GEMini Atari
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This packet is a sequel to the original CAPTVHLP.ARC file. Specifics for
Missions 4,5 and 6 are covered. BASES456 gives some tips about each Base.
CAPTLOC2.PRG displays the combinations for all the locks. LOCKS456 is a
listing of the data in the CAPTLOC2 program. You can use this to display
a graphic combination from its digital analogue. PASSW456 is a listing of
all the lock & probe passwords.
Here is some additional information and corrections for the various info
files for Missions 1-3:
I forgot to mention what the dice are for. As you probably know by now,
the dice give you the combinations for iris doors. You hold the die in
a hand, and 'fire' it. The red dot shows which door button is next in
sequence. Dice do not work on Base entrance doors and the door to the
Captive. Every Base has one die in a cubby somewhere.
Someone noted that the Magna-Scan (Optic V) is really a compass. All those
little colored squares collect at the north end of the screen.
Release switches for closing walls are always located in alcoves. I've
gotten so I can identify which cubby has the switch just about every time.
Someone discovered how to fill flamethrower tanks to their full capacity.
When you buy them from a shop, they are only partly filled, like batteries.
But place one in a flame block and it fills to a full 60 shots!
All ceiling holes are visible if you look carefully. In the 'Navajo' Bases,
the hole can be seen as a dark curve. In the 'Baroque' Bases, watch the
crenulations on the ceiling beam in front of you. Normally they touch the
top of the screen. But if there is a thick dark line above them, your
droids are standing under a hole.
You know that flyers can pass over flame blocks and water blocks. But no
opponent can pass over a hydrant. This gives you a big tactical advantage
when a hydrant blocks a passage or doorway. Similarly, no 'flying' opponent
can pass over a spinner block. There are spots where this knowledge is
I discovered accidentally that if you shoot through a window block into the
side of a door that opens on contact, that door will open. I'm not sure if
this is really useful, but maybe...
Your droids are probably throwing gold away because they accumulate a
surplus. Did you know that damage earns experience points? Consider
accepting some heavy damage and paying for extensive repairs. If you can
afford it, you can 'buy' experience.
Do you use the AG Scan? Figures in parentheses indicate that multiple
opponents were damaged by a shot. It's entertaining to turn it on when
your droids start a level. A lot of silent damage is being inflicted
elsewhere while they explore.
OK. So what's different in Levels 4,5&6? Not a lot. Shops and outlets still
appear with the same frequency. The opponents inflict the same amount of
AG points. But opponents require more AG to destroy. This has the effect of
diminishing your ammo supply, because more shots are required to clear out
a Base. My droids are pretty indifferent to damage now. They can take
multiple hits from anything, including flamethrowers and high-caliber guns
and stay in the 'green'. So the combat has gotten much easier, because
nothing out there can fry my guys anymore.
Aerosol supplies continue to be very hard to find. Don't throw away your ion
pulses, because they will still be your main weapons right through Mission 6.
Excess levels seem to have no bearing on use of weapons. All my droids are
Level 30 on Lasers, but their guns still jam, and they don't seem to hit
any harder. At this point, all experience does is raise the attribute levels
of the droids.
If you read the Base Info file, you'll see that I was unable to access all
of MIS 6 LEV 6. If you use the my lock program and get a blank for some
combinations, it's because I was unable to find the corresponding clipboards.
This will probably be my last help file for Captive. It's unlikely that many
people will play beyond this point, and it's a lot of work to convert all
the combinations into a useable format. Missions 4,5,6 contain over 760
numeric combinations, and scores of passwords. Good luck to all who battle
on in the higher Missions!