home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
- /*
- Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (dl@rocky.oswego.edu)
- This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
- software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
- the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
- that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- /* *** Version 1.2 -- nearly 100% AT&T 1.2 compatible *** */
- /* ostream.h now separately includable */
- #ifndef _ostream_h
- #ifdef __GNUG__
- #pragma once
- #pragma interface
- #endif
- #define _ostream_h 1
- /* uncomment the next line to disable ostream << char */
- //#define NO_OUTPUT_CHAR
- #ifdef atarist
- #include <compiler.h>
- #endif
- #include <xfile.h>
- #include <streambu.h>
- #include <filebuf.h>
- #include <xfilebuf.h>
- class istream;
- class ostream
- {
- friend class istream;
- protected:
- streambuf* bp;
- state_value state; // _good/_eof/_fail/_bad
- char ownbuf; // true if we own *bp
- public:
- ostream(const char* filename, io_mode m, access_mode a);
- ostream(const char* filename, const char* m);
- ostream(int filedesc, io_mode m);
- ostream(FILE* fileptr);
- #ifdef atarist
- ostream(size_t sz, char* buf);
- ostream(int filedesc, char* buf, size_t buflen);
- #else
- ostream(int sz, char* buf);
- ostream(int filedesc, char* buf, int buflen);
- #endif
- ostream(int filedesc);
- ostream(streambuf* s);
- ~ostream();
- ostream& open(const char* filename, io_mode m, access_mode a);
- ostream& open(const char* filename, const char* m);
- ostream& open(int filedesc, io_mode m);
- ostream& open(FILE* fileptr);
- ostream& open(const char* filenam, open_mode m);
- ostream& close();
- ostream& flush();
- // stream status
- int rdstate();
- int eof();
- int fail();
- int bad();
- int good();
- // other status queries
- int readable();
- int writable();
- int is_open();
- operator void*();
- int operator !();
- const char* name();
- char* bufptr();
- // error handling
- void error();
- void clear(state_value f = _good); // poorly named
- void set(state_value f); // set corresponding bit
- void unset(state_value); // clear corresponding bit
- ostream& failif(int cond);
- // unformatted IO
- ostream& put(char c);
- ostream& put(const char* s);
- #ifdef atarist
- ostream& put(const char* s, size_t slen);
- #else
- ostream& put(const char* s, int slen);
- #endif
- // formatted IO
- ostream& form(const char* fmt, ...);
- ostream& operator << (short n);
- ostream& operator << (unsigned short n);
- ostream& operator << (int n);
- ostream& operator << (unsigned int n);
- ostream& operator << (long n);
- ostream& operator << (unsigned long n);
- #ifdef __GNUG__
- ostream& operator << (long long n);
- ostream& operator << (unsigned long long n);
- #endif __GNUG__
- ostream& operator << (float n);
- ostream& operator << (double n);
- ostream& operator << (const char* s);
- ostream& operator << (const void* ptr);
- #ifndef NO_OUTPUT_CHAR
- ostream& operator << (char c);
- #endif
- };
- extern ostream cout; // stdout
- extern ostream cerr; // stderr
- #if defined(__OPTIMIZE__) || defined(USE_LIBGXX_INLINES)
- inline void ostream::clear(state_value flag)
- {
- state = flag;
- }
- inline void ostream::set(state_value flag)
- {
- state = state_value(int(state) | int(flag));
- }
- inline void ostream::unset(state_value flag)
- {
- state = state_value(int(state) & ~int(flag));
- }
- inline int ostream::rdstate()
- {
- return int(state);
- }
- inline int ostream::good()
- {
- return state == _good;
- }
- inline int ostream::eof()
- {
- return int(state) & int(_eof);
- }
- inline int ostream::fail()
- {
- return int(state) & int(_fail);
- }
- inline int ostream::bad()
- {
- return int(state) & int(_bad);
- }
- inline ostream::operator void*()
- {
- return (state == _good)? this : 0;
- }
- inline int ostream::operator !()
- {
- return (state != _good);
- }
- inline ostream& ostream::failif(int cond)
- {
- if (cond) set(_fail); return *this;
- }
- inline int ostream::is_open()
- {
- return bp->is_open();
- }
- inline int ostream::readable()
- {
- return 0;
- }
- inline int ostream::writable()
- {
- return (bp != 0) && (state == _good);
- }
- inline char* ostream::bufptr()
- {
- return bp->base;
- }
- inline ostream& ostream::flush()
- {
- bp->overflow(); return *this;
- }
- inline ostream& ostream::close()
- {
- bp->overflow(); bp->close(); return *this;
- }
- inline ostream& ostream::put(char ch)
- {
- return failif((state != _good) || bp->sputc((int)ch &0xff) == EOF);
- }
- #ifndef NO_OUTPUT_CHAR
- inline ostream& ostream::operator << (char ch)
- {
- return failif((state != _good) || bp->sputc((int)ch &0xff) == EOF);
- }
- #endif
- inline ostream& ostream::put(const char* s)
- {
- return failif((state != _good) || bp->sputs(s) == EOF);
- }
- #ifdef atarist
- inline ostream& ostream::put(const char* s, size_t len)
- {
- return failif((state != _good) || bp->sputsn(s, len) == EOF);
- }
- #else
- inline ostream& ostream::put(const char* s, int len)
- {
- return failif((state != _good) || bp->sputsn(s, len) == EOF);
- }
- #endif
- inline ostream& ostream::operator << (const char* s)
- {
- return failif((state != _good) || bp->sputs(s) == EOF);
- }
- #endif
- #endif