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Makefile | 1991-01-30 | 4.1 KB | 122 lines |
- # Makefile for GNU DIFF
- # Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- # This file is part of GNU DIFF.
- # GNU DIFF is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- # any later version.
- #
- # GNU DIFF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with GNU DIFF; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- # the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- # You can compile this with ordinary cc as well,
- # but gcc makes it faster.
- # Also, gcc supports -O and -g together.
- #
- # AKP 1/91: I have added a NO_PAGINATE flag so diff doesn't use
- # pipe, fork, or exec. That way it compiles on my non-UNIX system.
- # Ditto DONT_USE_STAT_INO (set when the ino field of a stat struct
- # isn't reliable). I have made no effort to make diff3 work;
- # it's included here for completeness only.
- #
- # If you set both of these to zero (or leave them out) you get the
- # original code exactly. If you set any of them then diff -v gives
- # a modified message.
- #
- #CC=gcc -O
- #CFLAGS = -g
- CC=gcc
- INSTALL = install
- # On system V, enable these three lines:
- # CFLAGS = -g -DUSG
- # LIBS = -lPW
- # INSTALL = cp
- # (If you compile with GCC, you don't need to define LIBS.)
- # And, depending on the names and contents of your header files,
- # add either -DHAVE_NDIR or -DHAVE_DIRECT or both to CFLAGS.
- # Add -DHAVE_NDIR to CFLAGS if your system used ndir.h instead of dirent.h
- # Add -DHAVE_DIRECT to CFLAGS if your system uses 'struct direct' instead of
- # 'struct dirent' (this is the case at least with one add-on ndir library).
- # Use these definitions for XENIX:
- # There are rumors of bugs in various Xenix's dirent.h and -ldir. As
- # a result, we suggest using HAVE_NDIR and not using -ldir.
- # LIBS = -lx -lPW
- # INSTALL = cp
- # Some System V machines do not come with libPW. If this is true, use
- # the GNU alloca by switching the comment on the following lines.
- # ALLOCA = $(archpfx)/alloca.o
- bindir=/net/acae127/home/bammi/bin
- prefix=
- # All source files
- srcs=diff.c analyze.c io.c context.c ed.c normal.c ifdef.c util.c dir.c \
- version.c diff.h regex.c regex.h limits.h diff3.c \
- getopt.c getopt1.c getopt.h alloca.c
- # Object files for diff only.
- objs=$(archpfx)diff.o $(archpfx)analyze.o $(archpfx)io.o $(archpfx)context.o \
- $(archpfx)ed.o $(archpfx)normal.o $(archpfx)util.o $(archpfx)dir.o \
- $(archpfx)regex.o $(archpfx)ifdef.o $(archpfx)version.o \
- $(archpfx)getopt.o $(archpfx)getopt1.o
- tapefiles = $(srcs) README diagmeet.note Makefile COPYING ChangeLog
- all: $(archpfx)diff $(archpfx)diff3
- $(archpfx)diff3: $(archpfx)diff3.o
- $(CC) -o $(archpfx)diff3 $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(archpfx)diff3.o $(LIBS)
- $(archpfx)diff: $(objs)
- $(CC) -o $(archpfx)diff $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(objs) $(LIBS)
- $(objs): diff.h
- $(archpfx)context.o $(archpfx)diff.o: regex.h
- $(archpfx)diff3.o: diff3.c
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DDIFF_PROGRAM=\"$(bindir)/diff\" diff3.c \
- clean:
- rm -f *.o $(archpfx)diff $(archpfx)diff3 diff.tar diff.tar.Z
- install: install-diff install-diff3
- install-diff: $(prefix)$(bindir)/diff
- $(prefix)$(bindir)/diff: $(archpfx)diff
- $(INSTALL) $(archpfx)diff $(prefix)$(bindir)/diff
- install-diff3: $(prefix)$(bindir)/diff3
- $(prefix)$(bindir)/diff3: $(archpfx)diff3
- $(INSTALL) $(archpfx)diff3 $(prefix)$(bindir)/diff3
- diff.tar: $(tapefiles)
- mkdir tmp
- mkdir tmp/diff
- -ln $(tapefiles) tmp/diff
- for file in $(tapefiles); do \
- if [ ! -r tmp/diff/$$file ]; then cp $$file tmp/diff; fi \
- done
- cd tmp; tar cf ../diff.tar diff
- rm -rf tmp
- diff.tar.Z: diff.tar
- compress < diff.tar > diff.tar.Z