GEMini Atari
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Ever since I was a freshman in high school I and learned
BASIC programming, I always wanted to make my own version of
Star Trek. When I learned about STOS BASIC I couldn't resist the
temptation to make one from it.
Star Trek is a hack-n-slash game like all the others except
I did a better job on the graphics and made the Klingon ships
almost as strong as the Enterprise (need to be realistic about
The Klingon empire has watched the Federation very closely
and came to the conclusion that the Federation is weak and ripe
for conquest. So the Klingon empire has dispatched five Klingon
D7 class battlecruisers to see how far they can penetrate
Federation territory. The Federation has been caught off guard
and had no ships in the immediate area to fight the Klingons.
The only ship that is closest to this threat is the U.S.S.
Enterprise so your mission is to attack and defeat the Klingon
warships. A temporary starbase has been sent into that area in
case the Enterprise is severely damaged (remember...FIVE ships!).
Since the starbase is also in danger of being destroyed, they
will have to leave the area after you dock for refuel/repairs.
The object of the game is to destroy all five Klingon
warships in your 8 X 8 area of the universe.
On the screen you will see some icons. These icons also
have a function key equivalent:
F1 or Enterprise ICON will raise or lower the shields. The
shields will absorb up to 100 points of damage; any excess
damage will get through and damage some part of the ship.
If the shield control is damaged then the shields will
absorb less damage. Shields use 100 energy points/turn if
there are no klingons in the area, otherwise they will use
one energy point/damage point not to exceed 100.
F2 or Wheel ICON controls movement. When selected you will be
prompted for Warp or Impulse power. You can select either by
typing 'W' or 'I' or you can place the mouse over the word
and click it. You will then be asked for a course heading.
Headings are made in 45 degree increments starting off with
1 being 0 deg. and 2 being 45 deg. Use the numbers around the
Enterprise ICON as a reference. After you select a heading
you will be asked for a speed. Type in the speed you wish to
go and the ship will go there. You will also see three white
numbers on a grey background at the bottom of the view screen.
The center number is your current facing while the numbers on
either side pertain to the view numbers next to your facing.
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F3 or Scanner icon will ask you for Long or Short range scanners.
Long range scanners will show you the area surrounding your
ship in a 1 unit radius. K=Klingon ship, B=starbase.
Short range scanners will show everything in your ship's area.
K=Klingon ship and B=starbase. In combat you will be using
this alot so you will know what direction to face your ship.
You can either type 'L' or 'S' or position the mouse over the
word and click to select it.
F4 or Computer ICON will show a status report of items that can
be damaged. To the right of the part you will see a number
indicating the % efficiency of that part.
F5 or Communications ICON is used to hail a starbase for refuel/
repairs. To hail a starbase you must be in the same quadrant
and must be right next to the starbase. The starbase will
greet you and repair all damage, refuel your ship, and reload
your torpedoes. After that the starbase will disappear for the
remainder of the game.
F6 or Phaser ICON will fire the ship's phasers. When you select
this option your mouse cursor will change to a phaser lock.
You will have 3 shots to lock. After locking all three shots
onto the Klingon ship, the ship will fire its phasers on the
targets selected and you will receive a status report on the
Klingon ship.
F7 or Torpedo ICON will fire the ship's Photon torpedo.
You have only 6 torpedoes to use so don't waste them.
Docking at a starbase will replenish these. Torpedoes
lock the same way as the phasers only you will get one
To the right of the view screen you will see some letters:
QD: The quadrant that you are in (8 X 8).
SC: The sector that you are in. One quadrant = 10 X 20 sectors.
EG: Ship's energy. When energy runs out Enterprise is a gonner!
TP: Number of torpedoes left.
SH: Maximum number of damage points that shields can absorb.
DST: Distance to Klingon or to starbase.
KL: Number of Klingons left to kill.
Since this game is public domain, I have not tried to make
this game a best seller. There are a few pitfalls in this game:
1) The Enterprise cannot repair itself. Only from a starbase.
2) The Klingons also have 6 torpedoes but they have unlimited
phaser capacity.
3) Distance has a big say in the matter. The further away you
are from the Klingon ship the less your (and his) chances are
of acquiring a hit.
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Oh,yes... this game has a little digitized sound to enhance
the moments of the game. The DIG sounds only enhance the game,
they DO NOT dominate it (I hate it when someone makes a 350K
game where 340K is all DIG sound while 10K is some cheap ported
BASIC program from some kids book)!
Well, enjoy!
-=:Charles E. Cullinan II:=-
Compuserve 72220, 1104
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