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File List
109 lines
GNU index
bisn119b\ Bison yacc 1.19 binaries
bisn119s\ Bison yacc 1.19, atari-patched source
bmake363\ GNU make 3.63 for the Atari ST running MiNT
cawf2st\ nroff-like text formatter written in awk
crt0\ O libriary
crsolb12\ Terminal-independent screen I/O for GCC Compiled libraries
crsolb16\ Compiled Curses, Termcap, Widget libs
crssrc12\ Source code for Curses, Termcap, and Widget libs
crssrc16\ Source code for Curses, Termcap, and Widget libs
curses\ Port of Richard Culshaw's widget lib for Tos/minixST Gcc
diff115\ GNU DIFF and DIFF3 utilities, version 1.15
dld_3_2\ dld version 3.2.3
file31b\ Command directory
flex237\ This is release 2.3 of flex - a full release
flexs237\ Souces for above
gasbin04\ GNU assembler 1.38 pl4 binaries
gassrc04\ GNU assembler 1.38 pl4 sources
gawk213b\ gawk binaries, man page, and test files
gawk213s\ gawk source code
gccdoc\ TeXInfo format docs for FSF's Ccomp./CC util./assembler/linker
gccdocs\ ASCIIized GNU C manualsfor the ST, + "quick-start" doc
gccsrc1\ Sources for FSF's C compiler, folder I
gccsrc2\ Sources for FSF's C compiler, folder II
gccsrc3\ Sources for FSF's C compiler, folder III
gcc2tex\ Preliminary draft (15/02/92) of doc for GCC/version 2
gcc21doc\ Extract of the full doc which is found in gcc.texinfo
gcc21man\ Man pages for GCC/GCC-CPP compiler driver and preprocessor
gcc240b\ gcc binaries for 2.40
gcc-241b\ Version 241b
gcc_241s\ Source for above
gcc244b1\ Version 244b
gcc244b2\ "" "" Part II
gcc240sdiff\ GNU native/cross compiler
gchess31\ This is v3.1 of a graphical version of GNU Chess
gchsrc31\ C++ source code to Graphical GNU Chess v3.1
gdb14_15\ Source-level debugger
gdb_18b\ Source-level debugger
gemgs13\ GEM front-end for ghostscript
gemlib27\ GEM libraries for GCC, source, patchlevel 27
gemolb27\ GEM libraries for GCC, compiled, patchlevel 27
gmlibo23\ GEM libraries for GCC, compiled .olb
gmlibs23\ GEM libraries for GCC, source code
gnudocs\ GNU doc file for C++
gnutar\ GNU tar
gmake362\ Binary for GNU make 3.6.2, supports 8.3 filenames only
gmlibo22\ Lib files
gmlibo23\ Lib files
gperf\ Perfect hash library from GNU
gpfbin07\ Gprof for atariST tos gcc (binaries)
gpfsrc07\ Gprof for atariST tos gcc (sources)
gpincl07\ C++ librairie
gplibt02\ Lib files
gplibo07\ Lib files
gplibs07\ Source code Lib file
grep\ GNU grep source code
grtxbind\ RTX bindingsfor Gnu C
gsf252_1\ Fonts for Ghostscript 2.5.2 1/3
gsf252_2\ Fonts for Ghostscript 2.5.2 2/3
gsf252_3\ Fonts for Ghostscript 2.5.2 3/3
gs252b\ Ghostscript engine v2.5.2 binaries
gtarbin\ GNU Tar 1.10 implements the Unix tar
gxxbin\ Binaries for the GNU C++ compiler
gxxinc\ Include files for G++, the GNU C++ compiler
gxxlib\ Object libraries for G++, the GNU C++ compiler
gzip107st\ Gnu Zip 1.07 for the st and ste
gzip107tt\ same as above but optimized to run on tt and falcon
g__exec\ Executable files
g_gnulib\ Librairy folder
g__inc\ Include files
g__lib\ Version 1.35.0 of libg++, the GNU C++ class library
g__lib2\ Version 1.35.0 of libg++, the GNU C++ class library II
g__read\ README file for g++-1.39.1.
g__src1\ Source files I
g__src2\ Source files II
g__src3\ Source files III
g++.text User's Guide to GNU C++
inet5 Archive from Internet on Shells, Falcons, ADS, GFA, etc.
includ87\ Include files for GCC, patchlevel 87
libg_tex\ Documents how to install and use the GNU C++ library
libolb87\ GCC libs, compiled
libsrc87\ GCC libs, source code
make3_60\ GNU make 3.60 source and binary
makeinfo\ Atari port, GNU utility to produces 'info'files from 'texinfo'
mntinc16\ GCC header files, adapted for MiNT and/or TOS
mntlib16\ Sources (including makefiles) for above
mntolb16\ Object libraries for MiNT and TOS (see above)
patch\ Sources for patch.ttp, update targets by applying diff file
pmlolb21\ PML compiled library
pmlsrc21\ PML source code, patchlevel 21
rcs5ap1b\ RCS (Revision Control System, not Resource Constructon Set) I
rcs5ap1s\ RCS (Revision Control System, not Resource Constructon Set) II
tests\ GCC library confidence test source code
texinfo\ Usedby TeX in processing texinfo files for printing
text11b\ Multiple GNU Text Utilities
tinfo210\ TEXINFO.TEX v2.53, See infofile.txt in folder
txnf214b\ Allow for formatting/display/printingof docs in GNU TEXINFO
txnf214s\ Source code forthe freestanding TEXINFO tools
update30\ Update 3.0 for GCC
util_src\ Makefiles, Minix-specific stuff, sources for symbolic linker
utlbin33\ GCC-related utilities (ld, sym-ld, ar, nm, fixstk, ...)
utlsrc33\ GCC-utils pl33, source
Total space for this folder 50.3 megs