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.\" Copyright 1980 Kenneth C. R. C. Arnold and The Regents of the
.\" University of California. Permission is granted to freely
.\" distribute curses and its documentation provided that this
.\" notice is left intact.
.\" @(#)doc.III 6.1 (Berkeley) 4/23/86
.Fd baudrate "" \*m
Returns the output baud rate of the terminal.
This is a system dependent constant
(defined in
.b <sys/tty.h>
on BSD systems,
which is included by
.b <curses.h> ).
.Fd delwin win
WINDOW *win;
Deletes the window from existence.
All resources are freed for future use by
.b calloc (3).
If a window has a
.Fn subwin
allocated window inside of it,
deleting the outer window
the subwindow is not affected,
even though this does invalidate it.
subwindows should be deleted before their
outer windows are.
.Fd endwin
Finish up window routines before exit.
This restores the terminal to the state it was before
.Fn initscr
.Fn gettmode
.Fn setterm )
was called.
It should always be called before exiting.
It does not exit.
This is especially useful for resetting tty stats
when trapping rubouts via
.b signal (2).
.Fd erasechar "" \*m
Returns the erase character
for the terminal,
.i i.e. ,
the character used by the user to erase a single character from the input.
.Fd getcap str "" "char *"
char *str;
Return a pointer to the
.b termcap
capability described by
.Vn str
.b termcap (5)
for details).
.Fd getyx win\*,y\*,x \*m
WINDOW *win;
int y\*,x;
Puts the current \*y of
.Vn win
in the variables
.Vn y
.Vn x .
Since it is a macro,
not a function,
you do not pass the address
.Vn y
.Vn x .
.Fd inch "" \*m
.Fd winch win \*m
WINDOW *win;
Returns the character at the current \*(y
on the given window.
This does not make any changes to the window.
.Fd initscr
Initialize the screen routines.
This must be called before any of the screen routines are used.
It initializes the terminal-type data and such,
and without it none of the routines can operate.
If standard input is not a tty,
it sets the specifications to the terminal
whose name is pointed to by
.Vn Def\*_term
(initialy "dumb").
If the boolean
.Vn My\*_term
is true,
.Vn Def\*_term
is always used.
If the system supports the
.Fn ioctl "" "" 2
it is used to get the number of lines and columns for the terminal,
otherwise it is taken from the
.b termcap
.Fd killchar "" \*m
Returns the line kill character
for the terminal,
.i i.e. ,
the character used by the user to erase an entire line from the input.
.Fd leaveok win\*,boolf \*m
WINDOW *win;
bool boolf;
Sets the boolean flag for leaving the cursor after the last change.
.Vn boolf
is TRUE,
the cursor will be left after the last update on the terminal,
and the current \*y for
.Vn win
will be changed accordingly.
If it is FALSE,
it will be moved to the current \*y.
This flag
(initialy FALSE)
retains its value until changed by the user.
.Fd longname termbuf\*,name
char *termbuf\*,*name;
.Fd fullname termbuf\*,name
char *termbuf\*,*name;
.Fn longname
fills in
.Vn name
with the long name of the terminal described by the
.b termcap
entry in
.Vn termbuf .
It is generally of little use,
but is nice for telling the user in a readable format what terminal
we think he has.
This is available in the global variable
.Vn ttytype .
.Vn termbuf
is usually set via the termlib routine
.Fn tgetent .
.Fn fullname
is the same as
.Fn longname ,
except that it gives the fullest name given in the entry,
which can be quite verbose.
.Fd mvwin win\*,y\*,x
WINDOW *win;
int y, x;
Move the home position of the window
.Vn win
from its current starting coordinates
.Vn y\*,x ). (
If that would put part or all of the window
off the edge of the terminal screen,
.Fn mvwin
returns ERR and does not change anything.
For subwindows,
.Fn mvwin
also returns ERR if you attempt to move it off its main window.
If you move a main window,
all subwindows are moved along with it.
.Fd newwin lines\*,cols\*,begin\*_y\*,begin\*_x "" "WINDOW *"
int lines\*,cols\*,begin\*_y\*,begin\*_x;
Create a new window with
.Vn lines
lines and
.Vn cols
columns starting at position
.Vn begin\*_y\*,begin\*_x ). (
If either
.Vn lines
.Vn cols
is 0 (zero),
that dimension will be set to
.Vn "LINES \- begin\*_y" ) (
.Vn "COLS \- begin\*_x" ) (
Thus, to get a new window of dimensions
.Vn COLS ,
.Fn newwin . "" 0\*,0\*,0\*,0
.Fd nl "" \*m
.Fd nonl "" \*m
Set or unset the terminal to/from nl mode,
.i i.e. ,
start/stop the system from mapping
.b <LINE-FEED> .
If the mapping is not done,
.Fn refresh
can do more optimization,
so it is recommended, but not required, to turn it off.
.Fd scrollok win\*,boolf \*m
WINDOW *win;
bool boolf;
Set the scroll flag for the given window.
.Vn boolf
is FALSE, scrolling is not allowed.
This is its default setting.
.Fd touchline win\*,y\*,startx\*,endx
WINDOW *win;
int y\*,startx\*,endx;
This function performs a function similar to
.Fn touchwin
on a single line.
It marks the first change for the given line
to be
.Vn startx ,
if it is before the current first change mark,
the last change mark is set to be
.Vn endx
if it is currently less than
.Vn endx .
.Fd touchoverlap win1\*,win2
WINDOW *win1, *win2;
Touch the window
.Vn win2
in the area which overlaps with
.Vn win1 .
If they do not overlap,
no changes are made.
.Fd touchwin win
WINDOW *win;
Make it appear that the every location on the window
has been changed.
This is usually only needed for refreshes with overlapping windows.
.Fd subwin win\*,lines\*,cols\*,begin\*_y\*,begin\*_x "" "WINDOW *"
WINDOW *win;
int lines\*,cols\*,begin\*_y\*,begin\*_x;
Create a new window with
.Vn lines
lines and
.Vn cols
columns starting at position
.Vn begin\*_y\*,begin\*_x ) (
inside the window
.i win .
This means that any change made to either window
in the area covered
by the subwindow will be made on both windows.
.Vn begin\*_y\*,begin\*_x
are specified relative to the overall screen,
not the relative (0\*,0) of
.Vn win .
If either
.Vn lines
.Vn cols
is 0 (zero),
that dimension will be set to
.Vn "LINES \- begin\*_y" ) (
.Vn "COLS \- begin\*_x" ) (
.Fd unctrl ch \*m
char ch;
This is actually a debug function for the library,
but it is of general usefulness.
It returns a string which is a representation of
.Vn ch .
Control characters become their upper-case equivalents preceded by a "^".
Other letters stay just as they are.
To use
.Fn unctrl ,
you may have to have
.b #include\ <unctrl.h>
in your file.