GEMini Atari
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A game by Martin Brownlow.
Music by Dave Gymer.
This program is shareware. It may be
freely copied on condition that if you
wish to keep it, you send a £5 registr-
ation fee to the following address:
Martin Brownlow
89,Marples Avenue
Mansfield Woodhouse
NG19 9EZ
In exchange for registering, you will
receive a disk of programs, including a
playable demo of "SPUD", which I will
release as shareware if it is shown to
be profitable by your responses to this
At a time when many software houses
appear to be deserting the ST in favour
of other 16 bit computers which MAY or
may not be inferior,and when many games
are overdue, overhyped, and, basically,
crap and not worth the money, shareware
stands out as being a way forward.
Please support this game. Thankyou.
Martin Brownlow.
1:09 am, Monday 27th July,1992.
1. The Blurb.
Many years ago, a being
known only to us as the Enemy appeared
in our universe from parts unknown. It
tainted the hearts of men, and from
these men, a new empire arose to chall-
enge our society.
An attack was launched on the Earth,
and was only stopped from destroying
the mother planet of our race by a sin-
gle fighter craft, codenamed GRAV. The
GRAV pilot destroyed the Enemy's follo-
wers' two base planets, but the Enemy
escaped back to its own dimension.
Now from the ashes of the old emipre,
a new force has arisen. The forces of
the Earth had grown lax and ignored the
build up of weapons and bases on the
outskirts of our galaxy until it was
too late; The empire had returned.
The Earth's only hope against a supe-
rior attacking force is again the GRAV
fighter. Updated and upgraded, the new
GRAV command ship left the Earth to
fight the empire once again.
2. The game.
GRAV 2 is, like its prequel GRAV, a
game of the type generically known as
"rotate and thrust". What this means
is easier to see during play than it is
to explain, but the basic gist is this:
Your ship can only move forwards. To
get it to move in a specific direction,
you rotate the ship and then thrust. To
stop, you turn the ship around and thr-
ust in the opposite direction.
It sounds hard, and at first it is,
but once you get used to it (and it can
take some time) it becomes second nat-
ure and you wonder why all games aren't
written this way.
Anyway, on with the instructions.
2.0. High Scores
The high score table can be saved
from the title screen by pressing S.
When GRAV 2 loads, it looks for the
file GRAVHS.DAT in the folder DATA. To
return the high scores to their default
values, just delete GRAVHS.DAT.
2.1. Ship Controls.
The GRAV fighter can be controlled by
either the joystick or keyboard. To
select the control method desired, sim-
ply press fire on the title page.
The joystick works as expected, with
left and right rotating the ship, forw-
ard activating the thrusters and fire
to fire the cannons.
The keyboard controls are as follows;
Control Thrust
Alternate Fire
: Left
' Right
There are several controls which are
common to both control types,these are;
Space Activate secondary
Return Select secondary
weapon to use with
Q fire bomb
A use defense laser
S use computer aided
Z use cloaking device
X use timer shield
P pause
Backspace scuttle ship(suicide)
T teleport up
The controls are slightly different
when on a menu screen; for the joystck,
the directions move the cursor and fire
selects an option. For the keyboard,
control becomes up and alternate becom-
es down and space becomes select.
2.2. Secondary weapons
The GRAV fighter has several upgrades
available to it in the form of seconda-
ry weapons. These are, in the order
they appear in the shop screen;
A powerful explosive device which can
take out several installations in one
Defence Laser
Like SDI, the defence laser will des-
troy all nearby projectiles.
Computer aided retros
A very handy device that simply stops
you dead.
Cloaking Device
Real Star Trek stuff! What the enemy
can't see, they can't hit!!
Timer Shields
Heading into a rough bit? Timer shie-
lds protect you from any number of bul-
let hits, but only for a short time.
Impact shield
Not strictly a secondary weapon, as
you can't willingly activate it. An
impact shield will protect your craft
from one bullet hit. Timer shields
take hits for impact shields, if you
have both on at once.
2.3. The planet select screen
This screen allows you to choose the
planet you wish to attack next. Simply
position the cursor over the planet you
want to attack and press fire.
If there are more than 4 planets ava-
ilable to you, you can scroll the scre-
en by trying to move off the top or bo-
2.4. The shop screen
To buy an item,press select while the
cursor is on its cost section. This
buys the item and puts it in your stor-
To load an item onto your ship, press
select while the cursor is in the sect-
ion marked stores. This loads the item
onto your ship.
To unload an item that you don't need
anymore, press select when over its lo-
adesd section.
To alter your ship's handling, press
left or right while the cursor is poin-
ting to the relevant handling characte-
3. Playing the game.
3.1. The panel
The control panel on the bottom of
the screen holds the following informa-
Where impact is the number of impact
shields remaining and second is a small
icon representing the secondary weapon
currently selected and the number of
this item left. This can be cycled
through all your current load by press-
ing return. The weapon will be used by
pressing space or a specific weapon can
be used by pressing Q,A,S,Z or X.
3.2. The aim
The aim of each level is to disable
the base. This is done basically the
same way for every base; destroying 80%
of the emplacements, but some levels
have specific objectives, such as dest-
roying the cargo cannisters.
When you have finished a level, you
will hear a unique beep and you will
see a flashing T in the bottom left of
the screen. This means that you can
leave the base at any time by pressing
T, but you might want to hang around to
get the C (see below).
There are 3 types of enemy which are
beneficial to you. These are fuel dump
ammo dump and computer. To take advan-
tage of these bases, simply land next
to them. The computer is especially
important. When you land next to it,
you will see a flashing C in the bottom
right of the screen. This means that
you have downloaded the bases the comp-
uter knows about, and these will be fed
into your data when you leave the level
in other words, it is a way of finding
new levels.
Every time you use one of these faci-
lities, your position is recorded so
when you lose a life, you will start
again from there.
PS Some bases are quite ATTRACTIVE, and
others are quite REPULSIVE, so don't
be scared if you don't know whether
you're coming or going!
Please register your copy of this game!