetype should not be confused with the IBM
- graphic standard with the same designation. The designation was adapted
- by Greg Kopchak for his Photo CD images from the Flight animation. Why
- not adopt the extension ".AGA" ( = "AtariGA") for images in the TrueColor
- raster word format? A header block is needed to allow for sizes other
- than screensave sizes to be utilized (See IMFORMAT.TXT).
- a) to convert images with horizontal brickbat pixels to square
- pixel format. Example: convert a slideshow TGA to XGA format, run
- BitCamera in TrueColor, 80-col, interlace ON, and resize to 384x240.
- b) to re-proportion images with distorted aspect ratios.
- Example: convert EAGLE.TGA or ICONIC5.TGA to XGA as described above,
- but re-size to 384x272 or 384x288 to correct the distortion.
- c) to convert square-pixel images (the vast majority of Atari
- existing images are "square") to the horizontal brickbat pixels re-
- quired for double-line mode on VGA monitors by reducing height to 50%.
- d) since the ST color monitor's supposedly "square" pixels are
- generally about 110/100 H/W aspect ratio, images rotated 90 degrees are
- consequently distorted, Correct with BitCamera.
- A 256-color XIMG created with the RWL2XIMG.PRG (above) is included in
- this archive.
- Release Date: April 1, 1993
- Runs in ST/STe resolutions on all Ataris:
- ST/MegaST/STe/MegaSTe/TT030/Falcon030-compatible.
- Supports the following file formats:
- (import and export)
- DEGAS: .PI1, .PI2, ,PI3, .PC1, .PC2, .PC3
- TINY: .TNY, .TN1, .TN2, .TN3
- .NEO (including TT Med Rez)
- DPaint .IFF (4-plane; output conversion to Amiga 5-plane)
- GEM .IMG (monochrome)
- STTT .IMG (4-color and 16-color)
- XIMG .IMG (4-color and 16-color)
- HyperPaint .IMG (4-color and 16-color)
- MacPaint .MAC (mono)
- PCPaint .PCX (monochrome bitmap and 16-color VGA-type)
- PrismPaint .PNT (up to 16-colors; all screen sizes, compressed/uncompressed)
- (export only):
- Aldus .TIFF (monochrome compressed and uncompressed, Intel and Motorola)
- Aldus .TIFF RGB 24-bit "true color" (Calamus SL compatible)
- Atari .XGA (output conversion of 16-color images)
- Targa16 and Targa24 .TGA (output conversion of 16-color images)
- Includes:
- * BitCamera: enlarges, reduces and re-proportions both B&W AND COLOR
- images. Fast, accurate process-camera quality re-sized image can be
- compared side-by-side with original.
- * New Clip and Page functions for both B&W AND COLOR: Rotate, Flip,
- Invert, Crop, Cut, Paste, Overlay, Copy using whole images of any
- size. These powerful functions allow you to do multiple horizontal
- and vertical image- merging that no merge program can. In-program
- crop of ragged scans. Cut'n'Paste any-size image.
- * SCANNER Support: Now SEURAT "handshakes" with Dr. Bob's ScanLite
- accessory to allow you to scan directly into SEURAT's image buffers
- with full in-program control. (Requires mono monitor; ScanLite not
- supplied with SEURAT.)
- * Now loads PageStream Fonts (in addition to System, Degas and GDOS
- fonts); these vector fonts can scaled horizontally and vertically to
- any size and filled with hundreds of interior fill styles and colors.
- * SEURAT is the ONLY Atari program that allows the creation of
- any-sized color images, the ONLY Atari program with eight virtual-
- screen buffers for multiple-image operations, the ONLY Atari program
- that offers you the same powerful functions for COLOR IMAGES that you
- expect to find only in top monochrome programs (and, of course, we do
- it in mono, too)!
- * SEURAT has been and will remain the most full-featured Atari Art
- program with more than 400 functions and commands: a super-fast
- multi-ratio Zoom; built-in print drivers for DeskJet and 9-pins plus a
- separate GDOS printing program with DeskTop Publishing power; powerful
- image-conversion routines; spline-curve and Bezier-curve drawing
- tools; variable mouse-speed; anti-alias; palette editor with special
- effects; 11 block shapers & twisters to modify image blocks; 92 color
- & mono fill patterns; 42 brushes including user-defined multi-colored;
- 4 graphic write modes & 21 block & mask write modes; circle, ellipse &
- filled disc in free, repeat & concentric modes; round- & square-
- cornered rectangles & solids; rays; airbrush; clear-circle & clear-
- box; vertical, horizontal & free lines; polylines & polygons in line-
- edge or spline-curve; area & seed fill; user-set clipping; color
- remap; mirror; screen shift, flip, invert & rotate; fill editor; brush
- editor; line editor; disk utilities like Format and in_program File
- Directory; and a hundred or so other features & tools that there's no
- room to mention here...
- * EVERY purchaser of SEURAT Version 2.8 is guaranteed a free upgrade
- to SEURAT Version 3.0, which will run in all resolutions and video
- modes on all Atari's, including the Falcon's 256-color and TrueColor
- modes. (Just as during April, 1993, all SEURAT purchasers of versions
- higher than 2.21 will be receiving their free upgrades to Version 2.8.)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Program: SEURAT VERSION 2.80
- Price: $59.95!
- Includes: Three-disk set, with all-new 20,000-word User's Manual
- and 100's of application files (fonts, etc.)
- and utility programs: PageStream-to_GDOS font converter,
- GDOS print program, dither editor, BitCamera, XPORTIMG
- System requirements: minimum 1-Meg ST with doublesided drive;
- 2-1/2-Meg+ for optimum operational use.
- Payment: Check, money order; MasterCard/VISA accepted
- Send check, money order, or credit card info to:
- SKWare One
- P. O. Box 277
- Bunker Hill, Illinois 62014 USA
- Shipping: SKWare One pays postage on all USA AND CANADIAN orders.
- For overseas orders (not on North American continent),
- include an additional $3.00 for surface mail or $5.00
- for air mail delivery. (All prices are in US dollars.)
- Order Yours Today!
- Upgrade Policy: All Upgrades Are Free For Six Months
- or Minimum One Free Upgrade!
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------